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Blogs » Politics » Netizens Gather Further Evidence of PLA Hacking

Netizens Gather Further Evidence of PLA Hacking

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 09:33 PM PST

After China's Ministry of National Defense denied allegations made by U.S. cyber security company Mandiant that People's Liberation Army had been conducting activities against targets within the U.S. and a host of other countries, evidence in support of Mandiant's claims quickly surfaced in the form of a 2004 PLA recruitment advertisement.

Since then, netizens have continued to point out evidence from across the Chinese Internet–including this Xinhua article from August 2008 [zh] that states Unit 61398 specifically installed flooring for use in high-security environments:

Everyone knows that Anxin Flooring is a renowned brand in China's wooden flooring industry. They entered the large-scale realty project business very early on. Plus, at the very beginning, they specialized in working with clients that had very strict standards for their building materials, such as national organs and foreign embassies. The PLA General Political Department building, the General Staff Meteorological Bureau, the General Staff Surveying and Mapping Bureau, the Unit 61587 Commander Building, the General Staff Headquarters Satellite Positioning Center Residential Building, Unit 61398, the State Administration of Taxation, the Beijing Cultural Palace of Nationalities, CNPC Overseas Staff Dormitory, the Bulgarian Embassy office building, and the Wenzhou Municipal Government building were all early buyers of Anxin flooring for major projects.

How does Anxin Flooring relate to PLA-sponsored cyber attacks? One netizen explained the correlation on his Sina blog [zh]:

Chinese netizen: Unit 61398 is most likely conducting IT-related work in their office building. There's still a report up on the web about Anxin Flooring. The report states "army units that require very strict guidelines for their building materials, the General Staff Headquarters Satellite Positioning Center Residential Building, and Unit 61398" all used their flooring. Anxin is an American wholly foreign-owned company, and its leading product–wooden flooring–is known to protect against static electricity. Anyone in the IT industry would know that without a computer room, there would be no need for this kind of anti-static flooring.

Of course, one could argue all office buildings house computers. However, not all office buildings house PLA international relations and intelligence experts, like Colonel Zhou Jianping. An announcement for a public lecture by Zhou Jianping [zh] displays his affiliation with Unit 61398:

Public Announcement for the Pudong Forum Lecture Series

[Source: Pudong News. Published December 15, 2010]
–The Situation on the Korean Peninsula and the Border Security Environment

Topic: The Situation on the Korean Peninsula and the Border Security Environment
Lecturer: Director of the China Institute of International Relations and researcher at the City Strategic Studies Association, Zhou Jianping.
Time: 1:30pm December 25, 2010.
Location: Pudong Library's 600-person lecture hall

Zhou Jianping
Researcher of the People's Liberation Army General Staff Headquarters Unit #61398, rank of Colonel. Director of the China Institute of International Relations and researcher at the Shanghai Strategic Studies Association. From 1979-2001, he taught international relations at the People's Liberation Army Foreign Languages Institute. In 2001, he was redeployed to Shanghai to work in intelligence research.

Professor Zhou worked long-term in the field of international relations education. He is especially knowledgeable in the fields of Chinese border security and hot button issues of international relations. He has published academic articles in these fields. In recent years, his research has centered mainly on border security and the Taiwan issue. He has also conducted deep research into the fields of Sino-American relations and U.S. political, diplomatic, and strategic military issues.

An academic paper published in the Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) coauthored by a member Unit 61398, titled "Novel Method to Calculate Causal Correlation Belief Values of Network Alerts." Keywords: network security, alert correlation, attack time expense, and correlation belief. You can view the paper's cover page, which includes an English abstract, through this link.

Chinese IT and Internet information portal reported on this paper [zh] in light of the piece:

Cecb2b Net. On February 19, The New York times and numerous western media reported that a 60-page report released by U.S. company Mandiant linked recent cyber attacks experienced by many western media organizations with China's People's Liberation Army. were traced back to "the headquarters of People's Liberation Army Unit 61398, located in a 12-story building in Pudong, Shanghai."

Using Baidu's literature search function, we found an article coauthored by Song Sigen of PLA Unit 61398 regarding the detection of intrusion by hackers, titled "Novel Method to Calculate Causal Correlation Belief Values of Network Alerts" (see images on Baidu Literature). The article was published in the June 2009 edition of the Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), volume 10 issue 3.


Translated by Little Bluegill.

© Little Bluegill for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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China Considered Drone Strike Against Drug Lord

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 08:29 PM PST

China mulled the use of drone-delivered explosives to kill a wanted drug lord, who was later captured and sentenced to death for the murder of 13 Chinese sailors on the Mekong river in 2011. The plan was revealed in a Chinese-language Global Times interview with Liu Yuejin, director of the Ministry of Public Security's anti-drug bureau. From Ernest Kao at the South China Morning Post:

Naw Kham was the ring leader of a large outfit based in the Golden Triangle – a mountainous drug-producing region in Southeast Asia covering areas of , Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.

"One plan was to use an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to carry 20kg of TNT to bomb the area, but the plan was rejected because we were ordered to catch him alive," Liu told the .

It is a noteworthy revelation as senior Chinese officials rarely make public acknowledgents about the country's ability to project power overseas.

The disclosure also highlights the level of technological sophistication in terms of China's ability to surveil targets in Southeast Asia. This will likely draw concern from the Asean neighbours wary of China's military capabilities.

A report last year by the U.S. Defense Science Board described the pace of China's drone development as "worrisome" and "alarming", and suggested that Beijing might "easily match or outpace U.S. spending on unmanned systems, rapidly close the technology gaps and become a formidable global competitor in unmanned systems." China's drone programmes to date have focused on surveillance, however, particularly of its long coastline. A small Chinese UAV, or unmanned aerial vehicle, was spotted in the East China Sea by a Japanese destroyer in June 2011, and both China and Japan have indicated plans to deploy drones over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands.

The Obama administration's opaque drone campaign in the Middle East, on the other hand, may have claimed as many as 4,700 lives, fuelling anger in the region and some opposition within the . Observers have long anticipated that other countries would eventually join in: in an October op-ed at The Washington Post, former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Kurt Volker warned that America was setting important precedents, and urged the adoption of clear standards and practices for drone warfare.

Others, from European allies to Russia, China and Iran, are acquiring and beginning to use for surveillance — eventually, they will use them for killing as well. What would we say if others used to take out their opponents — whether within their own territory or internationally? Imagine China killing Tibetan separatists that it deemed terrorists or Russia launching drone strikes on Chechens. What would we say? What rules would we urge them to abide by?

The drone strike plan also demonstrates the progress of China's Beidou satellite navigation system, whose availability expanded in December to commercial users across the Asia-Pacific. From Jane Perlez at The :

China's global navigation system, Beidou, would have been used to guide the drones to the target, Mr. Liu said. China's goal is for the Beidou system to compete with the United States' Global Positioning System, Russia's Glonass and the European Union's Galileo, Chinese experts say.

Mr. Liu's comments on the use of the Beidou system with the drones reflects the rapid advancement in that navigation system from its humble beginnings more than a decade ago.

The experimental navigation system was started in 2000 and has since expanded to 16 navigation satellites over Asia and the Pacific Ocean, according to an article in Wednesday's China Daily, an English-language state-run newspaper. The Chinese military, particularly the navy, is now conducting patrols and training exercises using Beidou, the newspaper said.

© Samuel Wade for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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China Takes Over Strategic Port in Pakistan

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 08:16 PM PST

Chinese Overseas Port Holdings Limited took over management of the Pakistani port of Gwadar on Monday, amid suspicion of China's growing presence in the . From Reuters:

China financed more than 80 percent of the $248 million development cost of the on the Arabian Sea, as part of a plan to open up an energy and trade corridor from the Gulf, across to western China.

When complete, the port could be used by the Chinese Navy, analysts say, and Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony told reporters on February 6 that Chinese control of the port was "a matter of concern."

Indian policy-makers are wary of a string of strategically located ports being built by Chinese companies in its neighborhood, as beefs up its military clout to compete.

China has also funded ports in Hambantota, Sri Lanka, and Chittagong in Bangladesh, both India's neighbors.

China has repeatedly denied harboring any military intentions, however. A editorial, 'Gwadar move renews 'China Threat' cliché', argued on Monday that such fears were simply the latest expressions of a more general insecurity.

Gwadar port is located in Pakistan's Balochistan Province. As it's close to the Strait of Hormuz and Pakistan's border with Iran, it is considered strategically important. The West believes that the port is the starting point of an energy corridor that will connect China to the Arabian Sea and the Strait of Hormuz and also a strategic branch for China to influence the situation in the Persian Gulf. Some even see it is part of a Chinese "string of pearls" strategy aimed at encircling India.

Behind these analyses are worries and reservations over China's rise. plays a fundamental role in this rise. The West is alert to any overseas move by China related to energy.

Any port has potential military value. There are growing suspicions that China will station fleets of warships in the Indian Ocean or other waters and establish naval bases worldwide. However, few Chinese support this. There are no benefits for China in encircling India, and strategists in both countries don't want to play such a game.

[…] Enclosing and colonizing land overseas and expanding powers are all strange concepts to Chinese. Chinese merchant ships can be seen all over the world nowadays, but we have no interest in "pirate civilization." China alone cannot convince the outside world, but regional prosperity promoted by China's operations at Gwadar port in the future will be strong evidence of this.

Some outside China are also skeptical of the encirclement theory. From Daniel W. Drezner at Foreign Policy early this month:

For the past few years, a low level theme that occasionally pops into my news feed is the idea of greater Sino-Pakistani cooperation. Now this has a certain amount of realpolitik sense to it. The United States and Pakistan are not exactly on the best of terms, China is a rising power, they share a comon interest in containing India, yadda, yadda yadda. As a result, there has been the occasional press story about closer ties, which begets the inevitable U.S.-based blog posts about China expanding its "string of pearls" strategy of more deepwater ports in the Asia/Pacific region.

There's just one thing. The more closely one reads these stories, the less clear it is that China wants a string of pearls. Most of these stories talk about great Pakistani enthusiasm for more Chinese involvement. That enthusiasm is not really reciprocated by China, however. […]

[… T]o sum up: despite Pakistan prostrating itself before China, Beijing has been extremely leery of getting too enmeshed in that country. It has rejected repeated requests for military basing, and only now has a commercial Chinese company agreed to manage a port that appears to be the Pakistani exemplar of "white elephant."

So please, no "strong of pearls" posts from the national security blogosphere […]. These pearls are about as fake as you can get.

Another strategic explanation for the Gwadar takeover is the prospect of a 'Chinese California': a borrowed west coast on the Indian Ocean, linked to China by a railway and to Xinjiang. This might lessen China's reliance on imports carried through the potentially vulnerable Strait of Malacca, from the Indian Ocean into the South China Sea. Similar plans have been mooted in the past for Myanmar, and though plans for the Gwadar railway predate Yangon's drift away from Beijing, that development may increase the appeal of the Pakistani route. But Gwadar's utility in energy security terms has also been disputed. From Xu Tianran at Global Times:

The operation of the strategic port is also widely regarded as a key move by China to seek an alternative to the Strait of Malacca, through which over 80 percent of the country's imported oil passes.

[…] Under its 12th Five-Year Plan, China has vowed to accelerate the construction of railways and highways linking Gwadar Port and Kashi in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

[…] Zhou Dadi, former director-general of the Energy Research Institute under the National Development and Reform Commission, told the Global Times that the port's role in securing China's energy supply is being overstated, adding that the costs for building an oil pipeline and transporting oil via railways would be high.

"The idea of using the route from Pakistan to China as an alternative energy line can be seen as a last resort at most," he said, adding that a situation in which the Strait of Malacca is blocked would result in a worldwide conflict, which is highly unlikely.

The deal may be less about Gwadar's location than part of a broader pattern of Chinese port investments around the globe, as growth in China slows and struggling operators elsewhere sell cheaply. From Joanne Chiu at The Wall Street Journal:

China Merchants, a unit of the China Merchants Group conglomerate, last month agreed to pay €400 million ($543 million) to buy a 49% stake in port operator Terminal Link SAS from French container-shipping company CMA CGM, which was reducing debt.

Weeks earlier, China Merchants, the country's biggest port operator by container shipping volume, acquired a 23.5% stake in the Port of Djibouti. China Merchants in 2011 took control of a container port development in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and raised its stake to 85% last year.

[…] For China Merchants, the CMA CGM deal gives access to a diversified port portfolio of 15 terminals in eight countries, including Morocco, Belgium and the U.S. The deal also strengthens the Chinese company's relationship with the French shipping line. The companies signed a 12-year agreement in which CMA CGM's container ships will increase calls at China Merchants' ports.

[…] Growth in emerging markets is partly the result of a shift of some factory activity away from China. "Many manufacturers that produce low-end products, such as shoes and clothes, have been relocating their production bases from [China] to places like Cambodia, because of cheaper labor costs.…The trend is irreversible," says Lawrence Li, a regional shipping and ports analyst at brokerage firm UOB KayHian.

Although featured on the back of Pakistan's five rupee note, Gwadar has not been a commercial success so far. From Declan Walsh at The :

Commissioned by General Musharraf, the Gwadar port project initially set off a flurry of excited property speculation in what was once a quiet fishing village. Developers presented flashy plans for luxury apartment blocks amid talk the port could rival Dubai.

[…] But Pakistan has failed to build the port or transportation infrastructure needed to develop the port, the property bubble has burst and, according to the port management Web site, the last ship to dock there arrived in November. "The government never built the infrastructure that the port needed — roads, rail or storage depots," said Khurram Husain, a freelance business journalist. "Why would any shipping company come to the port if it has no service to offer?"

According to reports in the Pakistani news media, the Port of Singapore Authority sought to withdraw from the management contract after the Pakistani government failed to hand over land needed to develop the facility.

© Samuel Wade for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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‘Gas Explosion’ Kills Chinese Official’s College-Age Daughter

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 07:55 PM PST

The People's Daily recently reported that an explosion killed one person in a residential complex in Shanxi province on February 18. Where the official account in state media lacked detail, however, online sources were quick to assert that the incident was more than a simple explosion. Li Xudong, an investigative journalist with China Business Media, posted this account of the incident on Sina Weibo, China's Twitter:

"At 9 AM on the 18, there was a big explosion affecting the family of a Shanxi province Xiangfen county tax bureau official. The government official living in the building received a phone call: 'I've sent a gift for you. I set it in front of your door. Go down and get it yourself.' The government leader sent his 22-year-old daughter (a college student home on vacation) to go pick it up. When she moved the box, it exploded violently. She was totally incinerated, and the building was structurally damaged."

His post was quickly retweeted over 5,000 times. Other versions of the incident also included screenshots of the local news organization's initial report from the scene, which confirmed that the girl killed was the daughter of a Chinese Communist Party official, but did not include information about the telephone call.

Reactions to these accounts, in which the bombing was political in nature, were mixed. One Weibo user commented, "Class struggle is complicated." Another, wrote "Killing the chicken to scare the monkey [a Chinese phrase meaning to make an example of someone]! It makes one so very happy." Someone even summed up the general sentiment of the responses: "I only get one impression from looking at all these comments. The people are extremely angry."

Netizen @必须各种坑 responded to those voices:

What a bunch of idiots. A young girl in her twenties was killed in an explosion, and people are actually clapping and saying how great it is. They don't even say what the government official did to anger people so. Even if he did do something terrible, it's no excuse for killing his children. The kind of person who could have done this is no ordinary person; this leader probably stepped on the toes of some powerful person. All those truly corrupt officials are living great lives, who would be killed by shitzens [slang for ordinary Chinese people] like you?

Still more netizens questioned the veracity of the information. No one posting the information about the alleged phone call indicated the source of that detail, which presumably only the government official or the perpetrator would know. Some even stated that the explosion was probably not a bomb at all, but an accident that happened to kill the young girl. Such bombings are not unheard of in China, but the targeting of government officials is rare and more prevalent in countries with ongoing military conflicts or insurgencies.

An investigation into the cause of the bombing is underway, according to state-run media, and it may never be clear whether the telephone call is part of the true story or a baseless conspiracy theory. The gleeful responses to the incident, however, may serve as proof that public sympathy with local government officials is extremely low.

Chinese College-Student Staple Positioned as “Luxury” Good on

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 07:35 PM PST

Let's call it "reverse luxury arbitrage" with a delicious–and throat-searingly spicy–twist.

Luxury arbitrage, at least as it commonly relates to China, is the practice of Western brands charging more in China than they do in their home countries. For example, the cost-conscious drinker's favorite beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon, positions itself as a luxury brand in China, even selling a special edition of the beer for US$44, according to Time online.

Recently, it appears that someone has engaged in a bit of turnabout. Lao Gan Ma Chili Crisp Sauce, which Tea Leaf Nation enthusiastically recommended to the Washington Post as a "taste of China's heartland" during Christmas buying season, is now making its way to the West, with a huge markup.

Lao Gan Ma, which literally means "old godmother," is just one of many brands of the fierce and unctuous spice beloved in the cuisines of Western China. The front of each bottle of Lao Gan Ma features the godmother's stern but affectionate visage, seemingly exhorting users to eat their vegetables–provided they are slathered in several pints of red-hot chili oil.

The spice commonly sells in China for about 7.9RMB, or US$1.27. In the U.S., the import is perhaps understandably a bit more expensive, retailing for about US$4.00 on But users of Tencent Weibo, a Chinese micro blogging platform, are having a hoot over chatter that American luxury flash-buying site's spinoff Gilt Taste previously featured a pair of bottles for US$11.95. At just under US$6.00 per bottle, that's a a 471% markup over the Chinese price.

As Sohu Business reports, the Gilt sale of Chinese chili sauce became a hot topic on Tencent Weibo yesterday, resulting in over 10,000 posts on the subject. Sohu reports that users enjoyed the contrast between Gilt's slick presentation of the product and its reputation in China as a staple for college students looking to dress up their instant noodles.

A current Gilt Taste page presents the sauce in a more alluring light:

Left to your own fruition we doubt you'd conjure up this combination of soybeans and chili oil. Its aroma is at once reminiscent of ripe pineapple and savory fermented fish. The beans have a surprisingly crispy texture and a lingering clean heat. Try it as one stop shop for adding punch to pork or plain rice. You can also use it in tandem with other typical Asian flavors like ginger, scallions, and soy sauce.

Of course, an average American consumer makes far more per capita than an average Chinese consumer, so the comparison is perhaps unfair. On the Sina microblogging platform, user @小宇0314 took a stab at the math: "In China, where the average income is 30,000RMB, it's 7.9 RMB/bottle. In the U.S., where the average income is US$40,000, [$4.00/bottle] is … a 'luxury item'? Are you testing our IQ?"

It's not exactly clear why this topic has only recently gained steam in the Chinese blogosphere. Chatter pegs the Gilt sale as occurring July 2012. Meanwhile, comments on this Gilt page featuring the saucy godmother date from September 2011. Many of them are in Chinese. The most recent, translated, reads: "Lao Gan Ma now selling on…WTF."

Watch: An Animated Introduction to the Chinese Army Hacking Scandal

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 06:06 PM PST

As many China-watchers know by now, a recent earth-shaking report from U.S. cyber security firm Mandiant has alleged that the Chinese People's Liberation Army is behind many cyber attacks against American organizations.

It's a complex and grim issue, to be sure. For those looking for a more irreverent take on the news, Taiwan-based Next Media Animation has generously given Tea Leaf Nation permission to carry the above video. Please enjoy.


Wang Lijun Allegedly Sought British Asylum

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 05:51 PM PST

A forthcoming book by Chinese journalists Pin Ho and Wenguang Huang claims that Wang Lijun unsuccessfully sought asylum from the U.K. months before entering the U.S. consulate in last year, adding yet more ingredients to the well-cooked story of 's former police chief and his superior, . The book, A Death in the Lucky Holiday Hotel, is to be published in the U.K. in April. From Tom Phillips at The Telegraph:

In November 2011, just days after Mr Heywood's body was discovered inside a Chongqing hotel room, Mr Wang allegedly disguised himself as an "old man" and "snuck" into the British Consulate-General in the city of .

[...] A spokesperson for the British Embassy in Beijing said: "We don't have any record of any such meeting. We have no record of visiting the consulate at that time."

[...] Before fleeing to the US consulate in Chengdu on February 6 2012, Mr Wang "contacted officials at the consulates of the and Germany in Chongqing".

British officials have confirmed that Mr Wang did set up a meeting at the UK consulate in Chongqing but say he failed to show up.

See more on Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai via CDT.

© Mengyu Dong for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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Interactive Maps of China’s Most–and Least–Polluted Places

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 01:00 PM PST

Nearly five weeks ago, Beijing experienced its worst day of air quality on record: Levels of PM2.5 — small particulates that can cause lung, cardiovascular and respiratory disease — soared to more than 30 times the level considered safe by the World Health Organization.

Air Quality in China — A Snapshot

Map of air quality in China
View a larger version of the map.

Since then, reporting on China's "airpocalypse" has been accompanied by what seems like a monochromatic slideshow of the country's iconic cities — Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin —all smothered in thick smog.

Indeed, China's most populous and prosperous cities are among the epicenters of this latest pollution crisis. In Tianjin, for instance, levels of PM2.5 hit 577 on February 9, the eve of the Chinese New Year. In Beijing, sales of New Years' fireworks dropped 37% after the municipal government asked residents to limit their use.

But air quality in China is also a nationwide problem — a predicament that affects cities with far less name recognition than Beijing or a Shanghai. Last week, the People's Daily reported that of the 74 key cities monitored by China's Ministry of Environmental Protection, all 74 reported "excessive" PM2.5 concentrations on February 10, the first day of the Chinese New Year.

And as a glance at pollution figures from this morning shows, hazardous air conditions remain in cities throughout China, from Urumqi (with a PM2.5 concentration of 511 micrograms per cubic meter, or 20 times the recommended limit) to Guangzhou.


China's Most Polluted Cities

View China's Most Polluted Cities in a larger map.

1. Xingtai, Hebei
2. Shijiazhuang, Hebei
3. Baoding, Hebei
4. Handan, Hebei
5. Langfang, Hebei
6. Hengshui, Hebei
7. Jinan, Shandong
8. Tangshan, Hebei
9. Beijing
10. Zhengzhou, Henan


China's Least Polluted Cities

View China's Least Polluted Cities in a larger map.

1. Haikuo, Hainan
2. Fuzhou, Fujian
3. Zhoushan, Zhejiang
4.X iamen, Fujian
5. Huizhou, Gunagdong
6. Zhaoqing, Guangdong
7. Shenzhen, Guangdong
8. Kunming, Yunnan
9. Lhasa, Tibet
10. Zhuhai, Guangdong


Word of the Week: Expensive Country

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 12:00 PM PST

The  comes from China Digital Space's Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon, a glossary of terms created by Chinese netizens and frequently encountered in online political discussions. These are the words of China's online "resistance discourse," used to mock and subvert the official language around censorship and political correctness.

贵国 (guì guó): expensive country

A sarcastic reference to China. This term was popularized because of discontent over high prices; gui guo is a country in which basic needs like housing, fuel, power, and healthcare are all too costly.

Gui is also the honorific form of "your"; gui guo, literally "your honorable country," is often used in diplomatic speech. Using gui guo in reference to China separates the speaker from his country, in opposition to 我国 wǒ guó, "our country." Xiao Qiang and Perry Link explain that in this turn of phrase, netizens imply that "the state that belongs to you rulers, not to me."

© Anne.Henochowicz for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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Photo: The Hands of Huang Magang, by Michael Steverson

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 11:00 AM PST

The Hands of Huang Magang

© Sophie Beach for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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PLA Unit 61398 Recruitment Notice Found

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 09:09 AM PST

This 12-story building on the outskirts of is the headquarters of of the People's Liberation Army. China's defense ministry has denied that it is responsible for initiating digital attacks. ()

China's Ministry of National Defense quickly denied charges outlined in a widely circulated report from information security firm Mandiant that exposed a specific unit of the People's Liberation Army as responsible for against the U.S. and other countries.

Reuters reports a statement published on the Ministry's official website called into question the evidence put forth by The New York Times, saying, "The report, in only relying on linking IP address to reach a conclusion the hacking attacks originated from China, lacks technical proof."

Well, thanks to the shrewd detective work of Chinese netizens, we now have further evidence–a 2004 notice, still viewable on the website of Zhejiang University (at the time of this article's publication), titled "China's People's Liberation Army Unit 61398 Recruiting Graduate Students" [zh].

The Graduate School has received notice that Unit 61398 of China's People's Liberation Army (located in Pudong District, Shanghai) seeks to recruit 2003-class computer science graduate students. Students who sign the service contract will receive a 5,000 yuan per year National Defense Scholarship. After graduation, students will work in the same field within the .

Interested Zhejiang University 2003-class graduate students should please contact Teacher Peng in the Graduate Division before May 20. (Cao Guangbiao room 108; phone: 87952168)

Graduate Division
May 13, 2004

Via CDT Chinese. Translated by Little Bluegill.

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Cross-Strait Reunification’s New Enemy: Mainland Censors

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 08:32 AM PST

A screenshot of Frank Hsieh's now-defunct microblogging account. (via Weibo)

One day after the Chinese microblog account was verified by Sina Weibo as belonging to Frank Hsieh, the former presidential nominee of Taiwan's pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), it was stealthily erased.

But the disappearance did not go unnoticed; instead, it brought a tidal wave of online comments on China's social media.

No doubt the account was censored, but the swiftness of its demise still surprised many, since Hsieh only posted a few abstract musings on liberty and constitutionalism in his short Weibo career. Hsieh is considered one of the DPP honchos who takes a milder stance on Taiwan independence and showed his willingness to break the ice with the mainland through a visit in 2012.

Many mainland Internet users, who still cherish the idea of reunification with Taiwan,  believe that such moves would only serve to undermine any chance of reaching that goal.

China's Spokesperson: I want to emphasize that China's Internet is open.

@XL微勃 wrote, "This censorship would allow Taiwanese-independence advocates to tell the Taiwanese people that, 'See, this is the mainland. They don't tolerate a Weibo account, how can they tolerate freedom?' Why in the world would they agree reunify? These moves by dumb-ass officials are turning Taiwan's popular opinion against the mainland. Are they spies sent by independence advocates?"

@白鸟摄影 agreed, "They won't tolerate Frank Hsieh, how can they earn the trust of more than 20 million Taiwanese? Reunification sounds like a pipe dream."

@王翊均 commented with anger, "This large country is afraid of a Weibo account of a DPP politician? Who is impeding reunification? Who is making it seem like there are two different countries across the Taiwan Strait?"

Some Internet users speculated that China's propaganda department, known for its tone-deafness, likely ordered the deletion to prevent Hsieh from winning hearts and minds on the mainland and advancing the independence agenda. The deletion of Hsieh's account followed censorship of Weibo posts of other prominent Taiwanese personalities, including businessman Kai-fu Lee and actress Annie Yi.

Hsieh tweeted before his account vanished, "Whether or not there is freedom of speech does not depend on how freely you speak when you criticize high officials or people in power, but whether you lose your freedom after you speak."


The Decline of the Expat: Foreigners in China Proliferate, But Become Less Special

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 06:40 AM PST

A 2008 expat Halloween party in Shanghai. (Jakob Montrasio/Flickr)

In recent months, the "China expat" has been making international headlines. Several longtime residents of China announced their intention to leave on public forums, explaining that living in China was not only hazardous to their health, but worse, an alienating experience.

However, their much-publicized exits seem to be the anomaly, not the trend. The Shanghai Daily reported that Shanghai's expat population now exceeds 173,000 – a 6.7% increase from 2011. What's more, that figure only accounts for a quarter of the total number of foreign residents currently residing in mainland China.

The rise of the expat

China's expat population has grown every year since 2000; in 2004, the government even introduced a green card system allowing foreign citizens to gain permanent residency. Before then, newcomers arrived in China to find a world stringently guarded against the outside. These early expats were the pioneers, the ones willing to carve out a life for themselves in cities bereft of cheese, English signage and sit-down toilets. Local food was dirt-cheap, and Western fare impossible to find outside of hotels. Instead of streets clogged with cars, dusty bicycles reigned supreme. Meanwhile, anyone with a white face and/or foreign passport was associated with wealth and prestige, regardless of their actual status.

Mark Kitto – a Welshman who has spent the last 16 years of his life in China, and whose exit set off the aforementioned spate of farewell letters in the Sinophile blogosphere – puts it best: "When I arrived in Beijing [in the mid-'80s], China was communist … The basic necessities of life: food, drink, clothes and a bicycle, cost peanuts. We lived like kings – or we would have if there had been anything regal to spend our money on."

A changing climate

Life changed dramatically in the last decade, however, at least in China's major metropolises. These days, expats are practically spoiled for options, from Western grocery stores to pubs, international fast-fashion retailers to luxury brands, Burger King to Michelin-starred restaurants. Part of this can be attributed to the influx of expats, with local businesses adapting their offerings to keep up with demand, and part to expats themselves opening up restaurants, bars and boutiques that cater to foreign tastes.

But far more significantly, the market has been redefined by a burgeoning Chinese urban middle class with more spending power. In an interview with CNN Money, consultant Helen Wang notes: "The Chinese are shopping a lot more. Retail is booming like a wildfire in China. There are a lot more consumers and they are demanding a lot more services." This domestic growth, coupled with the economic downturn in America and Europe, has many Western companies expanding across the mainland, looking towards China to fill the gap.

At the same time, even more expats are flocking to China. Expat Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore, in an op-ed piece for The New York Times, explains: "[Besides] well-paid executives … there are also younger expats [who have been] pushed away from home by unemployment and pulled to Asia by work and travel opportunities, combined with lower living costs."

Shifting roles

What does this mean for China's expats? First off, they are less and less a novelty. Once upon a time, they were asked to pose for photos wherever they went. While this is still true in most areas, they are now hardly given a second glance in the trendier areas of big cities. With more of them around, expats have been demystified – and more opportunities for interaction have perhaps led local Chinese to a startling revelation: that many foreigners are poor students, or are struggling to make ends meet, while China's middle class is only growing more and more wealthy.

If "laowai" (a colloquial Chinese term for foreigners) are no longer assumed to be rich, of course they will be entitled to fewer privileges. In July 2010, China-based journalist Mitch Moxley wrote an article called "Rent a White Guy" for The Atlantic about his experience as a fake businessman in a third-tier city in China, where the "only requirements were a fair complexion and a suit."

Is this sort of scenario still possible? Absolutely. Will it be in another ten years? Probably not. At China's current rate of growth – The Guardian recently cited a U.S. Intelligence report that predicts China will be the largest economic power by 2030 – local Chinese will have plenty of rich people among them. Its urban areas will likely become less and less affordable for the young foreign college grads who have been drawn to China in recent years. (2009 already saw a 25% jump in housing prices in Beijing.)

Bloomberg Businessweek writer Shaun Rein cautioned, "[foreigners] need to remember that operating a business here is not easy, and they need to be patient. China is no longer a cheap place to do business, and competition from domestic companies is fierce."

Exploring the fears surrounding this shift, French expat Benoit Cezard released a photo series, "China 2050," that reimagines expats as construction workers, maids and street vendors, taking on the roles traditionally filled by China's devastatingly poor migrant worker population.

Most telling are Chinese netizens' reactions to the pictures, which have since gone viral. On Sina Weibo, China's Twitter, @六耳猕猴在北京 said: "By 2050, China will be the economic superpower. The white devils who come to China will have to take on the low-paying positions. If only I could see this happen in my lifetime." @陈大瓏琦 commented: "This is a reminder to white people what the consequences of high welfare and complacency are." It's worth noting these commenters both conflate being foreign in China with being white; China's resident foreigners are more diverse than that.

While the expat underclass that Cezard imagines is an extreme rendition, he does make one important point: that the influence of expats is waning as China's world status grows. Does this mean that fewer opportunities will be available to them? Certainly, they will no longer be able to rely on their "exotic" looks to land a job. But an increasingly powerful China will continue attracting expats, who will simply have to adapt and face new challenges. And while that will make life less "interesting" for expats, it will also make life more fair.

25 Essential China Survival Apps

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 12:50 AM PST

We loved the list of tips and tricks for living in Beijing that Kaiser Kuo wrote on Quora.  We agree with them all (especially the last one).  Not being able to top such comprehensive and impassioned advice, we thought we'd go a different route.  Since we (YJ excluded) confess to occasionally both whining AND bitching, we've come to rely on a few simple hacks to avoid unnecessary bad China days.  

Which ones did we miss? Leave us a comment and let us know your top survival apps!

Language Skills

The indispensable dictionary app. The free included dictionary is pretty good, while for more heavy-duty purposes, serious language learners (or "grownups," as Brendan calls them) can purchase add-ons including dictionaries, optical character recognition, flashcards, and more. The ABC Chinese-English dictionary is particularly useful, and more advanced users will find the Xiandai Hanyu Guifan Cidian (现代汉语规范词典) indispensable.
Homepage Android iOS

Waygo Visual Translator
Too lazy and/or stupid to learn Chinese? Or perhaps you just want to be able to order a meal without having to learn the world's dumbest writing system first? Waygo Visual Translator has got your back: the free app offers remarkably good OCR for menus and street signs. Point your iPhone at a menu and get an instantaneous (and mostly pretty accurate) translation of dish names. Brendan used to recommend that anyone coming to China pick up a copy of James D. McCawley's The Eater's Guide to Chinese Characters; Waygo renders that excellent book more or less obsolete. So this is what living in the future is going to be like!
Homepage iOS

Xiaoma Hanzi (小马词典)
A nice little character study app that lets you quiz yourself on the pronunciation and meaning of random characters and search by stroke order, though not as comprehensive as Pleco.
Homepage Android

Sogou Pinyin Input (搜狗手机输入法)
China's most ubiquitous pinyin input software, developed by internet giant Sohu (also good for watching American TV shows, see below), Sogou Pinyin keeps up with the latest memes, brands and names, so when you enter a pinyin string more often than not the first one is the right one. Also not bad: Google Pinyin.
Homepage Android iOS

Shopping & Eating

Taobao (淘宝)
Russian MIGs and everything else made by the hand of man, plus rent-a-boyfriends.
Homepage Android iOS

Etao (一淘)
Great for comparison shopping across e-commerce sites in China and abroad (including
Homepage Android iOS

Alipay (支付宝钱包)
Want that MIG? This is how you pay for it.
Homepage Android iOS

Dazhong Dianping (大众点评)
Find restaurants by location, cuisine, price, or user reviews.
Homepage Android iOS

MTime (时光电影)
Find movie theaters and showtimes in your area.
Homepage Android iOS

Wochacha (我查查)
Scan barcodes on books, food, or other stuff and compare prices at supermarkets in your area and e-commerce sites.
Homepage Android iOS


Sina Weibo (新浪微博)
Keep your finger on the pulse of China's netizens, follow the latest celebrity gossip, and if you're really lucky, become popular enough that people notice when you're banned. There's also Tencent Weibo, but we've never met someone who intentionally posts anything there.
Homepage Android iOS

WeChat (微信)
Hot on the heels of Weibo, Tencent's annointed successor to the omnipresent QQ Instant Messenger features an impressive array of ways to waste time chatting with your friends.
Homepage Android iOS


xiamiXiami (虾米)
Streaming music service, keeps up with China, UK, Billboard charts and searchable for that song you've got to hear right now. Also lets you save 50 songs on your phone for offline playback. Click the album cover and follow along on the lyrics (they're not available for every song though, its hit or miss).
Homepage Android iOS

doubanfmDouban FM (豆瓣FM)
Internet radio station like Pandora. Develops a personalized station based on your favorites, also saves your latest favorites to the phone for offline playback. Particularly interesting are theme stations like those tailor for 80后 and 90后 generation listeners, playing nostalgic classics from their childhoods as well as new music popular with their peers.
Homepage Android iOS


Youku (优酷)
Youku devoured their rival Tudou last year and has an impressive collection of legal, HD films and TV shows from around the world, plus a whole lot of other films and TV shows that may not be quite as legal or high-quality.
Homepage Android iOS

Sohu Video (搜狐视频)
Need to see Mad Men, Dexter, Homeland, Breaking Bad, or Big Bang Theory? Sohu licenses some of the US megahits that Chinese viewers really dig.
Homepage Android iOS

iQiyi (爱奇艺)
Baidu's online video platform offers a number of films and TV shows not available on Sohu or Youku.
Homepage Android iOS

funshionFunshion (风行)
I've not used Funshion yet, but I hear good things, and they have Downton Abbey – good start.
Homepage Android iOS

Kascend (开迅视频)
Great for searching across multiple video platforms.
Homepage Android iOS

Flvshow (视频飞搜)
A good rule of thumb is to never download Android apps from outside the Android app store unless its directly from the official company website (like the Xiami links above), but this app came pre-installed on a nano PC I bought and its a pretty good aggregator of all the video sites, like Kascend. Download at your own risk – the link below is from phone manufacturer Meizu's app store:

CNTV CBox (国网络电视台Cbox)
CNTV is CCTV's online arm, and the CBox app lets you watch CCTV stations live – good for catching that NBA game on CCTV-5.
Homepage Android iOS


Find and reserve air and rail tickets, hotel rooms, and travel packages.
Homepage Android iOS

UMeTrip (航旅纵横)
Track flight departures, arrivals and delays at mainland China airports.
Homepage Android iOS

Yidao Yongche (易到用车)
Stuck in Guomao and have dinner plans near Sanlitun? Fees average about 2-3 times the cost of a cab, but this GPS-based pay-as-you-go car service is great for those times when you really need to get somewhere but can't count on a taxi being available.
Homepage Android iOS


全国空气污染指数 (National Air Pollution Index)
Check the PM 2.5 levels before you leave the house so you know whether to pack your filter mask/gas mask/stay in and cry.
Homepage Android iOS

Conversion Apps
Americans in particular need help learning to think about distance and weight the way most humans do, so an app like ConvertPad for Android or Converter Plus for iOS.

Helpful Tips

  • Want 3G but don't know which Chinese carrier to use? If you use AT&T or T-Mobile (WCDMA), you need China Unicom. If you use Verizon (EV-DO), you need China Telecom. You can only use China Mobile's local flavor of 3G if you buy a phone from China Mobile, because its a homegrown standard that hasn't caught on globally. 4G? Not here yet.
  • Don't use HiMarket or other Chinese app store versions of apps on an Android device with a SIM card or your personal info.
  • Guess what? English names of apps, movies, TV shows, companies, etc. are either translated or phoneticized, so if you want to find Hobo with a Shotgun, pop the English into Baidu (Android and iOS apps available) and usually it'll spit back the Chinese name (持枪流浪汉), and maybe even links to watch.



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