Links » Crème » Today’s China Readings May 26, 2012

Links » Crème » Today’s China Readings May 26, 2012

Today’s China Readings May 26, 2012

Posted: 25 May 2012 05:12 PM PDT

The cover of this week's Economist magazine asks "How Strong is China's Economy?" The answer the Economist provides in this issue's special report on China's economy will not please the thundering herd of ursus sinica. The magazine writes that:

China's economy will not crash. Like the high-wheeled penny-farthing, which rolled serenely over bumps in the road, it is good at absorbing the jolts in the path of any developing country. The state's influence over the allocation of capital is the source of much waste, but it helps keep investment up when private confidence is down. And although China's repressed banking system is inefficient, it is also resilient because most of its vast pool of depositors have nowhere else to go.

No one paying attention disputes that China's economy has serious issues. But some of the increasingly giddy bears look to be overstating their doomsday scenarios.

Reuters reports that China leadership rules Bo case isolated, limits purge. This is good news for the economy, if true. My guess on the outcome of a criminal case? Death for the aide-de-camp (勤务兵) who allegedly administered the poison, death with reprieve for BoGu Kailai, and significant time for her husband.

Bo Guagua graduated from Harvard's Kennedy School. Nick Kristof claimed on Twitter to have seen him in a stretch limo. It was graduation, nothing wrong with getting a limo, but given the history of claims about Guagua and cars we should not believe it until we see the pictures. Speaking of Harvard, this article from Slate is interesting–Harvard and the Chinese Communist Party: Top Chinese officials are studying at elite U.S. universities in large numbers.

Thanks for reading, and remember the best way to see this daily post is to subscribe by email, especially if you are in China, as Sinocism is still blocked here. You can also follow me on @niubi or Sina Weibo @billbishop. Feel free to recommend to friends or donate.

  • Land Use for Infrastructure Rises Rapidly – Caixin Online
    Infrastructure construction has replaced real estate development as the major consumer of land plots during the first three months of 2012, the latest official data shows.
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  • Wanda Red-Faced Over Demolished School – Caixin Online
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  • In thrall of the empire of the sons–Garnaut on princelings and business in China
    In 2007, investigative reporters at Caijing Magazine discovered 92 per cent of the shares in the power generating company Luneng, with net assets valued on its books at 74 billion yuan ($12 billion), had been transferred to two unknown private companies for 3.7 billion yuan. A follow-up magazine edition was recalled and editors placed under huge pressure as soon as it hit news stands, after China's leaders learned the identity of the princelings involved. Sources close to the Zeng family and also to the investigation reveal that the most sensitive identity involved, in this secret multibillion-dollar transfer of government assets, was Zeng Wei.
    Zeng Wei also teamed up with coal barons from Shanxi province. One of his partners hosted the wedding of his daughter at a beach resort in March, according to business sources, where the dowry alone was reported to consist of six Ferraris.
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  • Shades of grey | The Economist
    In March the central government unveiled a number of sensible reforms to tame the Wenzhou system without crushing it. Informal lenders will henceforth need to be registered, more private capital will be encouraged and the issuance of high-yield bonds approved. Yet the government still resists the more elegant solution to the problem proposed by Mr Zhou: allowing borrowers and lenders the freedom to set whatever interest rate they like.
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  • Investment: Prudence without a purpose | The Economist
    China "bears" like Mr Chanos sometimes neglect this side of the country's progress. In his 2010 presentation he compared China to the Soviet Union, another empire in the east that enjoyed a stretch of beguiling economic growth. Like the Soviet command economy, China is good at marshalling inputs of capital and labour, he pointed out, but China has failed to generate growth in output per input, just as the Soviet Union failed before it. Yet this analogy with the Soviet Union is preposterous.
    Economists refer to a rise in output per input of capital and labour as a gain in "total factor productivity". Such gains have many sources. One textile boss got 20% more out of his seamstresses by playing background music in his factory, recalls Arnold Harberger of the University of California at Los Angeles. The striking thing about the growth in China's total factor productivity is not its absence but its speed: the fastest in the world over the past decade. Between 2000 and 2008 it contributed 43% of the country's economic growth, according to the APO. That is just as big a contribution as the brute accumulation of capital, which accounted for 44% (excluding information technology). Thus even if some of China's recent investment has in fact been wasted, China's progress cannot be written off.
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  • Pedalling prosperity | The Economist
    China's economy will not crash. Like the high-wheeled penny-farthing, which rolled serenely over bumps in the road, it is good at absorbing the jolts in the path of any developing country. The state's influence over the allocation of capital is the source of much waste, but it helps keep investment up when private confidence is down. And although China's repressed banking system is inefficient, it is also resilient because most of its vast pool of depositors have nowhere else to go.
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    Despite a recent slowdown, the world's second-biggest economy is more resilient than its critics think..
    rapid development can look messy close up, as our special report this week explains; and there is much that is going wrong with China's economy. It is surprisingly inefficient, and it is not as fair as it should be. But outsiders' principal concern—that its growth will collapse if it suffers a serious blow, such as the collapse of the euro—is not justified. For the moment, it is likely to prove more resilient than its detractors fear. Its difficulties, and they are considerable, will emerge later on.
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    but will it cancel the pig & pork buys?//
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    The center-left Labor government Friday unveiled a so-called significant investor visa, to be introduced from July 1, targeting migrants who can make an investment of at least 5 million Australian dollars (US$4.87 million) in the Australian economy
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    Ke Binghuang, who runs a business borrowing money which he lends out again for higher returns, is said to be only a middleman who became caught up in the debt of another businessman who owes 1.6 billion yuan (US$250 million).
  • » Pictures Of Bo Guagua At His Harvard Commencement Ceremony Beijing Cream
  • Analysis: China's nine-dashed line in South China Sea | Reuters
    the exact legal justification for China's claim and the full extent of the territory affected remain uncertain, according to experts in maritime law.
    Like most of its claims to vast expanses of the resource-rich and strategically important South China Sea, Beijing prefers to remain ambiguous about the details, they say.
  • U.S. soldier, two Chinese charged with smuggling guns to China | Reuters
    A member of the U.S. National Guard and two Chinese citizens have been charged with smuggling multiple shipments of firearms from New York City to China, federal prosecutors said Thursday.
    Joseph Debose, 29, a staff sergeant with a unit of the U.S. Special Forces National Guard, was arrested Sunday in a sting operation by federal agents in North Carolina
  • Chinese Authorities Release Standard Chartered Banker Held Since March –
    Wu Yidian Eden was released on Thursday after being held by police in China's eastern Jiangsu province where she was questioned over the disappearance of a man who had been her client, said Jason David Tan, her fiancé. Mr. Tan said that conditions of the Singapore national's release require her to remain in China for one year and not speak with the media.
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  • Exclusive: China leadership rules Bo case isolated, limits purge: sources | Reuters
    Chinese President Hu Jintao has demanded senior Communist Party officials stifle tensions over the ousting of ambitious politician Bo Xilai and show unity as they prepare for a change of leadership, sources briefed on recent meetings said.
    Hu urged the party to close ranks at a meeting of about 200 officials early this month at a Beijing hotel, declaring the downfall of Bo – China's biggest political scandal in two decades – to be an "isolated case", the three sources said.
  • China Tries to Spur Growth, Cautiously –
    analysts say a massive stimulus program like that seen during the global financial crisis in 2008 and 2009—which relied on state-directed bank lending to prop up investment—remains unlikely.Instead, Beijing is turning to a patchwork of initiatives across various areas that it hopes will complement its long-term drive to shift to a more resilient, modern economy powered by consumption, innovation and private-sector activity
  • Propaganda firm owner ran smear campaign against USA TODAY journalists –
    The co-owner of a major Pentagon propaganda contractor publicly admitted Thursday that he was behind a series of websites used to discredit two USA TODAY journalists who had reported on the contractor.
  • Shanghai clique fading as Jiang Zemin allies left out|Politics|News|
    Preparing for the once-in-a-decade power transition of the Chinese Communist Party at the 18th National Congress later this fall, Shanghai announced its latest leadership on Tuesday. Most followers of former president Jiang Zemin were passed over, suggesting the influence of Jiang's clique is on the wane in the city where he rose to power, reports our sister newspaper the China Times.
  • Chongqing Names Party Conference Candidates –
    Chongqing, the teeming western municipality once governed by the deposed politician Bo Xilai, has named candidates for its delegation to a critical party conference in the fall at which China's next leadership lineup is expected to be announced. The list of 50 candidates includes some officials considered allies of Mr. Bo, but excludes Mr. Bo himself.
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