Videos » Politics » 300 Fingerprints Case, Zhou Yongkang ordered non-release

Videos » Politics » 300 Fingerprints Case, Zhou Yongkang ordered non-release

300 Fingerprints Case, Zhou Yongkang ordered non-release

Posted: 30 May 2012 08:49 PM PDT

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Time: 02:56 More in News & Politics

"Kidney Store" Chains in China

Posted: 30 May 2012 07:47 PM PDT

Brother Sam, a netizen recently posted the story of a "kidney store," the Chinese human organ trafficking network, to a Chinese website, Tencent. Through his undercover investigation of an illegal kidney supply base in Hangzhou, this article has caused great media concern both at home and abroad. However, soon after its publishing, the original article was deleted from Tencent. In a four-bedroom house and one-living room in the Changmujin courtyard of Hangzhou was randomly filled with more than a dozen sheets of bunk beds. The floor to ceiling windows were covered with newspaper. It looks just like an ordinary house, but the strange thing is that the residents change frequently; every few days there are a few new faces, and they are all boys. On the morning of May 14, Brother Sam and his companions arrived at Hangzhou railway station. They were driven to this house and also began their hard and humiliating but also thrilling 15-day journey as kidney sellers. Finally, Brother Sam called the police via 110 on the morning of May 28 and posted on-line: "I'm undercover in Dingqiao town of Hangzhou and found a large network of kidney supply with more than 30 donors in two captive points. Three of them are on their way to underground kidney transplant points in Kunming and Guangzhou. There are also several of them "shipped" and waiting for surgery. Someone must stop them. I have called the police half an hour ago. I am now waiting at the scene." Now the secret of the self <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:31 More in News & Politics

NY Times: the precursor of collapse in China is just like that of the former Soviet Union

Posted: 30 May 2012 07:44 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: It was the fifth generation who ended Communist rule in the former Soviet Union. Analysis said that the Soviet Union fell because it became morally and culturally weak. As China prepares for its fifth generation, widespread moral decline has long plagued China,"according to both ordinary and prominent Chinese,"the article reads. New York Times (NY Times) said that the precursor of collapse has shown up in China just like that of the former Soviet Union. "Are we looking at the end game?" the article asks. Do Communist states, perhaps, have a natural lifespan as NY Times said? Here is what experts say. Will communism come to an end at the fifth generation? On May 25, NY Times published an article entitled, "As China Marches Ahead, Is It On Solid Ground?" The author, Didi Kirsten Tatlow, compares Chinese society with that of the Soviet Union before its break-up, and questions if we are looking at the end game of Chinese Communism. The author also cited Leon Aron of the American Enterprise Institute. In an essay published in Foreign Policy magazine last year, Leon argued that the Soviet Union didn't fall because it was economically weakened, despite its profound challenges in that realm. Nor was the Soviets' war in Afghanistan the death knell, though it was a burden. "The Soviet Union fell because it was morally and culturally weakened," Mr. Aron stated to the NY Times. The NY Times article also said that <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:37 More in News & Politics

Jumbo Pink Diamond Fetches $17 million at Auction

Posted: 30 May 2012 12:21 AM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ The "Martian Pink" diamond sells for 17.3 million USD at Christie's spring jewelry auction in Hong Kong. The jumbo gem is one of only two large sized pink round...
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Time: 01:46 More in News & Politics

Volcanic Ash Covers Colombian Cities

Posted: 30 May 2012 12:06 AM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ Residents in western Columbia woke to find their cities and towns covered in volcanic ash Wednesday after an area volcano began spewing an ash cloud as high as one kilometer into the atmosphere. The director of the Volcano and Seismology Observatory in Manizales, says the area can expect more ash to come though experts say they are not expecting lava flows. [Gloria Patricia Cortez, Director, Manizales Volcano and Seismology Observatory]: "It is not strictly categorized as a large eruption but it is in the process of an explosion which is expelling ash. And given the direction of the wind and the dispersion seen in the first reports - we've seen confirmed reports of fine ash materials, relatively fine, in urban areas and in the rural areas of the Manizales and Villa Maria municipalities and obviously in the area around the volcano from the first few hours." Airports in Manizales, Pereira, Armenia and Cartago were all temporarily closed because of ash on the runways and the danger the volcanic material presents to engines. Health authorities have recommended the use of masks while in the streets, but have not cancelled classes at area schools or universities. [Carlos Correa, Pereira Resident]: "There is always a lot of ash and when cars pass they kick off the dust and it always harmful for your lungs, for your health."
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Time: 01:36 More in News & Politics

More Afghan School Girls Poisoned

Posted: 29 May 2012 11:51 PM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ About 156 Afghan schoolgirls were poisoned on Tuesday, in the third such attack in recent weeks. A local police chief said investigators at the school found powder that appeared to have been sprayed in the air. Scores of unconscious students were taken to hospital. One of the poisoned girls said she can't really remember what happened. [Amena Jan, Poisoned Student]: "When I entered the class I smelled something and then I started to vomit and fell unconscious. I don't remember what happened after that." In previous attacks, for which police blamed conservative radicals, an unidentified toxic powder was used to contaminate the air in classrooms. The radicals oppose the education of women and girls. Since 2001 when the Taliban was toppled from power by US-backed Afghan forces, females have returned to schools, especially in the capital Kabul. They were previously banned from both work and education.
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Time: 01:08 More in News & Politics

Thousands of Workers Attack Government Building in Wenzhou, South China

Posted: 29 May 2012 11:29 PM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ Conflict between migrant workers and company owners has always been a big issue in China. Yesterday, thousands of workers attacked a county government building in Zhejiang Province. The attack was triggered by the death of a migrant worker. Here is the story. Early Tuesday morning, several thousand migrant workers attacked a government building near Wenzhou City in Eastern China's Zhejiang Province. The death of a young migrant worker, Yang Zhi, triggered the incident. Yang's boss, Xu Qiyin, is believed to have killed him over a disagreement. Angry workers smashed cars parked at the Xianjiang County government compound. Protesters also set some vehicles on fire. They threw rocks, bricks, and bottles at the compound. NTD spoke to a local resident regarding the incident. [Fan, Xianjiang County Resident ]: "There are thousands [of protesters]. It seems like all of them are from other cities. I heard that they were surrounding the building until nightfall." Riot police were dispatched to control the situation. The police used tear gas and arrested many of the workers. [NTD reporter]: "How many policemen were dispatched?" [Fan, Xianjiang County Resident]: "Many police cars." [NTD reporter]: "I heard that the police used tear gas to disperse people." [Fan, Xianjiang County Resident]: "Yes, they did." NTD spoke to the Xianjiang Police Station for more detailied <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:55 More in News & Politics

Protesters Rally in Hong Kong for Tiananmen Square Anniversary

Posted: 29 May 2012 11:05 PM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ Nearly one thousand protesters rallied in Hong Kong on Sunday. As June 4th draws near they are turning up the volume on calls for human rights and democracy in China. They also want the CCP regime to accept responsibility for the atrocities of the June 4th 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. Here's that story: These protesters gather in Hong Kong to call for human rights and democracy in China. They're also bringing attention to the anniversary of the June 4th Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989. Hong Kong pro-democracy legislator Lee Cheuk-Yuen says that the recent case of Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng shows how little human rights progress has been made since 1989. [Lee Cheuk-Yuen, Pro-Democracy Legislator]: "I think this year is even more urgent when you look at the case of Chen Guangcheng, obviously reflecting that China has not progressed at all in human rights. There are illegal detentions now in China and continuous harassment of human rights defenders and so I believe it's now time for the new leaders who are going to come in place to start the change." One China analyst says that the Party is unlikely to address the Tiananmen Square massacre after a power change later this year. [Johnny Lau, China Analyst]: "The first reason is that after the new leaders come into power, their main focus will be to consolidate their personal power. So with a really <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:19 More in News & Politics

Bo Xilai TIME Magazines Confiscated in China

Posted: 29 May 2012 10:49 PM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ The Chinese Communist Party keeps a tight grip on reporting that undermines the veneer of unity within the Party. But as more Chinese are traveling abroad, many try to smuggle foreign journalism back home. A recent expose (PRON ex-poh-ZAY) by Time magazine about Bo Xilai has become a target for confiscation by Chinese authorities. On May 14, Time magazine's cover story was the political scandal following former Chongqing Party boss Bo Xilai. The title was the People's Republic of Scandal, a reference to the People's Republic of China. According to reports by World News, since then, Chinese authorities have confiscated 62 copies of the magazine that were mailed to Beijing. The Chinese Communist Party tries to maintain the image of unity within the highest ranks of authority. But the scandal surrounding Bo Xilai, which some say may ultimately bring down security chief Zhou Yongkang, has created an international image of dissent with the Communist Party. Because of tough censorship within the Mainland, many Chinese tourists attempt to smuggle in foreign journalism that deals with sensitive topics, such as the Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun incident. The Epoch Times reported that Hong Kong sales toped 20 thousand in the month after the story broke. 80% of sales in Hong Kong were customers from the Mainland. But the demand for foreign newspapers was felt as far away as <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:19 More in News & Politics

Four Killed by Mudslides in South China

Posted: 29 May 2012 10:27 PM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ Torrential rain ravaged Southern China on Monday. The rain caused mudslides collapsing hundreds of homes, killing four people. Four people have died after floods and mudslides triggered by heavy rains destroyed areas in Guangdong province, Chinese state media reported today. State-run CCTV reported that heavy rainfall on Monday left four villagers in Daping township dead, while more than 18 thousand people were evacuated. Sleeping villagers were caught off guard when the rains began in the early morning. The ground floor of Huang Zhanxing's house was submerged, together with furniture and household appliances. [Huang Zhanxing, Villager]: "Early in the morning at about 2 am, I heard sounds of something falling and cracking downstairs, then I knew the house was flooded." Pig farmer Huang Xiaoqing worked through the whole night to move his piglets. [Huang Xiaoqing, Pig Farmer]: "I saw the piglets running around, or swimming in water, so I called for help to evacuate them. I was up working through the whole night." The rainfall toppled 810 houses and affected an estimated 153 thousand people, according to CCTV.
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Time: 01:01 More in News & Politics

Chinese Diplomat Suspected of Espionage in Japan

Posted: 29 May 2012 10:10 PM PDT

For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪ Japanese media report that a Chinese diplomat is being investigated for espionage. Today, Kyodo news agency and Mainichi Shinbum carried reports. A Chinese diplomat is being investigated by Japanese police under suspicion of espionage, Japanese media reported today. Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission Jin Matsubara answered a reporter's question by saying he would not speak on this specific case. Instead, he made a comment on the seriousness of espionage. [Jin Matsubara, Chairman of National Public Safety Commission]: "As a general rule, the police treat Chinese espionage against Japan as a very serious matter. We will implement tough regulations against both unlawful activities and those working in intelligence collection and analysis." News agency Kyodo reported that officers made a request to interview the diplomat, who is a first secretary at the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo, earlier this month, but the request was denied. The diplomat left Japan afterward. Mainichi Shinbum, a daily newspaper, said that the 45-year-old Chinese official was suspected of using fake registration documents to set up a bank account. That account was used to funnel commercial transactions to the the value of several million yen. Kyodo also reported that the diplomat was formerly an intelligence officer of the Chinese army.
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Time: 01:23 More in News & Politics

Netizens To Bail Out Lü Jiapin For Medical Treatment

Posted: 29 May 2012 09:02 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On May 25, a signature event to "bail out Lü Jiaping for medical treatment" was launched online. Within a few days, over 400 signatures were collected, of which 70% were signed with real names. Lü Jiaping's supporters hope to collect 1000 signatures before June 14, as a special gift for Lü's 71st birthday. Hunan historian, Lü Jiaping, wrote articles exposing the crimes of Jiang Zemin. However, Lü Jiaping was charged with "inciting state subversion" on May 13, 2011. Beijing intermediate People's Court also sentenced him to 10 years in jail and two years deprivation of political rights. He is held in Shaoyang jail in Hunan Province. Recently his relatives said that Lü's health condition was declining, arousing outsiders'concern. Lü Jiaping has written important articles exposing Jiang Zeming's corruption. These include, "Issues On Two Traitors and Falsifications" and "Jiang Zemin's Fake Underground Party Members." June 4th Rally in Guiyang Not Stopped The June 4th anniversary is approaching again, which makes the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) nervous. On May 28, Guiyang held a rally and called for vindication of June 4th, and the stopping of political persecution. The event was not even prevented or harassed by the CCP, which is extremely rare. Overseas Chinese websites reported that at 3 PM on Monday, dozens in Guiyang City held banners at the Nation Square. Some banners read, "23rd Anniversary of 6-4 <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:58 More in News & Politics

CCP Forbidden Area -- 301 Military Hospital

Posted: 29 May 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Lots of Chinese have heard of 301 Hospital in Beijing (301). It also frequently gets media's attention. Some media revealed that the 301 Hospital holds many Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders' secrets. Someone commented that Jiang Zemin was very reluctant to go there. 301 is the short name for Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital. It is at the Army Grade and is directly under the General Logistics Department. It is responsible for medical and health care for the CCP's Central Committee and Central Military Committee. 301 was originally the code for a school in the North China Military Region, which was later changed to a hospital. The CCP Central Committee transferred their medical resources there from the Union Hospital. According to China News Week, the "South Building" of 301 has the most stringent security. People need passes to enter, and has security. There are also sentries, as well as teams formed by three taking turns to guard. It is said that the CCP Central Committee leaders receive treatment and resting here. However, commentator Ren Baiming said that 301 also plays another role. Ren Baiming: "CCP's 301 is a very mysterious place. In the past, high-level CCP veterans conducted secret planning there in the name of getting treatment. 301 is managed by the Chairman of the Central Office, whom is equivalent to housekeeper for the highest authority figure. During the CCP's <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:03 More in News & Politics

Former Beijing Mayor Challenges Charges Against Him

Posted: 29 May 2012 08:43 PM PDT

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Time: 04:49 More in News & Politics


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