Bo Xilai Trial May, May Not Start Monday Posted: 25 Jan 2013 04:20 PM PST The South China Morning Post has poured lukewarm water on earlier reports, originating in state media, that the trial of fallen Chongqing Party Chief Bo Xilai will begin on Monday. When asked by reporters, a spokesman for Guizhou Intermediate Court said: "Are you asking about Bo Xilai case? This is rumour, we have never received this case." The China-run Ta Kung Pao newspaper said on its website that Bo's trial would start on Monday in the southern city of Guiyang and last three days. It cited "well-informed Beijing sources", but gave no details. […] One of Bo's lawyers, Li Guifang, declined to comment when reached by telephone. Reporters were unable to reach his second lawyer, Wang Zhaofeng, despite repeated telephone calls. […] Li Zhuang, a Beijing lawyer who opposed Wang Lijun and Bo for mounting a sweeping crackdown on foes in the name of fighting organised crime, said he also thought it was possible for a Monday hearing. "I would only say it's possible, though not totally certain," Li said. Comments about Bo's likely fate from Li Jingtian, executive vice president of the Central Party School, were similarly inconclusive. From Tom Orlik and Gerard Baker at The Wall Street Journal: "We have always had severe punishment for corrupt officials," Mr. Li said during the interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday, in response to a question about the fate of Mr. Bo. Such interviews are rare for senior party officials. He cited the examples of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan, two leaders in the party's early days who were executed in the 1950s following accusations of embezzlement and other crimes in one of the party's first anticorruption campaigns. […] Mr. Li's comments don't mean Mr. Bo is likely to face execution if found guilty. While he cited the case of another execution—that of Cheng Kejie, a former top legislator who was executed in 2000—he also cited the case of Chen Xitong, a former party chief of Beijing convicted on corruption charges in 1998 but released from prison on medical parole in 2006. He also named Chen Liangyu, the former party secretary of Shanghai who was dismissed in 2006 and later sentenced to 18 years in prison on corruption charges. See more on the Bo case to date, some of it more certain than the above, via CDT. © Samuel Wade for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: Bo Xilai, Central Party School, Chen Liangyu, Chen Xitong, corrupt officials, corruption, Davos, death penalty, embezzlement, execution, Guizhou, Li Guifang, Li Zhuang, prison, trials, Wang Lijun, Wang Zhaofeng, World Economic Forum Download Tools to Circumvent the Great Firewall  |
Ban on Nu River Dams Washed Away Posted: 25 Jan 2013 03:28 PM PST China's State Council has announced plans to resume hydropower development on the Nu (Salween), Lancang (Mekong) and Jinsha (a tributary of the Yangtze) rivers. Outgoing premier Wen Jiabao had repeatedly intervened to block damming of the Nu, and the plans have therefore been seen as a sign of his waning influence. From Li Jing at the South China Morning Post: "This is really shocking," said Li Bo, a director at Friends of Nature, a leading environmental group. "There were signs during the past year that mega dams were staging a comeback after being put on hold for years, but I'm still shocked by the lack of transparency in the decision-making process behind this. "If implemented, these projects could destroy the baseline for ecological security, which completely goes against a promise highlighted by the new leadership to preserve a beautiful homeland for our future generations." […] Under mainland law, however, each of the projects is still subject to environmental impact reviews before construction starts.In 2005, Premier Wen, a geologist by training, shelved plans to build 13 dams on the Unesco-protected Nu River, one of the country's last free-flowing rivers. Wen told authorities to "widely heed opinions, expound on [the plan] thoroughly and make prudent decisions". At least four of the dams have been revived in the new plan. Though both Li and International Rivers' Peter Bosshard described the news as "shocking", there were signs that Wen's protection might be slipping in February 2011, when state media reported that damming would resume. One major concern over the new dams is the south-west's high level of seismic activity. Reservoirs can increase the risk of earthquakes and landslides: a Probe International study released in December found that the 2008 Sichuan earthquake which killed some 80,000 people was likely caused by the weight of water behind the Zipingpu dam. For more details on the Nu, Lancang and Jinsha see International Rivers, as well as Anchalee Kongrut's overview of damming along the Lancang/Mekong at Economic Observer. © Samuel Wade for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: dams, hydroelectricity, hydropower projects, Jinsha River, Mekong river, Nu River, Wen Jiabao, Yangtze River Download Tools to Circumvent the Great Firewall  |
China and Japan Move to Cool Down Diaoyu Dispute Posted: 25 Jan 2013 03:15 PM PST China Daily reports on CCP general secretary Xi Jinping's recent meeting with a Japanese envoy in Beijing, in which standing tensions over the Diaoyu Islands were indirectly addressed: Xi Jinping on Friday said China and Japan should address "sensitive" issues between the two countries effectively and in a timely manner. Xi, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks as he met with Natsuo Yamaguchi, leader of the New Komeito party, on Friday morning. The New Komeito party is the smaller of Japan's two ruling parties. Yamaguchi, who arrived in Beijing on Tuesday, is the first senior member of Japan's ruling bloc to travel to China since the Japanese government announced it would "purchase" part of the Diaoyu Islands in September, a move that soured bilateral relations. "China's stance on the Diaoyu Islands is consistent and clear," Xi said, urging the Japanese side to respect history as well as reality and make joint efforts with China to seek effective methods for appropriately controlling and resolving problems through dialogue and consultation. While the China Daily report chose to quote Xi emphasizing consistency in China's stance on the islands, New York Times coverage notes that the leader's comments were soft when compared to previous official statements: China's new leader, Xi Jinping, offered Japan a conciliatory tone during a meeting with a senior Japanese politician on Friday in an apparent effort to reduce the escalating tensions between the two countries over islands in the East China Sea. In some of his first remarks on China's foreign policy since becoming secretary general of the Communist Party, Mr. Xi told the Japanese lawmaker, Natsuo Yamaguchi, "The Chinese government remains committed to China-Japan relations," according to an account provided by China's Foreign Ministry. Mr. Xi urged both sides to "look at the larger picture" and "push relations forward," the Foreign Ministry said, language markedly more restrained than the combative exhortations from military officials and state-run media since the dispute over the islands erupted four months ago. Natsuo Yamaguchi, the envoy who met with Xi, represented Japan's new coalition government led by Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, a man whose "hawkish" campaign statements concerning the Diaoyu Islands were a cause for concern in China. Japanese coverage of the meeting notes that Yamaguchi delivered a letter on Abe's behalf requesting a face-to-face meeting between the two leaders, and that Xi responded agreeably. From The Asahi Shimbun: During their hour-long discussion, Yamaguchi handed Xi a letter from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe requesting a summit meeting between the two new heads of government. "I will seriously consider a high-level dialogue," Xi responded. "To do so, arranging the proper environment is of vital importance." Upon returning to Tokyo, Yamaguchi expressed optimism about an eventual resolution to the territorial dispute. Reuters reports: Japan takes a broad view of the issue and believes tensions can be resolved between the two countries, he told reporters before returning to Tokyo after a four-day visit. "Japan wishes to pursue ties with China while looking at the big picture," Yamaguchi said he told Xi, who is set to take over as China's president in March. "I firmly believe our differences with China can be resolved," Yamaguchi said, adding that he did not directly discuss the islands issue with Xi. "We agreed that it is important to continue dialogue with the aim of holding a Japan-China summit between the two leaders," he added, though no specific details were given. "Secretary Xi said he will seriously consider a high-level dialogue with Japan." Another report from Reuters tells of an imminent U.N. investigation into the validity of China's claims on the group of islands: The United Nations is planning to consider later this year the scientific validity of a claim by China that a group of disputed islands in the East China Sea are part of its territory, although Japan says the world body should not be involved. It was not immediately clear if the U.N. involvement would increase the likelihood the China-Japan dispute would be resolved peacefully. But launching an international legal process that should yield a neutral scientific opinion could reduce the temperature for now in Beijing's spat with Tokyo. In a submission to the U.N. Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, China says the continental shelf in the East China Sea is a natural prolongation of China's land territory and that it includes the disputed islands. As China and Japan appear to be softening their rhetoric, Taiwan – another claimant to sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands – is reasserting its claims. The Asahi Shimbun reports on confrontation between the Japanese Coast Guard and a fishing boat full of Taiwanese activists on January 24: The fishing boat, accompanied by four Taiwanese cutters, entered the contiguous zone off Japan's territorial waters around the islands, but was chased off by the Japan Coast Guard using a water cannon. The uninhabited islands, called Diaoyutai in Taiwan, are effectively administered by Japan but are claimed by both Taiwan and China. [...]The "Chinese Association for Protecting the Diaoyutais," which sent the fishing boat, is a group of political activists, four of whom hold fishery certificates. Taiwan's Coast Guard Administration said there was no reason to block the boat from leaving port, because the action was lawful. [...]A Taiwanese Foreign Ministry source indicated the authorities approved the latest departure because the Ma administration was eager to assert Taiwan's role and presence at a time when the United States, Japan's ally, and China have come to loggerheads over the Senkakus issue. "We have to assert ourselves whenever China takes a strong stand," the ministry source said. But Taipei has also been careful not to give the impression, either at home or abroad, that China and Taiwan are joining hands over the Senkakus dispute. © josh rudolph for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: cross-strait relatioins, diaoyu islands, Japan, maritime disputes, maritime security, Sino-Japanese relations, Taiwan, territorial disputes Download Tools to Circumvent the Great Firewall  |
Fines for Food Waste and the “Clean Plate Campaign” Posted: 25 Jan 2013 02:31 PM PST Yuan Longping, an agricultural scientist at the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the "father of hybrid rice", has publicly endorsed the implementation of fines for wasted food. Yuan, famous for developing the first varieties of high-yield hybrid rice in the 70s, shared last year's Confucius Peace Prize with former UN secretary general Kofi Annan, after coming in just shy of Vladimir Putin in 2011. The South China Morning Post reports: "I suggest the government prohibit wasting food by treating it as a kind of crime and shameful behaviour," he said. "Many banquets I have attended offered dozens of different dishes to the guests, who only briefly tasted each dish and then threw them away. The authorities should fine them." Yuan said squandering food was unforgivable, especially because China had to pull out all stops to provide enough food for its 1.3 billion people due to its limited arable land. "It was difficult to improve rice's output, but after we did we found the food was being wasted," he said. China News Service has reported that the country's leftover food could feed more than 200 million people a year. The State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development said about 128 million people were living below the official poverty line in 2011. Meanwhile, 28 million undergraduates studying at mainland universities throw away enough food every year to feed 10 million people, according to research by China Agricultural University. The abundance of wasted food in China – a country where some are struggling even to meet their nutritional needs – has prompted an online campaign against food squandering, as pointed out by a recent tweet from Xinhua. Below are two images circulating the Weibosphere as part of the "clean plate campaign":  Today, leave no leftovers It starts with me I have a "clean plate" 今天不剩饭 从我做起 我,是 "光盘" @LongjiangGourmet "Clean Plate" movement starts with me @龙江美食 "光盘" 行动, 从我做起  Every year, China's restaurant industry throws out enough food to feed 200 million people! 我国餐饮业每年倒掉的饭菜相当于两亿多人一年的粮! China has tens of millions of people in need of food and clothing! 中国还有数千万人口处于温饱线之下! Recovering just 5% of wasted food could feed four million people! 只要回收5%被丢弃的食品, 就能养活400万饥民! Guarding our savory civilization starts with me. I won't waste food anymore! 守护舌尖上的文明,从我做起,以后不剩饭! © josh rudolph for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: Confucius Peace Prize, food waste, online opinion, waste, Yuan Longping Download Tools to Circumvent the Great Firewall  |
Photo: Majong Shop, by Land of no cheese Posted: 25 Jan 2013 12:18 PM PST |
Ministry of Truth: Ban on Live Global Dialogue Posted: 25 Jan 2013 12:10 PM PST The following censorship instructions, issued to the media by central government authorities, have been leaked and distributed online. Chinese journalists and bloggers often refer to these instructions as "Directives from the Ministry of Truth." Central Propaganda Department: On January 29, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will hold a one-hour, live global dialogue in Washington via video conference. No media may participate or report on it. (January 25, 2013) 中宣部:1月29日美国国务卿希拉里将在华盛顿通过视频连线进行一小时的大型全球现场对话会,各媒体对此不参与、不报道。 CDT has collected the selections we translate here from a variety of sources and has checked them against official Chinese media reports to confirm their implementation. Since directives are sometimes communicated orally to journalists and editors, who then leak them online, the wording published here may not be exact. The original publication date on CDT Chinese is noted after the directives; the date given may indicate when the directive was leaked, rather than when it was issued. CDT does its utmost to verify dates and wording, but also takes precautions to protect the source. © Anne.Henochowicz for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: censorship, Directives from the Ministry of Truth, Hillary Clinton, media censorship, Ministry of Truth, propaganda, u.s. relation, U.S. relations Download Tools to Circumvent the Great Firewall  |
Chinese Graduates Say No Thanks to Factory Jobs Posted: 25 Jan 2013 10:52 AM PST China now produces eight million new college graduates each year, four times as many as ten years ago. The job market, however, has not adjusted accordingly. While the graduate glut sharpens competition for white collar jobs even as it drives down wages, the educated unemployed are put off plentiful factory jobs by heightened expectations, lack of prestige, and fear of damage to long-term career prospects. The resulting frustration may prove a long-term challenge to social stability, writes Keith Bradsher at The New York Times: Wang Zengsong is desperate for a steady job. He has been unemployed for most of the three years since he graduated from a community college here after growing up on a rice farm. Mr. Wang, 25, has worked only several months at a time in low-paying jobs, once as a shopping mall guard, another time as a restaurant waiter and most recently as an office building security guard. […] "I have never and will never consider a factory job — what's the point of sitting there hour after hour, doing repetitive work?" he asked. Millions of recent college graduates in China like Mr. Wang are asking the same question. A result is an anomaly: Jobs go begging in factories while many educated young workers are unemployed or underemployed. A national survey of urban residents, released this winter by a Chinese university, showed that among people in their early 20s, those with a college degree were four times as likely to be unemployed as those with only an elementary school education. See more about China's "ant tribe" of un- or underemployed graduates via CDT. © Samuel Wade for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: Ant Tribe, college graduate joblessness, factory workers, graduates, manufacturing, unemployment, white collar Download Tools to Circumvent the Great Firewall  |
John Kerry Calls for Stronger Partnership with China Posted: 25 Jan 2013 09:48 AM PST At his Senate confirmation hearings, John Kerry, who is expected to be confirmed as U.S. Secretary of State, outlined his expectations for the U.S.-China relationship, acknowledging that while problems persist, he hopes to see more cooperation on a number of global issues. From UPI: Kerry said he "could envision a way in which China could play a much more significant role as a partner in any number of efforts globally. … We will be competitors in the economic marketplace, but shouldn't be viewed as adversaries in some way that diminishes our ability to cooperate in a number of things. "China is cooperating with us now on Iran. I think there might be more we could perhaps do with respect to North Korea. There could be more we could do in other parts of the Far East. And hopefully, we can build those relationships that will further that transformation. Kerry also noted China's role in Africa as an area where the U.S. needs to step up efforts to compete. From the same article: "Now with respect to China and Africa, China is all over Africa — I mean, all over Africa. And they're buying up long-term contracts on minerals, on … you name it," Kerry said. "And there're some places where we're not in the game, folks. And I hate to say it. And we got to get in. But it takes a little bit of resourcing. Believe me, somebody's paying for those folks to be over there. And somebody's investing in their investment of time. The Chinese government, for its part, responded favorably to Kerry's comments. From a Xinhua article: "The Chinese side places great importance on developing China-U.S. relations," [Foreign Ministry spokesperson] Hong told a regular press conference. "We are ready to work with the U.S. side to further advance the development of the China-U.S. cooperative partnership and explore the development of a new relationship between major powers," Hong said. [...] In response to Kerry's comments, Hong said the Asia-Pacific region is where China and the U.S. have the closest convergence of interests and the most frequent interactions. "China and the United States should jointly play a constructive role in maintaining peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region," Hong said. Kerry's predecessor, Hillary Clinton, discussed U.S.-China relations from a business perspective in an interview with BloombergBusinessweek. Responding to a question about what leverage the U.S. has in fighting intellectual property theft by China – an issue that Kerry noted was a remaining hurdle in the relationship – Clinton said: We have leverage in opening our markets or not. Permitting foreign direct investment or not. Having a relationship that is economically robust within a broader strategic relationship. Which gives validation to Chinese business that is of benefit to them as they go around selling in the world. So some of it is very tangible. Like, OK, you're going do that to us, then we're going to do that to you. You know, you slap tariffs on our steel, we're going to slap tariffs on your steel. [BloombergBusinessweek]: Checkmate. Yeah, checkmate. And is that good for anybody? Or let's figure out how we are going to have rules that we both live by. This is always a work in progress. We have a mature, developed economy that has evolved over 150 years. And we still are working out issues that are yet to be resolved. So when you think about how far China has come in such a short period of time, and as you rightly point out, having every incentive to take advantage of whatever they can for their own benefit, I don't hold that against them. I just hold it against us if we're not out there pushing back. Read more about Hillary Clinton and U.S.-China relations, via CDT. © Sophie Beach for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: Africa investment, Hillary Clinton, intellectual property rights, john kerry, U.S trade, U.S. relations Download Tools to Circumvent the Great Firewall  |
Redefining the Meaning of “Chinese” Posted: 25 Jan 2013 09:48 AM PST Didi Kirsten Tatlow quotes Taiwan specialist Mark Harrison's suggestions that China could learn from Taiwan in building a more inclusive Chinese identity. From the New York Times: Because what China cannot seem to do — and probably not for a long time yet — is this: build a broadly attractive definition of what it means to be "Chinese" for all its various ethnic groups, including the increasingly restive Tibetans and Uighurs, and thereby genuinely bring together the different voices within its borders, Dr. Harrison said. Tied to that: It cannot, for now, show the world that a Chinese society can be open, tolerant and democratic. But Taiwan can. [...] "For the Chinese, being Chinese is an objective fact. You can't become Chinese. You are born it. But for the Taiwanese there's the possibility of choosing to be Taiwanese," a process that allows meaningful cultural differences while being a part of the nation, he said. [...] "What Taiwan says is that there is nothing immutable about being Chinese, and there are a lot of other ways of thinking about being Chinese that are beyond the nationalism of the People's Republic of China," Dr. Harrison said. That model could eventually convince ethnic minorities that they are truly equal members of the Chinese state. See more on Taiwan relations via CDT. © Mengyu Dong for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: chinese culture, Taiwan relations, Taiwanese public opinion, Tibet, Uighurs Download Tools to Circumvent the Great Firewall  |
Censorship Vault: Sorry for the Trouble Posted: 25 Jan 2013 09:40 AM PST In partnership with the China Copyright and Media blog, CDT is adding the "Beijing Internet Instructions" series to the Censorship Vault. These directives were originally published on (Participate) and date from 2005 to 2007. According to Canyu, the directives were issued by the Beijing Municipal Network Propaganda Management Office and the State Council Internet management departments and provided to to Canyu by insiders. China Copyright and Media has not verified the source. The translations are by Rogier Creemers of China Copyright and Media. 29 August 2007, 18:58:02 Reporting requirements concerning the readjustment of the positions of comrade Jin Renqing: Websites are to use Xinhua information without exception, and may not reprint reports from any other source; do not set up special subjects, do not issue it on the main page of websites and the important news section of the news centre, it may be issued in the domestic section, let it remain there until 12:00 in the evening; strictly manage trackers, examine all posts before publishing, quantities may not exceed 50, firmly delete all harmful information seizing upon the opportunity to attack Party and state leaders, attack our country's political system, social system, and the Party's cadre system; forum, blogs, instant messaging, post bars, and other interactive segments are not to actively set up topics, information, and comments from foreign websites may not be posted; all search engines will direct searches for "Jin Renqing" to news websites, do not set up related searches. 30 August 2007, 07:42:43 All Websites: Please do not reprint or report today's report in the 14th edition of the Beijing Daily, "Capital's First Social Insurance Corruption Case." Interactive segments are not to discuss this, as soon as this is discovered, delete it immediately. Thanks for the cooperation! 30 August 2007, 18:43:27 All websites are requested to find today's propaganda instructions (six portals have already been notified), these must be transmitted to the interactive segments and the next shift's personnel. Thanks, everyone! Propaganda Instructions Concerning "Capital's First Social Insurance Corruption Case" All Websites: Please do not reprint or report today's report in the 14th edition of the Beijing Daily, "Capital's First Social Insurance Corruption Case." Interactive segments are not to discuss this, as soon as this is discovered, delete it immediately. Thanks for the cooperation. 30 August 2007, 22:37:10 All Websites: Concerning information on changes in the posts of four ministers today, please abide by yesterday's propaganda instructions, successively remove this to the back stage, everyone must be clear about this, deal with this on the back stage, do not simply control positions… Complete implementation before two o'clock, thanks for cooperation! That is if we click on any one channel, we cannot see it, ha…. Also, some websites have asked whether only information concerning Jin Renqing must be removed, we have considered that doing this may very well give rise to suspicion, therefore, the appointment or dismissal of all ministers is required to be removed to the back stage before 12 o'clock… sorry for the trouble! All portal websites are especially requested to pay attention to their own finance and economics channels… it is absolutely necessary to correctly implement this. All finance and economics-type websites are also requested to cooperate well. Sorry for the trouble! 30 August 2007, 23:20:26 Leaders have said, for the moment, this is to be done… All Websites: The notice of a moment ago that information on changes in positions of four ministers is to be removed to the backstage, is now ordered as being void, please wait for the newest notice tomorrow. 31 August 2007, 13:41:24, Huang Jing All Websites: Everyone is requested to immediately deal with information that has not been deleted or has not yet been responded to on the reporting platform for unlawful or harmful information. 31 August 2007, 14:11:51 All search engines are to direct searches for "Jin Renqing" to news websites, do not set up related searches. 31 August 2007, 16:51:12 Second Level: Please search for and delete the text "China-India Border Negotiation Result Emerges–China's Territorial Surface Area Becomes 9.51 Million Square Kilometers (Pictures)," this test is false information. Interactive segments are not to disseminate or discuss this. All search engines will ensure the title of this article is screened and set up the following keywords for screening, and ensure no search results in the entire websites: "China-India border negotiation result," "9.51 million square kilometers." 31 August 2007, Chen Hua Everyone: Please screen searchers for the following three batches of keywords, ensure there are no results and related searches on the entire website, finish this before 11:00 this evening. First batch: Shandong Energy privatization, privatization Shandong Energy, Shandong Energy privatization Liu Zhenya, Liu Zhenya Shandong Energy privatization, Liu Zhenya Shandong Energy, Shandong Energy Liu Zhenya, Shandong Energy Group privatization; direct all search results for Liu Zhenya to news websites. Second batch: Guangdong Electric salaries, Guangdong salary slips, Electric salary slips, Electric system salaries, looking at salary slips in the Electric systems, salary Guangdong Electric, looking at Guangdong salaries, Guangdong Electricity Supply Bureau salaries, Shenzhen Electricity Bureau salaries, Foshan Electricity Bureau salaries, Dongguan Electricity Supply salaries. Third batch: a bit of sunshine on salaries scares you, Guangdong Electric system salaries, Guangdong Electricity Supply Bureau salaries, sunshine on salaries scares you, complete salary situation of the second quarter, salaries that frighten you, sunshine salaries Guangdong. That's it, respond, sorry for everyone's trouble. 2007年8月北京网管办发出的禁令(四) 2007-08-29 18:58:02 关于金人庆同志职务调整的报道要求;网站一律采用新华社消息,不得转载其他任何来源的报道;不设专题,不发网站首页和新闻中心要闻区,可发国内,停 留至当晚12:00;跟帖严格管理,逐条先审后发,数量不超过50条,坚决删除借机攻击党和国家领导人,攻击我国政治制度、社会制度和党的干部制度的有害 信息;论坛、博客、即时通讯和贴吧等互动环节不主动设置议题,不得贴发境外网站消息和评论;各搜索将"金人庆"搜索指向新闻站点,不设相关。 2007-08-30 07:42:43 各网:今天北京日报14版报道的:"京城首起社保基金贪污案",请不要转载报道。互动环节不讨论,一经发现,立即删除.谢谢合作! 2007-08-30 18:43:27 请各网站查收今日宣传提示(六门户已经通知过),务必传达给互动环节及交接班人员。谢谢各位! 关于"京城首起社保基金贪污案"的宣传提示 各网:今天北京日报14版报道的:"京城首起社保基金贪污案",请不要转载报道 互动环节不讨论,一经发现,立即删除.谢谢合作 2007-08-30 22:37:10 各网:关于今日四部部长任职变动的消息,请遵照昨日的宣传提示,陆续撤入后台,各位一定要明确,是撤后台处理哟,不是简单的调控位置…… 2点之前执行完毕 谢谢合作!就是我们点进任何一个频道,都不能看见,哈…… 还有,有网站提到了是否只撤除金人庆的相关消息,我们考虑到如何这样做很可能引起更多的猜忌,所以各部部长的任免消息都要求于12时前撤入后台……辛苦各位了! 尤其是请各门户网站注意自己的财经频道……一定要准确执行。也请各财经类网站多多配合。辛苦! 2007-08-30 23:20:26 领导说了,暂时就这样放置吧…… 各网:刚刚通知四部长任职变动的消息撤后台,现在该条指令失效,请等待明天的最新通知 2007-08-31 13:41:24 黄婧 各网:请大家立即处理一下违法和不良信息举报平台里没有删除和没有回复的信息. 2007-08-31 14:11:51 各搜索将"金人庆"搜索指向新闻站点,不设相关。 2007年8月31日 16:51:12 二级:请查找删除《中印边界谈判结果已浮现 中国陆地面积已变为951万平方公里(图)》一文,此文为虚假消息。互动环节不传播、不讨论。 各搜索将文章题目设屏蔽并将下列词设屏蔽,全站无结果:"中印边界谈判结果"、"951万平方公里"。 2007年8月31日 陈华: 各位,请将下列三批词搜索设屏蔽,全站无结果不设相关,今晚11:00前搞定。第一批:鲁能私有化,私有化鲁能,鲁能私有化刘振亚,刘振亚鲁能私有 化,刘振亚鲁能,鲁能刘振亚,鲁能集团私有化;将刘振亚的搜索全站指向新闻站点。第二批:广东电力工资,广东工资单,电力工资单,电力系统工资,看电力系 统工资单,工资广东电力,看广东工资,广州供电局工资,深圳供电局工资,佛山供电局工资,东莞供电局工资。第三批:晒晒工资吓死你,广东电力系统工资单, 广东供电局工资,晒工资吓死你,第二季度全部工资情况,吓死你工资,晒工资广东。齐了,回复,各位辛苦。 These translated directives were first posted by Rogier Creemers on China Copyright and Media on January 25, 2013 (here). This post is the 60th in the series. © Anne.Henochowicz for China Digital Times (CDT), 2013. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: Beijing Internet Instructions, censorship, Censorship Vault, Directives from the Ministry of Truth, Internet censorship, Ministry of Truth, propaganda Download Tools to Circumvent the Great Firewall  |