Blogs » Society » London’s Olympic Media Centre picks on Chinese for unruliness? Netizens report discrimination
Blogs » Society » London’s Olympic Media Centre picks on Chinese for unruliness? Netizens report discrimination |
- London’s Olympic Media Centre picks on Chinese for unruliness? Netizens report discrimination
- Qidong’s Contribution To Reform
- Wenzhou train crash one year memorial
- ‘Kung Fu Cooking Girls’: Wolf Smoke Studio
- Saturday Night Musical Outro: PSY – Gangnam Style
- Egypt’s Olympians given fake Nike gear because real thing was too expensive
- Chinese shooter Yi Siling captures London 2012's first gold
- Watch (For Those In China): Olympic Cauldron Lighting, Team China’s Entrance
- All you need to know about mobile in China… or is it?
- Sinica Week of Floods
- Teenage Leader of Hong Kong Anti-National Education Campaign Being Monitored /Hong Kong Government Organise Mao-Worshipping Tour
- China Now Owns The Guinness World Record For Most People Simultaneously Playing Chinese Lutes
London’s Olympic Media Centre picks on Chinese for unruliness? Netizens report discrimination Posted: 28 Jul 2012 08:18 PM PDT From IFENG July 29th, London. It was reported by Phoenix TV that Chinese journalists using the Olympic Media Centre in London had been offended by a sign posted only in Chinese asking the journalists to respect the personal space of those working at the centre and to ask before taking their photograph. "To our Chinese journalist friends, please be aware of the Chinese media centre staff, if you would like to film them or take their photo, please ask them beforehand and respect their personal space. Thank you!" The article posted on Phoenix TV's website claims that this sign shows a clash of two cultures. One netizen commented on the embarrassment that must have been felt by the journalists and the inappropriate nature of the public posting, saying, "The media centre is an open, public place, this kind of announcement shouldn't be made on a public sign." According to the article, other netizens had commented that the staff of the media centre should be better trained to deal with this kind of situation and that they should "respect others as you respect yourself." The article then draws lines between this incident and other incidents of signs directed specifically at Chinese abroad, specifically in Japan where there are reportedly signs only in Chinese asking, "after using the toilet paper please flush it down the toilet." And in Seoul where there are similar signs asking Chinese travellers not to steal. However, the short article ends on a balanced note:
The following are a selection of the 11,000 plus comments under a related Weibo post as of early morning 07/29 Beijing time.
A netizen, who goes by the name UstbLeon, proudly posted in his Sina Weibo profile page a screenshot of a protest email he wrote to the London Media Centre, and in a later post, he announceed that he had heard from LMC, which sincerely apologized and immediately removed the sign. But quite a number of people think it is a fuss over nothing and probably time for some soul-searching over the lack of civility displayed by some Chinese.
Qidong’s Contribution To Reform Posted: 28 Jul 2012 05:03 PM PDT The ballot box may not offer many local residents in China much by way of a direct route to change should they be unhappy with development plans on environmental grounds. The streets are proving more effective. In Qidong, to the … Continue reading → |
Wenzhou train crash one year memorial Posted: 28 Jul 2012 01:13 PM PDT On July 23 2011, a train crash near Wenzhou on the high speed rail network killed 40 people and created a public controversy that has not yet died down. Below is a translation of The one year anniversary of the July 23 high-speed train accident, a document that was posted to the Internet by Manzi Digest, an iPhone and iPad news app based on the Weibo tweets of angel investor and Weibo celebrity Charles Xue aka Xue Manzi. The document is a compilation of Internet postings, photos and writings about the crash and its aftermath. US radio show On the Media broadcast a segment on the crash and media coverage of it, including an interview with Danwei's Jeremy Goldkorn: Whether you believe it or not, I believe it!. For more about the crash as it was reported when it happened one year ago, see the archives of live blogging at Shanghaiist: Wenzhou high-speed rail collision and Wang Yongping on why Wenzhou trains were instantly buried. ★ The one year anniversary of the 23rd July high-speed train accident ★ Part 1 @Smm_苗: The train running after the thunderstorm, what's going on here? It crawls slower than a snail….but nothing's happened. @袁小芫: D301 has had an accident in Wenzhou, the train did an emergency brake, followed by a violent crash. There were two more collisions! The electricity across the entirety of the train has gone out!!! I'm in the last carriage, thank God I'm fine! This is just too terrifying!! 20:38, 4 minutes after the accident – 1407 retweets @羊圈圈羊: A cry for help! Train D301 has been derailed not far from Wenzhou station. Children are crying up and down the carriage, and not one member of staff has come out! Hurry up and save us! @袁小芫: It's being said that the viaduct has collapsed, with the front four carriages having fallen off. Our last two carriages have already been detached. Too terrifying. I am incredibly lucky that I'm fine. Half an hour has already passed. It's very stuffy inside the carriage. We can't break the windows open. @Sam是我: Classmates, save us quickly!!! All the passengers of train D3115 have been derailed!! The accident happened near Wenzhou South station!!! The train isn't safe either. After the crash those involved in the accident have all started walking around!! This is a cry for help!!! Help us!!! Those seeing this post please help by quickly retweeting!!! @摄影师小刀的地盘: A rescue of unbreakable will @羊圈圈羊: The police came and saved us! We've already come down from the high speed rail track. God be praised!!! @yaoyaosz: We troops are lined up to the door (of the blood donation centre), it's a late night rally for Wenzhou, it's moving. ★ Part 2 1. The search and rescue effort was halted after 8 hours From the time of the accident up to this point eight hours had passed. During these eight hours a total of six passenger rescue attempts were undertaken, the entire search and rescue operation was then ceased… (denied by official sources) 2. What will always move people are the people themselves 12 hours after the accident, the amount of chatter regarding the incident had already surpassed two million postings, included half a million Weibo postings seeking information about victims. 3. Little Yiyi, orphan of the entire country On August 14 , a member of Little Yiyi's family published an open letter titled 'Please help Yiyi keep her legs!' and sent it to the Department of Railways. It pleaded with the government and medical experts to help Little Yiyi. The Department of Railways invited medical experts from Beijing to visit Wenzhou and to treat Little Yiyi. On the August 16, the Department of Health again invited four experts to visit Wenzhou for a consultation. On the October 18, the stitches on Yiyi's left leg were removed, and she began learning to walk all over again. On the December 22, Yiyi completed her medical treatment, and was able to return home to celebrate Chinese New Year. 4. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it! His statements were heatedly debated amongst netizens, and became internet memes in the vein of "My father is Li Gang" or "Very yellow, very violent." On August 16, the Ministry of Railways revealed that Wang Yongping no longer held the position of official spokesperson, and instead had been sent to Poland to serve as the Chinese representative in the China-Poland rail cooperation initiative. 5. It wasn't a railway carriage that was buried, it was the truth! There was an investigative report: The Shanghai Railway Department's Vice-President of Operations Wang Feng was in charge of the rescue operations conducted under the viaduct after the accident. He was blamed as handling the emergency rescue effort in an unsatisfactory manner in order to smooth things over. He had cleaned up the site, and dug a pit at the site of the rescue effort itself, intending to bury the scattered wreckage of carriages from D301. Despite his preparations, his plans were ended by relevant Party members who stopped their implementation. 6. Don't shift the blame of the accident onto the heroic conductor A scholar from the China Construction Institute, Beijing Communication University's lecturer Wang Mengshu, shifted the blame for the rail crash onto Pan Yiheng. He stated that the D3115 train had stopped at a platform to avoid [a collision with another] train, but because perhaps Pan Yiheng was sleepy at he wheel, he did not notice. Pan Yiheng's colleague (who happened to be the father of famous actress and Weibo personality Yao Chen) was very angry with these remarks. 7. The Prime Minister was unwell, he finally came 5 days later…
8. Our loved ones' bones aren't even cold, and they're talking about money Is it the Ministry of Railways (railways is tielu 铁路, literally 'iron road') or in fact the Ministry of Iron Hearts? In discussions with Zheng Hangzheng's family members, two middle-aged officials representing the Ministry of Railways arrived and "pulled out a 2007 Ministry of Railways document and starting reading from top to bottom. From 172,000, to 500,000… On July 29 the compensation benchmark all of a sudden jumped to 915,000 yuan. The "real miracle" [a reference to spokesperson Wang Yongping's comment] of this railway crash is the amount of compensation involved." 9. Technical problems 10. Investigative report… We've waited a long long time Former Ministry of Railways Minister Liu Zhijun, Vice Minister Lu Dongfu and Chief Engineer He Huawu are part of a list of 54 names who are responsible for the accident and have been dealt with severely. Since Ma Cheng, chairman of the boards of the Signaling Group and Signaling Holding Company passed away recently due to illness, there has been no further investigation into his responsibility for the accident. The report in its entirety is here. ★ Part 3 A list of names of the deceased from the trains D3115 and D301 Number Name Gender Origin ★ Part 4 We pay our respect to these media. ★ Part 5 By @重大换: (This translation courtesy of The New York Times):
‘Kung Fu Cooking Girls’: Wolf Smoke Studio Posted: 28 Jul 2012 07:38 AM PDT Another lighter post while I'm at Buddha Camp. Okay. Another cartoon. After watching the Batman of Shanghai clip (posted about yesterday) with its exceptionally fluid choreography, I became curious about the studio that created it. Turns out it's Wolf Smoke, a small and relatively unknown Chinese animation company. From that search, I discovered Wolf Smoke's terrific and fun cartoon, Kung Fu Cooking Girls. The studio use new style and method of cartoon animation: We did key frames on paper first then used vector software to do the between frames and color painting. This is the first time that we use this way to do stuffs. Over 4000 key frames hand drawing and over 10,000 betweens in this movie. The technique has produced here, as with Batman, a great animation result. You can watch it here (below is just a screen shot). I didn't embed it here for two reasons. First, the link is to the Catsuka Player version in HD, far better quality than YouTube but not 'embeddable.' Second, YouTube required Wolf Smoke to censor the video or have it taken down. As far I can tell from quick viewings of both is that offensive frames are of a not very titillating half-nipple slip. If you happen to find something really bad, please let me know, and I'll revise my views on YouTube's policies. |
Saturday Night Musical Outro: PSY – Gangnam Style Posted: 28 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT What a week. Carry on, then. Here's Gangnam Style (강남스타일), off PSY's 6th studio album, PSY6甲. |
Egypt’s Olympians given fake Nike gear because real thing was too expensive Posted: 27 Jul 2012 07:15 PM PDT From Sina: Almost all teams participating in the 2012 London Olympics all received sponsorship of sporting goods, or signed a formal sponsorship agreement with the company. However the Egyptian team did not. Egyptian Olympic Committee Chairman General Mahmoud Ahmed Ali admitted that the Egyptian athletes' Nike clothing and backpacks are all fake. These Shanzhai products have Nike logos but with Adidas zippers. Egyptian Olympic Committee's chairman General Mahmoud Ahmed Ali said in an interview with the Daily Telegraph, "We bought the clothing from a Nike agent, All Nike products in the Egyptian Market are made in China. They all have the same logo. How can you tell? It's like you received counterfeit currency, this is not what you can control." Speaking of the cause of this incident, it had to be traced back to June of this year. At that time, including Reebok, Puma there were six sports brands participated in the Egyptian team gear bidding. "At the time, one of the bidders was willing to provide us with half as much discounted price, the company claimed to be a Nike Agent. We did not know if they were really an authorized seller. To be cautious, we sent bidder's samples to Olympic Organizing Committee, hoping they could able to identify the genuineness of the clothing." An Egypt's Olympic team spokesman said, "But 10 days later, we did not receive any responds. If wasn't for two athletes requested to change their sizes, we still would not have discovered these clothing were fake. At that time, we realized that we have been cheated." Even though the manufacture who is responsible for producing these gears have already contacted the Egyptian Olympic Committee, hoping to resolve the fake sportswear issue, far away in London, the Egyptian athletes are already wandering in the various venues in these knockoff Nikes. According to reports, after knowing the Egyptian team members are wearing fake Nike gears, Nike said in a statement, "We are highly concerned about this, what those athletes are wearing simply did not meet the quality standards of the authentic Nike gears." At present Nike requested Egypt to seek immediately action, "we are currently in discussion with them and see if we can find a solution." "As for athletes, this is humiliating; for Egypt, this is great humiliation." Egyptian Olympic team spokesman added. This week, the Egyptian swimmer Yomna Khallaf exposed the news on her Twitter that what she is wearing is fake Nike gears. When other teammates asked her to verify, she wrote. "Yes even our equipment are all fake. My backpack has a huge Nike sign in the front, but all the zippers are Adidas!" Why did Egypt covet petty gain, did not even know when they were cheated by Shanzhai manufactures? Egyptian Olympic Committee Chairman General Mahmoud Ahmed Ali said, "Even if these products are fake, the quality is good enough to be considered with the current poor economic situation in Egypt. We signed an agreement with a dealer from China, but the price of real products was too expensive, each athlete will spend 300-500 USD. This is huge amount of money, especially we have 112 athletes. In addition, let's not forget we also have coaches, managers and doctors going to London." To compensate their mistake, Egyptian Olympic team will send additional 2,000 Egyptian pounds to buy some genuine equipment, in order to save face. 2000 Egyptian Pounds is equivalent of only 200 pounds, don't know what the Egyptian team can use that for… *** According to Fox news, Egypt's Olympic team gets free gear from Nike.
Chinese shooter Yi Siling captures London 2012's first gold Posted: 28 Jul 2012 04:52 AM PDT |
Watch (For Those In China): Olympic Cauldron Lighting, Team China’s Entrance Posted: 28 Jul 2012 03:03 AM PDT NBC Universal is fascist when it comes to Olympics content — my old YouTube got deleted for posting too many videos from live events in 2008 — so you're in North America, you're on your own for moving pictures. For those in China, enjoy London's cauldron-lighting: 200-plus copper petals on fire, rising. Also, Boris Johnson did a pretty awesome thing. Opposing Views explains:
(If you're in the UK or can set your VPN portal to somewhere in the UK, you can watch the full opening ceremony on BBC.) Team China's entrance: |
All you need to know about mobile in China… or is it? Posted: 27 Jul 2012 01:20 PM PDT Came across this recently – it's a fun video showcasing some great stats on mobile in China. Perfect for showing those among us "not-in-the-know" or "out-of-the-loop" or in my case, "those-who-should-know-but-don't-know-however-have-successfully-faked-knowing-but-for-how-long-wtf-do-i-look-like-a-fortune-teller-do-you-see-my-crystal-ball-what-was-i-talking-about-again-you-want-that-by-when-take-your-deadline-and-stick-it-up-your-ass". Tangential ranting aside, a dubious benefit to pull your attention across the fold… did you not fill your quota of "random statistics you'll soon forget" [...] |
Posted: 28 Jul 2012 04:41 AM PDT This is the Sinica Week, a summary of the most important China stories from the last seven days. Sinica is a weekly podcast about current affairs in China, hosted by Kaiser Kuo and Danwei's Jeremy Goldkorn. On each week's Sinica podcast, guests discuss and choose the top stories about China published in English over the past week. This week's show is titled A Torrential Rainstorm and the main topic is the Beijing flood of July 21. Guests are Alexa Olesen, a long-time China watcher and journalist for the Associated Press, and Josh Chin who writes for the Wall Street Journal and leads the China Real Time Report. Story of the week: The Beijing flood The juiciest story in terms of assigning blame for the death toll was published in the Shanghai Daily: Beijing Drainage Group blames planners for flooding in which a spokesperson for the (state-owned) Beijing Drainage Group Co Ltd "said the pump stations serving 90 overpasses citywide that were built last century were based on the experience of the former Soviet Union, where more than half the country received less than 400 millimeters of rainfall each year". So it's fault of Soviet planners. The article also mentions a Xinhua report that says "it was embarrassing that many ancient drainage systems still worked and that cities had to rely on these "antiques" to resist the floods," citing the fact that many historic places such as Beihai Park, Tian'anmen Square and the Temple of Heaven, were not flooded because their Ming and Qing dynasty drainage systems worked. When the Sinica podcast was recorded on Thursday night, the official death toll was still at 37. On Friday morning the official death toll was raised to 77. Another story mentioned in the podcast is the consumer culture and business angle: there was a run on a keychain "survival" tool that is supposed to help people trapped in cars cut rough seat belts and smash glass. See also Torrential Rain in Beijing Brings Out Best and Worst in China's Capital, a summary of social media reactions to the floods on Tealeaf Nation, and the Global Times, introspective for a change: Beijing downpour exposes holes in modernization drive. Violence against doctors
See also Danwei: China's hospitals up security in the face of rising patient-to-doctor violence. CNOOC to buy Nexen for $15.1 billion Other news stories mentioned by not selected Image above from CNOOC's new global headquarters |
Posted: 27 Jul 2012 10:52 PM PDT 2012.7.28 Apple Daily (screen capture), (*Not a full translation)
Joshua Wong Chi-fung's parents also become attacking targets of pro-Beijng camp.
hkpplovehk, a Youtube channel thought to be belonged to the pro-Beijing organisation Caring Hong Kong Power 愛護香港力量, which organised anti-foreign domestic workers protest last year, posted the video and attacked Wong's parents for being members of the Civic Party 公民黨.
2012.7.24 Apple Daily (screen capture), (*Not a full translation)
From Hunan China News,
This is p.14 of the booklet mentioned in the report. "Glorious life" and "Sought the truth of saving the country and citizens" are highlighted. The booklet has been removed by the Education Bureau but it is cached by Google. The bald head man is Secretary for Education, Ng Hak-kim. Source The woman is Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun, member of the Executive Council. Source |
China Now Owns The Guinness World Record For Most People Simultaneously Playing Chinese Lutes Posted: 27 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT Does anyone know what qualifies as a Guinness World Record anymore? Parallel parking? Check. Most bras unhooked in one minuted? You gotcha. (Youku version here.) Most cats stacked on a balance beam? They should! Fewest licks to the center of a Tootsie pop? Call Guinness up. On Thursday, 2,012 pipa performers got together in Jilin province to play traditional Chinese tunes and set a new world record, according to Xinhua. No one knows what inspired these brave souls to do this. No one knows what the previous record was. This just happened, and that is all. Youku video for those in China after the jump. |
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