Videos » Politics » Aug 24, 2008 at Chinese Conulate NYC Tibetan Rapper Namgyal Yeshi

Videos » Politics » Aug 24, 2008 at Chinese Conulate NYC Tibetan Rapper Namgyal Yeshi

Aug 24, 2008 at Chinese Conulate NYC Tibetan Rapper Namgyal Yeshi

Posted: 23 Sep 2012 06:27 PM PDT

Tibetan Freedom Movement Click here for more
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Time: 07:06 More in News & Politics

March 10, 2009 Tibetans at Union Square NYC Rapper Namgyal Yeshi

Posted: 23 Sep 2012 06:35 PM PDT

Tibetan Freedom Movement Click here for more
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Time: 06:21 More in News & Politics

Lhasey Lak by Kunga - Tibetan Song

Posted: 23 Sep 2012 08:50 AM PDT

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Time: 04:03 More in News & Politics

US to Investigate Possible Laundering Activities

Posted: 23 Sep 2012 09:57 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: During Chinese New Year 2012, Las Vegas-based casino developer and operator, Wynn Resorts Ltd. earned an overnight income of 16 million USD on its gambling tables. This set the company's record of overnight income from casino business. As US casinos are continuously visited by more "Chinese customers", US Treasury Department's law-enforcing department is currently investigating whether some "gambling agents" have concealed their fund resources. If this is true, such an act will make Las Vegas a new transit point for money laundering. According to a Wall Street Journal's report, US Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network issued a warning last month, suggesting the casinos monitor "gambling agents" on their operations and customers. The casinos are encouraged to report all available information if anything suspicious is found. The law-enforcing agency said they had especial concern with casinos making cross-border money transfer from agents to customers. Unlike the careful verification process performed in banks, casino transfers are not regulated in the same way and are highly likely to serve as "money laundering". As regulated by the law, each Chinese citizen can only transfer up to 50000 dollars abroad each year. Some super gamblers thus seek help from international travel agents who can provide them a huge amount of money for gambling abroad. Those travel agents are usually called <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:08 More in News & Politics

China's Organ Harvesting Exposed in UN

Posted: 23 Sep 2012 09:05 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: September 18, at the Conference of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Guo Jun, editor-in-chief of the Epoch Times, and Karen Parker, the Chief Rep. of International Educational Development(IED), exposed and requested the investigation on the evil of organ harvesting by the Chinese Regime. Vice-Chairman of the European Parliament Edward McMillan - Scott said that one day, all the people involved in organ harvesting in Communist China should be responsible for this crime. Scott believes the crime of organ harvesting by CCP from live Falun Gong practitioners' organs had started since 1999; it was going on secretly for a many years. He stressed that we have the responsibility to raise this issue up loud, to warn the Beijing regime that people are aware of these crimes. Edward McMillan -- Scott: "A few days ago there were a hearing in Congress on appalling genocidal crime -- perpetrated from several years now by the regime -- of organ harvesting, taking organs from prisoners, and even live prisoners. I think it is an import milestone." Scott said that, one day, all the people involved in organ harvesting in Communist China should be responsible for this crime. Edward McMillan -- Scott: "And it is, I think, important that the regime in Beijing knows that we know what's been going on. And there will certainly be people held accountable in due course, as has happened now with the Ghaddafi regime or in other <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:37 More in News & Politics

Xi Forced Alliance with Hu to Stand Against Jiang

Posted: 23 Sep 2012 09:04 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Who is Xi Jinping, the next Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader, allied to? Is he an ally of Jiang Zemin or a partner of Hu Jintao? As the CCP infighting has intensified, this question has puzzled the public. Political observers analyze that the incidents of Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai forced Xi Jinping to ally with Hu Jintao, and against Jiang Zemin. On September 22, the BBC reported news about Xi Jinping. It said that since Xi was selected as the next CCP leader at the 17th Party Congress in 2007. The public has widely viewed that Xi kept close relations with a Shanghai-based faction under Jiang Zemin. In October 2009, Xi met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and gifted her two books of Jiang Zemin. The move was widely considered as "rather unusual". Analysts say the relationship between Xi and Jiang's faction are not that simple. Allegedly, Hu Jintao preferred Li Keqiang to be his successor. Li was then-General Secretary of the Central Secretariat of the Communist Youth League. Hu's idea was opposed by Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong. Zeng Qinghong, a "princeling", reportedly played a key part in Xi Jinping being elected as the next CCP leader. This February, Wang Lijun fell out with Bo Xilai and fled to the US Consulate to seek refuge. '' subsequently revealed that Wang had exposed secrets to Peter Haymond, the US Consul General in Chengdu. The secrets included a coup plot made by <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:02 More in News & Politics

Wen Calls for Reform Prior to Stepping Down

Posted: 23 Sep 2012 09:01 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On the 20th, Wen Jiabao attended his last EU-China Summit as the Chinese Prime Minister. He described his future life as "secluded" while calling for political form. This is the third time Wen Jiabao mentioned political reform in the past 10 days. Commentators say this indicates Wen Jaibao will promote political reform after he leaves his Prime Minister position. Wen Jiabao, the soon to retire Prime Minister of the Communist regime, met local overseas Chinese in Brussels, prior to his return to Beijing after the EU-China Summit. During the meeting he said, "I will soon leave my post to live a secluded life, but my heart will always connect to the country and the people." He also stressed that in order for the Chinese to live a life of freedom and equality, political system reform and the development of democracy and the rule of law must be insisted upon. Wen Jiabao frequently participated in activities this September. Other than the speech in Brussels, he also delivered a speech at Tsinghua University on the 14th, and attended Summer Davos in Tianjin on the 11th. He talked about both political reform and his retirement in those meetings. Guo Yongfeng, organizer of the Federation of Chinese citizens who would Supervise the Government (FCSG), indicates that Wen Jiabao actually disclosed his intention to "retire but continue to work" and lead political reform after the 18th National Congress. This <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:20 More in News & Politics


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