Videos » Politics » CCP failed to acknowledge June 4th massacre victims

Videos » Politics » CCP failed to acknowledge June 4th massacre victims

CCP failed to acknowledge June 4th massacre victims

Posted: 27 May 2012 07:44 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: As the anniversary of June 4th incident in 1989 is advancing, the "June Fourth Commemorative Museum" in Hong Kong has become a special place for mainland tourists to visit. Recently, a former People's Daily journalist who was dismissed from her job after the incident told Hong Kong media that it is one of the most cruel and distorted facts that the CCP hasn't rehabilitated June 4th victims. Recently, a former People's Daily journalist accidentally met a Ming Pao journalist as she visited the "June Fourth Commemorative Museum" in Hong Kong. She accepted the interview with the alias of "Li Wei". At that time, the museum's large screen was playing footage of 100000 students who gathered at Beijing Tiananmen Square in 1989. As she watched the video, "Li Wei" found that she couldn't help gasping, choking and trembling. She had to spend several minutes calming down before the interview. "Li Wei", former People's Daily journalist says: "I never imagined that the incident still hasn't been resolved after so many years. This is one of the most cruel, distorted and unfair facts which lasts such a long time." Li Wei has experienced the June 4th massacre herself. She can still remember the bullet holes and human brains on the street after the massacre. Therefore she felt angry and disturbed as the CCP still refuses to admit its guilt. Victim of June 4th incident, democratic activist Zheng Cunzhu said that the <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:41 More in News & Politics

Wrong in charging Falun Gong practitioners without evidence.

Posted: 27 May 2012 07:40 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: This en-masse petition seems to have had an impact at high levels of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) official media and public organizations. Fuzhen city officials had been harassing the signatories initially. But since a week ago, they have shifted their stance and are now considering the villagers' request. The court case of Falun Gong practitioner Wang Xiaodong has been denied due to a "lack of evidence". It was sent back to the police station for review. An anonymous Beijing lawyer declared that authorities were wrong in charging Falun Gong practitioners without evidence. without a cause. The lawyer said that sometime the so-called accusation "evidence" was forged. For US political commentator Cao Changqing, the fingerprints petition indicates that people in China are no longer enduring mistreatments silently. The whole community is instead asking for justice, and leaving the CCP with no room for defense. Killing Officials, Netizens Gave Applause Since the Yongsheng incident of April 28th, when some Yunnan province citizens killed a vice police chief with a scythe, similar events have taken place one after another. Within two weeks, from May 12th to 23rd, four killings took place. On May 12th, the head of Tianjin's Beichen village wanted to win the re-elections. Huang Shuanglai then hired thugs to beat up the neighboring village's candidate. But angry villagers held protest and during the <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:26 More in News & Politics

Yan'an speech transcribed by 100 people reveals Li Changchun's extreme leftist stance

Posted: 27 May 2012 07:39 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, one hundred mainland writers and artists handwrote Mao Zedong's "Talks at the Yan'an conference on literature and art" from 1942, causing strong criticism. Other mainland writers pointed out that Mao's speech was destructive to literature and art in China, whereas Li Changchun of the Jiang faction, responsible for CCP publicity, is deceiving both people and CCP seniors by echoing Bo Xilai's support of Mao's leftist activity via cultural events. The public sees it as an activity endorsing the devil. In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Mao Zedong's, "Talks at the Yan'an conference on literature and art," China's official media, Writers Publishing House, published a book titled, "Handwriting of the talks by 100 literature artists" on May 21. The CCP claims it's a collection of emotional transcriptions, but the civilians believe it's an endorsement of the devil. Current affairs commentator Zhao Pei: "It's a big event. In fact, Li Changchun mastered the whole thing. He was attempted to support Bo Xilai's political "red" theme" from a different angle. Namely, Bo was following Mao's route, so he (Li Changchun) tried to minimize Bo's charges, perhaps in an effort to save him." Among the 100 participants were He Jingzhi and Wang Kun, long-time supporters of the CCP who praise and help the CCP to brainwash the public. Also present were Tie Ning and Wang Meng, who have leadership titles in <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:29 More in News & Politics

Wen's Proposal on Political Reform Gained Support.

Posted: 27 May 2012 07:36 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Petitioners responded to the call from Wen Jiabao for political system reform. On May 25, "Shanghai Petitioners Group" and human rights activists from all over the country gathered at the front door of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Military Committee holding banners. The banners said :"Support Premier Wen Jiabao's Political System Reform." They asked for "Corrupt Officials Put to Death, Anti-Corruption, and Supporting Political System Reform". However, they were driven away by security guards. Some political observers think that China's political system will be a dead end if it cannot overturn the CCP's dictatorship. Some commentators pointed out that only if China can walk out of the communist system like the former Soviet state did is there a way out for Wen Jiabao's political system reform. At Aiguo Street, No.39, Beijing, where the CCP Central Military Committee is located Petitioners shouted slogans like; "Crack Down on Corruption, Return Human Rights to Us, Respect the Judicial system." They also held a banner with "Universal Joint Support of Premier Wen Jiabao on Political Reform." Human rights activists at the scene said that officials shielded one other and officials colluded with business men. Crimes the CCP government committed have been legalized. They've robbed ordinary people of their land and properties. There is nowhere you can expose those injustices. Wang Kouma <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:44 More in News & Politics

Refreshed and Fragrant Sister Flowers Grown in Persecution

Posted: 27 May 2012 07:33 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Practicing Falun Gong has no age limit. Among the hundreds of millions of Falun Gong practitioners worldwide, many are young people. Here tells a story of two sisters who began to practice Falun Gong at the age of 20. How did they uphold their belief and withstand the pressure from their parents and from the persecution launched by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)? Let's see what they say about their experiences in Falun Dafa cultivation. In spring and summer, each day two sisters surnamed Lan can be seen practicing Falun Gong in Central Park of Helsinki, Finland. Since their move to Finland in 2009, the Lan sisters seize every opportunity to share the truth about Falun Gong to the public. The two sisters have completely different temperaments. The elder sister, Xiao-li, is innocent, straightforward, and hard-working. The younger sister Xiao-lan is modest, gentle, and considerate. Xiao-lan began to cultivate Falun Dafa before Xiao-li. At the time, Xiao-lan was still at school, but often felt depressed and hopeless. Xiao-lan: "My own melancholy disposition since childhood led to internal pain and irritability. Such pain particularly had an adverse affect on my mom. After I began to practice Falun Gong, the biggest change in me is that I got rid of the melancholy character. I became aware of being thoughtful toward others and being patient. Before I practiced Falun Gong, I could hardly concentrate on <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:29 More in News & Politics

China's Democratic Paths

Posted: 27 May 2012 07:30 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: The Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai event showed that infighting has intensified within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). A new generation of CCP leadership will be unveiled shortly in the 18th National People's Congress Meeting. Many are thinking, "CCP unrest" may provide the best opportunity for a democratic transition. The question is, which path to democracy is more suitable for China? Recently, two Chinese scholars published books, laying out a road map towards democracy for China. Senior constitutional scholar Zhang Boshu, obtained his Ph.D. in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and has been involved in theoretical studies, there for 20 years. But the CCP system could not tolerate his independent advocate. In 2010, he was expelled from the Academy of Social Sciences. Zhang continued to explore the road of constitutional reform in China. His new book, The Feasibility Study Report Of Constitutional Reform is one of the outcomes. Zhang said: "A book with 400 pages included a very detailed discussion. For short, various conditions and situations are suitable for the constitutional transformation in China. This should have happened long ago. It is now increasingly necessary to get it done." Zhang Boshu pointed out two basic points of constitutional reforms in his book. One is, after 60 years of practice, the existing political system of the CCP has many problems, and needs fundamental changes. In needs <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:34 More in News & Politics


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