Videos » Politics » Rule of Law: The Link Between US Economic Interests and China's Human Rights

Videos » Politics » Rule of Law: The Link Between US Economic Interests and China's Human Rights

Rule of Law: The Link Between US Economic Interests and China's Human Rights

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 11:15 AM PDT

How the rule of law is key to US economic interests in China, and how China's human rights situation is linked to the success of US companies. The above is a clip from China Focus aired October 23, 2012
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Time: 01:04 More in News & Politics

Temporary Truce Starts in Syria During Eid Holiday

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 11:05 AM PDT

President Bashar al-Assad attends prayers on the first day of the Eid al-Adha truce brokered by the UN and Arab League. Jessica Gray reports. Full Story: Syria's embattled President Bashar al-Assad attends Eid al-Adha prayers. Friday marked the beginning of a temporary ceasefire during the holiday, brokered by the UN and Arab League. Rebel groups like the Syrian Free Army gave qualified backing to the truce, which ends Monday, but also demanded the release of detainees. Ansar al-Islam, another rebel faction, said it may uphold the ceasefire if the army comes through on promises of peace. International aid organisations plan to use the break in fighting to get supplies to residents besieged by violence. Some are sceptical the truce will last after 19 months of violence. On Thursday, rebels surrounded the strategic border town of Harem in an attempt to increase their controlled territory along the Turkish border. Activists say around 32000 people have died in the conflict so far. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:01 More in News & Politics

Father Says Shot Pakistan Girl "Will Rise Again"

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 10:04 AM PDT

Tears of joy for Malala's father as he sees his daughter recovering in a British hospital. Full Story: The father of the Pakistan girl shot by the Taliban for promoting girls' education, said on Friday his daughter was strong and would "rise again". Fifteen-year-old Malala Yousufzai has been receiving specialist treatment in the British city of Birmingham following the October 9 attack. Her father, Ziauddin Yousufzai, and other family members flew to Britain on Thursday to help their daughter's recovery. Overwhelmed by emotion, Ziauddin recalls thinking he was going to have to bury his daughter. [Ziauddin Yousufzai, Malala's Father]: "A stage came in Peshawar when - God forbid - that I told my brother-in-law that you should make preparations for her funeral, but thanks to God." Malala's father recounts a joyful family reunion. [Ziauddin Yousufzai, Malala's Father]: "I love her and, of course, this morning, last night when we met her there were tears in our eyes because of happiness. Out of happiness. For some time we all cried a little bit and then she asked her mother, 'How are the two other girls?' Shazia and Kainat. She enquired about their health. And she told me on the phone, 'Please bring me my books of Class Nine and I will attend my examination in Swat.' The board examination." Malala began standing up to the Pakistani Taliban when she was just 11, after militants overran the Swat Valley where she lives.She has become a powerful symbol of resistance to the radical <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:24 More in News & Politics

Hurricane Sandy Set To Become A "Frankenstorm"

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 07:49 AM PDT

Hurricane Sandy set to become a "Frankenstorm" before striking New England around Halloween... Full Story: Hurricane Sandy continues its destructive path across the Caribbean. At least 21 people have already been killed in Haiti, Jamaica and Cuba, with the Bahamas next in line. Downed power lines, damaged homes and ruined crops are the norm. In Haiti tens of thousands still living in tent camps following the 2010 earthquake are especially vulnerable. Early next week the slow moving storm is expected to hit the northeastern United States. The size of the hurricane is already huge, and expected to grow. It is also likely to merge with a winter storm before striking the highly populated state of New England. The timing - just around Halloween - has led the US National Weather Service to label the hurricane "Frankenstorm". The warnings are reviving memories of the 1991 "perfect storm" that killed 13 people and caused $200 million worth of damage to the northeastern United States. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:50 More in News & Politics

NTD's International Classical Dance Competition Begins

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 04:54 AM PDT

NTD's fifth International Classical Chinese Dance competition kicked off today in New York. Dozens of classically trained dancers from around the world are competing for a spot in the finals on Saturday. The competition is part of NTD's efforts to revive traditional Chinese culture. Contestants are judged not only on their technical skills, which involve difficult jumps and flips, they also need the ability to portray the inner feelings and emotions of their chosen characters, this aspect is central to classical Chinese dance. Gold winners in their gender and age category will take home $10000. We'll bring you the latest from the competition, with a special segment on Friday's Discovering China. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:42 More in News & Politics

Panda Cub Fu Hu Goes Home To China

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 04:46 AM PDT

Giant panda cub Fu Hu was born two years ago at the Vienna Zoo. Now he is being prepared for a journey to his ancestral home of China, in just a few weeks. To get him used to his travel box, he gets carrots and sweet potatoes every time he explores the crate. According to panda keeper Renate Haider, it is a stress free process. [Renate Haider, Panda Keeper]: "Today was not the first time this was done - you can see he is willingly entering the box because we have been training this with him for weeks. I think he enjoys it, because he always co-operates, and it is great to see that this is fun for him and that there is no stress involved. That is our utmost concern." Fu Hu is the second cub born to a pair of giant pandas loaned to the Vienna Zoo nine years ago. Any cubs born to loaned panda parents must be taken to China when they turn two. [Renate Haider, Panda Keeper]: "Whatever he could learn here, he did. He has been taught everything he needs by his mother, and now it´s time for him to move out. He is beginning to grow bigger than his mother, and in the wild they also become independent at two years of age, and sometimes they are even banished by the mother." He will travel with a team of Austrian panda keepers to help him settle into his natural habitat. The name Fu Hu means "Lucky Tiger" in English, and while this panda cub is not a tiger he certainly is lucky. Hu Fu is one of only about 1600 pandas alive in the world today. For more news and videos visit ☛ english <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:37 More in Pets & Animals

China to Resume Nuclear Power Expansion

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 04:39 AM PDT

Chinese authorities announced on Wednesday the country will resume nuclear power plant construction, breaking a self-imposed moratorium. The partial meltdown at Japan's Fukushima reactors prompted Chinese authorities to halt plans to expand nuclear energy production. A year later, the same authorities feel they are ready to restart, but have dialed down the expansion plans. Through a State Council issued white paper, the Chinese regime says it is now looking to produce 40 gigawatts of nuclear power by 2015. That's less than the original goal of 50 gigawatts set prior to last year. The country currently has the capacity to produce 12.5 gigawatts through 15 nuclear power generating units. The moratorium after the Fukushima disaster stopped the construction of another 26 units. Wednesday's whitepaper sought to ease safety concerns over China's nuclear ambitions. Even prior to Japan's nuclear disaster, safety measures and personnel skills were already thought to be inadequate to support the country's nuclear development ambitions. Former researcher at the nuclear security center of China's State Environmental Protection Administration, Professor Li Xutong, says those concerns are still there. [Professor Li Xutong, Former Nuclear Researcher, SEPA] "Years of research have found that man-made reasons account for 80% of nuclear incidents. Another 80% of that comes from organizational issues, like management and supervision. We all know that under the Chinese regime, it's hard to <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:04 More in News & Politics

Controversial Nexen Takeover Plan Lacks China-Canada Talks

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 04:32 AM PDT

It's one of Canada's biggest and most important energy firms, and that's why many are leery over the potential takeover of Nexen, Inc., by a Chinese state-owned oil company. The proposed 15 billion US dollar bid would see the China National Offshore Oil Corporation take control of a firm with major stakes in the international energy markets, and a significant player in western Canada's economy. Despite concerns, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has now made clear that he now knows of direct engagement between the Canadian government and Chinese authorities over the proposed deal. Some have accused Canadian critics of the plan of promoting "resource nationalism", but others counter that highly-subsidized Chinese state-owned corporations should not be allowed to muscle into the private marketplace, especially overseas. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:50 More in News & Politics

Chinese Regime Boosting Telecom Network Control for Party Congress

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 04:20 AM PDT

China's top IT and telecommunications website reported this week that Chinese telecom networks will be under stricter security during the Communist Party's 18th Party Congress, slated to take place on November 8th. According to China IDC Circle, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has ordered staff around the country to implement a plan of network blockade. It'll be effective from November 7th until the end of the Congress. The plan does not mean that authorities are shutting down telecom networks. Rather, Chinese authorities are stepping up management and supervision, to ensure there are no security breaches during the meeting. The networks to be monitored will cover international phone calls, long distance domestic calls and the internet. Although the plan is coined as one to safeguard telecom networks, not everyone is convinced. Chinese rights activist Hu Jun says he believes authorities are just trying to further stifle communication. [Hu Jun, Organizer, Human Rights Campaign in China] (male, Chinese) "It's only a few days of meeting yet you want to have this network blockade plan. What are you afraid of? Online communication is normal for citizens. What are you afraid of, who are your enemies? What is there to protect for the 18th Party Congress? The Party is always nervous and sneaky about these meetings. If you are legitimate you won't be scared of openness." A Chinese citizen reporter, Gu Chuan, who is currently a visiting scholar at Columbia <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:39 More in News & Politics

Supersonic Plane Fly New York-Tokyo in 90 mins

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 12:16 AM PDT

XCOR released pictures of the Lynx, a suborbital spacecraft that will eventually fly the New York - Tokyo connection in 90 minutes. Full story: A California based company is going toe-to-toe with Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic in the race to offer commercial space flights. It is revving up to launch a suborbital spacecraft called the Lynx, and it could be as early as next year. XCOR Aerospace has just released pictures of a mock-up of the aircraft it hopes will soon fly the New York -- Tokyo connection. They project it will make the flight in 90 minutes and will swing into outer space in the process. The supersonic ride will apparently cruise at a booming three and a half times the speed of sound. Those willing to pay the $95000-dollar ticket fare will enjoy a several-minute float in microgravity and a view of Earth from outer space. XCOR announced on Thursday they plan to begin commercial flight operations from NASA's Kennedy Space Center sometime in 2014. Eventually, XCOR plans to fly the Lynx from California as well as several other locations around the world. Test flights of the Lynx are expected to start early next year. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛ Credit: XCOR Lynx Photos
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Time: 01:11 More in News & Politics

UN Investigators Request Syrian Assad Meeting

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 06:35 PM PDT

Bombs rain down on Maarat al-Numan, according to unverifiable social media video. Some estimates put the number of dead in the 19-month Syrian conflict so far at upwards of 30000. Now a team of United Nations investigators is hoping to visit the country to look into allegations of war crimes from both the Syrian government and rebel forces. Speaking in Switzerland on Thursday, new team member Carla del Ponte said the crimes appeared similar to those she had investigated in the former Yugoslavia. [Carla del Ponte, Chairman, UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria]: "The similarity of course is that we are handling the same crimes, crimes against humanity and war crimes for sure." Team leader Paulo Pinheiro said they have asked for a meeting with the Syrian president. [Paulo Pinheiro, Chairman, UN Commision of Inquiry on Syria]: "We think that it is important to speak with someone who is in charge and then we intend to go there without conditionality, but just to meet President Assad and to discuss the access for out commission to Syria." The UN investigators have drawn up a secret list of Syrian individuals and units suspected of committing crimes including murder and torture, which they say could pave the way for future prosecution. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:15 More in News & Politics

China News - October 25, 2012: Nuclear Expansion, "Gangnam Style" Parody Blocked

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 06:04 PM PDT

In today's NTD China News, the Chinese regime's Defense Ministry announces more leadership changes for the People's Liberation Army. Chinese authorities offer cash for tip-offs to stop Tibetan self-immolation protests. China's internet police blocks dissident artist Ai Weiwei's "Gangnam Style" parody. Canadian Finance Minister says he is not aware of any talks between the Canadian government and Chinese authorities over CNOOC's proposal to purchase oil producer Nexen. Standard & Poors has warned of rising risks with China's banking sector. The Chinese regime says it will resume its nuclear power expansion, but an expert warns safety concerns remain. A panda cub born in the Vienna Zoo is ready to head home to China after turning two-years-old. NTD's fifth International Classical Chinese Dance Competition begins in New York.
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Time: 16:33 More in Shows

Clark Kent (Superman) Quits Daily Planet

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 05:44 PM PDT

Clark Kent has left the building. Superman's alter ego has quit his job at the Daily Planet after voicing his disdain for the salacious direction the newspaper is headed. Social Marketing and Events Director at Midtown Comics, Thor Parker, says he was basically fed up. [Thor Parker, Social Marketing and Events Director, Midtown Comics]: "It's more about selling ads and getting entertainment and just trying to trick people into reading the paper when he really wants there to be some real journalism and some real reporting done." While the news is somewhat shocking to some, one reader welcomes the change. [Corey Hernandez, Comic Book Fan]: "It's not a bad idea, I mean he's been working there for how long now? New things are good for the soul." Parker says while the story line might be surprising, it is not far-fetched. [Thor Parker, Social Marketing and Events Director, Midtown Comics]: "Comics do a great job of reflecting what's going on in our world and right now the news industry is going through a lot of changes and print in general and comics are a part of that." What's next for Kent is unknown, but he's going to have to pay his bills somehow. [Thor Parker, Social Marketing and Events Director, Midtown Comics]: "Even though he's Superman and that's a full-time job, for some reason he needs to have a regular day job too." The new issue hit newsstands on October 24. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:18 More in News & Politics

US Media: Bo Xilai Awaits Criminal Charges

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 01:06 AM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On October 24, The Washington Post reported that Bo Xilai, former party secretary of Chongqing is awaiting criminal charges in prison. His family members have received warning not to hire any attorneys. The report quoted sources close Bo Xilai's family, and that of Gu Kalai. Bo's mother-in-law has hired two attorneys for Bo, but they aren't able to see Bo. The report also quoted friends of Bo's family. Bo's brothers and sisters had received an official warning not to hire attorneys for Bo. Analysis by Ruan Ming, the former brainpower of CCP General Secretary Hu Yaobang, suggests Bo can't be sentenced before the 18th National Congress. After the Standing Committee removed Bo's representative position, it said that he would be sentenced after the 18th Natonal Congress 10000 People Set to Protest in Ningbo Against PX Project "Chinese Jasmine Revolution" website reported that on October 25, several thousand people continued to protest against the PX project starting in Zhenhai District, Ningbo. Authorities deployed large numbers of police to blockade the main road leading into Zhenhai District. Police cars blocked the entrance to the village to prevent the nearby villagers from protesting. However, several thousand people broke through the blockade, and gathered on the main city roads to protest. This is the forth protest of local residents. Demonstrators clashed with police and several people were <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:46 More in News & Politics

No Chance to Enter Central Military Commission

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 01:05 AM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 18th National Congress is drawing nearer. Senior military leaders are still being changed. Recently, Ma Xiaotian, former Vice General Chief of Staff of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was promoted. Ma is now to be Commander of the PLA Air Force. Zhang Yang, former Political Commissar of Guangzhou Military Region was promoted to the position of Director of the PLA General Political Department. It is said that both of them will enter the Central Military Commission (CMC) during the 18th Congress. Liu Yuan, the Political Commissar of the General Logistic Department, and Zhang Haiyang, Political Commissar of the Second Artillery are described as having stood in the wrong team. They have been impacted by the Bo Xilai case, and have no chance of entering the CMC. On October 25, The Wall Street Journal published "China Passes Over Bo Allies in Military Shake-Up". In the article, the following was reported. "A lineup of most of the new military command on the Defense Ministry website also showed that... General Liu Yuan, one of the two generals considered particularly close to the ousted party official Bo Xilai, had been passed over for promotion." The article also said: "the changing of the leaderships of the four General Departments indicates the high-level CCP leaders had agreed the arrangement of the CMC." Political Commentator Liu Ming said that whether a CCP official <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:00 More in News & Politics

Chinese Tore Sihanouk Photo

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 01:01 AM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: A female executive in a garment factory in Cambodia tore up the photo of Sihanouk, the late former King of Cambodia, resulting in thousands of workers protest in Phnom Penh. The 'tearing photo up' storm occurred on October 22. On October 23, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, answered questions at a press conference. However, Hong's speech sparked a "tear up and burn photos of Sihanouk" movement in China. How did this happen? Let's go take a look together with our station reporter. On October 22, when Cambodia was officially mourning Sihanouk, a Chinese manager in a garment factory observed her co-workers stop working to look at photos of Sihanouk, so she felt angry. She seized the photo of Sihanouk from a worker, and tore it up. Workers marched in front of the palace, and asked to punish this manager. Riots broke out. On the same day, the Cambodian police handcuffed the Chinese woman, and forced her to kneel down to apologize in front of the portrait of Sihanouk. The court also ordered her deportation. Hong Lei of the Chinese Foreign Ministry responded to it on October 23, saying, "King Sihanouk is a great friend of the Chinese people, and is loved by the people of Cambodia. The individual act is extremely wrong, so the Cambodian side should deal with it in accordance with the law." Netizens were enraged by words of Hong Lei and began condemning him on microblogs and forums. A netizen <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:03 More in News & Politics

Spy Agency for the Masses

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 12:58 AM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: In mainland China, Residents' Committee (RC) is a well known social institution, spread throughout the country. The history of the Residents' Committee shows that it is firmly attached to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Mainland people point out that Residents' Committee is actually a CCP' spy agency for controlling the masses. In order to control people's thinking, Residents' Committee was established in the 1950s, and spread in various cities. CCP claims, the RC cares about the people, and one can ask this committee for help during difficult times. However, mainland Internet writer, Jing Chu pointed out, RC is actually a CCP' spy agency for people' monitoring. Jing Chu: "In the late 1950s, after the Great Leap's economic catastrophe, many farmers fled into the cities. The CCP had to do something to stop such farmers, which would affect its image. Thus it organized old men and women with strongly instilled sense of class struggle to track and monitor people. This is the so-called Residents' Committee." In the beginning, the Residents' Committee would choose the most talkative and imperious old women. They would go to each family and ask questions under the pretext of solving family disputes. Thus they'd 'help' people stay focused on CCP's ideology, and report their information to the relevant CCP departments. Sun Wenguang, retired professor of Shandong University, pointed out that the RC is part <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:07 More in News & Politics

How Far Is China from American Education?

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 12:54 AM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: American media recently published an article to compare Chinese and American education. people questioning, "Will Chinese universities ever defeat American universities?" At our interview, scholars analyzed the differences between Chinese and American education and their future developments. This Wall Street Journal article mentioned that Mainland China has a competitive national examination system to select students. The intensity, competitiveness, and anxieties therein all overshadow SAT, making the whole system look like children's games. America's university system, however, is still far ahead. The reasons are obvious: First, America has an annual budget of $980 billion to spend on education, the highest among all the countries, and twice that of China. America also has the highest proportion of engineer majors, 981 per million inhabitants, while that of China is only 553. In addition, American universities do their best to provide students with employment preparation. 81% of American engineering graduates can immediately start work, while the number is just 10% in China. Beijing constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao: "Chinese education is essentially bookish, isolated from social reality. University education only provides students with a system of empty things, difficult when applying them in the real world." Beijing constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao said that the status quo of China's <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:18 More in News & Politics


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