Blogs » Society » Driver Narrowly Escapes Being Crushed Under Overturning Truck
Blogs » Society » Driver Narrowly Escapes Being Crushed Under Overturning Truck |
- Driver Narrowly Escapes Being Crushed Under Overturning Truck
- IKEA in China, “our home is your home”
- Lessons Of Beijing’s Floods
- Friday Night Musical Outro: Second Hand Rose – Train Will Start Soon
- Olympics Links: How China changed the Olympics, where to watch in Beijing and online, and we turn to Xinhua’s forum for a chuckle
- ‘Watch: Catwoman Steps Out in 1930s Shanghai’: WSJ
- Watch: NMA's hilarious take on Kim Jong-un's marriage
- Green and pleasant land?
- Germany's risky green wager
- Friday Links: Bo Xilai back in the news, Beijing rainstorm death toll raised to 77, and ChinaJoy
- Nerd Alert! ChinaJoy 2012
- Six Things to Salivate Over this Weekend
- Watch: Chinese man riding cow sings Justin Bieber's 'Baby'
- Olympic Tickets Fiasco: No Pain No Gain
- A Possible Case Of Child Abuse Exposed – And Shared – On TV News
- Photos: Tianjin people seek pleasure in battle against rainstorm and flood
- Photos: TICT's Disco Beach Bash
- On Getting Paid From China. Is There Really A $50,000 Yearly Limit?
- Driving Fail, Parallel Parking WIN
- A Torrential Rainstorm
Driver Narrowly Escapes Being Crushed Under Overturning Truck Posted: 27 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT A driver in Wujiang, Jiangsu province recently said "not today" to death when he slid from the driver's to the passenger seat in the nick of time. Sensing an oncoming truck with a wide load was about to tip over — seemingly in slow motion — the driver managed to reposition himself inside his sedan, which wound up being completely smushed. Youku video for those in China after the jump. |
IKEA in China, “our home is your home” Posted: 27 Jul 2012 01:25 AM PDT From Sina Weibo via @薇薇诺诺2661317325
This blog post showed some pictures form Ikea in Beijing:
Posted: 27 Jul 2012 08:58 AM PDT The flooding that hit Beijing a week ago (above) was a freak. The rains that caused it were the heaviest in 60 years. Severe weather, certainly, but not beyond the bounds of what a national capital should be prepared to … Continue reading → |
Friday Night Musical Outro: Second Hand Rose – Train Will Start Soon Posted: 27 Jul 2012 08:30 AM PDT Beijing's very own Second Hand Rose (二手玫瑰乐队), formed in 2000, was featured on this site in March for a Traffic Light post. The song used was Train Will Start Soon 《火车快开》, which deserves to be heard in full. Here it is, from a live performance on July 1, 2010. By the way, these guys will be performing at MAO Live House in Beijing tomorrow at 8:30 pm. Youku video for those in China after the jump. |
Posted: 27 Jul 2012 07:14 AM PDT
Manchester City just beat the incredibly popular-in-China Arsenal 2-0 in heavy rain at the Bird's Nest today. The Olympics opening ceremony begins in a matter of hours, at 4 am China time (7 pm London). Here are your Olympic links.
To start, the question everyone wanted — nay, needed — an answer for. "Chinese basketball player Yi Jianlian has been chosen to carry the flag of China at the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games on Friday." [Xinhua] "How China Changed the Olympics Forever." "…No one seemed concerned about the question of whether, instead of us changing China, China might actually change us. I felt that many of my Western listeners needed to be awakened out of their smug self-centeredness. // …Did China change the Olympics? Yes — since the Chinese leadership invested the Olympics with so much significance, the economic and political powers-that-be in the developed West took them more seriously as well. Romney, whose career got a boost when he was hired to navigate the Salt Lake City Olympic committee through its bribery scandal, will be attending the opening ceremony in London, as will Michelle Obama. The pundits seem to agree that no one will be able to match the ceremonies in Beijing — because of the 'unlimited' resources that can be commanded by an authoritarian government — but if London fails to organize an event that is outstanding in other ways, it will be interesting to see what kind of discussion it initiates about the strengths and weaknesses of liberal democracy." [Susan Brownell, interviewed by Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Asia Society] The Olympics matter to the Chinese, still. "According to workforce research firm Kronos Incorporated's survey of 9,500 workers in eight countries, Chinese ranked the world's most likely citizens to call in sick to watch a sporting event, with 54% of Chinese employees surveyed confessing that they've ditched work for having stayed up too late watching or attending an athletic event. That compares to 41% in India and 23% in the U.K., both countries in which sports like cricket can last days on end, according to the survey." [WSJ] Ping-pong gamesmanship is the best kind. "On a hot August evening in 2008, his tousled locks subdued by Beijing humidity, Boris Johnson seized the Olympic flag and uttered a rallying cry for London 2012 that will echo down the generations: 'Ping pong is coming home'. // One might not have expected his Chinese hosts to welcome those words. The world's most populous nation bestrides table tennis like a bat-clutching colossus, claiming all six medals in the singles and gold in both team events at the Beijing Games. But having produced the Four Great Inventions (paper, printing, gunpowder and the compass), it appears quite happy to give Britain the credit for a fifth. // 'It's a fact. It's true. It was invented by England,' concedes Zhen Li, before adding: 'But it was developed in China. And now the English can't beat us.'" [Tania Branigan, The Guardian] Who said the Olympics were supposed to be an alternative to war. "Yet it is not the Olympic Games that Londoners object to, but the Olympic occupation. There will be 20,000 soldiers on the streets of London providing security during the games, all in uniform and many armed. That's around one fifth of the entire British army. Anti-aircraft missiles have been placed on the rooftops of residential tower blocks to prevent a 9/11 style terrorist atrocity. The implication of this is that if a plane is shot down and crashes on the rest of London, then the operation will have been successful." [Jamie Kenny, Global Times] Egypt is using made-in-China uniforms as well. Nike should probably lower their prices. "The tracksuits and bags of Egypt's Olympic team are emblazoned with the familiar Nike and Adidas logos, and the country's committe chairman says that's good enough — even though they're fakes. // 'We signed with a Chinese distributor in light of Egypt's economic situation,' Gen. Mahmoud Ahmed Ali told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Wednesday. // Ali said the real thing was just too expensive, and the state of Egypt's battered finances led him to opt for the counterfeit gear, which he said was 'sufficient.'" [AP] Taiwan flag removed from London street prior to Olympics? "To welcome the 2012 London Olympics, the Regent Street Association that represents hundreds of local London merchants and businesses recently hung up the national flags of the world's countries throughout the streets of London. Placed alphabetically, Taiwan's national flag had been hung up near Piccadilly Circus. Just several days later, the Taiwanese flag had suddenly disappeared." [chinaSMACK] The tweet that got triple jumper Voula Papachristou kicked off the Greek national team: "With so many Africans in Greece… At least the West Nile mosquitoes will eat home made food!!!" [Deadspin] Best-ever Olympic torch lighting interlude: Finally… Samantha Wright, the weightlifter the Internet has a crush on. [Buzzfeed] Places that will show Olympics-related programming. [the Beijinger] Where to watch online. [Wired] Finally, finally… We turn to Xinhua, specifically this comment on its English forum: What about these photos from the same post, also in color? Beijing's is the most beautiful because I'm paid to say it. |
‘Watch: Catwoman Steps Out in 1930s Shanghai’: WSJ Posted: 27 Jul 2012 07:22 AM PDT Another lighter post while I'm at Buddha Camp. I sucker for anything about Shanghai in the 1930s. So, I was delighted when the Wall Street Journal published, 'Watch: Catwoman Steps Out in 1930s Shanghai.' This is just a clip from what will a DC Comics three-part short series, Batman of Shanghai. Just over a minute, but great fun and making me look forward to seeing the final product: I haven't followed Batman comics since I was a kid. So, I don't where the story has evolved, or how Batman–and Catwoman–end up in Shanghai in its Sin City days. Just happy there're there. |
Watch: NMA's hilarious take on Kim Jong-un's marriage Posted: 27 Jul 2012 07:39 AM PDT |
Posted: 27 Jul 2012 01:41 AM PDT The opening ceremony of the London Olympics projects an image of rural tranquility. But the story of a peasant poet of the early 19th century is truer to Britain's actual experience and the relationship of people to environment, says the British activist George Monbiot. Editor's note: The opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics features "a British rural idyll", complete with complete with real cows, sheep and a horse-drawn plough, writes Caspar Henderson. What image are the organisers trying to present of a country that was among the first to fully urbanise and which prides itself on its pioneering achievements in science and technology? Part of the answer may be that Britain's industrial revolution from 1750 onwards was founded on an agricultural revolution that included, among other things, the enclosure of land that had formerly been held in common, and the people of these islands have never fully come to terms with that change. In a recent article for The Guardian newspaper, the noted British activist and writer George Monbiot suggests that the people of England celebrate the legacy of John Clare, a rural poet of humble origin who lived, suffered and bore witness to those changes. |
Posted: 27 Jul 2012 01:06 AM PDT With China's renewables industry waiting in the wings, able to achieve astonishing economies of scale, a nuclear-free Germany could see its first mover advantage quickly turn sour, writes David Buchan. China's solar panel makers are well aware of Germany's clean-energy programme. They have been quick to supply technology to it. Some 80% of Chinese solar photo-voltaic exports go to Europe, and much of that to Germany. Indeed, so successful have these exports been that there is talk of the European Union following the United States in taking protectionist anti-dumping measures against Chinese solar panels. David Buchan is senior research fellow at The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. He is author of recent paper "The Energiewende: Germany's Gamble", on which this article draws. |
Friday Links: Bo Xilai back in the news, Beijing rainstorm death toll raised to 77, and ChinaJoy Posted: 27 Jul 2012 04:38 AM PDT A special Olympics links post is coming up shortly (no pun intended). For now, non-Olympics links. If you have no idea what's up with Bo Xilai, Gu Kailai, Bo Guagua, Neil Heywood, Wang Lijun, Zhang Xiaojun, or Patrick Henri Devillers is, here is the story for you. [FT Magazine] China's still trying to keep porn banned. Laughable. "More than 10,000 suspects have been arrested and 600 criminal gangs 'busted' in China's latest cybercrime crackdown, the authorities say. // As of June, 3.2 million 'harmful' messages had been deleted and 30 internet service providers punished for granting access to unlicensed sites, the Ministry of Public Security said." [BBC] The many creative ways in which people in Tianjin dealt with heavy rainstorms on Wednesday and Thursday. "Just as Beijing is inundated with widespread public criticism of its poor infrastructure and government incompetence in the wake of a deadly rainstorm, which killed 77 people, Tianjin, a city 88 miles away with a population of more than 12 million, was hit with a similarly heavy rainfall and soon submerged in water. // However, unlike those in Beijing who are still in the angry and gloomy mood six days after the downpour, people in Tianjin seem to have coped with the natural disaster really well, at least psychologically." [Ministry of Tofu] Seventy-seven is still probably a conservative estimate. "Embattled Beijing city officials raised the death toll from weekend flooding to 77 from 37 as they fended off criticism, including from some Chinese state media, of their handling of the disaster." [WSJ] Another Apple factory mishap. "A chlorine gas leak at an Apple Inc. supplier's Chinese plant killed one person and left four others in comas, Xinhua Net reported late on Thursday. // Catcher Technology confirmed that an incident at its factory in Suzhou, eastern China, had caused injuries." [NBC News] And this is what people mean when they say Weibo is powerful. "How popular is Sina Weibo in China? The Chinese Twitter-like service saw a penetration of more than 88.8% among China's digital populace aged more than 20, according to a report by DCCI, a Beijing-based Internet think tank. The whopping penetration means that almost every Chinese netizen has a weibo account." [TechNode] Dignitaries like Neil Heywood? "The Harrow Family of Schools, the alma mater of Winston Churchill and other dignitaries, is seeking to set up a school in southwest China, which would be its second campus on the Chinese mainland after Beijing, a top local official said Thursday." [Xinhua] ChinaJoy opened yesterday, and organizers are getting clever. "Besides bikini-clad girls, visitors to ChinaJoy 2012, opening to the public today, will find new characters in the spotlight: foreign male models and cross-dressers known as weiniang. // More male models will appear in the biggest game fair in Asia after ChinaJoy organizers cracked down on 'vulgarity' by limiting the number of showgirls exhibitors can use and how they are dressed." [Shanghai Daily] Two expats leave China. "The first is Charlie Custer, who made his fame by blogging at ChinaGeeks. Custer has spent several years in the country and was working on a documentary called Living with Dead Hearts, which delved into the sensitive issue of child kidnappings in China…. // Mark Kitto originally came to China in 1986, and might be known (by the longest-of-long term expats in the PRD) as the founder of the That's magazine franchise (which includes That's PRD — formerly That's Guangzhou). Kitto has had his ups-and-downs in the country, but has pretty much lived here since his college days. His story of how he lost the That's magazine franchise has become legendary." [The Nanfang] Kung fu on the train interlude: Finally… Chinese social media's reaction to Gu Kailai's murder indictment. [Tea Leaf Nation] A conversation with Tom Scocca, author of Beijing Welcomes You. [The Awl] Q&A on craft beer in China. [Jing Daily] If you're a resident of North America, here's a writing contest for you: "Big in China Short Fiction Competition." [Duotrope] Finally, finally…
Posted: 27 Jul 2012 03:43 AM PDT Date: Jul 27th 2012 12:35p.m. |
Six Things to Salivate Over this Weekend Posted: 27 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT |
Watch: Chinese man riding cow sings Justin Bieber's 'Baby' Posted: 27 Jul 2012 02:12 AM PDT This video totally cracked us up, and we thought we'd share it with you! [h/t BeijingCream] [ more › ] |
Olympic Tickets Fiasco: No Pain No Gain Posted: 27 Jul 2012 02:01 AM PDT My Olympic tickets arrived a few weeks ago, but I had to wait to open them until I arrived in the UK. The ticketing process has been an Olympic fiasco with many people complaining about the frustrating process and exorbitant price of the tickets. I must admit it was a very stressful experience trying to buy them online, which is why many people gave up. I tried unsuccessfully three times, but I kept trying and would not give in. In fact I must of used all the Olympic brand values of "Faster, Higher and Stronger" to succeed. Firstly, I had to be faster than anyone else and make sure I was online the split second the tickets became available. Secondly, I had to bid for the higher price tickets to make sure I had the least competition. I figured out everybody would want the £20 tickets so competition would be fiercest for these. And thirdly, my perseverance had to be stronger than anyone else. To keep going through the constant crashing and timing out of the ticketing system and starting over and over again. I had to work through the pain and disappointment of the process and not give in till I won. I am glad to say my Olympic effort paid of in the end, as I ended up with tickets for most of the sports I really wanted to watch. I could have tried for more, but I was so worn out by long hours of training and the whole process I decided to retire and walk away while I was still on top. The ticket designs are modern, bright and colourful with a number of new features which make them special. The ticket is split into three parts; the top section contains the date and time, the middle section illustrates the sport and the bottom section has all the main ticketing and seating information. The tickets are colour coded depending on the venue. They have an illustration of the stadium on the bottom right hand side, just about the security hologram. I like the idea of using the Olympic icons to differentiate each sport on the tickets. However, I don't like the design of the pictograms, which I think look like old fashion clip art images, which look badly drawn and lack style and finesse. While I understand the designers of the icons have taken their inspiration from the angular and jagged design of the London 2012 logo. This has created uncomfortable looking images with fall between appearing like realistic drawings or stylised designs. They also lack a uniqueness, look generic and have no visual link to London. If you compare the pictograms for Athens, Sydney or Beijing, they did a great job in making their Olympic icons ownable, unique and memorable. Despite this the tickets do convey the excitement and energy of the sports and I'll be keeping mine as souvenirs of the event. The Olympic Games opening ceremony kicks off tonight, and my first Olympic event is fencing tomorrow morning. It took me a lot of effort and I had to fight hard to get my tickets, but I can say now it was worth it. And the sporting cliché of "no pain, no gain" was never truer. |
A Possible Case Of Child Abuse Exposed – And Shared – On TV News Posted: 27 Jul 2012 01:33 AM PDT We saw a terribly abusive Asian mom not long ago, now here's a "wolf dad." In a video uploaded to Guangxi Station Information Channel on Youku yesterday, we see that recently at Chenggong Plaza in Kunming, Yunnan province, a man was filmed forcing his two young children to goose-step in public. We're told he used a steel rod for intimidation. We never find out why the kids are forced to goose-step — apparently they did it "all day" — and we doubly don't know why so many people passively watched this display of borderline child abuse. The journalist tracks down the two kids — brother and sister — and interviews them. The little girl, who is 6, tells the journalist she "doesn't know" how old she is, prompting an adult behind the camera to snicker like a dickhead. She also says her father doesn't usually hit them — only when he's drunk. The older boy, who is 12, leads the journalist to their house. The journalist reports the boy told her their mother left them three years ago, and he and his sister and father "depend on one another for survival." They don't attend school (presumably because they can't afford to), but the father has bought them books so they can study at home. It's a terribly sad story, made worse, I think, when the journalist calls the cops after she is "unable" to reach the father (how hard did she try? one wonders). I've subtitled the YouTube video, so judge for yourself. Youku video (153,000 hits in 19 hours) for those in China after the jump. |
Photos: Tianjin people seek pleasure in battle against rainstorm and flood Posted: 27 Jul 2012 12:09 AM PDT Just as Beijing is inundated with widespread public criticism of its poor infrastructure and government incompetence in the wake of a deadly rainstorm, which killed 77 people, Tianjin, a city 88 miles away with a population of more than 12 million, was hit with a similarly heavy rainfall and soon submerged in water. However, unlike those in Beijing who are still in the angry and gloomy mood six days after the downpour, people in Tianjin seem to have coped with the natural disaster really well, at least psychologically. Netizens on Sina Weibo, Chinese hybrid of Twitter and Facebook, are amused by the following photos showing Tianjin residents go boating, rafting,jet-skiing and even fishing in the water. It may be politically incorrect to laugh over others' misfortunes, but if they are really enjoying themselves despite having a hard time, and it lifts everyone's spirits, why not? This is how he wades water. Two salarymen commute like this. Jet-ski. A man wearing poncho gets around on the back of a giant 'turtle'. Everyone on one street in Tanggu, Tianjin, is trying to catch fish in the water. And they did catch some! A car is revamped into an amphibian with a plastic tube joined to the exhaust pipe. Swimming with a life ring. And in spite of the flood, the restaurant selling the well-known Goubuli steamed stuffed buns is still open! |
Photos: TICT's Disco Beach Bash Posted: 26 Jul 2012 11:35 PM PDT |
On Getting Paid From China. Is There Really A $50,000 Yearly Limit? Posted: 26 Jul 2012 11:14 PM PDT Many times over the years American clients of ours have asked us whether their buyers in China are telling the truth when they claim not to be able to pay the American company more than $50,000 in one year. Our response has always been that we were dubious of such a claim because we have other clients who get paid millions of dollars each year by their China buyers, but if they want us to research this issue for them, we would be happy to do so, at our regular hourly rates. We had never researched this issue….until now. And even now, we did not exactly do the research ourselves and the research is confined to money from Chinese citizens, not companies. We are involved in a case with a number of other law firms and in that case one of the Chinese parties said that they could not pay one of the law firms more than $50,000 this year. As you might have guessed, when a law firm's own money is at issue, the research gets done and the following is what the law firm found:
Well now we know. |
Driving Fail, Parallel Parking WIN Posted: 26 Jul 2012 11:40 PM PDT Surveillance cameras in Luoyang, Henan province captured this excellent bit of parallel parking last week. We don't think the world-record holder in parallel parking could do any better… you know, if the requirement was to park between a lamppost and a tree, on the wrong side of the road. Originally posted two days ago, this video called for music, so I added Second Hand Rose's "Wolf Heart Dog Lungs" (二手玫瑰 《狼心狗肺》), which starts at the 15-second mark. Enjoy. Youku video for those in China after the jump. |
Posted: 26 Jul 2012 06:00 PM PDT This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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