Videos » Politics » Anti-Jihad Adverts Hit New York City

Videos » Politics » Anti-Jihad Adverts Hit New York City

Anti-Jihad Adverts Hit New York City

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 07:55 AM PDT

Controversial adverts in New York City call on people to support Israel and defeat savagery. Full Story: With much of the Muslim world still seething over the YouTube video ridiculing the Prophet Mohammad, controversial adverts have popped up in New York City subway stations. The adverts, sponsored by the pro-Israel American Freedom Defense Initiative, equate Islamic jihad with savagery. And although the Metropolitan Transit Authority tried to remove the ads, a federal judge ruled they were protected by freedom of speech. The organization responsible for the adverts says the only controversy is when the government tries to restrict free speech. [David Yerushalmi, American Freedom Defense Initiative, Representative]: "The news item is when the government attempts to restrict free speech, if the government behaved properly, this would just be speech like any other speech, we'd all kind of nod, some people would shake their heads in disgust, others might shake their heads in agreement and others might approach it in a non-plused way, but that's what the First Amendment is about," But a representative from the Council on American-Islamic Relations holds a quite different opinion. [Cyrus Mcgoldrick, Council on American-Islamic Relations]: "Of course I have mixed feelings about it. You know, it's disgusting, it's despicable, I have to laugh as well. The use of the word 'savage' is so classically colonialist and everything." Despite the prominent placing, most subway riders <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:12 More in People & Blogs

7 Soldiers Killed in East Turkey Attack

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 04:20 PM PDT

An attack on a military vehicle kills at least 7 soldiers in the city of Tunceli, east Turkey. Full story: At least seven soldiers were killed in the eastern Turkish city of Tunceli on Tuesday. Security sources say their armored truck drove past a vehicle laden with explosives. It's suspected the explosives were set off by Kurdish militants. Ambulances rushed through the thinly populated city streets as flames rose from the two vehicles. Militants from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) have carried out a wave of attacks on military targets in recent months. The recent fighting has been some of the heaviest since the PKK took up arms in 1984. Their aim is to create a separate Kurdish state. Last Tuesday PKK fighters killed 10 soldiers and wounded at least 60 in eastern Turkey. They fired rockets at a military convoy travelling between the provinces of Bingol and Mus. In recent weeks, air attacks have been bombarding PKK camps in the southeast border region near Iraq. More than 40 thousand people have been killed in the ongoing conflict. This has hampered development in one of Turkey's poorest corners, and worsened instability in a region bordering Iran, Iraq, and Syria. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:16 More in News & Politics

Russian Truck Driver Survives Crash

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 04:12 PM PDT

A truck driver got a very lucky escape as his vehicle collided with another large truck on a highway in Russia. An amateur footage from a video camera shows traffic on a highway, where a large truck in front makes a sudden maneuver to the left, coming onto the wrong lane and crashing into...
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Time: 00:42 More in Autos & Vehicles

China News - China News Broadcast, September 25, 2012: China's Aircraft Carrier, Gold and Silver Mooncakes

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 03:35 PM PDT

In today's NTD China News, the Chinese regime puts its first aircraft carrier into service. Chinese and Japanese Vice Foreign Ministers meet in Beijing, trading words over the disputed Diaoyu, or Senkaku Islands. Chinese authorities steps up custom checks of Japanese imports, as ripples from the islands dispute expand to trade ties. Falun Gong practitioners stage peaceful demonstrations outside the UN General Assembly in New York, raising awareness of alleged forced organ harvesting by Chinese authorities. 20 miners die in Gansu province, the latest in a string of mining accidents to hit China. Workers at Foxconn return to work today, and employees talk about what triggered the massive overnight rioting on Monday. European solar panel makers have filed a fresh trade complaint against Chinese firms, this time, over illegal export subsidies. A Chinese company adds a twist to traditional mooncakes—making them from gold and silver, and they come with a big price tag. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 16:43 More in Shows

Obama Does Balancing Act Between Free Speech and Blasphemy

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 03:25 PM PDT

In his UN address, US President Barack Obama stresses US distaste for insults to religion while insisting there is no excuse for a violence. Full story: A wave of Muslim rage over an anti-Islam video made in US has swept the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. Many Americans were stunned by the images of US flags burning in the Muslim world -- where US President Barack Obama had focused intense personal diplomacy at the start of his term. It is an issue he addressed before the UN [Barack Obama, US President]: "The attacks of the last two weeks are not simply an assault on America. They are also an assault on the very ideals upon which the United Nations was founded..." The crisis has exposed a deep divide over the issues of free speech and blasphemy at a time when Islamist forces are on the political rise in the Middle East after several veteran dictators were ousted. [Barack Obama, US President]: "There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There is no video that justifies an attack on an Embassy." Obama defended his approach to the Arab Spring but offered no detailed solutions to an array of crises that threaten to chip away at a foreign policy record that his aides hoped would be immune from Republican attack. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:20 More in News & Politics

Foxconn's Taiyuan Factory Riot: What Happened?

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 03:25 PM PDT

Workers at the Taiyuan Foxconn factory are back to work today after a small-scale conflict turned into a large-scale brawl. The factory was closed on Monday after 40 people were reportedly sent to a hospital and the conflict was investigated. A dispute began late Sunday night and was not contained till 3 am on Monday morning. Photos said to be from the Foxconn factory show broken glass, smashed windows, and people running everywhere. The cause of the riot was not immediately apparent. Netizens speculated it was a fight between security guards and Foxconn workers. State-run media said it was a conflict between two workers from different provinces and was not work related. One employee, who asked to remain anonymous, confirmed netizen speculation. [Anonymous Foxconn Employee]: "Many security guards beat one worker, and when a lot of workers saw that, they kept it to themselves, and didn't say anything. But this time the conflict was too great, because they really beat the workers badly, so everyone just went crazy." Another anonymous employee told Reuters that the conflict was a result of too much staff and poor management. With around 79-thousand workers, he says, it is not surprising. [Anonymous Foxconn Employee]: "If the management system is inadequate for the entire plant, with tens of thousands of workers... there are too many workers, so if the management is inadequate and the specific details are not done properly, then there will definitely be incidents, like people <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:07 More in News & Politics

Chris Brown, Helen Mirren, Katy Perry Make Showbiz News

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 03:12 PM PDT

The day's top showbiz news and headlines including Chris Brown tests positive for marijuana, Helen Mirren to get a lifetime achievement award, and Katy Perry hits Tokyo. Full story: Chris Brown was in a Los Angeles court on Monday after he tested positive for marijuana. According to a probation report, Brown tested positive in June in his home state of Virginia, where he is fulfilling his community service. Brown must report back to court on November 01 for a hearing to decide whether he had violated his probation - - he's currently in the middle of a five year probation for his 2009 assault on Rihanna. Helen Mirren will receive a lifetime achievement award from the European Film Academy. The Oscar-winning actress will be a guest at the ceremony to be held December 01 in Malta. Mirren will next portray Queen Elizabeth II - a role she already won an Oscar for - in a stage play to open in London next year. Iran's culture minister has said that his country will boycott the 2013 Oscars in the wake of the anti-Islam video made in the US that denigrates the prophet Muhammad. Iran says it will not field an entry for next year's awards and urged other Islamic countries to follow suit.. An Iranian film won an Oscar in the foreign film category last year. Finally, Katy Perry met with fans in Tokyo on Tuesday for a special screening of her concert documentary, "Katy Perry: Part of Me." For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛ on <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:13 More in People & Blogs

Mooncakes: Now in Silver and Gold Varieties

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 02:53 PM PDT

These mooncakes are selling like hot cakes, even with a price tag of more than 7500 US dollars a case. That's right, 7500 US dollars. That's because these aren't your ordinary mooncakes, which are themselves flying off the shelves as the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming up on September 30th. These mooncakes are made of gold. And not just gold. They come in silver too. Despite the hefty price tags, the company who makes them, Beijing Kingee Culture Development Co Ltd, says they're selling out. So who are buying up these expensive, non-edible mooncakes? A company executive told China Economic Weekly magazine that most of their gold and silver moon cakes are bought by nearby government officials, who then use them as gifts. These expensive items are part of a new breed products that have appeared on the market in recent years. They're created specifically for gifting, and boast sky-high prices. This one mooncake is selling for 1880 yuan, or, just about 300 US dollars. A former professor at Shandong University, Sun Wenguang, explains why he thinks this particular market has grown. [Sun Wenguang, Former Professor at Shandong University] "Gifting, well, what can you give? If you give money, it may leave a trial. A house won't do either. So you might as well send something very high class, like expensive mooncakes made from gold and silver. This is another sign of corruption." The practice of giving mooncakes as presents has been a tradition amongst ethnic Chinese, who celebrate <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:52 More in News & Politics

What Wang Lijun's "Light" Sentence Means for Bo Xilai

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 02:48 PM PDT

Wang Lijun was sentenced to prison on Monday. He used to be the high-rolling police chief and vice mayor of . But after his fateful trip to the US consulate in February this year, he sparked a turn of events that uncovered murder, cover-up, and a bitter power struggle at the upper echelon of the Communist Party. Now, Wang Lijun's been convicted on four charges: bending the law for selfish ends, defection, abuse of power, and bribe-taking. For that he'll face 15 years in prison. But more significantly, how will his conviction affect his former boss, Bo Xilai? And what key information was intentionally left out of Wang's trial that the Party elite are trying to keep under wraps?
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Time: 13:10 More in News & Politics

European Solar Panel Films File Chinese Subsidies Complaint

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 02:41 PM PDT

A group of European solar panel makers has today filed a second trade complaint against their Chinese competitors, this time over suspected export subsidies. Germany's SolarWorld led the charge at the European Commission. This comes less than one month after the Commission began a probe into the price-dumping of solar panels by Chinese manufacturers. More than 80% of Europe's solar panel market has been taken up by Chinese firms. The group of 25 European solar panel makers say Chinese companies have an unfair advantage through government subsidies, and access to very low cost loans. European companies told Reuters that this state-backed aid means Chinese makers are producing more than 20 times what the Chinese market needs, and nearly double the global demand. The European Commission has 45 days to determine whether or not to investigate the claim. If it does, the Commission can impose duties on imported Chinese solar panels. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:57 More in News & Politics

20 Die in Gansu Mining Accident

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 02:26 PM PDT

Twenty miners have died today after an accident in China's northwestern Gansu Province. It happened when 34 miners crammed into a rail carriage that was made for ten people. The rail carrying the carriage broke, and the carriage dropped down the shaft almost 500 feet (150 meters). 14 people survived the fall with injuries. Three are in a critical condition. This accident is not isolated. Earlier this month ten miners were also killed in Gansu Province. And in the deadliest accident this year, 45 miners died in a blast in Sichuan province in August. China has the most dangerous mining industry in world with almost two-thousand miners killed in 2011 alone, according to official statistics. China gets 70% of its power from coal, making coal production an important and time-sensitive process. In order to cut costs and increase efficiency, mine operators often bypass safety standards and flout labor laws. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:01 More in News & Politics

Falun Gong Protest Organ Harvesting at UN in NYC

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 02:19 PM PDT

The United Nations General Assembly is happening this week. With world leaders inside, victims of persecution in China are appealing outside. These protestors say the Chinese regime has committed severe human rights abuses—human organ harvesting. [Jonathan Du, Falun Gong Practitioner] "Mounting evidence indicates that vast numbers of organs have indeed been taken from prisoners killed on demand so that their body parts can be sold at lucrative prices for use in transplant operations." And this abuse goes even further... [Jonathan Du, Falun Gong Practitioner] "But the donors aren't just death row criminals, they are prisoners of conscience and most of them are Falun Gong practitioners." Falun Gong is a Chinese meditation practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. The Chinese Communist Party began cracking down on the practice in 1999, after it gathered widespread popularity. [Ben Hedges, NTD News] Falun Gong practitioners are outside the UN all week raising awareness about the issue of organ harvesting, and some of the have harrowing stories to tell. Liu Yan, originally from Beijing, was arrested nine times for practicing Falun Gong. She recalls being given mysterious blood tests while in labor camps. She thinks they were for testing the compatibility of her organs. [Liu Yan, Falun Gong Practitioner] "For a long time, every month they would take my blood, in total they took several bottles. They didn't say the reason, and didn't tell the <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:58 More in News & Politics

China Releases White Paper on Disputed Islands

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 02:08 PM PDT

And even as Chinese and Japanese officials traded words over the disputed islands in the East China Sea, state-run Xinhua news agency published the entirety of a white paper by China's State Council Information Office. In seven parts, including a forward and conclusion, the paper contains sections such as "Japan's Claim of Sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao is Totally Unfounded" and "Backroom Deals Between the United States and Japan Concerning Diaoyu Dao are Illegal and Invalid."
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Time: 00:31 More in Howto & Style

China, Japan Trade Words Over Disputed Islands

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Japanese vice Foreign Minister Chikao Kawai met with his Chinese counterpart Zhang Zhijun in Beijing today, as tensions over the small uninhabited islands in the East China Sea continued to rise. After four hours of discussion, neither Japan nor China appears to have changed its stance on the disputed Diaoyu or Senkaku Islands. China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Le i told reporters after the meeting that Zhang told Kawai that China will not tolerate any violations of its sovereignty. The Japanese Vice Foreign Minister said he had a good talk with his counterpart. He did not elaborate on the content, only saying, quote, "we talked well (about) China-Japan relations." Sino-Japanese relations deteriorated sharply this month after Japan bought the Senkaku Islands from their private Japanese owners. This sparked wide-spread anti-Japanese protests across China, which turned violent in several places. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:56 More in News & Politics

China Puts First Aircraft Carrier into Service

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 01:51 PM PDT

The Chinese Navy is now the owner of its first aircraft carrier. The 100-foot vessel is a former soviet ship called the Varyag. It was placed into service Sunday in the port city of Dalian. The Global Times reports a Chinese shipbuilder made modifications to it. Beijing has asserted that the ship is no threat to its neighbors, but it comes at a time of heightened tensions in the East and South China seas. Relations have flared up between the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan in recent months. Just last week Beijing postponed a ceremony to mark 40 years of normalized relations with Japan... sparked by a row over disputed islands in the East China Sea between the two neighbors. They're known as the Diaoyu islands in Chinese and Senkaku in Japanese. Last week, Tokyo bought three of the five islands from a disputed landowner. Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Chikao Kawai recently commented on the issue. [Chikao Kawai, Japanese Vice Foreign Minister]: "Because of the current difficult situation, I plan to explain what Japan is now considering to Zhang Zhijun and listen to what China is considering, for the importance of the relationship between both countries." Officials in Beijing are also coming down hard. [Hong Lei, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman]: "This year marks the 40th anniversary of normalization of diplomatic ties between China and Japan, it should have been an important opportunity for both sides to push ahead bilateral relations. However, the Japanese government <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:31 More in News & Politics

China Toughens Customs Checks of Japanese Imports

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 01:45 PM PDT

China is enforcing tougher custom checks on goods imported from Japan, slowing down operations of Japanese companies in China. Tianjin Customs officials delivered a statement to Japanese companies last Wednesday notifying the hike in inspection rates. It is expected Beijing may also increase inspection rates in other ports. Production of finished products will be affected if such measures extend to ports in Shanghai and Guangdong that handle much more cargo than Tianjin. China imposing such measures is seen as retaliation to Japan's purchase of three of the five disputed Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea. China and Taiwan also claim sovereignty over the islands. Since early September, there have been reports that customs departments have increased inspection rates as tensions flared over the disputed islands. The normal inspection rate of imported goods is about 10 percent, but the rate has increased to 50 percent since the anti-Japanese protests escalated. Delays caused by customs checks of imported goods will likely affect production and may impact global markets in the long run. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:07 More in News & Politics

Panda Cub Death Mourned at Smithsonian Zoo

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 01:16 PM PDT

A necropsy of the deceased panda cub at the Smithsonian National Zoo revealed an abnormal liver, and that Mei Xiang is a good mother. Full Story: A baby panda cub was recently born to panda mother Mei Xiang at the Smithsonian National Zoo. At first the cub appeared healthy, but a week later, vets heard a distress call coming from the cub. They discovered the cub was not breathing and had no heartbeat. Life-saving measures were unsuccessful and the baby cub soon passed away. [Dennis W. Kelly, Director of the National Zoo]: "It is great sadness amongst our staff, and that is to be expected. Every loss is hard (but) this one is specially devastating." There were no initial signs of trauma or infection. An autopsy was performed, but the cause of death is still unclear. [Dr. Susan Murray, Chief Veterinarian of the National Zoo]: "One other abnormality is that the liver by palpation, by touching - felt a little bit hard in places, and this, also it appeared abnormal. The color was not uniform - this can suggest that there was a liver component to the death, but we won't know until we get the slides back, and our pathologists are able to examine that histologically." The zoo did learn from the test that the cub was female, and weighed less than three-and-a-half ounces. The lungs and heart were in good condition, dismissing the theory that the cub was crushed by the mother. The panda vets began monitoring Mei Xiang's health after her cubs' death. So far she appears to be healthy <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:35 More in Pets & Animals

Fight Against Dengue Fever Heats Up

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 09:49 AM PDT

The fight against dengue fever is heating up -- a research team in Brazil say they are close to a major breakthrough... Full Story: Researchers working on eradicating dengue announced on Monday they are closer to their goal than ever before. The announcement was made at a specialist institute in Brazil where Australian and Brazilian experts are working together to combat the disease. Dengue currently affects 2.5 billion people in 100 countries, mainly in South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. The new method involves infecting male mosquitoes with a bacteria that is transmitted to females when they mate. The females will then produce many less eggs, or even become sterile. The Research Coordinator for the project says they are working on adapting the process for Brazil. [Professor Scott O'Neill, Research Coordinator]: "Brazil is important because it has a major dengue problem. The ecology of dengue in Brazil is quite different to Australia and also to Southeast Asia. So, it's an opportunity for us to examine our control measure in a different ecology and to see how best to optimize it for local conditions in Brazil." The downside of this method is that it depends on the mosquito's ability and willingness to reproduce. But it is low risk and 100 percent self-sufficient. [Doctor Paulo Gadelha, Research Institute President]: "As it was said, it's a natural, self-sufficient alternative and at the same time it presents a low level of risk to the environment and to the human <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:32 More in Science & Technology

CrossTalk: China vs Japan Islands Dispute

Posted: 24 Sep 2012 06:48 AM PDT

The China-Japan island dispute is mounting. What is this growing dispute really about? The rise of China or the insecurity of Japan? Is it a resource grab? A security issue? Who do the islands rightfully belong to? Does the US have a hand in the argument? And is there really any solution? CrossTalking with Mark Selden, Bruce Klingner and Brian Becker. Follow Peter Lavelle on Twitter Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (Season 2010-2011) (Season 2011-2012) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
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Time: 23:25 More in News & Politics

Libertarianism and Progressivism: Bridging the Gap | Interview with Preston Bates

Posted: 21 Sep 2012 04:42 PM PDT

SUBSCRIBE to Breaking the Set Follow Abby @AbbyMartin Abby speaks to Preston Bates, President of Liberty for All Super PAC, about bridging libertarianism and progressivism.
From: RTAmerica
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Time: 07:53 More in News & Politics


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