Links » Crème » Friday Links: Doubt about Neil Heywood’s death, Diaoyu conflict set in the world of Azeroth, and a dead boy in a freezer… for six years

Links » Crème » Friday Links: Doubt about Neil Heywood’s death, Diaoyu conflict set in the world of Azeroth, and a dead boy in a freezer… for six years

Posted: 28 Sep 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Via Christina Larson
Xinhua's evening announcement has pushed back our blogging schedule, so this post will be your Outro into the weekend. If you must have music, hum music to these links.
Diaoyu Islands/World of Warcraft parody. "Yesterday, Horde Warchief Garrosh Hellscream successfully occupied Theramore Isle and its surrounding islets, thereby completing the 'Hordification' of the archipelago, and setting off waves of protest in the Alliance capital of Stormwind. Yason Bloodbreaker, a dwarven political specialist warned, 'this senseless act will bring Horde-Alliance relations to their lowest point since the conflicts experienced during the Burning Crusade', and that this will likely destroy the 'delicate framework for cooperation' that had been established." [Xiyo Media (trans.)]
Not an open and shut case, eh? "In a long blog post published last night, Wang Xuemei, one of China's top forensic doctors with the Supreme People's Procuratorate, thoroughly dismisses the official cause of Neil Heywood's death late last year. // …Wang starts by expressing 'deep regret' over nearly every stage in Heywood's murder trial, from the investigation to the charges brought against Gu Kailai and Zhang Xiaojun as well as their ultimate guilty verdict, including the evidence relied upon to build the case against them. // 'A serious lack of evidence exists,' Wang writes, 'to conclude that Neil Heywood died of cyanide poisoning, as well as any supporting scientific basis.'" [John Kennedy (trans.), SCMP]
Weird day for Xinhua to run a Zhang Ziyi photo gallery:… #boknows?
— Mark MacKinnon/马凯 (@markmackinnon) September 28, 2012
Millions in China use Facebook, Twitter and Google+, eh? "GlobalWebIndex published a new report on Internet usage around the world this week, and it contained some great news for China. Twitter, Facebook and Google+ have increased their user numbers dramatically in China, as seen below. There's just one problem. They are all blocked in China, and we believe that GlobalWebIndex has got it's data wrong." [Great Fire]
With all the relevant disclaimers because of the source (though it vets). "A man in Chongqing ran over a female motorcyclist in his sedan recently, and then proceeded to slap her while boasting about his wealth, according to an account of the incident online and in interviews with witnesses. // An angry crowd gathered and flipped over his car." [Epoch Times]
Little emperor strikes again. "A college student in east China has been thrust into the media spotlight after she sent her dirty clothes home to be washed. // Her 74-year-old grandmother in the northeastern city of Dalian was asked to return the clothes once they'd been washed, according to a local newspaper." [Shanghai Daily]
Censorship again. "'No film is safe, no film investment is safe, no director's creation is safe [under China's film censorship framework],' said director Lou Ye (@导演娄烨) in a recent interview with Sina… // On September 25, Lou reported that SARFT and the filmmakers had reached a compromise on the murder scene, allowing the film to be released on time. However, Lou also announced a highly defiant gesture: He would remove his name as the director of the film in the public release version. // Lou's exposure of the inner workings of China's film censorship process and bold gesture attracted support from other filmmakers, artists, and average netizens in China." [Tea Leaf Nation]
That's quite the interesting picture choice, City Lady. "The front of the City Lady (都市女报), a national newspaper focused on women's issues, today makes the startling claim that most Chinese women don't really know how to use contraception. Based on what it describes as the findings of a new investigation (the details of which are sadly lacking), the 1.3 million annual abortions in China could be substantially reduced if women had better knowledge of contraceptives and used them consistently.  Just underneath this headline, the City Lady has placed a provocative picture of a beauty contest for buttocks that was held in Brazil recently – and there they are all in a row for your watching pleasure." [Danwei]

Storing a dead boy in the freezer. "In 2006, the son of Chongqing City Kai County Fengle Street HUangling Village resident Tian Xueming passed away from leukemia. Tian Xueming stored his son's body in the freezer, and 6 years have passed. Every time he misses [his son], Tian Xueming and his wife will quietly go, with their arms around each other, stand beside the freezer, look blankly for a moment, and then leave. Tian Xueming says his son 'in the freezer looks exactly as he did when he was alive. My son is still with me, and has never left.'" [chinaSMACK]
Mitt Romney's China bashing. "For Romney, the political calculation is more difficult. He began the China bashing during the primaries as a way to distinguish his candidacy from his Republican rivals. Whether that message helped him with the base of the Republican party in securing the nomination is unclear, particularly since GOP constituencies are split about China. // You can slice and dice GOP voters in a number of ways and still not be sure which issues are truly motivating them — I tend to be skeptical about data like exit polling that oversimplify voting choices. One thing is clear, though, when it comes to Republicans: they have mixed feelings about doing business with China." [China Hearsay]
Belated, but here's a very good interview by Adrian Chen with China labor scholar Eli Friedman about Foxconn. "I mean the way you interact with your own consumerism is up to you. Sometimes when I say this stuff, liberals get upset at me and are like, Oh, you're letting Apple off the hook. I'm not, I think that Apple is very consciously moving to places where labor is really cheap and where workers are highly politically repressed. So I think that pressure should be brought to bear on major corporations, absolutely. But resolving the labor conflict is a collective problem. And when you shift it to individual consumers, there's no more power. I just don't think that individuals have that much capacity to change things. Keeping pressure on big companies is a fine thing, but ultimately the thing that's gonna change it is worker's own self-activity." [Gawker]
Corollary: Friedman's essay in Jacobin.
Remember those July rainstorms? interlude:

Basketball in China and India. [Karan Madhok, NiuBBall]
Doctor not the "dream job" it used to be in China. [Worldcrunch]
On Jenny An, Clarissa Wei, Asian Americans, sex, and gender. [Disgrasian]
Finally, finally…

The next generation of tablet computers, via China News 24.
Posted: 27 Sep 2012 10:08 PM PDT
China's answer to the planking meme and other fun stuff on today's top-trending search terms on Baidu, recorded at 11:30am China Standard Time.
1. 夏普退市 (Xiàpǔ tuìshì, Sharp to delist) – Times are tough at Sharp and the 100-year-old company is desperate to turn things around. Massive layoffs are looming, and Sharp plans to relieve itself of several overseas ventures and manufacturing facilities. The company also plans to suspend trading its shares on three Japanese stock exchanges in an attempt to cut expenses. Read about it here in Chinese.
2. 南京号 驱逐舰 (Nánjīnghaò qūzhújiàn, Destroyer Nanjing) – The destroyer Nanjing has been retired recently from its diplomatic missions after serving for more than 30 years and receiving the visits of dignitaries from over 40 countries. It has been nicknamed the diplomatic star. Read about it here in Chinese.
3. 津蓟 高速车祸 (Jīnjì gaōsù chēhuò – Jin-Ji Highway accident) – Heavy fog on a highway near Tianjin has caused eight accidents and resulted in three deaths. Another two were critically injured. 31 automobiles were damaged due to the accidents. Read about it here in Chinese.
4. 吉克隽逸 质疑 (Jíkē Juànyì zhìyí, Skepticism over Jike Juanyi) – After taking part in a hit talent show, a girl of ethnic minority named Jike Juanyi attracted fans as well as critics. People posted old footage of her auditioning for another talent show a few years back, where she was not dressed in the ethnic minority style she sported most recently in The Voice of China, and called herself Wang Juanyi (Wang is a typical Han first name). Her fans defended her by saying it is normal for people going on stage to have certain degree of packaging done. Read about it here in Chinese.
5. 一字马 女生 (yīzìmǎ nv̌shēng, Split girls) – After a picture showing a college girl doing spilt went viral on the internet, many girls started posting pictures of themselves doing the split while eating instant noodles or doing other daily routine activities. Is this China's answer to the planking meme? Read about it here in Chinese.
6. 证监会新闻发布会 (Zhèngjiànhuì xīnwénfābùhuì, CSRC Press Conference) – After the Shanghai Composite Index closed below 2000 points on Wednesday, rumors that the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) was getting to announce a moratorium on approvals of new IPOs circulated Thursday and sent the Shanghai Composite Index up by 2.6 percent and the Shenzhen Component Index up by 3.57 percent. However, the press conference held after the bell on Thursday actually refuted the rumor, and new approval meetings for public offers will begin again today (Friday). See the story here in English from the Global Times.
7. 王学兵 15岁新欢 (Wáng Xuěbīng 15 suì xīnhuān, Wang Xuebing's 15-year-old new love interest) – Okay, this keyword is totally misleading. The 41-year-old TV actor Wang Xuebing is not actually dating a minor. Following his divorce from Sun Ning in April this year, he's admitted to dating a woman (gasp!) 15 years younger than him. Yes, she's 26. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. Read the non-story here, in Chinese.
8. 冰柜藏子 (bīngguì Zàngzǐ, refrigerator Tibetan boy) – Ten years ago, a Kaixian, Chongqing father named Tian Xueming lost his then six-year-old son and chose a very strange way of preserving his memory: He put the boy's corpse in a refrigerator. Read about it here in Chinese.
9. 李玉刚打人 (Lǐ Yùgāng dǎrén, Li Yugang in assault) – The singer Shitou, who gained fame in a duet with Li Yugang, has told reporters that a friend of his was assaulted by associates of  Li's at a party for the 8th anniversary of the show Xingguang Dadao (Starlight Boulevard), the singing competition that made celebrities of both Li (in 2006) and Shitou (in 2010). So far no charges have been pressed against Li, who is best known for dressing in female Peking Opera outfits and singing female parts. Read about it here in Chinese.
10. 菲律宾拉拢日企 (Feīlv̀bīn lālóng Rìqí, Philippines poaches Japanese enterprises): Chinese netizens are alarmed that the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Philippines has announced it has invited 15 Japanese firms to relocate factories from China to the Philippines. This move comes of course as Japanese firms have been forced to suspend production in China because of anti-Japanese protests in recent weeks over the disputed Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands. Protests have at times turned violent, targeting Japanese businesses and even owners of Japanese cars. The Philippines is in its own territorial dispute with China, over the Scarborough Shoal (called the Huangyan Islands by China). Read the story here in Chinese.
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In Military conflict 'looms' between China and Japan, the Telegraph's Malcolm Moore reports on tough talk about Japan from a prominent Chinese foreign policy scholar :
"There is a danger of China and Japan having a military conflict," said Yan Xuetong, one of China's most influential foreign policy strategists, and a noted hawk.
"One country must make a concession. But I do not see Japan making concessions. I do not see either side making concessions. Both sides want to solve the situation peacefully, but neither side can provide the right approach," he added.
He warned that unless one side backs down, there could be a repeat of the Falklands Conflict in Asia.
We should not assume that Yan speaks with real authority, but his thinking is likely shared by many in the Chinese government. This territorial dispute with Japan is very different than the recent Huangyan Island/Scarborough Shoal one with the Philippines and as much as we may wish for a diplomatic solution the odds of a worse outcome are increasing.
US Secretary of State Clinton has called for cool heads in the China-Japan island dispute (Reuters), a Ministry of Defense spokesman confirmed naval patrols near Diaoyu Islands (Xinhua), China slammed the Japanese PM's obstinacy regarding his wrong position on Diaoyu Islands (Xinhua), the unsettled domestic politics in both countries risk prolonging the worst tensions since 2005 (Bloomberg) and a China official says the spat with Japan has derailed free trade talks (Reuters).
Jia Qinglin met with a Japanese delegation led by a retired politician and called on Japanese people to help put ties back on track (Xinhua). CCTV showed the meeting as the number two story on its Evening News broadcast, with a narration lambasting Japan.
The Global Times reminds us of the resources at stake in the Diaoyu Islands fish are Chinese:
Declining fishery resources close to shore and rising costs have prompted fishermen to sail to the resource-rich waters, despite facing potentially higher risks caused by the overlapping claims made by China and Japan.
Before 1996, the waters close to shore were abundant with fishery resources. However, overfishing and environmental degradation have left the area almost barren. Even the most experienced fishermen may come home empty-handed.
The fish left there are so small that some fishermen have to overlap two fishing nets, only leaving spaces for sand to sift through. The fish they net could only be produced into feed, which is hardly enough for them to make a profit.
Isaac Stone Fish has an interesting post at Foreign Policy examining China's abysmal record of keeping its territory:
With the amount of attention the island's are getting and China's changed place in the world, it's extremely unlikely Beijing  will yield on the Diaoyus, or to its claims in the South China Sea. Perhaps the memory of past failures will lead to more resolute defense of the current disputes. But it's worth remembering that despite the bluster, China certainly has given up "sacred territory" in the past.
China's Shanghai stock market was not concerned Thursday by either the tensions with Japan or that Chinese industrial profits fell 6.2% in fifth consecutive drop (Bloomberg). Shares jumped the most in three weeks on market support prospects (Bloomberg) and rumors of support from a meeting of the stock regulator (Reuters). The government wants the market to go up, and absence massive liquidity injections it will keep trying things on the margin, like considering cutting related duties on share trading (Caijing), something that popped the market in the past.
Shorts should be careful, as sentiment seems almost uniformly bearish and in addition to possible stimulus measures we may see very positive statements from Xi Jinping as soon as the 18th Party Congress concludes, possibly in the next two weeks. Traders all know you do not "fight the Fed". They might also want to not "buck Beijing".
China is on vacation for a week starting this weekend. I will be posting sporadically. There may be some political news, as rumors are going around of a Politburo meeting today, then the final Plenum of the 17th Party Congress, then the 18th Party Congress right after the holiday (People's Daily has already launched a special site for the 18th Party Congress). So within two weeks+ we may officially have a new leader of China and an announcement of progress in the Bo Xilai case. 
Today's links:
Interview: China's growth to slow down but still to benefit world economy: Financial Times commentator – Xinhua - Martin Wolf// He expects the Chinese government's role as a central organizer of production to diminish gradually, while its role in other aspects, like a provider of regulation, public services and public consumption in health care, welfare and education, would strengthen."I'm not advocating a complete liberalization of economy or the financial sector. I don't think capital control should be abolished, either. What I'm saying is that the Chinese government needs to have a reformed role, not a smaller but a different one," he said.
Harsh Words for Fed From Beijing, Seoul – - good luck. who will trust the RMB when your leader disappears, all your data are questioned and the possibility of regional skirmishes seems to be increasing?// Chinese and South Korean central-bank officials criticized the U.S. Federal Reserve's latest easing efforts and advocated reducing Asia's dependence on the U.S. dollar. The comments Thursday, at a joint seminar in Beijing by the two central banks, are the clearest indication yet of a rising backlash in Asia against U.S. monetary policy, suggesting it could speed up the search for alternatives to the dollar as the main global currency.
As Cotton Surged, China Trader Amassed $510 Million Bet–HedgeWorld - A landmark U.S. fine for excessive speculation in the benchmark cotton futures market has revealed a startling new dimension to last year's blistering winter price rally: the biggest bull was a Chinese trader with a $510 million punt. A little-known Shanghai firm called Sheenson Investments Ltd. and its founder Weidong Ge, a former trader at China's vast state-owned agriculture trading company COFCO, have agreed to return $1 million in ill-gotten gains and pay a $500,000 civil penalty for exceeding federal limits on speculative bets in soybean oil and cotton futures, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission said on Tuesday..Shanghai Chaos Investment, one of his funds named by the CFTC, declined to comment.
Chinese Slowdown Idles U.S. Coal Mines – - Slowing growth in China is taking a brutal toll on Appalachian coal mines and coal towns. Appalachia has one of the world's richest deposits of high-grade coal used to make steel. Thanks to Chinese demand, the price for premium metallurgical coal, whose low-ash and low-sulfur content makes it ideal for steelmaking, hit a record $330 a metric ton in early 2011.
China's Baosteel suspends production at loss-making plant | Reuters - suspended production at a loss-making plant in Shanghai, in a sign of the intense pressure on the sector as steel prices trade near three-year lows. The steelmaker is one of the first major Chinese mills to publicly announce it is suspending production
China's Rebalancing Act by Yu Yongding – Project Syndicate - the IMF underestimates China's progress in rebalancing. In my view, China's rebalancing is more genuine – and more fundamental – than the Fund recognizes, and the prediction of an eventual rebound in China's external surplus/GDP ratio will most likely turn out to be wrong.
MNCs and VIEs | China Accounting Blog | Paul Gillis- Amazon's financial statements make mention of VIEs, but do not include the required disclosures of financial information about the VIE that would allow readers to understand the significance of VIE operations. These disclosures were presumably omitted because they were considered immaterial.  Investors and the SEC should be pressing MNCs that are doing business in China about their use of VIEs. Where companies use VIEs, the decision about disclosure should be based on what investors think is material. I expect most investors want more information in this area.
Nike hits China roadblock, shares fall | Reuters - "The (Chinese) consumer is becoming more discerning and sophisticated. At the same time the economy seems to be slowing, creating short-time challenges for retailers," Charlie Denson, president for the Nike brand, said on a conference call with analysts… Nike, which already had some excess inventory there, is finding it difficult to tackle intense competition and frequent promotional sales by local brands, while distributors and retailers are wary of the economy.
PBOC Adviser Says Easing Restrained by Concerns on Homes – Bloomberg - That concern is "a big restraint," Chen Yulu, president of Beijing's Renmin University, said yesterday to reporters after speaking at a forum in the city
Japanese Car Plants in China: Who's Feeling the Heat? – China Real Time Report – WSJ - All Japanese cars made in China are produced at joint-venture factories owned on a 50-50 basis with Chinese partners. When the plant doors close, Chinese executives who run those joint ventures will immediately confront two frightening realities: a dramatic drop in revenue and tens of thousands of idle workers.
China underestimated global slowdown, key to rates: central bank adviser | Reuters- Chen Yulu, a professor at China's Renmin University and an academic adviser to the monetary policy committee of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a conference in the capital on global economic conditions and capital flows. "We have indeed underestimated the severity of the external economic situation," Chen said, adding that the global economy could remain sluggish for an extended period.
上班路遇"闹工潮"_王彩霞_博联社 - 5,000 workers in Beijing owed 9 months back pay? Pictures of them on the streets in Fengtai earlier this week//
龙头房企加速布局养老地产 新华社——经济参考网 - leading real estate firms getting into projects for retirement communities//
土地、住宅限售楼市调控"再从紧"?_财经频道_一财网 - 在中欧国际工商学院第三届中国房地产业高峰论坛上,包括全国人大财经委副主任委员吴晓灵在内的诸多学者都认为,目前已陷入僵局的房地产市场需要做出一些改变了。

China in Focus #9: Snippets of Chinese Political History – All Things Nuclear- While the recent nationalist demonstrations appear orchestrated, my own experience living and working in China over the last twenty-three years suggests the sentiments being manipulated are sincerely held. Youth does not guarantee a progressive political outlook in China, or any other part of the world, including the United States. U.S. interest in China's political future is understandable, but our benchmarks for assessing the pace and direction of political change in China may need an overhaul.
China's Leadership Quandry for Luxury – China Real Time Report – WSJ - One Beijing based salesman from a major luxury goods importer who spoke to The Wall Street Journal summed up the problem facing the sector: "Sales are down because no-one knows who to bribe."
Heywood conviction unsafe, warns top Chinese forensic scientist | - Wang Xuemei casts doubt on theory British businessman was murdered with cyanide by wife of ousted leader Bo Xilai
综治委变身一年考_政经频道_财新网 - "中央社会治安综合治理委员会"更名为"中央社会管理综合治理委员会"一周年,发生了s变化//translated in next item
Stability Agency Rises in Stature – Caixin - Once known as the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security, the agency was renamed last year as the Central Committee for Comprehensive Social Management. It has recently assigned more provincial heads to lead local branches and underwent revisions to its scope of responsibilities.
Society Lost – China Media Project - where does Chinese society and its development fit into the overall picture of political change in China?..The chances are perhaps miniscule, but we must ask: Will we be completely surprised by the appearance in the political report of the term "civil society"?
人民日报-"观点多元"也不应"胡言乱语"(人民论坛) - People's Daily goes after "irresponsible" discussion on microblogs, especially by "public intellectuals"//
China-Bashing in the Campaign Could Backfire – Bloomberg - Bloomberg View goes soft// There are plenty of historical analogies about China's remarkable rise, some of which lead to more alarming predictions than others. At this critical juncture, the best way to keep the worst from coming true is to cut China some slack.
Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei After Tax Appeal Rejection: I Won't Pay – China Real Time Report – WSJ- Artist Ai Weiwei said he would refuse to pay the remainder of a $2.4 million fine for tax evasion after a Beijing court rejected his appeal on Thursday, setting the stage for another possible showdown between the media-savvy dissident and Chinese authorities… "We're not going to pay the fine because we don't recognize the charge," he said. "And I think they're probably too embarrassed to come and ask for it."

All-Chinese jets to serve on nation's first carrier — Shanghai Daily - However, domestic military officials and analysts are predicting that Chinese J-15 fighters, which they say are a match for US F-18 Hornet fighters, will be used as many photographs had been published showing the plane on the Liaoning's deck.
In pictures: East China Sea Fleet conducts attack-and-defence drill – Xinhua | -
China dismisses reports about second aircraft carrier – Xinhua | - China's Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun on Thursday dismissed foreign media reports saying that China is building a second aircraft carrier in Shanghai and it will be launched late this year.
DM defends China's South China Sea drones – Xinhua | - A Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman said on Thursday that the country's use of drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, over Huangyan Island, the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters is "justified and legal," and warned that China opposes any military provocation in the South China Sea.
Taiwan wades in: Water-gunfighting | The Economist - The answer, says George Tsai, a political pundit with Taipei's Chinese Culture University, is a simple case of international gamesmanship. Taiwan hopes to force Japan's hand in upcoming negotiations over fishing rights. The president of the unofficial body that represents Japanese interests in Taipei (in the absence of diplomatic ties), Tadashi Imai, arrived on September 25th for a scheduled discussion with Taiwan's foreign minister, Timothy Yang, over the rights of Taiwanese to fish in waters claimed by Japan.
Research Center for Chinese Politics & Business–Rule Takers to Rule Makers: The Growing Role of Chinese in Global Governance - The Research Center for Chinese Politics & Business (RCCPB) and the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) are proud to jointly issue a study that analyzes the policy implications of growing Chinese involvement in global governance. Edited by the RCCPB's Scott Kennedy and the ICTSD's Shuaihua Cheng, From Rule Takers to Rule Makers presents 12 commentaries on the growing participation of Chinese in several arenas: international trade, finance, climate change, labor, public health, and foreign aid. The short chapters (2,500-3,000) words distill research first presented as working papers in the RCCPB's Initiative on China and Global Governance.

Facebook Tops 63 Million Users in China Despite Ban, Report Says – Bloomberg - really? very skeptical of this figure//
Gaming the System: A New Breed of Sino-foreign Film Co-productions | China Hearsay - Companies will try just about anything to pry open a market. At the margins, some of their more creative attempts can lead to spectacular opportunities, while others can end in slapdowns from the regulatory authorities. It looks the latter scenario for some foreign film studios and their "co-productions."

Priceless Tibetan Buddha statue looted by Nazis was carved from meteorite - carved from a meteorite which crashed to the Earth 15,000 years ago, according to new research.

Sinopec in sewage dump controversy – - A subsidiary of the nation's oil refinery giant Sinopec has been found to have been discharging industrial sewage through flood channels into a nearby river in Guangdong Province, State broadcaster CCTV reported. The China Petroleum & Chemical Zhanjiang Dongxing Company has been circumventing environmental inspections by pumping unprocessed sewage through flood tunnels into the Nanliu River without treating it, according to the report aired Wednesday.

Downturn? Not in first class, say China's globetrotting shoppers | Reuters - "If you look at your affluent Chinese overseas, they are your tourist, your shopper, your investor all in one," said Christine Lu, co-founder of Affinity China, a Shanghai-based luxury travel firm. "Even though there is all the talk of a slowdown in China, the luxury sector we are dealing with is a segment that can still afford to travel," Lu said… 52Safari, a hunting club that caters to wealthy Chinese, is also having a good year. Scott Lupien, the club's American founder, will run three hunting tour groups this holiday. One couple, heading to the U.S. state of Utah for an elk hunting trip, is paying 250,000 yuan ($39,600).
Affinity China -
52Safari–我爱狩猎俱乐部-狩猎,打猎,打猎网站,国外狩猎,南非狩猎,南非打猎,狩猎团,标本,卢彬,卢彬打猎,卢彬狩猎,猎场 - -
Gifts in China: what to give, what to avoid (infographic) | Illuminant. -
Beijing Subway line 6 to start operation by year-end – China News – SINA English - will parallel to line 1, few hundred meters+ north of it. CBD will not have 3 lines–10,6 and 1.

NO ANCIENT WISDOM,NO FOLLOWERS: The Challenges of Chinese Authoritarian Capitalism: James McGregor: Amazon - James McGregor has spent 25 years in China as a businessman, journalist and author. In this, his latest highly readable book, he offers extensive new research that pulls back the curtain on China's economic power. He describes the much-vaunted "China Model" as one of authoritarian capitalism, a unique system that, in its own way, is terminating itself. It is proving incompatible with global trade and business governance. It is threatening multinationals, which fear losing their business secrets and technology to China's mammoth state-owned enterprises. It is fielding those SOEs – China's "national champions" — into a global order angered by heavily subsidized state capitalism. And it is relying on an outdated investment and export model that's running out of steam.
Tackling the Many Dangers of China's State Capitalism – - If the U.S. needs another wake-up call, it will get one this week with the publication of a bracing account of the danger that China's state capitalism poses to global business—and to China itself. James McGregor's new book, "No Ancient Wisdom, No Followers: The Challenges of Chinese Authoritarian Capitalism," dissects the complex policies and state structures that produced China's novel system
The Rise of China vs. the Logic of Strategy: Edward N. Luttwak: - As the rest of the world worries about what a future might look like under Chinese supremacy, Edward Luttwak worries about China's own future prospects. Applying the logic of strategy for which he is well known, Luttwak argues that the most populous nation on Earth—and its second largest economy—may be headed for a fall.


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