Videos » Politics » Draft of the "Big Department System" Exposed Expected "Regime Reform Committee" Might Abort

Videos » Politics » Draft of the "Big Department System" Exposed Expected "Regime Reform Committee" Might Abort

Draft of the "Big Department System" Exposed Expected "Regime Reform Committee" Might Abort

Posted: 24 Feb 2013 07:44 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, the reform draft of the "Big Department System" was discussed in the Political Bureau conference. The draft will be submitted to the approaching second plenary meeting of the 18th CCP Central Committee for further discussion. As disclosed by China's media, the re-organization of the State Council aims to strengthen market supervision and to improve administrative management on the transportation system. Nevertheless, the reform that people would like to see on "energy", "culture" and the establishment of a "regime reform committee" are not part of the re-org. As reported by the state-run "Xinhua News Agency", Xi Jinping held a Political bureau conference on February 23. In the conference, the attendees discussed the draft of "Structure Reform and Function Transformation of the State Council" (Big Department System). The content of the draft includes: Ministry of Civil Affairs' duty in social administration will be enlarged; Food Safety Committee of the State Council will be merged with Food safety Supervision Department; a new , Market Supervision Department, will be established; power of the National Bureau of Oceanography will be enlarged, and comprehensive marine management will be strengthened; the Ministry of Railways and the Department of Transportation might be merged. "" stated that the so-called "biggest surprise" is reform on national food safety supervision. It's <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:18 More in News & Politics

Christianity Spread Intentionally and Tolerated in China

Posted: 24 Feb 2013 07:41 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Today, Tibet has seen western Christians more influential than at any time in history. UK's The Guardian published a report, indicating that the Chinese Communist Party authorities intentionally tolerate the Christianity spread in Tibet. Over decades, the CCP has been infamous for its repression and persecution of religious and belief groups. Thus the international community is suspicious of the motives behind this official action. UK's Guardian reporter Jonathan Kaiman pointed out that "Of the 400 foreigners living in Xining, most are missionaries." The article quoted interviewees' comments that the CCP authorities "may welcome them as a powerful counterforce to Tibetan Buddhism". Kaiman interviewed over 10 people for his article. They said that the reason for the CCP authorities' tolerance "ranged from pragmatic to borderline sinister." "One is that they are a boon to local economies -- they open lucrative businesses and teach at local schools for next to nothing, supplementing their meager salaries with donations from home." Furthermore, "Authorities may also consider missionaries politically trustworthy, reluctant to undermine their spiritual missions by openly criticizing regional policies." (Chairman, Tibet Religious Foundation) Dawa Tsering: "The CCP may use it to counterbalance Tibetan Buddhism, as Tibetans have a strong Buddhist faith. Christian missionaries have run many schools across Tibet <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:19 More in News & Politics

WikiLeaks: Hu-Wen's Anti-corruption Was Rejected by Politburo Standing Committee

Posted: 24 Feb 2013 07:37 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: In a cable released by WikiLeaks stated that 10 years ago, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, then new Chinese communist leaders, attempted to push openness in both media and officials' assets. However, vested interest groups rejected the initiatives. As both National People's Congress and the National Political Consultative Conference are approaching, President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao will retire soon. People are skeptical about how far the new leaders Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang will go with the collapsing communist regime. The following is our report. This Confidential released by WikiLeak was issued by the US Embassy in Beijing and addressed to the Secretary of State in Washington DC. The content revealed a political scene discussion on Sept. 19, 2003 with director of Beijing University's Institute of Political Development and Governance, Xie Qingkun. It revealed that both Hu and Wen were "pushing for greater openness in government and party operations in order to promote closeness to the people and as an antidote to corruption." Xie Qingkun reported that, "an initiative of the Hu-Wen government to require financial disclosure statements from high-level government officials and their families was rejected by the Politburo Standing Committee, with only Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao voting in support of the measure." Xie Qingkun said, "Such a measure would particularly threaten the children of high-level <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:07 More in News & Politics

Russia, China mortal threat to US?

Posted: 11 Mar 2011 01:41 PM PST

Vice President Joe Biden proudly told business leaders and students at Moscow State University that just 2% of Americans see Russia as a threat - well guess who's in that 2%? None other than the US top intelligence officer, James Clapper, who notably knew nothing about a series of terror arrests in Britain the day of an interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer. Is there really a cold war mentality below the surface throughout the United States still?
From: RTAmerica
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Time: 05:56 More in News & Politics

King of Spain's Son-In-Law in Court Over Fraud

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 12:55 PM PST

The King of Spain's son-in-law, Inaki Urdangarin, Duke of Palma de Mallorca, arrived at court on Saturday to face charges of fraud, forgery, embezzlement and corruption. Full story: The King of Spain's son-in-law, Inaki Urdangarin, arrives to court to face charges of fraud, forgery, embezzlement and corruption on Saturday. The Duke of Palma de Mallorca is accused of using connections to win public contracts for events in Mallorca and elsewhere in Spain. His Noos Foundation is also suspected of overcharging for organising conferences and hiding the skimmed proceeds abroad. If convicted, he could face a prison sentence and fines. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:35 More in News & Politics

Hundreds Protest Over Triple Rape in India

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 12:17 PM PST

Hundreds demand the death penalty for those responsible for the murder and rape of three young sisters in India. Full story: Hundreds - including several schoolchildren - take to the streets in western India's Maharashtra state following the brutal rape and murder of three young sisters. Many demanded swifter police action as well as the death penalty for the murderers and better security for women. [Hemalata, School Teacher Participating in the Rally]: "There is a sense of fear in the hearts of people in wake of these cases. There is very little security being provided for women and that is worrisome." The bodies of the sisters, aged 11, 9 and 6, were found dumped in a village well a week ago after they went missing on February 14. Post mortem reports confirmed sexual assault and murder. The children's grandfather has demanded the death penalty for those responsible. The protest follows a candlelit vigil in memory of the three youngsters on Friday. The incident comes just two months after the horrific gang rape of a 23-year-old student aboard a bus in New Delhi that sent shock waves through the country. It is estimated that a woman is raped every 20 minutes in India but conviction rates here are among the lowest in the world. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:21 More in News & Politics

Horsemeat Sales Increase in France

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 09:33 AM PST

Horse butchers in France notice a rise in horsemeat sales following a scandal in which horsemeat was found in products labelled as beef in countries across Europe. Full Story: A Parisian horse butchers shop—one of 700 or so in the country that have recently reported a surprise surge in sales. Non-stop media coverage of the recent food scandal in Europe, where horsemeat was being sold as beef, seems to have piqued consumer interest. France's horse butchers' trade group says sales have gone up by 15 percent. Butcher Jocelyne Lamire says she's noticed an increase in interest and new customers. "We definitely have more people coming in," she says. "But will it last?" The horsemeat scandal erupted last month when tests in Ireland revealed some beef products also contained equine DNA. The discovery prompted tests and product recalls across Europe—as well as fresh debates on the ethical and gastronomic merits of eating horse. This consumer says horse meat is energizing, tender and savory—and as long as people are eating cow, there's no reason not to eat horse as well. France and Germany announced on Thursday that they would push for compulsory labeling on the origins of meat used in processed foods to avoid any repeat of the scandal. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:21 More in News & Politics

1200 Year-old Skulls Found at Human Sacrafice Site

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 06:27 AM PST

Archaeologists are puzzled after discovering 1200-year-old skulls at the largest human sacrifice site away from a major archaeological site in Mexico. Full Story: Archaeologists in Mexico said they have found at least 130 human sacrificial skulls dating back approximately 1200 years in a rural field close to Mexico City. It's the largest find of its kind in history and the first time skulls have been found away from a major archaeological site in Mexico. The find in a communal farm field close to the town of Xaltocan, 24 miles north of Mexico City, has experts perplexed. They were surprised to see such a large number of skulls at what was a small shrine between 660 and 860 AD [Abigail Meza, Archaeologist]: "At the moment it's the most outstanding discovery due to the number of skulls found in the same place and it seems, at the same time. We have between 130 and 180 which is a meaningful number and it exceeds the number of skulls found in Teotihuacan and even at the Templo Mayor with a never-before-seen diversity, not even at the Templo Mayor." Meza said the find could shed light on the power distribution, commerce and rituals of the settlers in the region and their culture at the time. [Abigail Meza, Archaeologist]: "When one thinks about massive sacrificial skulls, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan or the Quetzalcoatl pyramid in Teotihuacan comes to mind. The fact that we have so many sacrificed victims in a place which is not a great metropolis, is strange and more during <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:59 More in News & Politics

Haiti's 'Baby Doc' Defies Court Order to Appear in Court

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 06:01 AM PST

A Haitian judge issues an arrest warrant for former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier to appear in court for human rights violations after he defies court order. Full Story: On Thursday (February 21), Former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier defied a judge's order to appear in court under charges of corruption and serious human rights violations. Instead of appearing in court, the former dictator provided a lengthy letter explaining his absence. Noting that the date of the hearing coincided with the anniversary of his overthrow in 1987. His chief counsel, Reynold Georges, said the case will be decided by a higher court. [Reynold Georges, Attorney for 'Baby Doc' Duvalier]: "Today is the 21st, so I will take the case to high court and the lower court will no longer be on this case. Once the lower receives the demand, all they have to do is to stop all procedures." Duvalier appealed the corruption charges, and the civil complainants appealed the judge's dismissal of human rights abuse charges. [Reynold Georges, Attorney for 'Baby Doc' Duvalier]: "I am a lawyer. I am doing what the law asks me to do. The law has given me the opportunity to do exactly what I am doing. It is not to say it is a violation of the law. The law is in my advantage so I did it in the interest of my client." Reed Brody, a counsel and spokesperson for Human Rights Watch, said it was not too late to try Duvalier. A separate set of charges of crimes against humanity was filed <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:52 More in News & Politics

Police Capture Ring of Thieves Stealing from Cars Stuck in Traffic

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 05:05 AM PST

Peruvian police say they've caught members of a gang of robbers staging smash-and-grabs in Lima's notoriously congested traffic. Full story: Peruvian police announced on Monday (February 18) that they arrested members of the criminal group 'Los Coyotes.' The gang of young criminals were taking advantage of Lima's congested streets and stealing from cars stuck in traffic. Police video showed the thieves stealing from cars and taxis. They operated along the busy streets of Junin and Huanuco and were known to even steal from cars driving slowly. Aclelia Perez was among their victims. [Aclelia Perez, Victim of Robbery]: "I was driving with the window down and there was traffic. The guy took advantage of it to stick his hand in the window and take my purse in which I had my money and cell phone." Police official Raul Moreno presented some of the suspects to the media, and said they will get stiff sentences. [Raul Moreno, Police Official]: "We weren't expecting a crime wave. We made a crime map of South America and found that here, in comparison with other cities, the levels of crime are not out of control. That's also because we have drastic laws. Here in Peru we have life sentences." Police also confiscated a homemade gun from one of the suspects. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:11 More in News & Politics

Steenkamp Family React to Pistorius Bail Decision

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 04:59 AM PST

A spokesperson for Reeva Steenkamp's family speaks to the media after Oscar Pistorius was released on bail. Full Story: It's freedom—of sorts. Oscar Pistorius left a Pretoria jail Friday after a South African court granted him bail. His lawyers had argued he was too famous to flee the charge of premeditated murder. Pistorius was whisked away to his uncle's home in an upscale Pretoria suburb. The court banned him from entering his own home, where the shooting took place, or from contacting neighbors and other possible witnesses in the case. After the bail hearing, Nicolas van Eden spoke for the Steenkamp family. [Nicolas van Eden, Spokesman for Steenkamp Family]: "Not sure what to feel in their case. They just want to know the truth. Whatever happens is not going to bring Reeva back. They just want justice and the truth." Dannie Cornelius, the manager of the track where Pistorius trained, said the gold medalist is unlikely to resume training soon. [Dannie Cornelius, Track Manager]: "Mentally I think it is rather better for him to focus on the task at hand, and that is the trial. Get that over and done with and then, regarding the outcome of that, his life is still ahead of him." The trial of the so-called "Blade Runner" is expected to start in June. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:14 More in News & Politics

Economic Crisis Believed Behind UK Horse Meat Scandal

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 04:26 AM PST

Some UK residents believe that the economic crisis may have caused the recent horse meat scandal. The high cost of raising horses has forced many owners to give up their animals. And many have gone to slaughterhouses. Full story: The prolonged economic crisis may have contributed to the eruption of the recent horse meat scandal in Britain, according to some citizens. An increasing number of horses are being sent to slaughterhouses due to their high upkeep costs. Horse meat is not a commonly consumed meat in Britain. Many residents are taking horses as stars on the racecourse or even as family members by some devoted horse owners. However, with the economic crisis continuing to linger, rising upkeep costs have forced many owners to give up their animals. According to statistics released by the UK authorities, 9000 horses were slaughtered for meat in Britain in 2012—a 56 percent year-on-year increase. And more than 25-thousand horses were slaughtered in Ireland in 2011, 12 times the figure recorded in 2008. The large quantity of horse meat into the European market has led its price to drop to only one-fifth of that of beef. It's led to some dealers trying to label horse meat as beef, simply for profit. 54-year-old stud farm owner, Wendy Price, in the southern county of Surrey, says she's had her farm for nearly 30 years. It costs her about two-thousand pounds a year to keep one horse on her stud farm. [Wendy Price, Owner of Stud Farm]: "There has been a huge increase of <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:51 More in News & Politics

Lantern Festival Kicks Off in Taipei

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 04:21 AM PST

Lanterns light up in the Taiwanese capital to celebrate the annual lantern festival in the year of the Snake. Full story: Taiwan launched its annual Taipei lantern festival on Thursday evening to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Snake-themed lanterns and festive lights adorned the main streets of Taipei. Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou and Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung-bin lit up the main snake lantern, made of recycled plastic bottles, at the opening ceremony. More than 50 large-sized lanterns were on display. Most made by student groups and artists across the city. [Joyce Lu, Student]: "The lanterns were made by different age groups. From elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools. But all of them are meant to deliver good wishes for the country. I think the festival helps in preserving traditional culture." The spectacular lantern display was set up in a park that hosted the Taipei Flora Expo in 2010. [Chang Ching-chou, Festival Visitor]: "The festival is hosted at the Floral Expo site and we live right around this area so we decided to take this opportunity to see the lantern displays. But, unfortunately it is raining. Otherwise it could be a better experience." In Taiwan, the lantern festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month in the lunar calendar. Which is also the final festival in the Chinese New Year celebrations. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:13 More in News & Politics


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