Videos » Society » Traditional Aboakyer Festival celebrates in Ghana

Videos » Society » Traditional Aboakyer Festival celebrates in Ghana

Traditional Aboakyer Festival celebrates in Ghana

Posted: 23 May 2012 07:52 PM PDT

The Effutu people in the central region of Ghana celebrate one of the nation's oldest festivals by capturing live bushback antelopes.

Chinese movie theater market grows

Posted: 23 May 2012 07:40 PM PDT

Chinese conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group has agreed to buy US movie theater chain AMC Entertainment for 2.6 billion US dollars, creating the world's largest movie theater franchise. The deal reflects the fast growth of the Chinese movie theater market in recent years.

Chinese animation industry focuses on brands and talent

Posted: 23 May 2012 07:16 PM PDT

Three movies compete for Palme d'Or at Cannes Film Festival

Posted: 23 May 2012 06:32 PM PDT

The 65th Cannes Film Festival draws to a close on Sunday when the winner of the Palme d'Or will be announced. There are 22 films in the main competition of the Film Festival. Let's take a look at the directors and actors of three films vying for the festival's top prize.

Apology for bad photoshop-Media Watch May 22 - BONTV

Posted: 22 May 2012 11:46 PM PDT

A poorly photoshopped picture was published on the Yuhang government website where five people are seen to be floating above ground while they inspected a landscape project. The picture drew wide criticism and the company responsible has apologized for publishing the picture. The landscape company explained that they used photoshop to doctor the photos because they thought the original photo was not good enough. This is not the first time a poorly photoshopped photo was attacked by the public. A similar scandal went viral last year where a picture of three officials in Huili County of Sichuan Province also provoked public outrage, which goes to show that these departments really need to practice their photo editing skills, cause the shadows are all wrong!
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Time: 01:01 More in News & Politics

Angry Home Buyers - Price Watch May 22 - BONTV

Posted: 23 May 2012 12:03 AM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode Follow us on Weibo In Consumer Corner, we take a look at trends and products creating a buzz here in China. Well, as we told you, it's been two years since the Chinese government began implementing housing purchasing restrictive measures to curb an overheated real estate market, and while this is good news for prospective buyers, it has left older homeowners very disgruntled. According to the China Economic Net, increasing amounts of homeowners are now joining forces to loudly demand a refund from residential housing developers on additional money they spent in purchasing homes before the restrictive policies were introduced. Since the beginning of this year, Hangzhou city has dealt with these angry requests more than 20 times already. Market insiders say developers should expect this type of behaviour to continue carrying on as long as China's housing prices keep falling -- which may be indefinitely at this point, as it appears the golden time of China's housing market has passed, and housing prices will continue to plummet in the future.
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Time: 01:12 More in News & Politics

Chen leaves China - China Take May 22 - BONTV

Posted: 22 May 2012 10:56 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode A typical reaction from Chinese net users to the news that blind rights activist Chen Guangcheng has left China to take up a place at New York University. Since his dramatic escape from illegal house arrest in Shandong province to the US embassy in Beijing, official Chinese media have gone to town on drumming home the official line: that Chen is an unwitting tool of "hostile" or "anti-China foreign forces" intent on maligning China. Chen, a self taught lawyer, fell foul of local authorities in 2005 when he exposed their participation in illegal forced abortions and other abuses. He was jailed for four years on charges his supporters say were trumped up. The latest attack on Chen comes from the nationalist Global Times newspaper. It dismisses Chen and his family being illegally imprisonment, beating and physical and mental abuse of the Chen family - with the full knowledge of the authorities - as "an ordinary grass-roots spat". It claims that while he was seen as a hero by western media the issue is "much more complicated.
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Time: 01:46 More in News & Politics

Fatal Car Accident in Singapore Caught on Tape - Microblog Buzz May 22 -- BON TV China

Posted: 22 May 2012 11:26 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter A fatal car accident in Singapore was caught on tape from a Taxi driver's point-of-view.
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Time: 02:13 More in News & Politics

Horse urine a profitable industry - Biz Wire May 22 - BONTV

Posted: 22 May 2012 10:39 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode Follow us on Weibo Believe it or not, urine from pregnant horses is a profitable industry here in China. Yes, you heard me right. Xinyuan county in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region specializes in this unique industry. The county has been extracting and selling urine from pregnant horses since 2006. Chock-full of estrogen, the average price is around 40 cents per pound, while the highest grade of urine goes for 70 cents a pound. That's higher price than the price of milk on the Chinese market. However, with strict export regulations, combined with strict domestic requirements for the horses, the urine yield hasn't been enough lately to satisfy the demand.
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Time: 02:19 More in News & Politics


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