Videos » Politics » Podium of Ukrainian Parliament Blocked by Opposition

Videos » Politics » Podium of Ukrainian Parliament Blocked by Opposition

Podium of Ukrainian Parliament Blocked by Opposition

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 04:10 PM PST

The opposition continues to block the podium of the Ukrainian Parliament. Their demand - a personal vote of members of parliament. Full story: The speaker's podium of the Ukrainian Parliament remains blocked by opposition members. The opposition continues to demand the introduction of a system of personal voting. [Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Head of the "Fatherland" Faction]: "If the session of the Verkhovna Rada is to begin, then it will only begin with a personal vote by show of hands." Now all the factions are negotiating responsibility for disruption of deputies' voting. [Oleg Tyagnibok, Head of the "Freedom" Faction]: "The first thing is to punish those who vote for someone. Second, those who pass the voting card to another person should be punish. And third, those who, during the plenary do not participate in the vote should be punished." [Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Head of the "Fatherland" Faction]: "One of the basic rules on which we insist: if non-personal voting becomes reality, such a law should not be signed by the Head of the Verkhovna Rada and the revote will be purely by a show of hands." The pro-presidential Party of Regions, which has the most seats in Parliament, say they are ready to sign a document proposed by the opposition. At the same time they insist that there should be responsibility for blocking the podium. [Alexander Yefremov, Head of the Party of Regions]: "We have a law in Ukraine - it is called the Regulations of the Verkhovna Rada, which states that <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:14 More in News & Politics

French Toy Auction Takes Collectors to Distant Galaxy

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 03:00 PM PST

Collectors feel the Force at what organizers say is France's first auction entirely dedicated to toys, including rare Star Wars memorabilia. Full story: France held its very first toy auction on Monday. Toy collectors were taken back in time as they surveyed the vintage toys and posters...
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Time: 01:41 More in News & Politics

Smoking Ban Persists in Ukrainian Cafes and Bars

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 06:19 AM PST

The law banning smoking in bars, restaurants and cafes has been in effect for 2 months in Ukraine. And according to the monitoring of activists, 93% of such establishments have been complying with the ban. Full story: Two friends having a rest in what's now a smoke-free Kiev restaurant environment. Two months after the country-wide smoking ban went into effect in bars, cafes and restaurants, many say they welcome the change with open arms. [Marina Petrovic, Restaurant Patron]: (female Russian) "People who don't smoke used to be put in some kind of framework, limitations. As a rule, the worst rooms were reserved for those who don't smoke, in the corridor or somewhere less comfortable. But now even restaurants have benefited from the new law, because in the evening, as I saw, the number of visitors with children has gone up." Supporters of the ban hope the new law will cause smoking to decline in the country. And a study by activist coalition "For a Smoke-free Ukraine" shows that almost all the cafes, bars and restaurants have been observing the law. [Yulia Solokha, "Life" Media Center Coordinator ] (female, Ukrainian) "Of the 508 cafes we monitored, we found 20 violations, which is 4% of the total number of cafes. Of 254 restaurants we found 16 violations -- so that's 6%. In 261 bars we found 20 infractions, representing 8%." But not everyone is so enthusiastic. Dmitry co-owns a restaurant where activists found violations. He argues the smoking ban has had a negative <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:21 More in News & Politics

International Fund for Agricultural Development Governing Session, Rome

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 05:37 AM PST

Delegates from 169 countries convened in Rome at the 36th governing session of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (or IFAD), a United Nations affiliated organization. The IFAD was formed to finance agricultural development projects in developing countries, primarily for food production. [Kanayo F. Nwanze, IFAD President]: "We work with some of the most marginalized and disadvantaged populations in the world." Pope Benedict XVI sent a welcoming remark, supporting the importance of sustainable agricultural development and assistance inspired by the spirit of giving. The Italian Minister of Economy also took part in the opening ceremonies, marking the IFAD's role in assisting small agriculture to become active agents of development for their nations. Meanwhile, the presence of the Deputy Premier of China sparked protests outside. This group of demonstrators wanted to send a message to end the 13-year-long persecution of the Falun Gong spiritual practice in China. [Valentina Masetti, Falun Gong Practitioner]: "We are here to keep raising the question of the persecution of Falun Gong. It's an ancient cultivation practice, deeply rooted in the traditional Chinese culture that unfortunately since 1999 is persecuted by the communist regime in China. We wish that with new political situation in China, concrete, real measures are taken to rehabilitate the practice." The IFAD governing session reelected the president, Kanayo F. Nwanze, and discussed ways to increase <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:09 More in News & Politics

Asteroid Whizzes by Earth Closer than TV Satellites

Posted: 16 Feb 2013 09:47 AM PST

Asteroid DA14, nearly half the size of a football field, passed closer to the Earth than TV satellites. Full Story: They call it 2012 DA14 and on Friday afternoon it passed closer to the Earth than any other known object its size. The newly discovered asteroid is nearly half the size of a football field and came within 17000 miles .. or 27000 kilometers, from the Earth's surface. At its nearest approach, about 5 pm GMT, it was closer to the Earth than even the network of TV satellites that ring our planet. [NASA TV]: "And you see there, on the right of your screen, right there is DA14." The asteroid has a trajectory around the sound similar to our own—and its orbit is shrinking each year, says Paul Chodas with the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena. [Paul Chodas, Scientist at Near-Earth Object Program, Jet Propulsion Laboratory]: "Right now we're looking at the possiblity, very tiny possibility that it could hit the Earth in the year 2080. I expect that that will go away and we'll know that we're safe from this asteroid for a long time." During Friday's fly-by, scientists used radar to study DA14's composition and structure. That knowledge could help avoid an eventual impact if another space rock threatens the Earth. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:12 More in News & Politics

CCP Moves the Capital?

Posted: 18 Feb 2013 09:11 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: As the Beijing smog once again increases, potentially fatal substances have been detected in the air. As a result, many in Beijing are increasingly panicking. "Moving the Capital to Xinyang" issue has nearly subsided, but become the focus of public concern and discussion again. Soon numerous online posts shared different opinions to those of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Xinyang residents don't want Beijing authorities to move the capital to their hometown, as they don't want their homeland to be ruined. Beijing is suffering from serious traffic jams, lack of water, sand-storms and rapid population expansion. Even the air contains significant harmful toxic substances, which netizens call "air doomsday" or "end of the world." A growing concern for all these factors has spiked Beijing peoples' fear, and discontent is growing. Mr. Li (Beijing resident): "We are helpless. Drinking water is polluted, so we have to buy purified water instead. For air pollution, you can't just install a purifier. We can only stay at home, there's nothing we can do!" On Jan 9th, mainland media reported on an article published on Xinyang Reform Research Center's website. The article claims that after conducting research on Xinyang, the CCP decided to move the capital to Xinyang by 2016. Immediately, netizens increasingly discussed the issue of the reality and feasibility of moving the capital. Environmental expert Zhang <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:54 More in News & Politics

Jike to Layoff 100 Workers After RMB2 Billion Investment

Posted: 18 Feb 2013 08:34 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: China's Jike search engine, managed by former Pingpong world champion Deng Yaping, is about to lay off 100 workers. Internet news says Deng Yaping last year received criticism from Ma Li, deputy editor-in-chief of "People's Daily," due to poor management of Jike. Other sources released news Jike has cost 2 billion yuan in past two years, with only a ten-thousandth market share and literally no usage. A new version of former People Search launched by, Jike Search is known as a government instrument. In 2010, People's Daily launched "People Search", domain name "goso". One year later it changed to its new domain jike, which translates as fast and hunger. June 2012, a new revision of Jike highlights the letter "i" and Chinese characters of Jike. Deng Yaping, a retired female table tennis player, is the winner of four Olympic gold medals & holder of Cambridge doctorate degree. During her study at Cambridge she served in International Olympic Committee and Beijing Olympic Committee. Sept. 2010, Deng was appointed Deputy Secretary- General of "People's Daily", and CEO of People Search Internet Corporation. Internet news on Feb. 17 says, "Without any income, Jike is an annoyance to the leaders, who blamed Little Deng (Deng Yaping). ... As a result, the lay-off list of 100 workers is soon to be published." According to's pronouncement, People Search had a revenue of 30 million yuan <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:18 More in News & Politics

British Cabinet Split Over Beijing Bullying

Posted: 18 Feb 2013 05:47 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On Feb. 17th, The Times newspaper cited exclusive sources on issues of human rights in China such as in Tibet. Should the British uphold the concept and bluntly criticize the initiative, or ignore it to avoid more tension to increase trade? Ministers in the UK were split in their opinions. The report said that Prime Minister (PM), David Cameron and the Chancellor, George Osborne tended to avoid any escalation of tension with Beijing to not hurt trade links. William Hague, the Foreign Secretary and Nick Clegg, the Deputy PM favor a tougher approach to dealing with China. The source said that for Clegg, human right is a principle issues. For Hague, without upholding the principle, they will be looked down on by other parties. The report cited sources from Government that after Cameron met with Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader last year, Beijing regime's reaction towards the London government became negative. Chinese foreign diplomats visited Edinburgh and Dublin, but not London. Sino Weibo User Posted Photos of Tiananmen Students Protest In 1989. Censored In One Hour. At 8pm on Feb. 17th, a user on Sino microblog posted more than 50 photos of Tiananmen Students Movement in 1989. An hour later, more than 160 users followed the blog. These photos included injured people, dead bodies, soldiers bullets and pictures of a person blocking tank. This netizen posted messages saying "In the human world <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:05 More in News & Politics

Author of 'Exposé—Wang Lijun Says Truth Not Revealed

Posted: 18 Feb 2013 05:45 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: The end of 2011, Southern Weekly published a 50000-word edition 'Exposé—Wang Lijun', which took 2 years to finish and sold out within several days. The story exposed how Bo Xiliai and Wang Lijun's infamous 'crime-fighting' campaign relied on brutal torture. Shi Feike, one of the authors, says the truth of the Wang Lijun incident has not been fully revealed. The 8-article collection revealed details of former Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun's promotion, his governing of police, 'crime-fighting' and involvement in Gu Kailai's murder case, while touching on what really caused the Wang incident. On February 17, Mainland China's Law and Life magazine reported on the interview with Shi Feike. The report said that, since the Li Zhuang case in late 2009, Shi had constantly criticized Wang online and in early 2010, him and his team had begun to investigate Wang. Wang had tried to carry out special measures against the investigation, yet Shi's team never received his lawsuit —perhaps Wang had not had enough time. Shi emphasizes that with Wang's case, apart from the rumors, the truth has not been fully revealed. For example, within three years, how many people have been illegally sentenced to labor camps? How many cases of forced confessions have there been and how many innocent people still remain imprisoned? Where have the large amounts of anti-corruption funds gone? Shi says, rumors about Wang Lijun show a <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:25 More in News & Politics

Russia, Xi Jinping's First International Trip As New State President

Posted: 18 Feb 2013 05:41 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: In March, Xi Jinping will become the new president of state, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). According to international practice, a new state head's first international trip represents the state foreign policy orientation. On February 17, CCP foreign Minister Yang Jiechi started his visit to South Africa and Russia. It was considered as "paving the way" for Xi's March visit to Russia. In a complex and changing context in China and overseas, why did Xi Jingpin choose Russia as his first visit? Political observers have different interpretations of it. Liu Yinquan, former history professor in China, reasons that there are three factors. Liu Yinquan says : "Firstly, it's due to Japan. In order to confront Japan, the regime is considering strengthening China's alliance with Russia. Secondly, it's out of concern about North Korea's nuclear issue. The CCP may seek to ally with Russia to jointly pressure N. Korea. The third factor is related to Vietnam, Xi is likely to see Russia cut it's military support to Vietnam. That will help the CCP to exert pressure on Vietnam over the South China Sea issue." Critic Lan Shu says that making Russia his first destination gives away Xi's delicate relations with the military. This is because Xi has to gain absolute power over the army, in order to stabilize CCP rule. In order to further curry favor with the CCP military hawks, Xi thus has to yield to on a <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:54 More in News & Politics

Chilean City Throws 3rd Annual "War of the Tomato" Festival

Posted: 18 Feb 2013 07:38 PM PST

An estimated 7000 people participate in the third annual "War of the Tomato" in the Chilean city of Quillon. Full story: Thousands of people "pasted" each other in the third annual "War of the Tomato" on Saturday in the Chilean city of Quillon. In a take on the famed tomato festival in Bunol, Spain, over 40 tons of tomatoes were used by the participants to lob at each other. [Paulina Escares, Participant]: "It helps one de-stress with family and friends. It's a very fun experience." An estimated 7 thousand people participated in the tomato fight. And there seemd to be plenty of ripe, red ammo available. Local tomato growers supplied the fruits of their labor for the event, for the purpose of raising their local crop's national profile. [Unidentified Participant]: "They weren't for sale anyway. It's not that we are throwing them out or wasting food. These are tomatoes that were never going to be sold, that are donated by the producers for this event in Quillon every year." While similar events have been held in Colombia, Costa Rica and the United States, Quillon mayor Alberto Gyhra said that Quillon is the only location in the Americas that has had the event for three years running. [Alberto Gyhra, Quillon Mayor]: "Outside the Iberian Peninsula, Quillon is the only town that has managed to have the tomato festival for three consecutive years. This year is much better than the last two, without a doubt." The event was first created by local man Miguel Pedreros and some <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:30 More in News & Politics

India's Poor Go to School Under a Bridge

Posted: 18 Feb 2013 05:47 PM PST

Underprivileged children coming from extreme poverty are given free classes in a makeshift school set up by a shopkeeper under a metro bridge flyover in New Delhi. Full Story: Three years ago, Rajesh Kumar Singh set up a makeshift classroom under a metro bridge in New Delhi. He had only 2 students then, but now his two-hour morning classes have over 60 pupils, six days a week. Singh has a day job as a shopkeeper in the Indian capital. He pulled out of college in his third year due to financial difficulties and says he started his school because he didn't want other children to face a similar fate. His students come from nearby slums - their families too poor to send them to school. Students from ages 3 to 16 sit in his open-air classes. Singh and Laxmi Chandra, who also helps at the school, decided to hold classes under the bridge because they could still be held during the monsoons and on hot summer days. [Rajesh Kumar Singh, Teacher]: "We took this place under the bridge so that when it rains, the kids have space to sit. And when it is hot, children have the shade to sit comfortably." At the school, a quarter of the students are girls, and although there is a lack of facilities, many walk long distances barefoot to attend Singh's classes. Primary school enrolment in India today stands at 95 percent, a level unthinkable a decade ago, but only two in three children of primary school age attend regularly, and one in five drops out. Although there have been improvements in <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:01 More in Education


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