Videos » Politics » Falun Gong Practitioner Attacked in Hong Kong

Videos » Politics » Falun Gong Practitioner Attacked in Hong Kong

Falun Gong Practitioner Attacked in Hong Kong

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 03:17 PM PST

Last Saturday, (Jan. 19th) a woman exercising her right as a Hong Kong citizen was attacked by pro-communist individuals. Zeng Jiaochan practices Falun Gong. It's a spiritual practice persecuted in the Mainland, but freely allowed in Hong Kong. The two people who attacked her are from the Hong Kong Youth Care Association Limited( It's a group with strong ties to the Mainland. On the day of the attack, Zeng was helping people register to renounce the Chinese Communist Party. She said she recognized the individuals as having attacked Falun Gong practitioners in the past. [Zeng Jiaochan, Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioner]: "I ran over to take pictures of them. She didn't let me take pictures and punched me with the board. She tried to punch me, so I stepped back to protect my face with my hands so that she didn't hit me. Buth then she started to hit my hands." After the incident Zeng notified the police. Officers came, and the attackers claimed they wanted to reconcile. They also claimed to have been hit too. Zeng said Hong Kong police should investigate the incident, so other Hong Kong residents aren't harmed. [Zeng Jiaochan, Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioner]: "They are fiercer today, normally they don't hit us. I want to file a case against them. Police has to take care of this." The attack on Zeng is a continuation of hostility from the Youth Care Association towards local Falun Gong practitioners. The Association's actions have led to Hong Kong citizens and <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:56 More in News & Politics

Akamai Technologies: China Main Source of Cyber Attacks

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 03:11 PM PST

Internet services company Akamai Technologies has identified China as the world's main source of cyber attack traffic, according to a report released today. The findings say the number of these attacks has been increasing. Last year, between July and September, about one third of cyber attacks were found to come from China. That's double the percentage of the previous quarter. A specific Microsoft database system seems to be the main target for attacks. The report from Akamai also said China has been the number one source of cyber attacks since 2011. The report says the other two main sources of cyber attacks are the United States and Russia. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:38 More in News & Politics

Hidden Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II Revealed

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 01:43 PM PST

Banned painting of Queen Elizabeth II on display Full Story: A controversial portrait of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II went on public display on Saturday (January 19). The painting was finished in 1952 but has been hidden from view for over six decades because of her distorted image. The artist, John Napper portrays the monarch with an extraordinary long neck. The Liverpool deputy Lord Mayor, Gary Miller, defended the portrait, saying: [Gary Miller, Deputy Lord Mayor of Liverpool]: "Many hundreds of years, artists have never quite got the likeness of people right. Never have - unless you're using photography. This man, John Napper, had one sitting with the Queen and did this painting. And the only thing that's wrong with it is -- do you know what, I wasn't born 61 years ago so I've no idea whether it was a true likeness or not. It's not badly painted, the perspective might not be perfect with the long neck but it was painted as if you were below it looking up so the perspective would have been different so it wouldn't have looked as long." Napper himself, who died in 2001 described the portrait as "a beautiful painting of a queen, but not this Queen." After spending six decades in council vaults, the portrait went on display in Liverpool's St George's Hall on Friday. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:21 More in News & Politics

Did Beyoncé Lip-Sync?

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 12:53 PM PST

Did Beyoncé lip-sync her performance of the national anthem at the President Barack Obama's inauguration? Full Story: Did she, or didn't she? Claims that pop singer Beyonce lip-synced during her performance of the Star Spangled Banner at President Obama's inauguration have US media abuzz. A spokeswoman for the US Marine band told one media outlet the singer opted for pre-recorded music at the last minute. But Beyonce's team has not commented on the issue. Later, the US Marine band backtracked saying quote, 'no one in the US Marine Band is in a position to assess whether it was live or pre-recorded.' For fans, it didn't seem to matter. [Rose Washington, Longwood, Florida]: "Lip-synch or not. I don't think you can lip-synch the notes she hit yesterday. So, and it was wonderful. It was wonderful. It's not a big deal to me." [Torrey Veloz, Glendale, California]: "I know she can sing so I don't think it was bad that she was lip-synching. Maybe it's just because they don't want to mess it up, because of the inauguration." Previous inaugural performances- Yo-Yo Ma in 2009 for example- were pre-recorded because the cold and wind might have caused sharp notes. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:08 More in Music

Seven Tons of Marijuana Seized at Mexican Border

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 12:33 PM PST

On Tuesday, US Customs and Border Protection officials announced a recent seizure of drugs from the Arizona-Mexico border. Seven tons of marijuana were taken on January 15 at the Mariposa-Nogales port of entry, which officials say is the largest such seizure in the Nogales, Arizona sector ever. Discovered inside a tractor-trailer attempting to cross the border; 600 packages of plastic-wrapped marijuana. Each one weighed between 25 and 30 pounds. Officials estimate the value of the drugs to be worth $7 million. A 26-year-old Mexican male was taken into custody. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:38 More in News & Politics

Elk Races Cars On Highway

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 12:07 PM PST

An elk in Russia races cars along the highway in the fast lane. Full Story: Driving along the highway in Russia may seem a bit dreary. But suddenly out of nowhere appears - an elk! The long legged animal takes a tumble as high speed cars rush past him. But soon he is back on his feet and charging down the road with the best of them. And this guy is not slowing down! Once he gets in the fast lane he just keeps going! Perhaps he is late for an appointment with Santa in the North Pole! Elks on the road in Russia are not an uncommon phenomena. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:32 More in News & Politics

Italy: Noble Gesture To Preserve Art

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 09:39 AM PST

An earthquake in 2009 devastated the Italian city of L'Aquila, together with it's art treasures. The Nicola family, renowned art restorers from northern Italy, are promoting a solidarity campaign to recover and preserve the works of art. The earthquake in L'Aquila damaged the entire cultural heritage, including the Church of San Francesco di Paola. Inside the church was a 17th century painting, "The Test Of The Cross" by Giulio Cesare Bedeschini. [Anna Rosa Nicola, Technical Director Nicola Restauri]: (Female, Italian) "We decided to take this work that was probably the most damaged, with several detachments and extensive laceration. For months, the painting remained under the ruins because the church had collapsed. We have restored the painting at our own expense. When we went to pick up the painting we realized that the situation was tragic: there were thousands more damaged pieces of art. So we felt the need to do something more, and we have continued to seek funds and support for the restoration process." It took many month for the Nicola family to reconstruct the painting. Both traditional and modern techniques were used. [Alessandro Nicola, Architect, Nicola Restauri]: (Male, Italian) "Our craft is very important. We must try to restore all that has been damaged... if we do not save what we built in the past, we will lose everything." Gian Luigi Nicola says it does not matter if the art is Asian or Western, to save the work you have to respect the tradition and <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:27 More in News & Politics

The Survivors: Trafficked Women and Girls of Vietnam

Posted: 10 Jan 2013 01:46 PM PST

"I never thought I'd be tricked like that," said one of the women who were duped into following a trafficker to China.
From: RFAVideo
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Time: 12:00 More in News & Politics

Foreign Movies Dominate Box Office

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 11:54 AM PST

China faces obstacles in exporting cultural soft power.
From: RFAVideo
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Time: 02:16 More in News & Politics

Peter Schiff on RT America - Debt, Crisis.

Posted: 03 Jan 2013 10:25 PM PST

Peter Schiff on RT America - Debt, Crisis.
From: TVEconomy
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Time: 07:42 More in People & Blogs

Middle-Class Challenge CCP Regime

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 08:21 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, more and more doubts are being expressed on the legitimacy of Chinese Communist Party' (CCP) regime. Chinese people deeply hate CCP officials' unsupervised and unrestrained collective corruption and promiscuousness. In addition to grassroots people's uprising events, now the middle class is also raising its voice, asking officials to declare their properties publicly. US media point out that this voice is essentially a challenge to the one-party dictatorship. At the beginning of this year, anti-censorship demonstrations broke out on the streets of Guangzhou in southern China. They were followed by strong online protests against air pollution in the northern regions. Shanxi plant leaking toxic chemicals also caused panic in the surrounding cities. Netizens demanded from the government to publish data about the quality of the drinking water. A couple, researchers in Beijing's drinking water security sector, disclosed they have not drunk tap water in 20 years, as they are aware of the behind-the-scenes data. The discontent people have all these years keeps escalating. The New York Times pointed out that over the years many observers have insisted Chinese people made a deal with the CCP to maintain its authoritarian regime: CCP is responsible to ensure economic growth, and people do not question their rule. Now many, whose living standard has improved with the economic growth, are ending their <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:44 More in News & Politics

Congress Committee's "8 Forbidden Rules"

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 08:18 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Shanxi Province 1st section of 12th People's Congress will open soon. The congress committee made "eight forbidden rules". One is that no petition letter is allowed to be handed in to congress attendees. Another is not allowing the public to approach representatives, which triggered a great deal of questions. Scholars said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) elites are completely separated from the Chinese people. It is very similar situation comparing with the former Russian Communist Party before it collapsed. Let's take a look. The Congress will be held on Jan. 23rd, the meeting rules are circulated online. One of the rules said that not allowing fabrication and spreading of political rumors; No petition letters, flyers and posters are allowed to be given to representatives. Not allowed to insult representatives and creating scandals to disturb and intervene in meeting." Gong Shengli, an independent scholar: "Not allowed to appeal? In one word, they are even worse than tyrants Qin Shenhuan and Zhu Yuanzhang from China's history. Basically, the CCP elites are completely separated from ordinary people. The meeting is called the 'people's congress', but without people, what can be achieved? My God!" Netizen eGe said that petition letter and online exposing are the current ways to raise problems. After this method began, many corrupt officials such as "uncle house, sister house" are exposed. It <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:02 More in News & Politics

Petitioners Suppressed During Chinese Communist Party Annual Meeting

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 07:39 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Regional annual meetings of the People's Congress and Political Consultative conference are beginning in China. Many petitioners, whose appeal hasn't been dealt with for many years, went to the meetings to appeal. They hoped their case would be noticed. However, the authorities sent many police to suppress petitioners. The Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch website reported that on January 21, the first day of local meetings was held. Nearly 1000 of petitioners in Wuhai appealed outside the local meeting. Many police were sent to stop them, and many petitioners were forcibly taken away. The following day, there were still 200 petitioners who handed their letters to the appeals bureau. More than 100 police and guards were sent to the site to stop them appealing. In addition to Hubei Province, Jiangsu authorities also sent many police to stop petitioners from approaching the venue. Some petitioners managed to break through, but were taken away from the appeals office. Their local officials took them home. Many petitioners were badly beaten. 30 Protest Incidents In One Day The Chinese New Year is approaching. Workers are protesting for their wages and benefits, which often takes place in China. The Epoch Times reported that there were 30 protests taking place on January 21. Over 1000 workers from Guangdong Stadium Electronic, and Jianshu Changrui Auto Parts held protests. The protest continued into January <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:35 More in News & Politics

Jiang Zemin's Changing Rank Unraveled

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 07:38 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On January 21, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities attended the funeral of the Central Military Commission former secretary-general, Yang Baibing, who died January 15. It's noteworthy that the Party and government dignitary list was very different from the line-up usually found in reports of the CCP's mouthpiece media. The former CCP leader, Jiang Zemin, was placed after the seven serving Standing Committee members, instead of being put up top, as customary. What's the meaning behind Jiang's ranking on the list? —Let's see what the experts say. CCP mouthpiece media, CCTV, reported that the body of deceased Central Military Commission secretary-general, Yang Baibing had been cremated at Beijing's Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, on January 21. CCTV said, CCP leaders had visited the hospital or offered condolences to Yang Baibing's relatives in various forms. The report listed some officials who offered condolences: Hu Jintao; Xi Jinping; Wu Bangguo; Wen Jiabao; Jia Qinglin; Li Keqiang; Zhang Dejiang; Yu Zhengsheng; Liu Yunshan; Wang Qishan; Zhang Gaoli; and Jiang Zemin; among others. Hong Kong's Apple Daily reported that, the CCP's ranking is quite an art—in the past, the retired leader Jiang Zemin was always ranked second to the CCP General Secretary as a form of "respect". Apple Daily says, according to old customs, Hu Jintao should be ranked in the third place, once he leaves office in March <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:02 More in News & Politics

Mature Pregnant Woman Currently in Forced Labor Camp

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 07:34 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: 49-year-old Liu Yuling was reportedly pregnant last August, when she was sent to Masanjia Women's Forced Labor Camp, Liaoning Province. Currently, she will be 6 months pregnant, but is forced to work long hours in the labor camp. According to China's laws, pregnant labor camp inmates should serve sentences outside the prison. Human rights activists also urged the authorities to release her as soon as possible. Liu Yuling from Dalian City, Liaoning Province has been a petitioner for 11 years. Because her home was demolished, she repeatedly went to Beijing to appeal. She was stopped and detained many times. In July 2012, she was sentenced to one year of forced labor camp for 'disturbing social order'. Liu's husband, Wang Zhen, said Liu went to Beijing to petition for many unresolved issues. Within the written decision were allegations that Liu was disrupting social order. Wang Zhen: "My wife has been a petitioner for more than a decade. She has never done anything illegal. The allegations in the decision were fabricated by authorities. The Wang family raised a complaint, accusing the Dalian municipal government of repeatedly fabricating evidence, illegal deprivation of liberties, and abuse of human rights. Wang Zhen spoke in an interview with Radio Free Asia. A few months ago, he told the labor camp that his wife was pregnant, but the labor camp remained silent. In October 2012, labor camp staff sent <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:59 More in News & Politics

Mass Arrest of 2500 Private Detectives in China

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 07:31 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: For many years, corruption and adultery among Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials has been commonplace. This has been the focus of public criticism in China. Since November 2012, the new CCP leadership has raised the profile of advocating the combat of corruption. The situation has inspired waves of civil anti-corruption, and lots of private detectives have been hired to probe corruption. Recently, a private detective business was outlawed, and accused of illegally acquiring and trading personal data. So far, 2500 private detectives have been arrested. Commentators says that the real intention is to protect those corrupt CCP officials. Within the ranks of recently punished CCP officials, 95% had mistresses and even shared mistresses. After the 18th Party Congress, the number of officials being denounced after scandals has risen linearly. Recently, netizens exposed sex scandal videos and photos involving officials. In December 2012, media reported that lots of tapping devices have been installed in the cars, offices or bedrooms of CCP officials. Shandong citizen Qi Hong told the media that he had been hired to remove over 300 wire-tappings from more than 100 officials. On January 19, official CCP state media reported on an official police action in the protection of online privacy. It said the Public Security Ministry launched a nationwide arrest of 'illegal' private detectives on January 14. This <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:19 More in News & Politics

Mexico City Protest Targets US Immigration Policy

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 08:52 PM PST

Dozens of protesters call for immigration reform. Full Story: Dozens of protesters gathered outside the US embassy in Mexico City on Monday calling on President Barack Obama to implement immigration reforms. [Francisco Ochavira Martinez, Professor, University of Northern Tamaulipas]: "Obama won this election because of the Latino vote. We want him to follow through with this. We want him to return the favour and keep his promises to immigrants. There should be a law. But before this law is put in place, there should be a moratorium on having more people deported." Immigration reform is a sensitive subject for the president, who failed to fulfil his promise to revamp the system during his first term. Latino voters were a critical part of the coalition that helped get him re-elected. This fact may soften political opposition from Republicans, who are eager to bolster their support with that demographic group. Obama has vowed to introduce legislation this year to overhaul the country's immigration system. Protester Pedro Sandoval said that the American authorities unfairly deport Mexicans who are in working in the US [Pedro Sandoval, Protester]: "It is unfair that they can grab us and throw us back here without having done anything. People are trying to work, then they grab them at work and toss him back over here." Immigration reform supporters on the left believe that the 11 million undocumented foreigners in the United States should be allowed a path to work toward <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:14 More in News & Politics

Dogsled Racing in Russia's Remote Kamchatka Region

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 08:50 PM PST

Russian dog-lovers in the remote Kamchatka region compete in a traditional dogsled race and in a new sport for Russians - skijoring. Full story: Dog-lovers in Russia's remote Kamchatka peninsula took part in the annual dog sled race and skijoring contest. Dog sled has been Kamchatka's traditional means of transportation for centuries and dogsled races is one of locals' favorite sports. Skijoring is defined as a winter sport where a person on skis is pulled by a dog - it's new to the region and rapidly becoming popular. Anya Semashkina, the daughter of the race organizers, was the youngest dog sled race participant. [Anya Semashkina, Dogsled Race Participant]: "No, I am not afraid, I like dog sled racing and I love to do sports." Traditionally the sled is pulled by four dogs. Among this year's racing canines, the most popular breeds were Alaska and Siberian huskies, malamutes, Norwegian metis and Kamchatka laikas. The success of the race equally depends on both a human and a dog. [Natalya Orekhova, Skijoring Racer]: "It is a duo, you cannot say that it is just a human or just a dog, we'll see a result at finish, and it is achieved only together with the dog." Dogs owners say that racing with dogs not only keeps their pets fit, but also prevents them from being too active at home. [Alina Fedyaeva, Skijoring Racer]: "The dog is very active and in order to keep her in the apartment you need to provide a lot of training for her, so she doesn't destroy the flat, so I have to <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:49 More in Sports

Fainting Woman Falls onto Train Tracks

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 07:43 PM PST

A policeman saves the life of a woman who fell on the rails. Full Story: Spanish police rescued a woman who fainted and fell onto the rails at a Madrid metro station on Monday. The unnamed 38-year-old policeman heard the impact of the body hitting the rails and immediately sprung into action, a police press release said. Luckily, an incoming train managed to stop on time. The driver realized there was problem when people ran frantically on the platform while others waved in the direction of the train signaling it to stop, police said. The woman, aged 52, was immediately attended to by a doctor who was at the station and subsequently by an emergency service team. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:38 More in News & Politics

Drug Cartel Pose As TV Company

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 05:11 PM PST

Mexican drug traffickers use television company vehicles as disguise. Full story: A judge in the Central American country of Nicaragua on Friday gave 30-year prison terms to 18 Mexicans who posed as journalists. They were found guilty of drug trafficking, money laundering and organized crime. The criminals were caught crossing from Nicaragua into Honduras with $9.2 million, stored in six vehicles carrying logos of Mexico's biggest broadcaster Televisa. The media giant has denied any links to the group. Mexican drug cartels often use Central America as a bridge to shuttle drugs from South America. The region is increasingly being used for field operations and storage, resulting in a wave of violence. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:42 More in News & Politics


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