Chinese leader calls for EU arms embargo to be overturned Posted: 20 Sep 2012 04:56 AM PDT | Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has hit out at the continuing European arms embargo at the opening of the annual EU-China summit in Brussels. Wen said he hoped the EU would drop the ban, imposed after the 1989 pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square. EU officials admitted both parties had "agreed to disagree" on the arms embargo ahead of the talks. Britain in particular has resisted pressure to review the ban. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso lauded achievements in trade despite the EU's refusal to lift all tariffs on Chinese goods. "In the last 10 years our trade in goods increased by 280 percent, our trade in services by 380 percent and our direct investment in China by 290 percent," said Barroso. "The complementarities and synergies between our economies have been used to good effect." The EU is still China's single largest export market and China is the bloc's second largest trading partner after the US. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter | Views: 318 9 ratings | Time: 01:06 | More in News & Politics |
Dalai Lama hopeful about Tibetan future Posted: 27 Sep 2012 11:53 AM PDT | As Tibetan exiles held their second General Meeting in Dharmsala, India, the Dalai Lama has expressed hopes the naming of a new regime in Beijing will improve his people's future. In an interview, the Tibetan spiritual leader urged a common sense approach to Tibet when China names its new leaders, for the good of both Tibetans and Chinese. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter | Views: 46 2 ratings | Time: 00:21 | More in News & Politics |
China Aims to Counter Economic Slowdown with Stimulus Posted: 07 Sep 2012 05:17 PM PDT | The nation's National Development and Reform Commission has approved 25 new subway lines, 13 highway projects and several new airports. | Views: 97 2 ratings | Time: 01:38 | More in News & Politics |
China facing skilled labor drought Posted: 28 Sep 2012 02:27 AM PDT | Sept. 28 - While many Western countries grapple with high levels of unemployment, companies in China are struggling to fill white-collar positions, despite the country's massive population. | Views: 111 4 ratings | Time: 02:07 | More in News & Politics |
What's at stake in the papal butler trial Posted: 29 Sep 2012 03:50 AM PDT | Maurizio Bellacosa, a professor at Luiss University, tells Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull that the presence of cameras in the Vatican criminal trial of Paolo Gabriele, former papal butler, could provide a rare glimpse into Vatican life. Calling it "historic", Bellacosa says the proceedings of the trial of Pope Benedict XVI's former butler for stealing and leaking the Pontiff's personal documents will help to provide the public with an insight into daily life in world's smallest nation. | Views: 165 9 ratings | Time: 02:11 | More in News & Politics |
UN urges accord at Sudan summit Posted: 22 Sep 2012 10:43 PM PDT | The United Nations is urging leaders of Sudan and South Sudan to sign a security agreement. They are meeting in Ethiopia to discuss oil revenues and borders - the issues at the heart of their dispute. Al Jazeera's Sherine Tadros reports from Khartoum. | Views: 1309 11 ratings | Time: 01:53 | More in News & Politics |
Kwasi Kwarteng: 'We have created a culture in which people can, as a lifestyle, opt not to work' Posted: 18 Sep 2012 08:00 AM PDT | Kwasi Kwarteng: 'We have created a culture in which people can, as a lifestyle, opt not to work' Conservative MP Kwasi Kwarteng, co-author of Britannia Unchained, argues that Britons must work harder if the country is to compete with China and India. He says purpose of the welfare system has been distorted since its incarnation in postwar Britain and that people should no longer shy away from manual labour | Views: 221 11 ratings | Time: 04:20 | More in News & Politics |
The best of London 2012 Olympics: Table tennis: An instant expert's guide Posted: 10 Jul 2012 05:16 AM PDT | The best of London 2012 Olympics: Table tennis: An instant expert's guide Table tennis: An instant expert's guide to the Olympic sport. Joanna Parker, the UK's top female table tennis player and Olympic medal hopeful, explains the rules of the game (which are always changing); the format of the Olympic competition; and the different styles of play between the men and women's competition, including attackers and defenders (who make fewer mistakes) | Views: 45604 72 ratings | Time: 02:09 | More in Sports |
TED: Aris Venetikidis: Making sense of maps - Aris Venetikidis (2012) Posted: 29 Sep 2012 07:02 AM PDT Map designer Aris Venetikidis is fascinated by the maps we draw in our minds as we move around a city -- less like street maps, more like schematics or wiring diagrams, abstract images of relationships between places. How can we learn from these mental maps to make better real ones? As a test case, he remakes the notorious Dublin bus map. (Filmed at TEDxDublin)  This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
IMAGES OF FAMILIES IN CHINA - BBC WORLD NEWS Posted: 24 Sep 2012 07:44 AM PDT | The photographer persuaded people to empty their houses and pose with all their worldly possessions. Huang Qing-jun spent nearly a decade travelling to remote parts of the country for the project. The results show the enormous social change that has come in a generation. To see more images go to our website at | Views: 1032 6 ratings | Time: 01:01 | More in People & Blogs |
Bikini 'opera' held in China Posted: 27 Sep 2012 10:43 AM PDT | A "Miss Bikini" competition in the style of the traditional Peking Opera has divided opinion in China. . Report by Sophie Foster. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at | Views: 1388 18 ratings | Time: 00:55 | More in People & Blogs |
Chinese court confirms Ai Weiwei fine Posted: 27 Sep 2012 03:14 AM PDT | A court in China has rejected an appeal by the country's most famous dissident artist Ai Weiwei against a nearly 2 million euro fine for tax evasion. If he does not pay the near million euros outstanding on the fine, he risks going to jail. It ends a near five-month long legal battle, with no further appeal possible. Ai Weiwei says he does not have the money, and refuses to pay it anyway, as he says this will legitimise the charge he insists is baseless. "People say 'you knew this result from the beginning'; that's true. Today's result is not the one we should have had. China should be changing every day, but it truth it isn't. We still live in a rotten legal system that cannot possibly be fair or impartial," he said after the verdict. Ai Weiwei says he was not notified of today's hearing in accordance with the law, which turned out to only be a reading of the verdict, in time to be assisted by his lawyer. He has been given no deadline to pay up. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter | Views: 53 1 ratings | Time: 00:57 | More in News & Politics |
Sentencing highlights China Communist party murder scandal Posted: 26 Sep 2012 12:16 PM PDT | The murder scandal that rocked China's Communist Party will once again be in the spotlight on Monday, with the sentencing of a former police chief. Wang Lijun is expected to receive leniency after revealing a poisoning plot carried out by the wife of former top politician Bo Xilai. Wang first sought refuge in the US consulate in Chengdu. He has confessed to crimes including defecting, bribe-taking and abuse of power and could receive 20 years behind bars. Wang also worked for Gu Xilai, a well-known lawyer and the second wife of former Communist Party politician Bo. She is the daughter of a Chinese revolutionary leader. Gu was given a suspended death sentence after being found guilty of murder. Her trial in August lasted just one day. The motivation behind the murder plot is said to be financial, with Gu convicted of killing British businessman Neil Heywood in November 2011. Heywood had been living in China since the 1990s. The scandal ruined the career of former Communist Party regional chief Bo Xilai - who was seen as a contender for a top position in the party before he was sacked. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter | Views: 34 1 ratings | Time: 01:15 | More in News & Politics |
China-EU summit: Wen wants arms embargo lifted Posted: 21 Sep 2012 12:11 AM PDT | The European Union's arms embargo against Beijing is still a major bone of contention for Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. At an annual summit with EU leaders in Brussels on Thursday, he called for the ban which was established following the 1989 Tianamen Square protests to be overturned. European leaders prefered to emphasise the importance of other trade with China. "In the last 10 years our trade in goods increased by 280 percent, our trade in services by 380 percent and our direct investment in China by 290 percent. The complementarities and synergies between our economies have been used to good effect," said European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. Wen also called on the EU to recognise China's full market economy status, which the bloc is wary of committing to. Brussels has accused China of dumping cheap exports on EU markets. The summit was the 70-year-old's last. Wen is due to hand over power in the Autumn. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter | Views: 283 10 ratings | Time: 01:08 | More in News & Politics |
Continúan las protestas en China contra Japón Posted: 16 Sep 2012 07:52 AM PDT | Miles de personas se han congregado frente a la embajada nipona en Pekín para manifestar su enfado por la compra por parte del Ejecutivo japonés de tres islotes cuya soberanía se disputan los dos países. Las autoridades han tenido que reforzar la presencia policial ante la virulencia de unos manifestantes que, ataviados con la bandera nacional, han lanzado botellas y huevos. "No creo que se pueda negociar sobre el territorio. La guerra es la única respuesta. Tenemos que aprender del espíritu del líder Mao. Si el enemigo nos agrede tenemos que contratacar con las armas. No creo que haya nada que negociar. Los japoneses nunca se han cuestionado sobre lo que hicieron en la guerra", decía una manifestante. En declaraciones a la televisión japonesa, el primer ministro Yoshihiko Noda le ha pedido a las autoridades chinas que protejan a los ciudadanos nipones y que pongan fin a este clima de violencia. Un conflicto que se vio agravado el viernes por el envío de seis patrulleras de vigilancia chinas al archipiélago Diaoyu o como llaman a las islas en Japón, Senkaku. Las protestas nacionalistas también se han repetido en todo el país. En Shenzhen la policía ha tenido que utilizar gases lacrimógenos y cañones de agua para dispersar a los manifestantes. Síguenos: En YouTube: En Facebook: En Twitter: | Views: 2566 11 ratings | Time: 01:22 | More in News & Politics |
Asia Week Ahead: China slowdown in focus Posted: 13 Sep 2012 11:41 PM PDT | Sept. 14 - Fresh commodities trade and foreign investment data will shed more light on the health of the world's second-largest economy, while tensions flare between China and Japan over disputed islands. | Views: 119 0 ratings | Time: 03:34 | More in News & Politics |
AP Top Stories Posted: 26 Sep 2012 02:27 PM PDT | Here's the latest news for Wednesday, Sept. 26: NFL, referees could be near a deal; Egypt's president says freedom doesn't include religious attacks; Obama says Romney on China is not credible; Andy Williams has died. | Views: 371 8 ratings | Time: 00:59 | More in News & Politics |
The Stream - Preaching against poverty Posted: 27 Sep 2012 06:26 PM PDT | Renowned US Islamic scholars Hamza Yusuf and Zaid Shakir discuss poverty, politics and the role of media in conflict. | Views: 5885 105 ratings | Time: 50:36 | More in Shows |
Protesters clash with police in Spain Posted: 25 Sep 2012 04:55 PM PDT | Police and protesters opposing a new round of government spending cuts have clashed in the Spanish capital Madrid. Thousands of people rallied under the protest banner 'Occupy Congress'. The Spanish parliament is expected to propose new reforms on Thursday aimed at reducing the national deficit. Al Jazeera's Simon Wood-McGregor reports from Madrid. | Views: 4576 0 ratings | Time: 02:00 | More in News & Politics |
Bo Xilai expelled from China's ruling party Posted: 28 Sep 2012 02:57 PM PDT | Bo Xilai, the ex-Communist Party leader in the city of Chongqing, has been expelled from China's ruling party in an epic fall from grace. He was regarded as one of the most senior ruling party officials in China - the communist leader of the country's largest municipality - and the son of one of the party's founding members. Officials now say he will be charged with corruption. Al Jazeera's Marga Ortigas reports. | Views: 238 11 ratings | Time: 01:58 | More in News & Politics |