Videos » Politics » China and Pakistan: Best Friends

Videos » Politics » China and Pakistan: Best Friends

China and Pakistan: Best Friends

Posted: 25 May 2011 06:09 AM PDT

Even before the death of Bin Laden, the Pakistani public wasn't quite keen on America. Now one of the US' biggest rivals, China, is stepping in and coming to the rescue. Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar says that China/Pakistan relations aren't anything new, but as they strengthen their ties, a coalition among the two countries might pose a whole new threat to the western world.
From: RTAmerica
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Time: 09:14 More in News & Politics

WikiLeaks: City CCP' Secretary Boasts to US Embassy

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 03:07 AM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: The US-based Chinese media recently reported about a telegram released by WikiLeaks. The telegram was sent by the embassy of United States in Beijing to Washington. It contained the words of Cao Zhenghai, CCP (Chinese Communist Party) secretary of Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia. Cao told the embassy officials about how he successfully obtained a great deal of funding from the CCP's central government as part of its "economic stimulus plan." Cao boasted about how he maintained the city's high economic growth rate by doing this. In addition, he also described his daily life as a city's party secretary during the conversation. According to the telegram, Cao Zhenghai had dinner with US embassy officials on May 12, 2009. At the dinner, Cao talked about how he set the city's goal in 2009 to have 18% GDP growth rate and 20% revenue growth rate despite the global financial crisis in 2008. To achieve this goal, winning funding from the central government's "economic stimulus plan" became a key step in maintaining the city's high economic growth. Cao particularly boasted about how he obtained 800 million Yuan from Beijing for the city of Hulunbuir. In comparison, other cities of similar size only got one third of that number on average. Cao said that he arrived in Beijing the next day after the CCP announced the "economic stimulus plan." He went to National Development and Reform Commission, showing <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:05 More in News & Politics

China laps US in efficiency

Posted: 15 Nov 2010 04:42 PM PST

A construction crew in the South of China constructed a hotel in less than a week; it was built with all pre-fabricated material. It appears the US is afraid of the new economic heights China is reaching after learning of this impressive achievement. China has now surpassed Japan in economic growth, giving the US economy a run for its money.
From: RTAmerica
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Time: 03:41 More in News & Politics

Freedom In The World 2013 Ranks China As Worst

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 07:55 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On Feb. 20th, in the European Parliament, US-based human rights organization Freedom House released "Freedom in the world 2013" report. China continued to be labeled as "Not Free". Freedom House analyzes the political and civil freedom of each country, classifying it from 1 to 7 . 1 point is the lowest, 7 is the highest. China received a 7 for political rights and 6 for civil liberties. This was rated the worst out of 187 countries. The report said that the bright spot in China was the determination of not only high-profile dissidents but also large numbers of ordinary citizens to assert their rights and challenge injustice. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Selectively Tolerant Of Christian Evangelists In Tibet On Feb. 22nd, the UK's Guardian newspaper published an investigation report written by Jonathan Kaiman. The report said the CCP was thought to be selectively tolerant of Christian missionaries seeing them as a counterforce to Buddhists. The report said, since 1949, Mao Zedong declared western missionaries "spiritual aggressors" and deported them en masse. Proselytizing has been illegal in 'China since then. Most of the 400 foreigners living in Xining, are missionaries. The report said, more than 10 people interviewed said that the CCP were selectively tolerant of missionaries. The reasons range from pragmatic to borderline sinister. The report cited Robbie Barnett, a Tibet expert at Columbia <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:58 More in News & Politics

78% of CCP Officials Against Publicizing Property Details

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 07:33 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Making public the property details of the Chinese Communist Party´s officials are a hot public discussion topic. But the related policy hasn´t been released until now. A few days ago, a report quoted the result of a CCP internal investigation. The report said that 78% of CCP senior officials oppose firmly the policy of making public their property details. The report said implementing the policy "will cause serious instability of the officials´ team", "will bring irreparable damage to the party". Is this true? Let´s see the report! Now the outside world is waiting and seeing the series of anti-corruption actions by Xi Jinping after he took power. A report from the Multidimensional News shows that Xi Jinping may encounter resistance. The report said, a CCP senior think tank did an investigation on 500 officials recently via an internal channel, to understand their attitude on property publicity. The result of the investigation shows 78%of senior CCP officials opposed to implementation of property publicity. Those officials also think that it´s not acceptable to launch a campaign-style anti-corruption drive which will cause instability and "bring irreparable damage to the Party." Gong Shengli, an individual Chinese issue expert tells us that this kind of thing isn´t surprising in China. Gong Shengli: "In fact, property publicity is a solution that can prevent corruption from the source in the counties <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:15 More in News & Politics

Will Xi Jinping Win A Nobel Peace Prize?

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 07:31 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, some American media predicted that Xi Jinping may win a Nobel Peace Prize for his reforming labor camp system. Some commentators think reforming labor camp system is no contribution to promote peace, human right and happiness. The biggest group being persecuted by labor camp are dissidents and religious believers. They are still being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) and haven't gained any freedom or compensation. So, he doesn't match the standard of the Nobel Peace Prize. According to report from IBYtimes (Chinese version of US economy media "International Business Times") some US media predicted that Xi would win the Nobel Peace Prize. The reason is Xi reformed the criticized labor camps. Overseas media called it "the first step of considerable reform in the law" and "glory moment of human right in 21centry". However, Chinese petitioners and civil right persons think the comments from the media show they don't understand the Chinese labor camp system and human right situations and the aim of Xi's reform. Political commentator Lan Shu: "Even if the CCP abolished labor camp, they can't change the truth that China is a big prison. It neither lets the Chinese people get legal information, nor lets them have the right to speak freely. Today's China is a huge labor camp, which is surrounded by the Chinese border and internet firewall. Only by fleeing from China, man can gain real <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:18 More in News & Politics

Retaking the Diaoyu Islands, A New Policy by Xi-Li?

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 07:26 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Retaking the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands is likely one of three major new polices under the new Xi-Li administration. Reportedly, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) new leader Xi Jinping will take tough actions after taking office in March. In late March, the CCP regime may launch an offensive against Japan, to seize back the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands. Commentators say that the CCP hypes nationalism aiming to fuel public emotion and divert discontent from the regime. Will the Diaoyu Islands issue evolve into a real war between China and Japan? The majority think it's unlikely. Let's see what reasons have driven to this conclusion. On March 15, CCP new leaders Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang will assume office. The latest issue of Japan's Shūkan Gendai magazine quoted a source of CCP senior official. He mentioned an old Chinese saying, "A new official applies strict measures." The informant said that the Xi-Li administration will follow their predecessors to initiate three major new polices. Ten years ago when taking office, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao put forth three new polices. Those were "combating SARS, holding Six-Party Talks, and and coping with the war in Iraq." So, under the reign of Xi-Li, retaking the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands is likely to be listed as one new policy, said the Japanese magazine article. According to the CCP senior official, Xi Jinping vigorously promoted Sino-Taiwan free trade agreement in <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:18 More in News & Politics

Bo Xilai's Hunger Strikes, Uncooperating with Investigation

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 07:22 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Bo Xilai, the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) chief in Chongqing, was accused of corruption, abuse of power and murder. He was removed from his post and expelled from the CCP. So far, authorities haven't announced Bo's trial date, and even the formal charges haven't been announced. The UK's Reuters reported that sources with ties to Bo's family said that Bo refused to cooperate with the government investigation and, due to staged hunger strikes in protest, he was at one point was treated in the hospital. Outsiders don't know Bo's whereabouts since his downfall. Two independent sources with ties to the family told Reuters, "Bo was on hunger strike twice and was force fed. He fell ill and was taken to a hospital in Beijing for treatment." One source said, "His beard is long, chest-length, he refused to cooperate. He wouldn't answer questions, slammed his fist on a table, told them they weren't qualified to question him and to go away." Sources said, due to Bo's poor health condition, the case was likely to be delayed until the end of the CCP's two meetings in March. Yao Jianfu, author of the book, Conversations with Chen Xitong, commented that from the Chen Xitong and Chen Liangyu cases, it can be seen that the CCP won't open Bo's trial to the public. Yao Jianfu: "The Chinese style of public trial is to hold a secret trial, but only openly announce the verdict. During the last five minutes when the <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:11 More in News & Politics

Sea Otter Taught to Dunk

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 06:22 PM PST

To help his arthritic joints, a sea otter at the Oregon Zoo shoots hoops for exercise. Full Story: The NBA Trade Deadline is fast approaching, and teams may want to look in Portland for a new asset. But it's not the Trailblazers they should look at - the player is in the Oregon Zoo. Eddie is a 15-year-old sea otter who has lived in Portland since 2000. With otters generally living between 15 and 20 years, Eddie is a considered "geriatric." And this past year, Eddie was diagnosed with arthritis in his elbows. Vets told lead sea otter keeper Jenny DeGroot that Eddie should exercise his joint function, so she taught him to dunk. And the training has worked well so far. The otter picked it up quickly, and if he misses, will try until he makes it. Unfortunately, visitors won't be able to see Eddie dunk, as he only does it for exercise in private. But, as Jenny notes, the exercise is first and foremost for healthcare. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:54 More in Pets & Animals

Taylor Swift Producer Wins Export Prize

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 04:55 PM PST

The music industry is one of the growing creative industries in Sweden and it now employs more people than the automotive industry. Today the Swedish Minister for Trade awarded the annual Music Export Prize at the Foreign Ministry in Stockholm.The 2012 Music Export Prize went to music producer Johan Schuster, also known as Shellback. He is known to have produced songs for artists like Maroon 5, Christina Aguilera and Taylor Swift.Some of his songs are Maroon 5's "Moves like Jagger", Tailor Swift's "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", and Pink's "Raise Your Glass". He has also been nominated for three GRAMMY awards in 2013. Shellback said it feels like coming from the children's room to the sitting room, and he feels very honored.Although Shellback is in the studio every day, he says that each day is different. [Shellback, Music Producer] "Everyday I go to the studio trying to come up with new songs. Either I come up with some new drums, a guitar riff or a melody to a song. Every day is different." The prize is assigned to those who have had major export success in recent years and has helped to put Sweden on the map.The Swedish music industry exported over 155 million dollars in sales in 2011. [Ewa Björling, Swedish Minister of Trade] "Music exports, which account for 16 percent of total sales, also increased compared to last year." Now, the Swedish government has a worldwide campaign to promote Swedish creative industries. Some cities and municipalities have used <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:55 More in Science & Technology

"Heavenly" Shen Yun in Milwaukee

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 04:41 PM PST

Shen Yun Performing Arts, New York Company, played at the Milwaukee Theater, Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 19. Here are some audience member's feedback. Shen Yun Performing Arts, New York Company, played at the Milwaukee Theatre, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 19. The show was sold-out and the theater was packed with theater-goers. Out of everyone interviewed after the show, all had very high praise of the production. This is what some of them had to say. [Joe Seifert, Lawyer]: I loved it. I thought the show was very well done. Choreography was very well performed, the costumes were brilliant and the themes were also very, very well thought out. [Bobbi Walcutt, Sales]: "They're very ethereal, very, very beautiful, just very like fairies from heaven." [Lisa Reardon, Executive Manager for a telecommunication company]: (English, female) "The costumes and the dancing are heavenly and it really transcends how you feel when you're watching the show." [Julie Koch, Retired from Medical Industry]: (English, female) "It was wonderful, the costumes, the acrobats, the dancing, the emotion, the message it was more than I expected." [Sonette Tippens, Retired Teacher]: "We loved it! It was beautiful very sweet and gentle, very spiritual. Just beautiful! And, music, everything you could want." [Susan Becker, Professor Medical College Wisconsin]: (English, female) #6 "The music was exquisite, the music, the dancing, and the costumes the whole thing fit together very well, the <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:31 More in Entertainment

NASA's Rover Curiosity Drills Rock on Mars

Posted: 22 Feb 2013 04:01 PM PST

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity drilled its first bit of powder from inside a rock on Mars, scientists say. Full story: Scientists said on Wednesday NASA's Mars rover Curiosity drilled its first bit of powder from inside a potentially water-formed rock. Pictures relayed by the rover showed it transferring about a tablespoon of rock powder from its drill into a scoop. On February 8, the rover used its powerful drill, to bore inside a flat, veined piece of bedrock. The rock appears to contain minerals formed by flowing water. The rover was dispatched to learn if Mars ever had H2o, an important ingredient for life. The gray powder is strikingly different than the red dust that covers the planet's surface, a result of oxidation from solar ultraviolet radiation. The rover landed inside Gale Crater, located near the planet's equator. The site was selected because of a three-mile high mound of what appears to be layered sediments rising from the crater's floor. Rather than driving directly over to the mountain, scientists decided to explore. An area in the opposite direction showed intriguing signs of past water. Water is believed to be a key ingredient for life. The fine-grained rocks are filled with veins and spherical deposits, including what appears to be calcium sulfate. The mineral forms on Earth when water flows through fractures in rock. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:22 More in Science & Technology

North Korea Honours Nuclear Developers in Song

Posted: 21 Feb 2013 10:10 AM PST

After launching its third successful nuclear test, North Korea honors nuclear developers in a musical tribute. The song, "At a burst", was shown by state KRT broadcaster as the country's scientists, technicians and officials visited Pyongyang Wednesday at the invitation of leader Kim Jong-un. On February 12, the state said it had successfully tested a miniaturised nuclear device, but US and allied intelligence have yet to find particle traces to confirm the nature of the explosive. State TV on Thursday showed Kim Jong-un visiting a military unit as tensions escalate with South Korea. Protesters in South Korea stabbed and burned the young dictator's image as they condemned the test. [Maeng Cheon-Soo, Anti-North Korea Protester]: "We can't tolerate North Korea's nuclear weapons," says this man, who called for complete denuclearisation of the country. At a UN conference in Geneva earlier this week, North Korea warned it could take additional steps, threatening the South with "final destruction". For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:10 More in News & Politics

Oscar Pistorius's Story Tells Story at Bail Hearing

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 03:44 PM PST

Sympathy for Paralympian champion Oscar Pistorius is waning in South Africa after the first day of his bail hearing, where his lawyer read the Blade Runner's version of how he shot Reeva Steenkamp. Full story: People in the streets of Johannesburg said their sympathy for Oscar Pistorius was waning after hearing how he killed his girlfriend. Tuesday was the first day of a bail hearing in Pretoria for the South African Olympic sprinter fondly known as "Blade Runner." In a statement, Pistorious said he felt vulnerable because he was not wearing his prosthetic legs when he heard what he thought was an intruder. He fired his gun into the bathroom, only afterwards realizing that his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp was not in bed. He said he put on his prosthetics and broke down the door, but too late to rescue his girlfriend. Some South African's expressed skepticism over the details in his story. [Jason Rush]: "When you wake up, the first thing I would do would be look to see whether if my partner is in bed. If I hear a strange noise I would say to my partner you stay here, I'll go and check. So to me that's the biggest flaw in his whole version." [Mercy Dube]: "There are obviously questions to be asked why he didn't check to see if Reeva was there, to see if she hadn't been harmed, you know, then go check on the intruder and then deal with them after he had checked that his partner was ok." [Coleen Van Der Merwe]: "An intruder would probably come in through the balcony, not <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:52 More in News & Politics


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