Videos » Politics » What is behind 'a slapped in the face'?

Videos » Politics » What is behind 'a slapped in the face'?

What is behind 'a slapped in the face'?

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 08:32 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: After the trial of former Chongqing Vice Mayor Wang Lijun, the Chinese Communist Party state media published an article giving a detailed account of the trial. The court heard the whole story, including how Bo slapped Wang Lijun in the face, resulting in Wang Lijun fleeing to the US Consulate, causing concern for Chinese people. It has also attracted the attention of international media and analysts. This is seen as a slap in the face of history again, in order to escape the doom of another Cultural Revolution in China. Let's hear experts discuss the power struggles behind the conspiracy. Xinhua News Agency published a 6000 word article, which released the details about Wang Lijun's trial. It said that Wang reported to then Chongqing's CCP chief leader on suspicions of a murder by Gu Kailai. Wang was reportedly "slapped in the face". Washington-based China expert Zhang Tianliang thinks there are bigger secrets under the Wang Lijun incident. Why did Wang Lijun, having been 'slapped', flee to the US Consulate to seek asylum. Why did he not complain to his boss Zhou Yongkang? How did Bo Xilai risk creating a diplomatic disturbance, and besiege the US Consulate to capture Wang Lijun? Zhang Tianliang: "In court, Wang was charged with abuse of power, by illegally intercepting others' phone calls. Then who are the "others" that were stated? It was rumored that Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang plotted to overthrow <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:11 More in News & Politics

"Help Me Quit the Communist Party Fast!" Citizens eager to break with the CCP

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 08:30 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Whether inside or outside of China, many Mainlanders are eager to quit the Chinese Communist Party(CCP). Since the Nine Commentaries was published by the Epoch Times at the end of 2004, more than 100 million people have announced the "Three Quits": Quit the Party, Quit the Youth League, Quit the Young Pioneers. A Mainland Falun Gong practitioner said more than twenty people wanted to participate in the "Three Quits" after the truth of Falun Gong practitioners' persecution was exposed. Amongst them, there were a middle aged garbage collector and a retired professor. A retired female professor says her whole family is afraid of the CCP. She let a Falun Gong practitioner quit her party membership as well as asking her spouse, son and daughter to quit. A factory worker also told a Falun Gong practitioner after quitting the party, everything was going well for one of his friends, and he has been waiting for a long time to find a practitioner to help him quit. The worker also asked for the "Nine Commentaries" DVD and wants to pass it on to relatives and friends. These cases happen outside of Mainland China as well. "Three Quits" volunteer Li Jing in Indonesia says, now Chinese people understand the truth about the CCP. As soon as someone talks to them about it, they express their desire to quit. Some people even call out "Falun Dafa is Good! Overthrow the Communist Party!" Li Jing says: "One day, I was <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:47 More in News & Politics

Bo Xilai was mentioned in Wang Lijun's Trial

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 08:25 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: After the trial of Wang Lijun, the former Vice Mayor of Chongqing and director of Public Security Bureau, Xinhua News Agency, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece media published a lengthy report of the entire story. This report confirmed many previous rumors. On September 20, the Beijing correspondent of the French newspaper Le Monde, had a phone interview with Wang Yuncai, Wang Lijun's lawyer, and was told a different version. The Chengdu Intermediate People's Court has ended Wang Lijun's trial. The CCP mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency reported that Wang Lijun faced being held criminally responsible for illegal favoritism, defection, abuse of power, and bribery. On the morning of September 20, Brice Pedroletti, the Beijing correspondent of the French newspaper Le Monde, had a phone interview with Wang Lijun's lawyer, Wang Yuncai. Pedroletti said that there were unclear points during the trial and hoped Wang Yuncai could further clarify. Wang Yuncai pointed out that Xinhua News Agency's report was not comprehensive enough. For example, Gu Kailai's murder evidence has not been destroyed, Wang Lijun was unaware that Xu Ming paid for a house, and Bo Xilai was mentioned in the trial. Wang Yuncai added that she indirectly admitted to Deutsche Welle that Bo Xilai was mentioned in court. She said, "The report identified this fact which should be specifically brought up in court." It is understood that <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:59 More in News & Politics

Is Chinese Communist Regime Endangered? UN Screen Documentary on Organ Harvesting.

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 08:21 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: There have been a series of events before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 18th National Congress, that have caused many speculations about the regime in crisis. These include the Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai incidents, as well as infighting between Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin. It also involves economic crisis, political crisis, and mass protests. It is predicted the Chinese Communist Party's downfall will soon come. There is also a focus that is concerning Western society, that will very possibly see the CCP completely disintegrate. On September 19, The Epoch Times" reported on two award-winning films that screened at the Conference of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva. The documentary films, called "Free China" and "Between Life and Death", deeply expose the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. They also discuss organ harvesting. Many delegates and NGO representatives came to watch, and expressed their concern. After watching the movie, Mr. Marc Falquet, a member of the Commission on the UNHRC commented. It was hard to imagine that the CCP has performed criminally as a government system. The CCP is destroying the best part of Chinese society, the Falun Gong group. Guo Jun, Editor-in-Chief of "The Epoch Times" carries on the story that began in the films. She said, you can not ignore that people can buy not only cheap goods made by Falun Gong practitioners in prison, but also buy their <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:14 More in News & Politics

Wang's Verdict May Be Released on Monday

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 08:17 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On September 21, Reuters, the Associated Press, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and a number of mainstream Western media released news stating that according to Chengdu Intermediate People's Court, the verdict of Wang Lijun, former Vice Mayor of Chongqing and director of Public Security Bureau, will be announced at 8:30am on Monday. According to the Hong Kong Commercial Radio, the court claimed the audit seats had already filled up, and the court will consider arranging a conference to issue a ruling after the verdict. Wang Lijun, the right hand man of former Mayor of Chongqing, Bo Xilai, was accused of favoritism, defection, abuse of power, and bribery. Wang was put on trial at the Chengdu Intermediate People's Court on September 17 and 18, but the trial on September 17 was closed to the public. It is understood that Wang Lijun has no objection to the charges against him. But public opinion said Wang Lijun won't be sentenced to death. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece, Xinhua News Agency, disclosed that Bo Xilai may be involved in the crimes. It is widely expected the CCP leadership will announce whether Bo Xilai faces criminal charges after Wang Lijun's sentencing. Hu Jintao May Keep Position in Military With the approach of the CCP personnel transition, the public is focused on whether Hu Jintao will resign from all positions after the 18th National People's Congress (NPC <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:58 More in News & Politics

Shanghai Stock Index Reached the Lowest Point in 43 months, Will it Break 2000 points?

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 08:16 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, the Chinese stock market decreased continually. On Thursday Sep.20th, it reached a new low point. On Friday Sep. 21st, it opened low and slightly increased later but had no power to rise higher. The downturn atmosphere is still covering the market. Earlier, some Chinese economic scholars said that the Chinese stock market isn't short of money, but lack of confidence. Many experts and industry insiders also thought that China isn't short of money, but lack of confidence. On Sep. 20th, the Chinese stock market fell to a new low. The Shanghai stock index closed at 2024.84, the lowest in 43 months, and closed at 2000, a critical point. In A stock market, the market value shrunk 500billion RMB in one day, and the Shenzhen stock index decreased 2.72%. On Friday, the stock market opened low, but increased a little bit after a while. Finally, all the Chinese stock indexes closed at the same level as the beginning of the day. Mr. Shi is an investment consulting manager, he told NTD on Sep. 21st that in China the stock analyst or manager has no future because there's no future. They only have 2000 RMB monthly income now. Mr. Shi: "In the past two years, the customer has been losing money and the stock analyst has nothing to do. Because the customers were losing money, you can do nothing. So, it's very hard to be a stock analyst now." Some industry insiders said that from the funding level, the central <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:22 More in News & Politics

Video: Spiderman scales world's highest steel tower in China

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 05:59 AM PDT

French "Spiderman" Alain Robert added another structure to his record of climbing achievements on Saturday, scaling most of a 388-meter (1280-foot) tower in central China. Robert has climbed more than 100 structures without ropes or other safety equipment, setting a record for "most buildings climbed unassisted" according to Guinness World Records. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
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Time: 01:00 More in News & Politics

Birthday Party Invitation Goes Viral and Turns Violent in Small Dutch Town

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 05:48 AM PDT

A Dutch town turns inside-out after thousands of youngsters turn up to a party from an invitation that went viral on Facebook. Full Story: Riot police broke up crowds of youths who turned violent in a Dutch town late on Friday (September 21). Several thousand people descended on the community following an invitation to a birthday party posted on Facebook, Dutch media reported. Media reports said shops were vandalized and looted, a car set on fire, and street signs and lampposts damaged before police broke up the crowds. Twenty people were arrested. 30000 people received the invitation from a girl announcing her 16th birthday party on Facebook. The party was intended to be a small-scale celebration, but the girl did not set her Facebook event to private and the invitation went viral. Reports said up to 3000 people showed up in the town of 18000. Haren had been bracing for the event for most of the week. Police blocked the road leading to the girl's house and moved the girl and her family to a secret location. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:03 More in News & Politics

Aung San Suu Kyi Receives 2012 Global Citizen Award

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 05:26 AM PDT

Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi awarded Global Citizen Award for dedication to human rights. Full Story: Democratic opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the 2012 Global Citizen Award during a ceremony in New York. The award recognizes people who work internationally to tackle global challenges. Suu Kyi said her house arrest spanning nearly two decades was by choice and that the ultimate payoff remains to be seen. [Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar Opposition Leader]: "...And so really, I deserve no praise for it, nor do I really deserve compassion for any of the problems I might have met along the way because it was my choice." "The ultimate, the best way in which we can repay those who have stood with us through the hard years, the most difficult times, will be to prove that there can be a happy ending to long struggles." Amongst those who were also awarded... Music legend Quincy Jones for his song We Are the World, and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:00 More in News & Politics

French Spiderman Scales World's Tallest Steel Tower

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 05:12 AM PDT

French "spiderman" Alain Robert successfully climbs the world's tallest steel tower in central China. Full Story: French daredevil climber Alain Robert scaled most of the world's tallest steel tower in China's central Henan province on Saturday (September 22). Standing at 388 meters tall, the Central Plains Fortaleza has no hand or footholds. Robert, who has earned the nickname of "French Spiderman," started climbing from the height of 103 meters with the help of suction gear and mechanical ascenders. The 50-year-old took about two hours to reach the observation platform at 268 meters. The steel structure has an outward slope of 30 degrees towards the top, making it more difficult for Robert at the end of his climb. In 2010, Robert was fined $750 for illegally climbing the 41-story Royal Bank of Scotland building in central Sydney, Australia. But this time he had a permit for the climb. He has since climbed more than 100 buildings around the world, including Chicago's Sears Tower and the Taipei 101 in Taiwan. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:00 More in News & Politics

Christopher Columbus Gets a Living Room

Posted: 22 Sep 2012 03:55 AM PDT

Japanese artist creates living room in the sky around NY monument. A statue of Christopher Columbus has a new living room that most New Yorker's can only dream of. At Wednesday's media sneak peak, New York City's Mayor said the installation is unique. [Michael Bloomberg, New York City's Mayor] "It is really interesting. It is different and it gives you a chance to get up close to somebody that really had an enormous impact on the world. The view will really knock your socks off as they say, being there is an exhilarating once in a lifetime chance to take in some of New York City's busiest streets." The Columbus Circle landmark was transformed by Japanese artist Tatzu Nishi. The temporary exhibit has loft style windows through which viewers can see Central Park and Manhattan streetscapes. The space features custom made wallpaper designed by Nishi himself. He says it was inspired by images from American pop culture that he was exposed to growing up in Japan. Like many of Nishi's previous works, the statue and its environment inspired his creation. [Tatzu Nishi, Artist]: "When they asked me to come to New York two and a half years ago I walked around for four or five days to see all the sculptures and monuments and then I knew that I wanted to do this project in Columbus Circle." This is his first major project in the US, so the artist says he is curious how Americans and visitors will react to his work. The exhibit is funded by the Public Art Fund and is free to the public <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:41 More in News & Politics

China Uncensored - The New York Times Sells Out To China

Posted: 21 Sep 2012 08:59 PM PDT

Chris Chappell tears the New York Times a new one for selling out to China and running China Watch, aka Xinhua propaganda. The New York Times failed to report on the Holocaust and now it ignores a terrifying new genocide being waged by the same Chinese regime that is giving money to the Times. Twitter: Facebook:
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Time: 02:06 More in News & Politics

Couture Fashion Week 2012- The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel NYC

Posted: 21 Sep 2012 07:43 PM PDT

Vietnam's Next Top Models, Textures, Colors and Classical music all came together at Couture Fashion Week. Celebrity Stylist Elie Esper along with Cathy Lee Jones attended these plush event.Pop singer Lizzie Sider also performed. Andres Aquino staged three days of music, fashion.
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Time: 02:49 More in Entertainment

Bodpi Bumo Chung Chung by Tsewang - Tibetan Song

Posted: 21 Sep 2012 07:28 PM PDT

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Time: 03:25 More in News & Politics

Bhoepi Bhomu Chung Chung by Tsewang Tibetan Song MV

Posted: 21 Sep 2012 07:25 PM PDT

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Time: 03:47 More in News & Politics

Bhopi Bhomo Chung Chung by Tsewang - Tibetan Song

Posted: 21 Sep 2012 06:52 PM PDT

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Time: 03:45 More in News & Politics


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