Videos » Global » Down mountain in suit of roller skates

Videos » Global » Down mountain in suit of roller skates

Down mountain in suit of roller skates

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 07:42 AM PDT

A French daredevil dons a suit made of roller skates to take on a mountain in central China.
From: CNN
Views: 115
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Time: 00:58 More in News & Politics

AIDS patient fights discrimination in China

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 02:23 AM PDT

Chinese AIDS sufferer Liu Ximei was infected with HIV when blood sellers at a rural hospital injected her with a used needle. Now she's fighting for compensation and an apology while fending off widespread discrimination in China. Duration: 02:26
From: AFP
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Time: 02:27 More in News & Politics

Russia, China veto UN resolution on Syria

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 04:48 PM PDT

Russia and China on Thursday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would threaten sanctions against Syria, kicking up a diplomatic dust storm with Western powers over how to end the conflict.Duration: 01:24
From: AFP
Views: 186
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Time: 01:25 More in News & Politics

IMF urges Europe to act swiftly on debt crisis

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 12:51 PM PDT The International Monetary Fund has warned that the global economy recovery could be at risk and that Europe's policy makers must act more quickly to solve on the continent's debt crisis. It has trimmed its growth projection for next year to 3.9 percent from the 4.1 percent prediction it made in April. The IMF sees just 0.7 percent growth in the crisis-hit euro zone in 2013, while maintaining its projection of a 0.3 percent contraction this year. José Viñals, the IMF's Director of Monetary and Capital Markets, told euronews that finding a solution is a question of political will. "The key issue is: are the political leaders in Europe willing to do whatever it takes in order to put the monetary union on as firm grounds as it needs to be - or not? I think that the answer is yes and I hope that the delivery of this, whatever it takes, will be coming forward soon," he said. Viñals believes the planned banking union is a step in the right direction - but stresses that the member countries have a lot homework to do before that can happen. "Let's not forget that banks are a national responsibility now, and that the authorities of the different countries, where there are banks with some problems, they have to do whatever it takes to make sure that the banks are adequately capitalised and, when necessary, restructured or liquidated if they are non-viable banks," he said. The IMF also warned the productive capacity in a number of emerging market economies, such as <b>...</b>
From: Euronews
Views: 406
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Time: 01:46 More in News & Politics

TED: James Stavridis: How NATO's Supreme Commander thinks about global security - James Stavridis (2012)

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Imagine a global security driven by collaboration -- among agencies, government, the private sector and the public. That's not just the distant hope of open-source fans, it's the vision of James Stavridis, the Supreme Commander of NATO, who shares vivid moments from recent military history to explain why security of the future should be built with bridges rather than walls.

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Spat with China drives tourists from Boracay

Posted: 15 Jul 2012 08:26 PM PDT

A dispute over borders in the South China Sea has sparked an exodus of Chinese tourists from one of the jewels of the Philippines' famous islands. In the month since China banned tour groups from organising trips to Boracay, the island has lost about 200000 Chinese tourists. Philippines officials say the number of visitors from Russia, Taiwan and South Korea has doubled over the past five years, but they want to resolve the dispute with China quickly and peacefully. But they doesn't mean they're ready to give up. Jamela Alindongan reports from Boracay.
Views: 3559
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Time: 02:18 More in News & Politics

Flying robots, the builders of tomorrow

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 10:39 AM PST

Dec. 2 - A team of scientists has demonstrated that a coordinated group of pre-programmed, autonomous robots can do the job of building workers, constructing a six meter high tower without any human intervention. Architects say this new technology paves the way for new methods of engineering buildings of the future. Georgina Cooper reports.
Views: 480932
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Time: 02:22 More in News & Politics

Anderson Says China's IP Theft Is Unprecedented: Video

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 09:37 AM PDT

Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Mark Anderson, chief executive officer of Strategic News Service, discusses the challenges faced by technology companies to protect intellectual property, and China's alleged IP theft. Anderson speaks with Margaret Brennan on Bloomberg Television's "InBusiness." (Source: Bloomberg)
From: Bloomberg
Views: 508
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Time: 05:06 More in Entertainment

Roller-suit: Man races down Chinese mountain in 32-wheeled outfit

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 01:32 AM PDT

Jean-Yves Blondeau hits over 80kph racing down a Chinese mountain in a specially designed rolling suit. Report by Sam Datta-Paulin. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
From: itnnews
Views: 735
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Time: 01:14 More in Comedy

Wadsworth Says China Investment Rules Not `Breakthrough'

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 09:37 AM PDT

Jan. 20 (Bloomberg) -- John Wadsworth, Morgan Stanley Asia honorary chairman, talks about China's rules on foreign investment in its banking industry and the performance of China's economy. He speaks with Margaret Brennan on Bloomberg Television's "InBusiness." (Source: Bloomberg)
From: Bloomberg
Views: 376
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Time: 07:21 More in Entertainment

Daredevils BASE jump off world's highest bridge in China

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 08:07 AM PDT

China holds its first ever BASE jumping challenge on the world's highest bridge in the Guizhou province. . Report by Katie Lamborn. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
From: itnnews
Views: 2109
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Time: 00:31 More in Sports

BBC News HD - Beijing chaos after record floods in Chinese capital 2012

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 04:54 PM PDT

The heaviest rainfall to hit China's capital Beijing in 60 years has left 37 people dead and stranded thousands at the main airport. The deluge struck on Saturday afternoon and continued into the night, flooding major roads, state media said. Roof collapses, lightning strikes and electrocution from downed power lines were among the causes of the deaths. Julie Peacock reports.
Views: 10
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Time: 01:42 More in News & Politics


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