Links » Crème » Today’s China Readings July 29, 2012

Links » Crème » Today’s China Readings July 29, 2012

Today’s China Readings July 29, 2012

Posted: 28 Jul 2012 03:09 PM PDT

  • 冲动的惩罚:浙江企业金融危机调查_21世纪网
  • Hottest Weibo Ever | Wangjianshuo's Blog

    On qidong//
    Literally translation:
    @Wang Jian Shuo: Seeing the development of the situation today, felt the pain. We crossed the line, seriously crossed the line, and started a bad beginning, not as restrained as Xiamen. If you use violence to get what you want, you will get addicted to violence. Other partys wrong deed is not the reason of your own wrong deed. Right goal always cannot prove the rightness of process. If we continue to follow the current thinking too far, China may enter into the next terrible violence-ruled circle.

  • Pipeline Project Cancelled After Protests – China Digital Times (CDT)

    Good summary, lots of good links

  • On options trading in Nexon before Cnooc deal

    Really dumb to play options when you think you have inside info on a deal. Easy for regulators to spot anomalies. Btw, why did sec never look at tudou trading prior to youku deal?//

  • Chinese speculators pile in to London housing bubble|Economy|News|

    With the Olympics Games about to open in London, savvy Chinese investors have been among those speculating in the city's realty market, causing a major rise in local housing prices. House prices in the UK have risen to such levels over the last ten years that many of the younger generation cannot afford to get their foot on the property ladder and are forced to live with their parents.

  • Brief CCP seminar hints at leadership handover|Politics|News|

    The annual seminar for senior officials of the Communist Party of China unusually lasted for only two days this week, suggesting it was not an ordinary meeting but an occasion for President Hu Jintao to hand over the reins to Vice President Xi Jinping before the once-in-a-decade leadership transition at the 18th National Congress this fall, reports Duowei News, a news website operated by overseas Chinese.

  • Beijing reaches consensus on Bo Xilai case –

    Agree it is likely the Gu move to trial a sign of decision on Bo xilai, but the fat lady has not yet sung. .them again, I don't think there are any fat ladies in Peking opera//
    With Ms Gu's indictment, the party is showing that it has reached consensus over how to deal with the case and is ready to move ahead. "I expect an announcement very soon that Bo Xilai will be kicked out of the party and a legal process will be started for him as well," says Cheng Li, an expert on Chinese elite politics at the Brookings Institute.

  • Another video of qidong protests
  • SEC Freezes Assets in Insider Probe of CNOOC's Nexen Buy – Bloomberg

    The SEC complaint didnt list defense counsel for Well Advantage and the other traders. A telephone call yesterday to a Hong Kong number listed for Zhang Zhi Rong, Well Advantages sole owner, wasnt answered. Calls and emails to a spokesman were not answered today.
    Zhang controls shipbuilder and petrochemical engineering firm China Rongsheng Heavy Industries Group Holdings Ltd. (1101), a company that has close business ties to Cnooc, according to the SECs filing. Zhang, who is also the chairman and founder of Glorious Property Holdings Ltd., (845) according to data compiled by Bloomberg, was listed as Chinas 38th richest person with a fortune of $2.9 billion in the 2010 Hurun Report, which tracks the countrys wealthy.

  • Charles Murray: Why Capitalism Has an Image Problem –
  • As China Eyes Indian Ocean, Japan and India Pair Up on Defense –
  • Pawn or Deft Operator – 2 Sides Seen in China Suspect –

    She often stayed in one of the worlds most expensive hotels, the Mandarin Oriental in the exclusive Knightsbridge neighborhood, said two of those who worked closely with Ms. Gu and Mr. Heywood on a joint business venture in the late 1990s and early 2000s. One of those associates, Giles Hall, recalls her wearing a striking sapphire necklace and remembers that she had access to a private jet owned by a Chinese billionaire friend.
    She was calculating and driven, he said. She sometimes issued threats to those who crossed her, well aware of her status as the wife of Bo Xilai, then a prominent populist politician expected to win an eventual seat on Chinas elite Politburo. And most strikingly, Mr. Hall said, she may have moved money from China through British companies, which Mr. Heywood helped run, to pay the fees for her son to attend private school.

  • What's at stake in the South China Sea?

    Video primer

  • Social Media Leads to "New Normal" in Chinese Crisis Management | Tea Leaf Nation
  • 看中国 – 启东抗议攻陷市府 30图震撼直击
  • Olympic opening ceremony: Ai Weiwei's review–Guardian
  • Educational Détente Across Taiwan Strait –
  • Qidong NIMBY protest that swept the local government and stripped a mayor may mark a new era of grassroots activism in China | Offbeat China

    Looks pretty organized, at least until the mob took over

  • EastSouthWestNorth: The Rigged Jiangsu Public Opinion Poll


  • Angry Chinese occupy government office, smash computers in environment protest
  • 大连户籍政策:买70平方米商品房可落户主城区_市场动态_新浪房产_新浪网

    A little movement on Hulu reform in dalian, if you can afford a 70m apartment//

  • Railway film farce ends in investigation for couple –

    Zhang yimou's name was on the film but he denies involvement//
    A married couple, both officials at the Ministry of Railways, are under investigation following a report by the State Audit Administration, China's top auditor, after a massively expensive promotional film proved a flop, ministry insiders told the media.

  • China Bank Regulator Pledges to Keep Curbs on Property Market – Bloomberg

    Chinas banking regulator said it will decisively enforce the governments property curbs in the second half of this year and enhance risk management of real estate lending.

  • Cnooc Hired U.S. Lobbyists Prior to Nexen Announcement – Bloomberg

    Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates registered to lobby on behalf of Cnooc July 12. Its lobbyists include Bud Cramer, a former Democratic representative from Alabama, public records show.
    In May, Cnooc hired Hill & Knowlton Strategies to lobby Congress on issues relating to the environment and natural gas, according to public records filed with the Senate.
    Both firms are part of WPP Plc (WPP) in Dublin.

  • SEC Freezes Assets in Insider Probe of CNOOC's Nexen Buy – Bloomberg

    The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission obtained a court order to freeze assets of traders who allegedly reaped more than $13 million by trading illegally ahead of CNOOC Ltd. (883)s announcement that it would buy Nexen Inc. (NXY)
    Hong Kong-based Well Advantage Limited and other unknown traders stockpiled shares of Nexen based on confidential information about the deal, the SEC said in a statement today announcing complaint filed at federal court in Manhattan. The court order froze about $38 million in assets, the SEC said.

  • U.S. Raises Tariffs on Chinese Wind-Turbine Makers –

    Chinese manufacturers have been illegally selling steel towers forwind turbines below the cost of production and will have to pay duties of 20.85 to 72.69 percent on imports, the United States Commerce Department said Friday in a preliminary ruling in an antidumping case brought by four American tower manufacturers.

  • Beijing Drainage Group blames planners for flooding — Shanghai Daily
  • Eastday-Paper mill pipeline project is suspended

    THE Qidong city government announced yesterday that construction of a Japanese paper mill's pipeline to the sea near Shanghai had been suspended amid an outcry over potential pollution.

  • Uwe E. Reinhardt: Taiwan's Progress on Health Care –

    I do not want to romanticize Taiwan health care. Like any health system, it has its share of problems, all the more so because, at only 6.7 percent of G.D.P., the system is underfunded by at least a percentage point or so, using international standards.
    I also am persuaded that Taiwan needs a larger supply of doctors. Nor would even Taiwans health experts assert that their health information system is perfect. It remains a work in progress.

  • Baidu: searching Brazil for growth | beyondbrics
  • This Time Around, American Internet Companies Can Succeed in China | PandoDaily
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