Videos » Society » "The Scream" displays at MoMA

Videos » Society » "The Scream" displays at MoMA

"The Scream" displays at MoMA

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 07:45 PM PDT

Turning now to New York City where Edvard Munch?s iconic "The Scream" went on display at The Museum of Modern Art on Wednesday. Perhaps, one of the world?s most famous images, "The Scream" will be on display at the museum for six months.

Chinese contemporary art exhibition kicks off in Turkey

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 07:28 PM PDT

a contemporary Chinese art exhibition, organized under the scope of China Culture Year in Turkey, is now on in the country?s art capitol, Istanbul.

Mexico holds Int'l Clown Convention

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 07:06 PM PDT

In Mexico, clowns from around the world have been singing, dancing and laughing their way along the capital?s streets for the annual International Clown Convention. The event aims at gaining support and respect for the art.

"The egg on water" turns five

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 06:24 PM PDT

he National Center for the Performing Arts, or NCPA, is often called the "egg on water" because of its building?s design. But in five years, it has gone far beyond just its ultra-modern architecture to become a top class theater in China, where theater-goers can watch the best shows from both home and beyond.

Exclusive: Yang Liping, legendary "Princess of Peacock"

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 06:11 PM PDT

central figure of the famous "Peacock" performance, Yang Liping. The 54 year old dancer has announced she will turn to behind-the-scene work after "The Peacock". Our reporter Luo Chen sat down with Yang Liping earlier to find out more about her fascination with the bird, and her thoughts on leaving the stage.

"The Peacock" flies to Beijing

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 05:57 PM PDT

Chinese artist Yang Liping, who?s perhaps the country?s most recognized dancer, is touring the country with her farewell show "The Peacock". On Wednesday night, a Beijing audience got to enjoy the dance which Yang choreographs, directs and takes the lead.

China Fashion Week kicks off in Beijing

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 05:42 AM PDT

China?s international fashion week kicked off in Beijing on Wednesday.

Chinese visitors contribute to Thai tourism

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 01:26 AM PDT

Thailand, the famed southeast-Asian country is one of the world?s most popular travel destinations - where a record 20 million will visit this year. Martin Lowe explains that a growing majority of these visitors are from China.

Natural gas-China Price Watch-October 24-BONTV

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 08:08 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode Follow us on Weibo In four decades' time, the price of the Chinese caterpillar fungus, a type of mushroom used in Chinese traditional medicine, has increased nearly ten thousand-fold.
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Time: 01:16 More in News & Politics

Looking for work-Media Watch-October 24-BONTV

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 08:06 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode A total of 7136 recent graduates have applied for a series of sanitation positions, including maintenance and street cleaning roles, advertised by local authorities in Harbin. A staff member of the publicity department at the HHRSSB told the Global Times that 7186 people had registered for the examination by 6 pm on October 16, the deadline. According to the government employee, 29 applicants hold a master's degree, accounting for 0.4 percent, and 2954 hold a bachelor's degree, accounting for 41.11 percent of the group, and the rest are graduates of vocational schools. The online registration system shows that 3378 applicants are vying for positions as vehicle drivers, 216 as vehicle maintenance staff and 3301 as street cleaners. We need to bridge the income and benefits gap between private and State-owned enterprises and public service institutions to improve the labour market," Feng Jin, a professor with the Employment and Social Security Research Center at Fudan University, told the Global Times. Feng theorises that many graduates applied for the position in the hopes that they will be able to transfer to other government departments once inside the system. In the West, Starbucks and McDonald's are the traditional employers of graduates who have given up getting a job relevant to their degree.
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Time: 02:37 More in News & Politics

Fake ambulance-China Take-October 24-BONTV

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 07:57 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode Fake ambulances are not uncommon in some Chinese cities where demand exceeds supply -- the phrase actually refers rather to unlicensed ambulances not run by the official emergency services. They are usually ordinary minibuses, modified to appear as near the real thing as possible -- they are painted white with red crosses, have "ambulance" written in both English and Chinese, and are equipped with stretchers and other medical equipment. However, the patient's family must sign a contract relieving the company y of responsibility if the patient's condition worsens or they die on the way to hospital. The services can be cheaper as they charge only for the journey to or from the hospital while official ambulances charge for the empty return trip -- about $3 per mile in Beijing. The phrase has become popular after several media features on these services in different cities and the legal gray area in which they operate.
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Time: 01:48 More in News & Politics

10-year potash deal is worth 2 billion-China Beat-October 24-BONTV

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 07:54 PM PDT

Denver-based Prospect Global Resources Inc (NASDAQ:PGRX) has signed a 10-year, $2 billion potash supply contract with a state-owned Chinese chemical company, guaranteeing China a steady flow of the crucial fertilizer.
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Time: 01:50 More in News & Politics

China's economy grew 7.4 pc in Q3-Biz Wire-October 24-BONTV

Posted: 24 Oct 2012 07:50 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode Follow us on Weibo The National Bureau of statistics reported that China's economy grew 7.4 percent in the third quarter from a year earlier. Economic growth for the first nine months of the year was 7.7 percent, compared with a 7.8 percent increase in the first half. The Industrial production rose 9.2 percent in September and Fixed-asset investment also increased 20.5 percent from the January to September period. But, China's power consumption growth slowed further last month as factory activity and industrial output posted weaker increases amid the economic downturn.
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Time: 00:54 More in News & Politics


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