Videos » Politics » Art Exhibitions Depict Fall of Chinese Regime

Videos » Politics » Art Exhibitions Depict Fall of Chinese Regime

Art Exhibitions Depict Fall of Chinese Regime

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 04:42 PM PDT

In the small village of Song Zhuang, on the outskirts of Beijing, many artists have recently caught the public eye by portraying the negative effects of life under the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP, and depicting its future collapse.
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Time: 02:35 More in Science & Technology

Hong Kong's CY Leung Faces Investigation Calls

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 04:18 PM PDT

Pressure is mounting on Hong Kong's incoming Chief Executive over revelations that his homes contain illegal structures -- despite his earlier claims there were none.
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Time: 02:23 More in Science & Technology

Torrential Rain Causes Widespread Damage in Zhejiang, China

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 03:50 PM PDT

Torrential rain toppled farmhouses, destroyed roads and flooded croplands in Suichang County in China's eastern Zhejiang Province since Friday.
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Time: 01:11 More in Science & Technology

Search Continues of Turkish Warplane Wreckage

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 03:25 PM PDT

Teams continue efforts to search for wreckage and two missing airmen - four days after Syria shot down a Turkish warplane over the Mediterranean. Turkish officials said on Friday that a jet briefly went into Syrian airspace by mistake - before Syria shot the plane down after it had re-entered international air space. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan held a cabinet meeting in Ankara to discuss what Turkey says was an unprovoked attack. A Turkish government spokesman said the downing of the jet will not go "unpunished." Syria - said it shot down the plane in self-defense - and warned Turkey - and its NATO allies - against retaliation. Juhad Makdissi, Foreign Ministry Spokesman "We heard declarations by NATO saying that they do not have intentions of military intervention in Syria. If their meeting is for hostile reasons, Syrian land, air and water are sacred to the Syrian army." Turkey has called for a NATO meeting on Tuesday - and says it will also go to the United Nations Security Council.
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Time: 01:07 More in Science & Technology

Husband of Forced Abortion Victim Possibly Detained

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 03:20 PM PDT

Deng Jiyuan, husband of forced abortion victim Feng Jianmei, went missing for more than 24-hours at the beginning of the week. AFP reports that he has now phoned his family, but has not given his location.
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Time: 02:12 More in News & Politics

Motorless Vehicle Powered By Wind

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 02:40 PM PDT

Six Swedes are about to embark on a special journey - sailing in a novel device called the "wind wagon". Used by 19th Century immigrants to travel through the vast plains of America, this wind wagon will retrace one of their paths. Henrik Wallgren is part of the team who built the machine from scratch. He says that its first test drive in Angelholm, Sweden was a success. Henrik Wallgren, Wind wagon member "That it's possible to sail a really big vessel on land like this. It's crazy, it's beautiful, it's almost surreal that it actually works." The plan is to sail across the salt flats of Nevada - a 500 kilometer or 300 mile journey through scorching heat. Another challenge is the desert winds. Henrik Wallgren, Wind wagon member "It can go from zero to lots of wind in a really short time. And you've got twisters in this area, in the Black Rock desert you've got lots of twisters." The team will roll out in August this year.
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Time: 01:10 More in Science & Technology

Evidence of Mirror Universe Found, Say Researchers in Italy.mp4

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 02:34 PM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ Microscopic particles crossing over into a mirror universe and then back again. At first glance it sounds like science fiction, but researchers from the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy point to evidence that suggests neutrons jump into a mirror universe, and then come back again. [Prof. Zurab Berezhiani, University of L'Aquila]: "And it was suggested some time ago it was 2006, I think, that neutrons - so particles by which you consist - if in the free form they could be transformed into the particles of that parallel specular world, a mirror world. With pretty good velocities, faster, vastly. It means that during a second, which is much smaller than the neutron stability, neutron decay time, itself, which is ten minutes." Theoretical physicists Zurab Berezhiani and Fabrizio Nesti reanalyzed experimental data of anomalous loss of free neutrons, previously done in a French laboratory. [Prof. Zurab Berezhiani, University of L'Aquila]: "It consists of feeling by ultra cold neutrons in the trap. Storage of this ultra cold neutron for 300 seconds. And it was opened. And they were counting the amount of the residual neutrons. And a magnetic field was applied with the use of different strength and direction and one could check whether the neutron storage time, I mean whether neutron counts were sensible, to that magnetic field." The significance of neutron <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:47 More in Science & Technology

Riot Police React to Guangdong Province Factory Seige

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 02:10 PM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ More than 500 workers at an explosives factory in Guangdong Province have been on strike for almost a month, protesting against what they say are the factory leaders' corruption, bribery and fraud. And last Saturday, the strike escalated further. When the factory leaders and some Chinese Communist Party officials inspected the factory, the striking workers blocked the road and factory gate, surrounding the factory leaders. Reports say that authorities sent in almost one thousand riot police, using tear gas to suppress the group, and arresting at least 10. According to Radio Free Asia, last Sunday morning hundreds of workers continued to protest, resulting in even more police being deployed. At one point there were more than a thousand riot police surrounding the factory. The issue is yet to be resolved.
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Time: 00:51 More in News & Politics

World s Last Pinta Island Giant Tortoise Dies

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 01:58 PM PDT

The director of the Galapagos National Park Service has announced that Lonesome George, the last member of his giant tortoise subspecies, has died. He was around 100 years old. Fausto Llerna, his longtime caretaker at Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, in Ecuador, found the Pinta Island tortoise dead in his corral yesterday morning. Lonesome George was first discovered on Pinta Island in 1972 by a Hungarian malacologist. At the time George's subspecies was thought to have been extinct. He became a mascot for the Galapagos Islands, which attracts some 180000 visitors each year. Park officials had tried to mate Lonesome George with females of closely related giant tortoise subspecies. It happened once, after he lived with a pair of female tortoises from Wolf Volcano (Isabela Island) for 15 years. The eggs, however, were infertile. George had lived with two Espanola tortoises most recently. Lonesome George was estimated to be between 100 to 120 years old. This was relatively young for his species, which can live to around 200 years. With his passing, environmentalists believe that the Pinta Island tortoise subspecies is extinct. Park officials say they will carry out a necropsy to determine the cause of death. Edwin Naula, the director of the park, said that the park service will hold a workshop in July focusing on strategies for restoring tortoise populations, in honor of Lonesome George.
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Time: 01:17 More in News & Politics

Rebels in Syria Overtake Army Base

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 01:50 PM PDT

The aftermath of heavy fighting over a military base in the Syrian town of Daret Ezzah. Syrian rebels gained control over the base in coordination with a group of defectors from within the batallion. Amateur video obtained by Reuters, shot on June 24, shows the headquarters of the air defense battalion on fire. Military hardware and weapons including loaded rocket launchers and radar systems were seized by the rebels. The United Nations says more than 10000 people have been killed by government forces since the outbreak of protests against President Bashar al-Assad's rule in March 2011. Syria says at least 2600 members of the military and security forces have been killed by what it calls foreign-backed "Islamist terrorists."
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Time: 00:55 More in News & Politics

Wang Lijun Takes Heat Anonymous Attack Goes Viral

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 01:40 PM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ Ousted Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun is making headlines again. Now, it's his former subordinates who are lashing out—singling out Wang for his involvement in the "Beat the Black" campaign. That campaign was led by Wang under former, and since disgraced, Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai. It was meant to be a crackdown on organized crime in Chongqing, and has since been criticized for ignoring rule of law. An anonymously written article entitled "Monologue of a police officer: witnessing Wang Lijun" is gaining popularity fast on the Web. It describes how Wang Lijun used civil and private capital to keep the campaign alive, and crushed anyone in the Chongqing Public Security Bureau who didn't obey orders. The author says that the words "perverted, brutal, ruthless and imperious" sums up Wang comprehensively and accurately.
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Time: 00:57 More in News & Politics

Silent Revolution: 'N.Korea gets intimate with China'

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 06:33 AM PDT

South Korea has announced plans to build a new naval base near its border with North Korea. The base will include barracks and a training ground to accommodate around 100 troops. The base will be located on one of five South Korean islands established by the UN in the 1950s, but Pyongyang refuses to accept Seoul's ownership of the island. The border's been the scene of several clashes between the neighbors - the most recent attack happened in 2010, when the North shelled one of the Yellow Sea islands, killing 4 South Koreans. For more on this RT talks to James Corbett, Editor of News and Information site, The Corbett Report, from Osaka, Japan. Subscribe to RT! Watch RT LIVE on our website Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
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Time: 05:28 More in News & Politics

Uganda's Landslide Leaves Hundreds Missing

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 07:28 AM PDT

The aftermath of a deadly mudslide in Uganda on Monday. At least 18 people were killed after an avalanche buried several settlements in a coffee-growing area near the border with Kenya. Hundreds of people are still missing. One Red Cross field officer said nearby Mount Elgon poses a constant - and serious - threat of landslides. [Michael Nataka, Uganda Red Cross Field Officer] "This area is under risk and the Mount Elgon area has had so many places with cracks, so each time there is a rainfall for a while, this water just seeps into these cracks and then eventually the landslide happens." Landslides caused by heavy rains are common in eastern Uganda. Just last year, at least 23 people were killed after their homes were buried in mud. In 2010, a similar disaster claimed scores of lives.
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Time: 01:06 More in News & Politics

Angry Birds Angry at Chinese Fakes

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 08:49 AM PDT

What do Angry Birds do when they find their products being ripped off in China? Finnish Company Riovo, the creator of world renowned Angry Birds has a novel approach
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Time: 02:28 More in Gaming

Australian Olympic Hopeful, Jo Brigden-Jones

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 07:33 AM PDT

Australian Olympic kayak competitor Jo Brigden-Jones may already have a bit of an advantage. The 24-year-old nurse is a surf lifeguard. She's hoping her beach surf experience, and training at sea on a surfski, will give her and the Australian four-person team, an extra edge. Jo Brigden-Jones, Australian Olympic Kayak Competitor "Yes, I definitely think Australia has an advantage with how we can train in the surf compared to the European countries who just train in flat water. It's a tough environment out there and you know you are against challenges with the elements. It makes you tougher and stronger trying to race against the wind and the waves." Brigden-Jones is one of three lifeguards at the Manly surf club representing Australia in kayaking. The biggest asset of beach lifeguards is their ability to adjust to the unpredictability of the weather and ocean conditions. They'll be competing on a man-made lake half an hour outside London. It may not have waves but it's well known for its erratic gusts.
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Time: 01:02 More in News & Politics

The Dalai Lama speaks to the Press in Mirandola, Italy

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 06:11 AM PDT

Click here His Holiness the Dalai Lama briefly speaks with members of the press during his visit to Mirandoloa, the northern Italy region hit by powerful earthquakes last month, on June 24, 2012. (
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Time: 05:08 More in News & Politics

Political Situation In Ukraine European Union Concerned

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 02:35 AM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ At the recent meeting of the Committee on Parliamentary Cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union, EU representatives expressed concern about the political situation in Ukraine. Committee Co-Chair Boris Tarasyuk stated this clearly. [Borys Tarasyuk, Committee Co-Chair]: "In particular, attention was paid to the need to eliminate the use of selective justice against the opposition leaders. And it was noted that the Ukrainian government does not demonstrate the desire to respond to comments from European Union organisations." A statement adopted by the Committee urged the Ukrainian authorities to release the opposition leaders who have been convicted for political reasons, and to ensure their participation in the parliamentary elections later this year. Closely linked to this matter is legislation that allows criminal liability for the political decisions made by politicians - Ukraine was also urged to end this legislation. Five members of Ukraine's ruling Party of the Regions left the meeting in protest. The meeting of the Committee on Parliamentary Cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union was held in Strasbourg on June 13-14. NTD News, Kiev, Ukraine
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Time: 01:19 More in News & Politics

Racism on the Rise in Ukraine, Say Human Rights Activists

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 02:17 AM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ A student from Africa, Raul has been in Kiev for two years. Today he is walking in the fan-zone, but he says that normally he is afraid to walk around the city. During the past three months he has twice been beaten by skinheads. [Raoul Kamaha, Student From Africa]: "The first time was 3 people against me. The second time we had three to 25 people. We just ran away." Raoul has not reported the incidents to the police -- he says that it does not help. Human rights activists state that racism is on the rise in Ukraine, and the number of crimes against foreigners is also growing. [Eugene Zakharov, Head of Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group]: "During the 3 years of 2009, 2010, and 2011, there were 126 reported attacks on foreigners, predominantly on grounds of racial or ethnic hatred." During the last year, 48 foreigners have suffered from attacks. Victims of racial violence also include Gypsies, Crimean Tatars and Jews. [Maxim Butkevich, Coordinator of Project "Without Borders"]: "As a rule, those who suffer from such attacks tend not to report them, unless it has been extremely serious and put their life in danger. This is especially true of foreign students from Africa and Asia." According to human rights activists, the most common form of intolerance is verbal abuse. A friend of Raoul Sorel's says that he has often heard derogatory remarks at his expense <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:32 More in News & Politics

Rare Birth of Endangered Sumatran Rhino

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 01:54 AM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ A highly endangered Sumatran rhinoceros gave birth to a calf in western Indonesia. It is only the fourth birth in captivity in more than a century. Indonesia's forestry minister announced the birth of a Sumatran rhino on Monday, as only the fourth birth of the species in captivity in more than a century. The birth is raising expectations and hopes for conservationists for the continued existence of the critically endangered species in Indonesia. [Zulkifli Hasan, Indonesia Forestry Minister]: "The male Sumatran rhino was born at Way Kambas National Park on Saturday, June 23 at 00:45 am -- only the fourth such event since the conservation breeding efforts began in Asia." There are an estimated 200 Sumatran rhinos living in the wild in small groups in Indonesia and Malaysia, half the number of 15 years ago. Another 10 live in captivity, including Ratu, the mother of the new arrival, and four others in a rhino sanctuary at the Way Kambas National Park. [Zulkifli Hasan, Indonesia Forestry Minister]: "The rhino birth will be a milestone for the conservation of the Sumatran rhinoceros and is expected to increase confidence in the international community and government efforts to conserve endangered species in Indonesia, especially rhinos." Ratu, who was born in the wild, had miscarried twice. She was paired with Andalas, who was born in the United States and <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:40 More in Pets & Animals

Euro 2012 Stamp Unveiled

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 01:28 AM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ A giant stamp marking Ukraine's co-hosting of the Euro 2012 tournament is unveiled. There's less than a week to go before the final match is played in the capital Kiev. Ukrainian schoolchildren gathered at a main square in the capital Kiev on Monday to take part in the official unveiling of a commemorative Euro 2012 giant stamp. The stamp is made up of 208 cardboard pieces. The tournament will climax on July 1st when two Europena soccer teams vie for the championship cup at Kiev's Olympic Stadium. Ukraine, co-hosting the Euro 2012 tournament with neighboring Poland, has unveiled seven other stamps to mark the tournament which began June 8th. [Boris Kolesnikov, Deputy Prime Minister for Infrastructure]: "The tournament was a success. All citizens of our towns welcomed guests not only from abroad, but from Ukraine also. So there are no doubts that the tournament will end successfully. There were more guests than we expected." Organizers have submitted the 208-square-meter stamp to the Guinness Book of World Records. The actual "Ukraine Welcomes Euro 2012" stamps are now in circulation.
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Time: 01:04 More in Sports


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