Blogs » Society » Remembering Charles Hwa
Blogs » Society » Remembering Charles Hwa |
- Remembering Charles Hwa
- ‘China’s Geoeconomic Strategy’: London School Of Economics
- Picture of the Day: A Load Of Rubbish
- Asia's biggest wine expo opens in Hong Kong
- A Stimulus By Any Other Name
- Public Singer Will Sing, Willy-Nilly
- Pole Dancers Galore, On Beijing Subway And In Zeta Bar
- De Refter: Beer-ocious
- Doing Business In China By Starting A Business In China. The Legal Basics.
- An Open Letter To The City Administrators Of Xi’an
- We’re all farmers now
- Calculate how much your wife is worth
- Return of the Roommate
- Watch: Kim Jong-un visits the Pyongyang Zoo
- India wants to reopen Lhasa consulate
- Watch: Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's brief cameo on Chinese TV
- Alleged British Rapist Being Deported To An Uncertain Fate
- The Story Of The Stray Dog And His Eventual Owner
Posted: 29 May 2012 08:43 PM PDT Ed's note: Our expat community is a little poorer today for the absence of Charles Hwa; below, one of his friends offers some words. On Saturday 27 May 2012, Charles Hwa, Class President of the current graduating Tsinghua International MBA class, respected member of the Beijing start-up community, and dear friend to so many of us in Beijing, passed away tragically at the age of 34. Charles was playing basketball with friends in Chaoyang Park when he collapsed. Despite the best efforts of friends, medics and passers-by to give him CPR and revive him, Charles' heart stopped and he did not regain consciousness. It was his 35th birthday this weekend coming. It's hard to find words to describe this tragedy. Charles was the most beautiful person, never angry, never unkind to anyone. He was always ready to help with a problem, and always had time for others. He was so smart, and generous, and caring, and we loved him. Charles, you touched our lives with your spirit and your kindness, and we will never forget you. It's so hard to accept that you've left this world now, but you will live on with us in our memories always. It's impossible for us to know what happens after death, but at least we can be sure that whatever it is, wherever we go, Charles must be in a better place, because someone so special and always so good to all those around him couldn't be somewhere bad. Rest in peace Charles, you are in our prayers. |
‘China’s Geoeconomic Strategy’: London School Of Economics Posted: 29 May 2012 07:52 PM PDT
As the world continues to experience the fallout from the 2008 financial crisis, it is increasingly turning towards China. The outsourced 'workshop of the world' has become the world's great hope for growth, and the source of the capital the West's indebted economies so desperately need. Simultaneously, and in the United States in particular, commentators and policymakers have increasingly voiced concerns that the economic clout of a communist superpower might pose a threat to the liberal world order. These contradictory impulses – China as opportunity and China as threat – demonstrate one clear truth, exhibited in the Obama administration's much-trailed 'Asian pivot': that China is important. It is in this context that this report attempts to provide a systematic assessment of the economic bases of China's foreign policy and the challenges the country faces as it makes the transition from rising power to superpower. In doing so, it is informed by a central question, of to what extent China's remarkable growth has given rise to a geoeconomic strategy for China's future. A little confusing is when you read 'Full print copy: £7.50 including postage.' In fact, you can get the whole content by viewing separate chapters online: Executive Summary Nicholas Kitchen, Editor, IDEAS Reports China's International Future Does China have a Foreign Policy? Domestic Pressures and China's Strategy Access: China's Resource Foreign Policy China as a Trading Superpower Firms with Chinese Characteristics: The Role of Companies in Chinese Foreign Policy China's Strategy towards the Financial Crisis and Economic Reform China's Approach to US debt and the Eurozone crisis What Power Shift to China? |
Picture of the Day: A Load Of Rubbish Posted: 29 May 2012 06:30 PM PDT
Asia's biggest wine expo opens in Hong Kong Posted: 29 May 2012 12:48 PM PDT Via AFP: "The who's who of the wine world is in Hong Kong for Asia's biggest wine and spirits fair, hoping to tap the booming but still relatively young Chinese market." [ more › ] |
Posted: 29 May 2012 01:20 PM PDT When is stimulus spending not a stimulus package? When it is previously planned projects just being brought forward, apparently. State media are reporting that Beijing is saying that it is not going to stimulate the economy in the way it … Continue reading → |
Public Singer Will Sing, Willy-Nilly Posted: 29 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT I've encountered my fair share of amateur singers, mostly of the older set, at public parks in China, but none have given a performance quite like this guy, captured on video Saturday at the Summer Palace by YouTube user BeijingShenghuo. He gets an A for effort, definitely. But how bad is he, really? Bad enough to be good? Because as we all know, if one sings poorly enough, he or she comes out the other side as — if not quite good — at least popular. See: Hung, William; Wing. Still doesn't quite beat great, though. Youku video for those in China after the jump.
Pole Dancers Galore, On Beijing Subway And In Zeta Bar Posted: 29 May 2012 10:10 AM PDT Where to begin? Zeta Bar in Hilton Beijing held its fourth pole-dancing competition on Saturday in collaboration with Love Show Studio, the self-proclaimed "Beijing's No. 1 pole-dancing school." Local nightlife blogger Jim Boyce informs us the winners were "Ms. Zhenzhen," as chosen by judges, and "Ms. Vivi," as chosen by the audience. We're not sure who they are. I'm equally confused by this country's apparent fascination with pole dancers, but that's a story for another time. And the video? The title reads, "Hot girl show pole dancing in Beijing subway," and the timestamp is May 26, 2012. What else do you need to know? Youku video for those in China after the jump, along with pictures from Pole Dancing Competition Season IV. |
Posted: 29 May 2012 09:25 AM PDT |
Doing Business In China By Starting A Business In China. The Legal Basics. Posted: 29 May 2012 05:53 AM PDT One of the most common calls my law firm receives is the one from someone saying that they want to "start a business in China." The first thing we do with that sort of caller is to seek to ascertain whether a China business is actually necessary. Forming and then operating a business entity in China is not fast, is not easy, and is not cheap. I usually convey this by asking the caller if they find it easy running a business in the United States (or Europe), what with having to figure out and pay taxes, rent, wages, vendors, etc. I then point out that having a business in China means they will have to do the same thing over there. So whenever possible, we seek to determine whether there is some way the caller can conduct business with China, achieve its goals with respect to what it is seeking to do with China, while not having a business in China at all. For potential alternatives to forming a China business, check out the following:
But if forming a China business does make sense, the next issue is what kind of business makes sense. On this, you typically have three choices: a Wholly Foreign Owned Entity (WFOE), a Joint Venture (JV), or a Representative Office. These days, the overwhelming majority of foreign companies seeking to do business in China go in as a WFOE, but there are definitely still instances when a Joint Venture or a Representative Office makes sense. For more on the differences between these three sorts of entities and on what it takes to form each of them, check out the following:
If you are going to have a China business entity, you are going to have employees (indirectly in the case of a Rep Office). That means you are going to need written employee contracts (it virtually always makes sense to have these in both Chinese and in English) and a written employee manual/employee handbook (again, in English and in Chinese). You probably will want your employee agreements to speak to issues like trade secrets and non-competes (which are limited in China) and overtime. For more on employee contracts and employee handbooks, check out the following:
The last thing you need to focus on if you are going to be doing business with China, particularly if you are going to be doing business in China, is protecting your intellectual property. In nine out of ten cases, this means registering your trade name and your other important trademarks in China. On some occasions, this also means registering your patents or copyrights in China as well. For more on registering your trademarks in China and protecting your IP there, check out the following:
The above are the four main issues confronting foreign companies seeking to do business in China. 1) Determine if a China company is necessary. 2) If a China entity is necessary, form the right one. 3) If you are going to have a Chinese company, you should have the proper employment contracts and employee manual. 4) If you are going to be doing business in China, you are going to need to take certain steps to protect your IP. That was easy, wasn't it? |
An Open Letter To The City Administrators Of Xi’an Posted: 29 May 2012 04:58 AM PDT Dear Xi'an, Your roads are not safe. A month ago, we introduced a video of a woman falling through a sidewalk, and while this provided many of us endless laughter, leading me to create a GIF, we were reminded, at the same time, that falling through the street is not normal. In fact, it can have horrifying consequences. So, three days ago, when a burst water pipe caused one of your streets to suddenly collapse, caving in like, we imagine, the planet Vulcan from Star Trek, we naturally had questions. Fellow contributor Katie asked after the last snafu, "What is it with people falling through the sidewalk in China?" Now we wonder: how many people can fall through a hole that is 15 meters long, 10 meters wide and 6 meters deep? How many cars? What if there had been a massive traffic jam? How does one repair a road with a 150-square meter gap? All things to consider, methinks. Of course, your job is difficult enough as it is. We don't mean to pressure you. It's not like 300 of your residents have had no access to running water in three days or anything. Carry on. Yours sincerely, |
Posted: 28 May 2012 09:54 PM PDT Fans of Community Supported Agriculture don't care about certificates, write Yin Chuntao and Zhou Wei. For rising numbers of Chinese citizens, "organic" means trust and support between buyer and seller. At a monthly "friends of farming" dinner held by Green Heartland, an NGO based in Chengdu, west China, Chen Xia quietly reads an ode to the land against light background music. It's a simple thanksgiving ceremony the hosts conduct before leaving the diners to tuck into a feast of organic produce and listen to farmers talk about their lives and land. Zhou Wei is assistant editor in chinadialogue's Beijing office. This article is published as part of the project EU-China Civil Society Dialogue, a collaboration between chinadialogue and the Institute for Civil Society at Sun Yat-sen University. |
Calculate how much your wife is worth Posted: 28 May 2012 07:09 PM PDT May 28th, 2012 by Key | Posted in Life Style | 4 Comments » How much is your wife (girlfriend) worth? Recently many Chinese websites and forums had the following viral post, calculating the worth of a woman as a marriage partner base on a series of questions. Some netizens posted scores as high as 9500, but some as low as negative scores, thus crated fights between husbands and wives. Most men found it entertaining and just for fun, but women think marriage is not a product, cannot put a price on it. The survey used the Chinese currency (yuan) as the measuring units which angered women who got negative scores even more. "Are you buying vegetables in the market? How can you calculate how much I am worth?" Of course, love certainly is not to be measured by any data. The so-called calculation is just for entertainment. Taller than 160 cm, for every 1cm +100 Shorter than 160 cm, for every 1 cm -100 Long hair +150 Can dance +100 Can sing +100 Weights over 110 Jin, for every 10 Jin -100 Weights under 100 Jin, for every 10 Jin -100 Near sighted, if more than 300 degrees, for each 100 degrees over –100 If had relationship before, for each time being dumped –100, each time dumped other +100 Never had a boyfriend before +100 Older than 23, for each year -100 Has medical history, for each one -100 Doesn't know how to play Majiang +100 Doesn't know how to drink +100 Heavy drinker -200 Smoker-200 Has pet(s) +100… Like pets +50 Can cook +300 Gentle and lovely +100 Childish and Stubborn -200 Always tells you she misses you +100 Likes to bring you to her classmate get-togethers +100 Knows how to care for you… don't let you smoke and drink +100 Does not disturb your personal life +100 Always bugs you to go shopping -100 Puts up makeup the way you like it +100 Doesn't know how to do laundry -200 Fights with you everyday -200 No matter whose fault it is, always contact you first after a fight +100 You talk her into asleep every night +100 Well-behaved +100… only well-behaved to you… and not good to other people +200 Will cry for you +100 Always makes you cry -100 Independent; does not always want you to buy things for her +200 Not being difficult in front of your friends +100 Knows how to put on make up +100 Does laundry for you +100 Mature +100 Does not like to laugh when being with you -200 Wants you to ditch school (work) to be with her -200 Fails exams, for each -100 Gives you things made by her +100 Always says you are ugly -200 Never took sticker pictures –200 — 1500 – 2500: normal 2500 – 3500: excellent Over 3500: Your life is set… hurry up and marry her… before it's too late. Source: Sina Weibo Tags: Chinese women, Funny, Internet, Internet meme, Love, Marriage, Weibo |
Posted: 27 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Watch: Kim Jong-un visits the Pyongyang Zoo Posted: 29 May 2012 01:30 AM PDT Yet another day in the life of North Korea's young paramount leader Kim Jong-un: An excursion to the Pyongyang Zoo! [ more › ] |
India wants to reopen Lhasa consulate Posted: 29 May 2012 12:16 AM PDT |
Watch: Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's brief cameo on Chinese TV Posted: 28 May 2012 05:40 PM PDT We spotted Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his then-girlfriend (and now-wife) Priscilla Chan on vacation in Shanghai late March, and while they tried their darndest best to stay away from cameras, it appears they've unwittingly ended up on a CCTV documentary on the hi-tech crime-busting ways of the Chinese police. The first couple of Internetdom were spotted by eagle-eyed viewers on the show walking behind two police officers. You'll catch their brief cameo at 0:30 in the video above, wearing the exact same clothes as we saw here. [ more › ] |
Alleged British Rapist Being Deported To An Uncertain Fate Posted: 28 May 2012 11:39 PM PDT By RFH Will the UK media be waiting at the airport to greet the British "attempted rapist" (or molester, drunk lecher or whatever you believe) – or will he slip away into obscurity? That's what we're left wondering as the book closes on one of the ugliest chapters in foreigner-China relations in recent months, which has included a 100-day foreigner crackdown, a wave of anti-foreigner nationalistic sentiment on the Web, a hilarious flame war between an American blogger and a dim-witted CCTV host, and a vacant first seat in the cello section of the Beijing Symphony Orchestra. The bald Brit who trailblazed all this clusterfuck? Having spent the last 20 days under some sort of administrative detention, he is now being quietly deported back to Britain. Multiple seats were reserved on multiple flights from Beijing to London today, and as we speak, it's likely he is on the 1:30 pm Air China to Heathrow.
Here's what we've heard through the expat grapevine: 1) He's a mid-20s British passport-holder of Egyptian descent; 2) he has a brother who's lived in Beijing for several years; 3) er… that's it. It is beyond surprising that in this day and age of human flesh search engines and wall-to-wall media coverage – no fewer than three dozen media outlets in this country alone have reported this story – we still don't have so much as a name. According to a foreign lawyer in Beijing, authorities had 15 days to take the next step in the Chinese legal process, but "if the individual being detained would admit to an infraction of the Chinese law or administrative regulations, he or she could accept whatever punishment could be levied against him or her for that violation." That appears to be what happened. Under English law, the penalty for sexual assault (the crime for which we thought he was being charged) of this sort – i.e. where there was "contact between the victim's genitalia (naked or otherwise) by a part of his/her body and/or genitalia (same)" – is a custodial sentence of between one and two years, but probably a year in prison (suspended for six months) if this was a first offense. He would almost certainly be placed on the Sexual Offenders' Register (SOR) at the judge's discretion (lawyers, please correct us). Being drunk is not considered a mitigating factor. The SOR is a database of those deemed at risk to the public and requires offenders to annually provide full registration details of their identity and inform the police within three days if there are any changes in their name, address or vehicle details, and if they intend to leave the United Kingdom for a period of three days or more. Prior to the video that overnight made this guy the most hated foreigner in China – and there always was and will be pretty stiff competition – an eyewitness claims he was also seen on the subway jabbing his groin at about five young women and asking, "Was it OK?" Outside the Xuanwumen station, he apparently asked an 18-year-old woman the time before following her to a flowerbed, where he allegedly proceeded to molest her. And no, it was not OK. We've heard all manner of responses to this video – the editing and content of which, it has to be said, raised a lot of unanswered questions – ranging from batshit conspiracy theories (from people we'd usually consider quite rational) to jingoistic fury and calls for calm. Now we wait to see if this story has another chapter: his flight is scheduled to land at 5:45 pm BST (12:45 am here). Presumably the man will be met at the airport by the relevant British authorities to determine what – if any – risk he poses to the UK public. Perhaps we might even get some sort of explanation. |
The Story Of The Stray Dog And His Eventual Owner Posted: 28 May 2012 11:13 PM PDT On May 4, a stray white dog accepted a chicken leg from a cyclist in Sichuan, and when the men left, he followed. And followed. And followed. And 1,700 kilometers later, he was on the Tibetan Plateau. On the evening of May 23, he arrived in Lhasa and checked into a hotel with one of the riders, Xiao You, who updated the dog's Sina Weibo page. Named Xiao Sa, which means "Little Bodhisattva," he went in for a complete checkup, which revealed no problems. The veterinary hospital, after hearing Xiao Sa's story, decided to foot the 1,000-yuan bill. The cyclists, who are from Wuhan, found out that the train doesn't allow pets on, so they're doing the next best thing: letting the dog ride in the backseat of their bikes all the way back — where a movie deal awaits, we can only hope. Youku video, where the above information was gleaned, for those in China after the jump. (H/T Alicia) |