Videos » Global » US Threatens China & Russia 2012-07-06

Videos » Global » US Threatens China & Russia 2012-07-06

US Threatens China & Russia 2012-07-06

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 11:24 PM PDT

COMMENTS ON FACEBOOK Russia rejects in the strongest possible terms allegations that it supports President Assad in the Syrian conflict. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Moscow and Beijing must 'pay a price' for backing Assad. "I do not believe that Russia and China are paying any price at all -- nothing at all -- for standing up on behalf of the Assad regime. The only way that will change is if every nation represented here directly and urgently makes it clear that Russia and China will pay a price," Clinton warned. Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said the west is operating within a friend-or-foe framework that he called outmoded. "We categorically reject that such a question would even be posed regarding the current situation in Syria and Russia's 'backing' of President Bashar Assad. This is not a question of supporting certain political figures or leaders. This is a question of managing a crisis situation in the country within a normal political framework," Ryabkov said. "Unfortunately, we're unable to get a basic understanding from our western partners. The west is still appealing to "friend-or-foe" terms. We considered such terminology to be a thing of the past," Ryabkov explained. Russia and China once again opted not to attend the "Friends of Syria" meeting. Neither Moscow nor Beijing believe the meeting in the French capital will be helpful in uniting the Syrian opposition "on a constructive basis". "We have frankly laid <b>...</b>
From: KitKirja
Views: 123
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Time: 07:48 More in News & Politics

Riedel Says China Economy in `Slowdown, Not a Meltdown': Video

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 10:20 AM PDT

Aug. 11 (Bloomberg) -- David Riedel, president of Riedel Research Group Inc., talks about the outlook for China's economy and property market. Riedel speaks with Deidre Bolton on Bloomberg Television's "InsideTrack." (Source: Bloomberg)
From: Bloomberg
Views: 275
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Time: 03:16 More in Entertainment

A Ponzi Scheme Called "China"

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 04:13 AM PDT

Here's the only way I know how to prepare for this fateful event... A hushed revolution brewing halfway around the world To all outward appearances, China is the world's economic powerhouse. But don't be fooled by this rosy picture. Within its borders, you'll find a Great Depression already underway! According to Chinese government sources, China closed 2087 factories last year. Including 762 cement factories, 279 paper mills, 175 steel mills, 192 coking plants, and countless aluminum plants. Official sources claim it was because the factories were highly polluting. But the facts speak otherwise... As the national public radio reported, "collapsing demand for Chinese products overseas has led to factory closures, leaving an estimated 23 million migrant workers jobless." But the actual picture is much worse than official figures suggest. That's because, according to a former CBC and New York Times correspondent, Rob Schmitz, "Many people are off the books. These are the hundreds of millions of migrant workers who move to the cities... China's actual unemployment rate comes out to be 22%. That's around 200 million people who don't have work." To put that into perspective, 200 million people are equivalent to two-thirds of the entire US population. Just like in the US in the 1930s, countless folks swarmed into cities to find work...only to face bigger problems. As a result, China's cities are packed with the unemployed, leading to riots that <b>...</b>
Views: 195
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Time: 38:18 More in News & Politics

New York Times: Chinese Data Mask Depth of Slowdown

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On June 22nd, a New York Times article titled Chinese Data Mask Depth of Slowdown reported that the problem of China's economic slowdown may be more severe than economic statistics show. It seems that Communist officials of various levels are eager to doll up the numbers before the 18th Congress leadership exchange. However, China's well-known business executives and western economists express that there is evidence showing that Chinese local and provincial officials are forging these economic stats, covering up the true severity of Mainland China's economic problems. The New York Times reports that the quality and accuracy of China's economic data have been a long term problem, but the concerns now being raised are unusual. This year is the first time since 1989 that a sharp economic slowdown has coincided with the once-a-decade changeover in the country's top leadership. The New York Times uses excess piles of coal as an example to illustrate China's severe economic slowdown. At the same according to business executive Mr. Gao and economists' descriptions, local and provincial officials have faked these statistics in order to receive promotion during the once in ten year leadership exchange. Business executives and economists say in reality, some city and provincial officials are overstating economic output, corporate revenue, corporate profits and taxes. Those officials urged businesses to use a <b>...</b>
Views: 374
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Time: 04:17 More in News & Politics

China to create city on disputed island

Posted: 24 Jul 2012 07:56 PM PDT

China has said it is going to create a city on a disputed island that is only slightly larger than central park in New York. The decision to expand Sansha in the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea is likely to stoke tensions with other neighbouring countries. Many of them are in dispute with Beijing over who owns what in the region. Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports.
Views: 4177
179 ratings
Time: 02:36 More in News & Politics

Iraq: After the Americans Part 1

Posted: 25 Jul 2012 01:46 AM PDT

In keeping with Barack Obama's presidential campaign promise, the US has withdrawn its troops from Iraq and by the end of 2012 US spending in Iraq will be just five per cent of what it was at its peak in 2008. In a special two-part series, Fault Lines travels across Iraq to take the pulse of a country and its people after nine years of foreign occupation and nation-building. Now that US troops have left, how are Iraqis overcoming the legacy of violence and toxic remains of the US-led occupation, and the sectarian war it ignited? Is the country on the brink of irreparable fragmentation? Correspondent Sebastian Walker first went to Baghdad in June 2003 and spent the next several years reporting un-embedded from Iraq. In the first part of this Fault Lines series, he returns and travels from Basra to Baghdad to find out what kind of future Iraqis are forging for themselves.
Views: 6774
86 ratings
Time: 25:01 More in Shows

London 2012: The Olympic Games: a short animated history

Posted: 26 Jul 2012 04:33 AM PDT

Our animation is a perfect potted history, should you need it, of the Olympic Games. From Ancient Greece's nude athletes -- mercifully free of corporate stooges -- to the present day's economy-bustingly expensive extravaganza of London 2012, it's been a hell of a journey. A sobering reminder, perhaps, that we're all in this together
Views: 11267
63 ratings
Time: 02:44 More in Film & Animation

Only cured HIV patient promotes more research

Posted: 25 Jul 2012 03:08 AM PDT

Timothy Ray Brown is believed to be the only person ever to be cured of the AIDS causing virus, HIV. Once known as "The Berlin Patient", Brown was cured when doctors attempting to cure his luekemia infection, which he was additionally diagnosed with, unintentionally used the bone marrow of a donor with a rare gene mutation. Brown's cells have been HIV-resistant ever since, but this also brought him unintended celebrity. Feeling a sense of responsibility towards others still infected, he now spreads his story and allows his body to continually be tested to further HIV/AIDS research. Al Jazeera's Kimberly Halkett reports from Washington.
Views: 2292
60 ratings
Time: 01:59 More in News & Politics

Exclusive footage shows taliban attack in afghanistan

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 09:47 AM PDT

Al Jazeera has obtained video of the Taliban preparing to launch an attack on a US base in Afghanistan's eastern province of Khost. Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder reports.
Views: 44656
393 ratings
Time: 02:14 More in News & Politics

China schafft Fakten auf Paracel-Inselgruppe

Posted: 24 Jul 2012 05:06 AM PDT China hat auf der Yongxing Insel im Südchinesischen Meer die neue Stadt Sanscha gegründet. Von dieser neuen Präfektur aus soll die Paracel-Inselgruppe sowie die umliegenden, rohstoffreichen Gewässer verwaltet werden. China will auch Truppen in Sanscha stationieren. Peking versucht so das gesamte Südchinesische Meer zu kontrollieren und hat mit seiner harten Gangart Vietnam verägert, das auch Anspruch auf die Paracel-Inselgruppe erhebt. Während China in Sanscha seine Flagge hisst, haben in der vietnamesischen Hauptstadt Hanoi rund 200 Menschen gegen die Herrschaftsansprüche Chinas demonstriert. Der Konflikt ist in den vergangenen Monaten eskaliert. Die Mitglieder der südostasiatischen Staatengemeinschaft Asean hatten sich zur Zurückhaltung in der heiklen Frage verpflichtet. China torpediert die Bemühungen mit seiner aggressiven Politik. bleiben sie bei uns : YouTube: Facebook : Twitter:
Views: 103
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Time: 00:52 More in News & Politics

The Stream - Nuclear nation

Posted: 25 Jul 2012 10:51 PM PDT

Despite major safety concerns, why is Japan restarting its nuclear reactors?
Views: 1859
28 ratings
Time: 34:24 More in Shows

101 East - China's race for gold

Posted: 26 Jul 2012 10:50 PM PDT

China is home to some of the world's best athletes. At the Beijing Olympics, the country topped the medals table, winning 100 medals in 25 sports, including 51 golds. As the London 2012 Olympics unfold, it is clear that China's state-backed sports system is slowly being overhauled. But change might come too late for some athletes. What does China sacrifice in its relentless pursuit of gold?
Views: 1029
17 ratings
Time: 25:11 More in News & Politics

TED: Noah Wilson-Rich: Every city needs healthy honey bees - Noah Wilson-Rich (2012)

Posted: 28 Jul 2012 07:01 AM PDT

Bees have been rapidly and mysteriously disappearing from rural areas, with grave implications for agriculture. But bees seem to flourish in urban environments -- and cities need their help, too. Noah Wilson-Rich suggests that urban beekeeping might play a role in revitalizing both a city and a species. (Filmed at TEDxBoston.)

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Stig's Chinese Cousin Attacks Jeremy & James! (TOP GEAR Sneak Peek)

Posted: 28 Apr 2012 09:30 AM PDT

Oh no, "it's the worst Stig" ever on TOP GEAR! Watch an exclusive sneak peek at Monday's all new TOP GEAR episode before the US Premiere *** Monday April 30 at new time 8:30/7:30c *** immediately followed by the world premiere of the all new series RICHARD HAMMOND'S CRASH COURSE at 10/9c, only on BBC America. Here, Jeremy Clarkson and James May head to a "very picturesque racetrack" to see whether the Alfa Romeo or the MG can set the fastest lap time. "Some say he's the Stig... but he isn't. He's the Stig's Chinese Cousin!" And driving is his second favorite thing... after attacking people! TOP GEAR is back for a new mind-blowing season full of amazing stunts, challenges and special features. Find out why this season has been anticipated like no other as the TOP GEAR trio - Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson and James May - take cars to the limit and beyond, often in some of the most far-flung corners of the world. Plus Richard Hammond is in Texas to immerse himself in the world of NASCAR racing. Want more TOP GEAR? Visit and And keep up with TOP GEAR on BBC America by following us on Facebook and Twitter! https
Views: 9237
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Time: 01:50 More in Entertainment

Breakingviews: CNOOC is older and wiser

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 09:34 AM PDT

July 23 - Jeffrey Goldfarb and Breakingviews columnists discuss how China's CNOOC is trying to win over Canadian regulators with its $15.1 bln deal to buy Nexen.
Views: 161
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Time: 03:25 More in News & Politics

Trouble brewing in the South China Sea - Decoder

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 08:10 AM PDT

A turf war brewing in Asia's South China Sea risks creating a geopolitical flashpoint as the US and smaller countries seek to check China's rising influence. (July 17, 2012)
From: ReutersTV
Views: 2795
16 ratings
Time: 03:10 More in News & Politics

Business Day Live | July 24, 2012

Posted: 24 Jul 2012 02:41 PM PDT

Why China is investing in North American energy companies.| The former special inspector general of TARP critiques bailout policies.| The economic fallout from declining school enrollment. Please visit in order to embed this video. Watch more videos at
Views: 515
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Time: 11:34 More in News & Politics

China Helps North Korea with Missiles

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 06:26 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: CCP Helps North Korea Missiles: News Confirmed Asahi Shimbun reported on June 13 that the US, Japan and Korea are aware that the CCP exported carrier vehicles to North Korea for its long-range ballistic missiles. They have not asked the UN for a sanction. The report said the Japanese government found that last August, the CCP exported four vehicles to North Korea, for delivery of long-range ballistic missiles. On April 15 in North Korea, a military parade exhibited ballistic missiles. Large missile launch vehicles aroused skepticism from the international community. An UN advisory group said the 16-wheel carriers may come from the People's Republic of China. Given the complexity to manufacture such vehicles, North Korea is unlikely to develop this technology. Days later, on April 20, The New York Times stated US Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta spoke to the House. It was believed the CCP did help North Korea to develop these missiles. Panetta testified on the Armed Services Committee: "I am sure, [North] Korea got help from China". The US government confirmed that the CCP sold carriers to North Korea. It is no doubt that Beijing has violated Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Hu Jia Arrested and Police Stop Visiting Chen's Family Beijing human right activist Hu Jia was arrested on Tuesday night by 20 officials. He was questioned by police overnight. On Wednesday, he tweeted that he was <b>...</b>
Views: 1071
10 ratings
Time: 03:28 More in News & Politics

Amateur video shows flood engulfing bridge in Beijing

Posted: 26 Jul 2012 06:59 AM PDT

An amateur video captures the moment when a steel bridge was brought down and washed away by floods in Beijing. Report by Mark Morris. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at . Subscribe to ITN News!
From: itnnews
Views: 832
8 ratings
Time: 00:44 More in News & Politics

Build up to WW3 - Hilary Clinton: RUSSIA & CHINA will Pay the Price for Supporting ASSAD

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 07:53 PM PDT

Build up to WW3 - Hilary Clinton: RUSSIA & CHINA will Pay the Price for Supporting ASSAD Russia rejects in the strongest possible terms allegations that it supports President Assad in the Syrian conflict. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Moscow and Beijing must 'pay a price' for backing Assad. "I do not believe that Russia and China are paying any price at all -- nothing at all -- for standing up on behalf of the Assad regime. The only way that will change is if every nation represented here directly and urgently makes it clear that Russia and China will pay a price," Clinton warned. Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said the west is operating within a friend-or-foe framework that he called outmoded. "We categorically reject that such a question would even be posed regarding the current situation in Syria and Russia's 'backing' of President Bashar Assad. This is not a question of supporting certain political figures or leaders. This is a question of managing a crisis situation in the country within a normal political framework," Ryabkov said. "Unfortunately, we're unable to get a basic understanding from our western partners. The west is still appealing to "friend-or-foe" terms. We considered such terminology to be a thing of the past," Ryabkov explained. Russia and China once again opted not to attend the "Friends of Syria" meeting. Neither Moscow nor Beijing believe the meeting in the French capital will be helpful in uniting the Syrian <b>...</b>
From: 829speedy
Views: 3587
36 ratings
Time: 07:48 More in News & Politics


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