Trial over Killing of Elderly Man During Cultural Revolution Posted: 21 Feb 2013 07:30 PM PST | Follow us on TWIIn recent years, many people have suggested the bringing to justice of Mao Ze Dong, leader of the Cultural Revolution and former Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). On Feb. 18th, a man in his 80s was trialed in Ruian Court in Zhejiang Province. He was accused of having committed a murder during the Cultural Revolution. Outsiders wonder whether a judgment on the Cultural Revolution is beginning to take shape? Let's take a look. The BBC Chinese version website reported in 1966 that Mao Zedong had launched the so-called "Cultural Revolution". After a decade, the majority of the Chinese people have been persecuted in varying degrees. For many Chinese people, the Cultural Revolution is still a controversial topic. At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, conflicts broke out between different factions of Red Guards, These conflicts developed into large scale armed fights. Many people became victims of these fights. The report said, during the Cultural Revolution in 1967, an "armed group" suspected a doctor Hong was a spy sent by an opponent, Qiu was assigned to kill Hong. The same Qiu used rope to strangle Hong. Qiu then used a shovel to chop off Hong's legs in order to make it easy to bury him, then he buried the corpse in a hole. Being on the run for decades, now Qiu has reached 80s, was arrested by Ruian police in Zhejiang in July 2012. On Feb. 18th, Ruian Court reopened Qiu's trial. Media in Mainland China have reported, due to the case being <b>...</b> | Views: 0 0 ratings | Time: 04:11 | More in News & Politics |
Natural World: Pandas (BBC) Posted: 28 Oct 2012 07:54 PM PDT | Giant Pandas were on the brink of extinction but now they are coming back, thanks to an extraordinary conservation project. The Chengdu Research Base in central China is at the heart of a project to breed 300 pandas, and then start introducing them back into the wild. It is the most ambitious and controversial conservation effort ever mounted. Shot over two years, this film follows the pandas and keepers as, through visionary science and round-the-clock care, they edge closer to the magic number of 300. | Views: 6736 43 ratings | Time: 58:32 | More in Pets & Animals |
American Media Undercover Reporters (CNN) Were Discovered and Chased by China Soldiers. Posted: 21 Feb 2013 10:28 AM PST | American Media Undercover Reporters (CNN) Were Discovered and Chased by China Soldiers. American undercover reporters (CNN) tried to capture a video of the building of 61398 dividend of People's Liberation Army (PLA). The action was noticed by china security soldiers. The scene was shown in the video. And 美国媒体偷拍61398部队,被解放军战士发现,并被追逐,拦停Virginia Based Company, Mandiant, Mandiant APT1 espionage report On 18 February 2013, Mandiant released a report[4] documenting evidence of cyber attacks by the People's Liberation Army targeting at least 141 organizations in the United States and other English-speaking countries extending as far back as 2006. [5] In the report, Mandiant refers to the espionage unit as APT1.[6] A video was uploaded to YouTube demonstrating one such intrusion by APT1.[7] However, China Ministry of Defense denied all the accusation, which is shown in the following video. | Views: 148 3 ratings | Time: 02:01 | More in People & Blogs |
New Delhi's New MISSILE Test Scare CHINA - CNN discussion Posted: 21 Feb 2013 01:05 PM PST | A CNN discussion where participants discuss about India, China and Nukes and have an interesting views on India's relations with United States. | Views: 2 0 ratings | Time: 03:11 | More in News & Politics |
How Obama Is Bolstering America's Digital Defense Posted: 21 Feb 2013 05:58 AM PST | Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama's administration is preparing a strategy to counter theft of US trade secrets by hackers in China and other countries. Hans Nichols reports on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg West." (Source: Bloomberg) | Views: 0 0 ratings | Time: 01:47 | More in Entertainment |
Will Lance Armstrong Return Riches Won While Cheating? Posted: 21 Feb 2013 05:59 AM PST | Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Brian Socolow, a partner at Loeb & Loeb, talks with Bloomberg's Matt Miller about the Lance Armstrong cheating scandal. They speak on Bloomberg Televiison's "Bloomberg Rewind." (Source: Bloomberg) | Views: 6 0 ratings | Time: 02:53 | More in Entertainment |
Are US Borders Already as Secure as They Can Be? Posted: 21 Feb 2013 05:51 AM PST | Feb. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg Businessweek's Elizabeth Dwoskin discusses the changes to United States border security under the Obama Administration as immigration reform comes under new scrutiny in Washington. She speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg Surveillance." | Views: 2 0 ratings | Time: 02:51 | More in Entertainment |
Hot and Sour Soup - Ken Hom's Chinese Cookery - BBC Posted: 06 Nov 2009 02:18 PM PST | Chef Ken Hom shows how to cook Hot & Sour Soup. Great clip from BBC show Ken Hom's Cookery. Watch more high quality videos on the Food YouTube channel from BBC Worldwide here: | Views: 47630 175 ratings | Time: 05:40 | More in Howto & Style |
Gimmicks Concealed in Beijing's Hacking Denial Posted: 20 Feb 2013 07:43 PM PST | Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: A US cyber security firm traced cyber-attacks to China's army unit, which has aroused global public attention. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Foreign Ministry, the Department of Defense, and the military have all repeatedly denied the accusation. They alleged it was a common practice that hackers had tapped IP addresses for the purposes of cyber attacks. Network security experts said there are gimmicks concealed in the CCP's denial. BBC Chinese version website reported on the comment by Steve Tsang, a security expert from Nottingham University. Tsang said that technically, hackers may use third-party computers to launch cyber attacks. But the problem is that many cyber attacks can be traced to the same building which houses China's military unit. If China's military wasn't the hacking origin, has China's Military computers all been hijacked and the IP addresses taken to invade US companies' computer systems? Steve Tsang said CCP's defense is to ask the US to show more concrete evidences; otherwise, it will deny everything. More detailed proof will provide the key for the CCP to access US defense resources and information. Online "Jasmine Event" Commemoration Whistle-Blower Zhou Yongkang China's rights activists initiated a campaign on the internet to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the "Jasmine event". Many victims of the "forced disappearance" taken by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) joined <b>...</b> | Views: 8 0 ratings | Time: 03:11 | More in News & Politics |
CNN chased by Chinese security officers, outside suspected military hacking institute. Posted: 20 Feb 2013 06:22 PM PST | Dont film outside military institutes, espesially when asked not to, if you dont want to be chased by security officers. | Views: 1 0 ratings | Time: 02:02 | More in Howto & Style |
TED: Andreas Schleicher: Use data to build better schools - Andreas Schleicher (2012) Posted: 21 Feb 2013 07:28 AM PST How can we measure what makes a school system work? Andreas Schleicher walks us through the PISA test, a global measurement that ranks countries against one another -- then uses that same data to help schools improve. Watch to find out where your country stacks up, and learn the single factor that makes some systems outperform others.  This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Bottle Shock: Sam Adams Lager to Come in Cans Posted: 20 Feb 2013 08:56 AM PST | Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- On today's "Movers & Shakers," Deirdre Bolton reports on Beer Brewer Samuel Adams' plans to put its beer in cans. She speaks on Bloomberg Television's "In The Loop." (Source: Bloomberg) | Views: 5 0 ratings | Time: 00:38 | More in Entertainment |
Amazing courtroom video: Florida judge jails teenager for swearing at him in court Posted: 07 Feb 2013 07:20 AM PST | Courtroom video captures a Florida judge giving an 18-year-old, charged with drug possession, 30 days in jail for swearing at him. . Report by Sophie Foster. Subscribe to ITN News! Last week's Top 5 videos: Sinkhole swallows whole Chinese building complex: Foam fills Australian coastal town: Dramatic flood rescue: Australian teen saved from rushing waters Brazil Nightclub Fire: Amateur footage shows firefighters battling the blaze Motorcyclist narrowly escapes death as truck overturns in China See our Top 20 videos: See our most popular videos of 2012: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit our homepage: | Views: 21951 72 ratings | Time: 02:36 | More in News & Politics |
Pope Benedict Weighs Heavy On Italian Elections Posted: 20 Feb 2013 08:42 AM PST | Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) - In today's "The Real Deal," Bloomberg's Michael McKee looks at the influence of Pope Benedict XVI over this weekend's Italian elections. He speaks on Bloomberg Television's "In The Loop." | Views: 7 0 ratings | Time: 01:10 | More in Entertainment |
It's Time to Move Out of Your Parents' House Posted: 20 Feb 2013 05:20 AM PST | Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- In today's "Single Best Chart," Bloomberg's Alix Steel displays the below trend movement in creation of US households and why it may be ripe for a turnaround. She speaks on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg Surveillance." | Views: 41 1 ratings | Time: 00:38 | More in Entertainment |