Videos » Society » Stricter rules but China still welcomes foreigners-Media Watch May 27--BONTV

Videos » Society » Stricter rules but China still welcomes foreigners-Media Watch May 27--BONTV

Stricter rules but China still welcomes foreigners-Media Watch May 27--BONTV

Posted: 27 May 2012 11:30 PM PDT

Next we have an article from China Radio International about the stricter rules for foreigners in China. Foreigners worry that China is becoming less friendly towards them after Beijing police recently announced a one-hundred-day campaign to curb the illegal entry, residence and employment of foreign nationals. However, the campaign should be no threat to foreigners legally residing in the country. The campaign, which will run until the end of August, will include household checks in Wangjing, Sanlitun and Wudaokou, areas of the city known for high concentrations of foreign residents, as well as on-the-spot street checks that will require foreigners to present valid identification. The announcement of the police campaign came after a video of a drunken British tourist allegedly assaulting a girl in Beijing was uploaded onto the Internet. Another online video of a Russian cellist putting his feet on the seat of a woman passenger in front of him and verbally abusing her has also recently caused outrage. Chinese working and staying overseas are required to observe the local laws and regulations. Equally, China expects foreigners residing here to respect and obey Chinese laws and regulations. Officials said that China will make greater efforts to resolve issues related to overseas talents' visas and residency permits this year.. Meanwhile, China will bolster favorable treatment for them with advantageous policies in social insurance, taxation, medical services, their <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:01 More in News & Politics

Children denied education due to size of apartment-Media Watch May 26 -- BONTV

Posted: 27 May 2012 10:26 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode And now back to a story from Shanghai Daily about a POLICY at one kindergarten in Guangdong Province requiring non-local parents to have an apartment of at least 80 square meters before their children are eligible to enroll. Officials at the public kindergarten and local education authorities said the policy is meant to "make sure they can meet the demands of non-locals who can afford 80-square-meter apartments," the Beijing News reported. Some non-locals complained that the policy is obviously discriminatory, especially toward those who cannot afford such a big apartment. The headmaster of the kindergarten, Liang Wanyun, said the policy was based on another regulation that says non-locals must purchase an apartment of at least 80 square meters before their children are eligible for free education in the city. The new policy is being used for only this one kindergarten for now as part of a pilot project. It may be applied to all of the 83 kindergartens in the city if it proves to be good. School officials deny that the policy is made to stimulate the real estate market in the city, noting that the policy on apartment sizes was issued as early as 2008.
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Time: 01:43 More in News & Politics

Vehicle-Mounted Food Markets - Price Watch May 25- BONTV

Posted: 27 May 2012 08:34 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode Follow us on Weibo The central government is cutting toll charges for food transportation vehicles, in an effort to reduce intermediary costs on the price of goods, particularly vegetables. And now some municipal governments are going further in cutting costs, by introducing a so-called 'vehicle mounted' food market.
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Time: 01:25 More in News & Politics

Chinese treasures dominate HK sale

Posted: 28 May 2012 08:22 PM PDT

Now for some vintage of a different kind. Christies? 2012 Spring Auction has begun in Hong Kong, featuring over 300 items with a total value of more than 2 billion Hong Kong dollars. Let?s head to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center to take a look.

China-US Intellectual Property Adjudication Conference opens in Beijing

Posted: 28 May 2012 08:22 PM PDT

American and Chinese judges, legal experts and enterprise representatives are gathering in Beijing for a three-day Intellectual Property Adjudication Conference.

Berliners revel in parade to celebrate Carnival of Cultures

Posted: 28 May 2012 07:45 PM PDT

Berliners turned out in force for the German capital?s annual "Carnival of Cultures" on Sunday. The street parade celebrates cultural diversity, in a city well-known for its love of partying, and having a good time. Time to join the fun.

Studio interview: Tian Haojiang 's inspiration for solo show

Posted: 28 May 2012 07:33 PM PDT

And now, I?m delighted to introduce the man himself, singer, performer, storyteller, a man of many talents, Tian Haojiang. Tian, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us on Culture Express!

Solo show makes emotional journey

Posted: 28 May 2012 07:09 PM PDT

Tian Haojiang has been an avid story teller all his life. A singer of western opera by profession, he?s combined the two disciplines in a 3-hour show, portraying an encounter with his dying elder brother.

Exclusive interview: Director of "A bite of China" aims to film the feast

Posted: 28 May 2012 06:35 PM PDT

As we reported on yesterday?s show, a new TV series "A Bite of China" is sparking a wave of ingredient hunting among China?s foodies. Shooting for the program began last March and according to the director, it was a deliciously TOUGH job. Let?s get the low-down on how the feast was filmed.

New Restroom Regulations - China Take May 25 - BONTV

Posted: 27 May 2012 07:53 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode The Beijing Municipal Commission for City Administration and the Environment has posted guidelines for public restrooms on its website. And - incredibly - in city not renowned for the whistle-like appearance of its public facilities - these include a requirement that no more than two flies (presumably the winged kind) may be present in any public restroom at any one time. Apart from the fly count, the guidelines also say no toilet can be rated "clean" if there are more than two pieces of litter on the floor. In addition restrooms should possess basic facilities including mirrors, basins, faucets, clothes hooks, lights and ventilators. As to implementing the standards, well restrooms must be checked for compliance at maximum 30-minute intervals.
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Time: 01:34 More in News & Politics

Clean energy getting dirty - Biz Wire May 25 - BONTV

Posted: 27 May 2012 07:46 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode Follow us on Weibo China is now investigating US subsidies and support policies in the renewable energy industry. China's Minsitry of Commerce released the official report yesterday.It says six programs supporting wind and solar power projects -- in the states of California, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Ohio -- violate the policies and treaties set by the World Trade Organization. This comes just one week after the US decided to sanction tariffs on Chinese solar power products.
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Time: 00:48 More in News & Politics

International architecture in China

Posted: 27 May 2012 11:19 PM PDT

In China, it's no exaggeration to say that construction sites of all sizes can be seen almost everywhere as the country heads down its path of urbanization.

Hunan Gone Wild - wok n roll Ep.59 by BONTV

Posted: 28 May 2012 12:48 AM PDT

Get ready for a provincial cuisine to show it all in this special edition of Hunan Gone Wild. Only the craziest animals and stinkiest ingredients are here for your viewing pleasure. You may think you know wild food, but you ain't got a clue til you tasted your way through Hunan. Everything that hops, slithers, walks, or crawls is fair game to end up on the table in this land. Come check out what exotic edibles we'll put down today on WnR.
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Time: 02:33 More in Travel & Events

Food of Freedom: Private Kitchen Style - wok n roll Ep.57 by BONTV

Posted: 28 May 2012 12:34 AM PDT

Ever wanted to throw tradition and boring ingredients off the roof, and make food your own way? Then you have found your personal pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow in Private Kitchen Cuisine. This whole style is about crafting dishes however you want with whatever you want. We're gonna head out of Beijing and down to the farm to pick some of the freshest of the fresh ingredients. Travel back to the historic district of the city to whip it up into a feast that spans the tastes of three continents and so many regional Chinese styles. This is food like you've never had it before.
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Time: 02:23 More in Travel & Events


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