Videos » Politics » Collective Protest Stops Ningbo's Chemical Plants

Videos » Politics » Collective Protest Stops Ningbo's Chemical Plants

Collective Protest Stops Ningbo's Chemical Plants

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 08:28 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, over ten thousand residents in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, protested against the chemical plant expansion project. Oct. 28, the collective protest escalated once again. To appease public indignation, authorities announced a permanent suspension of the project. Not believing the authorities, local people again broke out in large conflict against the police. In recent years, Mainland China launched a series of projects with consequences of severe environmental pollution, causing many & frequent protests. Analysis pointed out how CCP officials insist on launching large projects despite their pollution for two main reasons: Firstly, they rely upon GDP growth for personal promotion; Secondly, large projects bring about opportunities for corruption. In spite of the week-long protest by over ten thousand people in Zhenhai District, Ningbo, the authorities still announced they will continue the highly polluting PX project on the morning of 28th Oct. Meanwhile they continued to dispatch large numbers of armed police and special police to repress the protesters. Around 7:00am, hundreds of protesters went to Ningbo Municipal Government, and asked Ningbo Mayor Liu Qi to respond. Shouting such slogans as "Liu Qi step down; love Ningbo," they called for the government to abandon the plan of expanding the chemical plants, and to release the protesters arrested earlier. At the same time, thousands of <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:30 More in News & Politics

Language Protests Revisited

Posted: 29 Dec 2010 01:48 PM PST

RFA's Karma Dorjee discusses the Tibetan Service's coverage of widespread demostrations last October in China's Qinghai Province.
From: RFAVideo
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Time: 02:27 More in News & Politics

US East Coast Prepares For Hurricane Sandy

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 06:28 AM PDT

Residents along the East Coast of the US are getting ready for Hurricane Sandy, due to make landfall on Monday... Full Story: Along the East Coast of the US, they're bracing for Hurricane Sandy which is on track to make landfall on Monday. Don Hughes and others in Point Pleasant, New Jersey spent most of the day boarding up their homes. [Don Hughes, Point Pleasant, New Jersey Resident] "I guess statistically they are saying it is going to hit pretty hard and...going to have a lot of water damage. That is definitely for sure. You can see how quickly it is coming up already and everybody is anticipating a lot of water." Parts of New Jersey, New York, and Ocean City Maryland have been ordered to evacuate ahead of a storm forecasters predict will deliver battering winds, dangerous flooding and even heavy snowfall. [Janise Mcafee, Nurse, Ocean City, Maryland Resident] "I wanted to ride it out here on the beach but then when I found out there was a mandatory evacuation I have to leave the area where I am staying. I decided that, well, I don't have an option so I had to leave. I would love to just stay here." A voluntary evacuation is in place for residents in low lying areas. Jeff Loftus of Ocean Pines Maryland has a house says he's already had some flooding. [Jeff Loftus, Ocean Pines, Maryland Resident] "I just got another load of sandbags to put around the doors to keep the water out, I have got the generator ready to go and we are going to sit there and ride it out. No place <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:56 More in News & Politics

Attacking Wen to Save Bo?

Posted: 28 Oct 2012 10:41 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: New York Times recently cast a stun grenade on Communist China Premier Wen Jiabao by claiming his family amassed a fortune. This explosive report was believed to connect with a certain faction within the Party top level. Other reports indicated serious faults in the news. While it is yet to identify the involvement behind the scene, Wen's family lawyers from Beijing already rejected the claim. On Oct 26th, New York Times reported "Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader." This lengthy front page article alleged Wen's family, including his mother, son, daughter and brother, have accumulated at least US$ 2.7 billion during Wen Jiabao's tenure as prime minister. This New York Times article seems lethal, but speeds up and aggravates Chinese Communist Party (CCP) central's decision on Bo Xilai and the blood debt gang. On the same day, Zhongnanhai issued an urgent enforcement on investigation of Bo Xilai at midnight, and party mouthpiece reported Bo was deleted from the National People's Congress. George Mason University professor and political commentator Dr. Zhang Tianliang indicates that Wen Jiabao has always been Bo's political opponent. He also represents the CCP top leaders who advocate to resolutely deal with Bo Xilai. Jiang's faction has long been planning to purposely collect information on Wen Jiabao. New York Times explosive report has thrown the cards on the table for the blood <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:14 More in News & Politics

Ningbo City to Stop Expanding Chemical Plant?

Posted: 28 Oct 2012 10:37 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: The Associated Press reported on October 28, that tens of thousands of people protested on Sunday against expanding a chemical plant in eastern China's city. Local authorities finally gave in and agreed to stop the project. The report states that the scale of the protest was expanded, with protesters and police having conflicts during the protest. Ningbo City government said in a statement Sunday evening, that project investors agreed not to expand the factory. Lots of protesters were outside the government building, and an official tried to read out the statement with a speaker. However, his voice was drowned out by protestors' yelling of requiring the mayor to step down. Finally, people had a brief cheer, and required the authority to release the arrested protesters. AP believes, the protest in this politically sensitive period places a lot of pressure on the Ningbo City government, while the higher officials need social stability. It is not clear if local officials will truly stop this project, or if they will restart the project when the pressure lessens. NY Times Removes Front Page' Wen Jiabao Report New York Times published a front-page article about family corruption of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on October 26. It soon became the focus of all media. However, this report was removed. The Epoch Times claims the news can be back read in the Chinese news website of New York Times from 23rd. There <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:51 More in News & Politics

Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang's Crimes In Confession Letter

Posted: 28 Oct 2012 10:35 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, the head of a municipal Political and Legal Committee sent a letter of confession to the Epoch Times. He wrote "he dropped on his knees" begging the persecuted Falun Gong practitioners for forgiveness from his crimes. Analysts said this suggests Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong can barely continue inside the Political and Legal system. Many Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials chose to reveal the truth to attain self-preservation. Some said the current situation symbolizes nationwide anti- persecution attitude in China. Let's review the story in detail. In mainland China, there are two princeling siblings who were subject to severe persecution due to practicing Falun Gong. The elder brother was illegally interrogated for 15 consecutive days and lost consciousness many times during that time. Despite this, he was still sent to the forced labor camp later. Recently, the siblings demanded an apology and enormous compensation from high-level officials. The local 610 office and public security bureau were named, as well as the secretary of municipal Political and Legal Committee. They claimed they would post the evidences of those officials' corrupt practices online sending those materials to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection through special avenues if they received no response. According to some source, this event shocked the CCP leaders in Zhongnanhai. The politburo <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:56 More in News & Politics

The Economist: Xi Jinping "Must Change China"

Posted: 28 Oct 2012 10:31 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: At the upcoming 18th Party Congress, Xi Jinping will succeed Hu Jintao as the new leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). UK media said that in facing "myriad social problems", Xi Jinping "must be ready to break with the past" Xi must "venture deep into political reform." Political observers claim that Xi Jinping has no other option but to disintegrate the CCP. This would be the only universal remedy for all crises that threaten today's China. The latest issue of The Economist magazine has branded Xi Jinping as "the man who must change China." The article highlights "myriad social problems" in China, including "a slowing economy, corruption, environmental pollution, contaminated food, and land-grabbing by officials". In addition, "the rich and powerful fight over the economy's vast wealth." "The middle class protect their savings by sending money abroad, and signing up for foreign passports". In addition, the poor are irritated at inequality. All these have formed a huge ruling crisis to the CCP regime. Xie Tian, professor at the University of South Carolina- Aiken, commented. He says that over the past 30 years, the CCP has tried to use economic reform to boost China's economy, to justify its ruling legitimacy. However, greedy interests group's have brought this path close to ending. Xie Tian: "In today's China, the gap between rich and poor is widening. Under economic recession, life is getting <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:46 More in News & Politics

USD 3 Trillion Illegal Outflows in China

Posted: 28 Oct 2012 10:27 PM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, Washington DC's Global Financial Integrity's (GFI) Headquarters reported that between 2000 to 2011, China has USD 3.79 Trillion of illicit financial outflow. The outflows are said to be rising. The newly released GFI report stated that it will badly effect Chinese society, and the countries political stability. The report said that a common form of illegal outflow is money laundering, known as "trade mis-invoicing". Washington DC-based GFI specializes in focusing on the global cross-border illicit outflows. GFI discovered that China's illicit outflows are increasing sharply. It has increased from USD 172.6 Billion in 2000, to USD 602.9 Billion in 2011. Past studies observed such massive outflows are making China the Worlds largest victim of illicit financial outflows. The report warns that such massive outflows will have serious ramifications for China. The report said that "if outflows continue to ratchet upwards, adverse repercussions on social and political stability can't be ruled out." Dr. Dev Kar, one of the authors of this report: "The Chinese economy is a ticking time bomb." Social, political and economic order isn't sustainable in the long-run, given such massive illicit outflows." Du Yanlin, a Beijing Chartered Accountant said that basic economic theory tells us that consumption and economic growth need funds. The more flow of funds within the home market, the more investment can <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:04 More in News & Politics


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