Links » Crème » Top Ten Search List (June 28)

Links » Crème » Top Ten Search List (June 28)

Top Ten Search List (June 28)

Posted: 28 Jun 2012 02:52 AM PDT

Here's the top ten real-time search list for today, recorded at 12:30PM.

1. 双面女婴 shuāngmiàn nǚyīng – "Two-Faced Baby Girl," the most-searched item of the mid-afternoon, makes today a questionable day for journalistic integrity. Starting last evening, more and more articles from a wide range of Chinese news sites have been treating the same outdated story (four years outdated, to be exact) as breaking news. Lali Singh, an Indian baby girl who was born in March of 2008 with Diprosopus—a rare congenital disorder by which the face is duplicated on the head—was considered by many in India to be the reincarnation of the Hindu deity Ganesha. She died two months after her birth, of a heart attack. Again, that was 2008. But over the past 24 hours, report after report has been published in the Chinese news media asserting that Lali was born in March of this year, 2012, and that she recently passed away. So everyone is clicking away (great for website traffic…coincidence?) at four year-old images of Lali, as if they are testaments to a new discovery. And no, it isn't as if the Chinese media missed this the first time around; similar reports came out in the actual year of Lali's birth and death. What's more, some articles from yesterday do cite the correct 2008 date of her birth, which only leads to another question: if you know it happened four years ago, why choose to bring it up again now, with nothing new to add? Something is up, but so far no apparent in-depth discussion on the part of netizens about the glaring bizarreness. Here's the story (again, from another source!) in Chinese.

2. 流动卖淫车 liúdòng màiyín chē – "Traveling Prostitution Salesman": At 10 PM this past Monday during an investigation of an illegal sex "shop" in Hangzhou, police discovered that though negotiations with clients went down on the premises, prostitutes conducted their actual business in a vehicle disguised as a "fire safety equipment inspection" van. Here's the story in Chinese.

3. nexus q – The Nexus Q, the new media-streaming entertainment device in the the Google Nexus product family, is making its way into everybody's search boxes today after its presentation at the Google I/O Conference. Points of discussion in Chinese articles range from the fact that Google wants this product line to spark the revival of "Made in America" products (the bottom of the device is inscribed with the words "Designed and Manufactured in the U.S.A") to the question of why the spherical media player, priced at 299 USD, is as pricey as it is. Here's the story in Chinese.

4. 西班牙vs葡萄牙点球 Xībānyá vs Pútáoyá diǎnqiú – "Spain vs. Portugal Penalty Kick": Much discussion of Cristiano Ronaldo—dubbed "C-luó" (short for "C-luónàěrduō" (C·罗纳尔多)) by fans—and Xabi Alonso right now, after Spain's penalty kick win over Portugal after a total of 120 scoreless minutes.  Here's the story in Chinese.

5. 林郑月娥 Lín Zhèngyuè'é – Hong Kong politician Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, currently in charge of land policy, will be promoted to chief secretary, the second-highest ranking position in the Hong Kong government. Here's the story in Chinese.

6. 释永修 Shì Yǒngxiū – Famous Yunnanese Buddhist monk Shi Yongxiu, who was murdered two years ago at the age of 63, left a hefty legacy behind him amounting to 4.74 million RMB. Now, two years later, his daughter (from his family life prior to his 1979 entry into the monastery) is in an intense legal dispute with the monks of the Hongta district temple where he served as head abbot, over who gets to inherit the money. The monks hold that as no monk may have any possessions to his name, the money belongs to the temple. The daughter holds that Shi's property belonged to him as an individual, in spite of his monastic life. The municipal court is mired in a debate 0ver whether the offspring of a deceased holy man has the right to his estate.  Here's the story in Chinese.

7. 朱晓林 Zhū Xiǎolín – Yesterday Forbes China published its 2012 CEO salary list, declaring Zhu Xiaolin, CEO of mining company China Polymetallic Mining Limited, as the "winner" with a yearly salary of 2.35 billion RMB. The list also shows that CEO's of A-shares private enterprises traded on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges are not getting paid as highly as CEO's of state-owned enterprises. Here's the story in Chinese.

8. 教师边打学生边自夸 jiàoshī biān dǎ xuésheng biān zìkuā – "Teacher Hits Student with One Hand; Toots Own Horn with the Other": On June 11th, a 16 year-old Chongqing high school student put up a post on a BBS forum which read, "I was beaten by my teacher, it was traumatizing." After the post got 13,000 hits, reporters tracked down the student, who disclosed that he had been in homeroom joking around with a fellow classmate when his teacher, Mr. Zhong, came over and grabbed him by the neck. He further provoked Zhong, and after class was called into the office. Zhong beat him while apparently simultaneously bragging, "I already have five houses and a car, now beating you is another notch in my belt." The teacher has been duly fired for mistreating a student, as his belt begins to look increasingly notch-less. Meanwhile netizens continue to take the piss out of him for the sick things he chooses to boast about. Here's the story in Chinese.

9. 小米抽奖 Xiǎomǐ chōujiǎng - "Xiaomi Lottery": To celebrate the recent release of Chinese game developer Kingsoft's martial arts-themed MMORPG JX Online II, titled "Yanyun Jiange,"  Xiaomi (mobile phone developer that was by no coincidence created by Kingsoft CEO Lei Jun) has launched a promotional sweepstakes for give-aways of all kinds of virtual gaming props. Gamers are pumped. Here's the story in Chinese.

10. 贵州记者砍杀前女友事件 Guìzhōu jìzhě kǎnshā qián nǚyǒu shìjiàn – A Guizhou reporter by the name of Yuan Jing has been arrested for the intentional murder of his ex-girlfriend, Zhao Feifei.  Here's the story in Chinese.


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Today’s China Readings June 28, 2012

Posted: 27 Jun 2012 05:16 PM PDT

  • An App Keeps Spies Away from Your iPhone – Technology Review
  • China boats return to disputed area: claim | The Australian

    Chinese fishing boats have returned to a lagoon in a disputed South China Sea shoal despite an agreement to clear the area of all vessels, Philippines officials say.

  • Bo family in luxury London property deals –

    The family of the disgraced Chinese leader Bo Xilai bought luxury London properties through a front company with the help of a French architect, a Financial Times investigation has found.
    They enlisted the great grandson of the co-founder of the British retailer Marks & Spencer to help sell one of the apartments.

  • Top CIA Spy Accused of Being a Mafia Hitman | Danger Room |
    Enrique "Ricky" Prado's resume reads like the ultimate CIA officer: veteran of the Central American wars, running the CIA's operations in Korea, a top spy in America's espionage programs against China, and deputy to counter-terrorist chief Cofer Black — and then a stint at Blackwater. But he's also alleged to have started out a career as a hitman for a notorious Miami mobster, and kept working for the mob even after joining the CIA. Finally, he went on to serve as the head of the CIA's secret assassination squad against Al-Qaida.

    That's according to journalist Evan Wright's blockbuster story How to Get Away With Murder in America, distributed by Byliner.

  • China's Turn Against Law by Carl Minzner :: SSRN
    Chinese authorities are reconsidering legal reforms they enacted in the 1980s and 1990s. These reforms had emphasized law, litigation, and courts as institutions for resolving civil grievances between citizens and administrative grievances against the state. But social stability concerns have led top leaders to question these earlier reforms. Central Party leaders now fault legal reforms for insufficiently responding to (or even generating) surging numbers of petitions and protests.

    Chinese authorities have now drastically altered course. Substantively, they are de-emphasizing the role of formal law and court adjudication. They are attempting to revive pre-1978 Maoist-style court mediation practices. Procedurally, Chinese authorities are also turning away from the law. They are relying on political, rather than legal, levers in their effort to remake the Chinese judiciary.

    This Article analyzes the official Chinese turn against law.

  • 房地产调控已陷进退两难境地_经济频道_财新网


  • McCain Attacks Adelson Spending As 'Foreign Money,' Says 'Corporations Are Not People' | ThinkProgress

    MCCAIN: This which says that obviously, maybe in a round-about way, foreign money is coming into an American campaign, political campaigns.
    WOODRUFF: Because of the profits that the casinos in Macau…

  • Sinopec Team Left Grasping at China Gas Straws – Caixin Online

    A major natural gas supplier is at the center of a shareholder struggle among state-owned and private investors..
    Energy companies from Oman to Beijing have been wrangling over one of China's largest natural gas distributors with an unusual bow to state-private sector teamwork.
    The competition for control began in December when state-run oil company Sinopec and privately held ENN Energy Service Co. Ltd. joined forces in a hostile takeover bid for Hong Kong-listed China Gas Holdings Ltd.

  • FT Alphaville » China's foreign debt keeps rising

    ChinaScope reports that China's total outstanding foreign debt was $751.26bn at the end of March 2012, according to data released Monday by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE).

  • Local vs central: China property tug o'war | beyondbrics
  • Asia Sentinel – Leung Chun-ying stumbles on illegal additions to his Peak home

    Leung Chun-ying is due to take office as Hong Kong's chief executive Sunday, anointed by Chinese President Hu Jintao, just at the time Tropical Storm Doksuri appears to be scheduled to arrive and head directly up the Pearl River.

  • PDF: Decision making in SOEs and the Implications for the Resource Sector

    Presentation to the Australian China Business Council in Melbourne, June 4, by Urandaline Investments

  • Chinese company ensnared in kickback scandal in Philippines – The Washington Post
    After a tense showdown over a disputed shoal in the South China Sea, the closest U.S. ally in Southeast Asia and a rising China now face a new source of potential friction over the alleged corrupt practices of a well-connected Chinese corporation.

    At the center of a case before the Philippine anti-graft tribunal is Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment, or ZTE, a state-linked manufacturing giant that sells communications gear in more than 140 countries. The company is not on trial, but its alleged payment of tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks in connection with a 2007 contract has led to graft charges against former president Gloria Magacapal-Arroyo, her husband and two other former senior officials. All deny any wrongdoing.

  • Does China Want to Dominate Afghanistan? – By Steve LeVine | Foreign Policy
    From two decades of watching and covering the country, I feel confident saying that China will not end up "dominating Afghanistan," because the Afghans are too astute to let that happen. They do not require foreigners to inform them of the downside risks of falling under the sway of an outside power. Yet how astute are we?

    By appearances, not very. We seem to have determined that because China is a great rival in many sectors, it is by definition a danger everywhere. But the logic does not hold in Central and South Asia, where a robust Chinese economic role — a Pax Sinica, if you will — may be what stands between the success and failure of primary U.S. and Western strategic objectives. "Without China's assistance, almost nothing of sustainable consequence will happen in South or Central Asia — in Pakistan, in Afghanistan, or elsewhere," Larry Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Gen. Colin Powell, told me.

  • 40重点城市住房信息恐难如期联网_中国经济网――国家经济门户

    now chinese press saying now info system linking 40 cities various real estate information systems is unlikely to be online by june 30. doubt it ever will be, as too many interests do not want this to happen. transparency is a dangerous thing

  • Stocks Rise on China Stimulus Bets as Italy Bonds Advance – Bloomberg

    The China Securities Journal said the country may introduce "more proactive" policies to ensure stable growth in the world's second-largest economy, while the Xinhua News Agency said China plans to boost Hong Kong's integration with mainland financial markets. Italy sold 9 billion euros ($11 billion) of 185-day bills, matching its target, on the eve of Europe's 19th summit to tackle the debt crisis.

  • Cooking oil thieves hit Montgomery's Red Rooster restaurant – The Washington Post

    But for iron-stomached criminals, the greasy dregs translate to easy cash. Demand is high for recycled oil. Once treated, "yellow grease," which can net $3 per gallon, is used to fuel biodiesel fleets and as a key ingredient for feeding poultry in Delmarva and pigs in China.

  • US envoy's humble trip brings Chinese netizens to criticize officials|Politics|News|

    The United States Ambassador to China Gary Locke's recent low-profile family trip to the Chinese city of Guilin has been used by Chinese netizens to mock the extravagant manners of Chinese officials.

  • CapitalVue News: China Medium-End Baijiu Prices Up

    June 27 — Second and third-tier Chinese baijiu makers are expanding production capacity due to the rising prices of medium-end spirits, while the prices of high-end baijiu are dropping during the low season in summer, reports China Securities Journal.

  • Police seize hundreds of endangered animals in Nanning|Society|News|

    Police in south China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region have busted a criminal gang trafficking endangered animals, seizing hundreds of bear paws, bear meat and animal carcasses during a raid of one of the ring's warehouses, local officials said Tuesday…
    Some of the carcasses, including those of pangolins and tortoises, were sealed in a refrigerator and disguised as tea, police said.

  • Diao si: internet buzzword reflects angst among young Chinese|Society|In-depth|
  • Founder of Singapore's Biggest Church in Hot Water – Southeast Asia Real Time – WSJ

    authorities on Tuesday arrested the founding pastor and four executive staff of City Harvest Church for alleged misuse of church funds to fund the pop music career of the senior pastor's wife, Ho Yeow Sun. Ms. Ho is not among the five arrested.

  • Vietnam Protests Cnooc Move in South China Sea –

    Vietnam late Tuesday launched a formal protest against China National Offshore Oil Corp.'s move to offer nine blocks in the South China Sea for joint operation

  • China Prohibits Local Government Bond Sales In Budget Law | MNI

    Local Chinese governments won't be allowed to raise debt directly, according to the draft of amendments to the central government's budget law, dealing a blow to hopes that Beijing would move forward with the development of a municipal bond market.

  • China Local Govts Test Beijing Resolve On Housing Crackdown | MNI
    Authorities in the Chinese province of Henan played down Wednesday reports that they are planning to loosen restrictions on investing in the property market there, the latest local government unsuccessfully test Beijing's resolve on maintaining its strict real estate policies.

    An authoritative source with the provincial branch of the China Banking Regulatory Commission said that reports Monday of plans to loosen lending conditions for homebuyers and developers were "misinterpreted", the 21st Century Business Herald reported, adding that the source denied that the government had introduced any policies to loosen restrictions.

  • Local Gov.'s Property Retreat "Dead on Arrival"-Caijing

    The cat-and-mouse game is the latest in a series of local governments' impulse to ease property restrictions because they are too dependent on property sales for their revenue.

  • China's Repo Rate Declines on Speculation Policies to Be Eased – Bloomberg

    China's money-market rate declined on speculation the central bank will loosen monetary policy to ease a quarter-end cash shortage.

  • PBoC may Cut RRR in July, Interest Rates in Aug.: CICC-Caijing

    The People's Bank of China will probably cut the deposit reserve requirements for banks in July and cut the interest rate in August

  • China's officials forced to sell luxury cars –

    who are the buyers, and will they "lend" the cars back to the sellers?//
    The municipalities say the auctions are their way of implementing a central government policy to root out misuse and illegal purchases of official cars. But despite policy being in place since 1994, the number of government cars has mushroomed.
    "It's not only about reform," said Prof Tao. "Many are short of money."

  • Business – Matthew O'Brien – Why China Is in the Business of Building America's Houses – The Atlantic

    There's a government that wants to invest in the United States. That might seem hard to believe amidst our age of local austerity. But it's easy to find. Just go west. Keep going west. Seriously, keep going west. Okay, stop when you reach east. It's China. 
    The big news is that the Chinese Development Bank might pour a cool $1.7 billion into a pair of stalled San Francisco housing developments. Yes, the same Chinese Development Bank that typically makes infrastructure investments in the developing world. 

  • » Another Riot In Guangdong, Caused By Teens Fighting, Reportedly With Casualties [Video] Beijing Cream
  • 传十八大10月召开 习近平主导筹备工作_多维新闻网

    so how will reuters cover the word now that the 18th party congress will be held as scheduled, likely in october//

  • 切割和地方利益链 解放军深挖贪腐根源_多维新闻网

    Duowei on anti-corruption campaign in the PLA. no wonder there is so much loyalty propaganda right now

  • 城市一卡通巨额押金去向为何成谜?_网易新闻中心
  • Top Ten Search List (June 27)

    wish baidu did this more regulalry

  • NSA Spying and the Illusion of Oversight | Cato @ Liberty

    China probably envious of US domestic surveillance tech and breadth?

  • Hillary Clinton's Last Tour as a Rock-Star Diplomat –

    including China trip and Chen Guangcheng

  • As U.S. Leaves, Oil-Hungry China Stuck in Middle East – WSJ

    China increasingly has reason to worry about Islamic terrorists, between Xinjiang and propping up nasty regimes in the Middle East.

  • 南方周末 – 2011年中央单位"三公经费"支出93.46亿元
  • Enraged residents besiege Shaxi local govt offices after school beating –
  • China's Henan reverses easier-mortgage plan – Economic Report – MarketWatch
  • The internal struggle for the Party's military – China Media Project

    pair this with the Peter Mattis piece highlighted in the June 25 Sinocism

  • No Second-Half Rally for China Stocks, Top Fund Manager Says – Bloomberg

    China's economy will probably stay in the "doldrums" in coming months, preventing a second-half rally for the nation's equities, according to the country's best-performing fund manager.
    The government will do just enough to prevent the world's second-biggest economy from slowing further instead of taking more aggressive measures to boost growth, Yu Guang of Invesco Great Wall Fund Management Co. in Shenzhen, said in an e-mailed interview on June 21. Property, auto and household-appliance stocks may outperform even as the overall market stalls, said Yu, whose Core Competitiveness Fund has returned 25 percent this year, ranking it first among 714 China-based mutual funds, according to data compiled by Bloomberg as of June 25.

  • Not Best Time to Buy Land in China Now, Hang Lung's Chan Says – Bloomberg

    Land prices in China may drop further and it is still too early to buy land in the country, said Ronnie Chan, Chairman of Hang Lung Properties Ltd. (101), the Hong Kong developer investing at least $8.5 billion in Chinese real estate.
    "Why hurry? It's not like the market is going to take off anytime soon," Chan said in an interview at the sideline of the Real Estate Investment World conference in Singapore today. "It's still not the best time yet. We need to look more carefull

  • Gov't Faces Questions over Housing Market Curbs – Caixin Online

    Beijing's tightening policies have cooled sector, but local governments are taking steps to circumvent them

  • Bad Loan Problem Spreading across Country, Banker Says – Caixin Online

    Guangdong and Inner Mongolia can be added to the list of places witnessing a surge in NPLs
    (Wenzhou) – The resurgence of bad loans is not only a regional issue but a national problem, an executive at a joint-stock bank says.
    The ratio of all but two commercial banks' non-performing loans (NPLs) to small and medium-sized enterprises hit 2 percent, he said. The exceptions were China Minsheng Bank and Shenzhen Development Bank.

  • CDT–Riot in Guangdong Village Over Sale of Lan

    Zuotan, Foshan

  • Domino Risk Grips Zhejiang Bankers, Borrowers – Caixin Online
  • Myrtle Beach-area golf industry looks to China to boost its brand – Myrtle Beach Golf –
  • No related posts.


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