Videos » Politics » Israel "Achieves Objectives", Hamas Claims "Game-changing Victory"

Videos » Politics » Israel "Achieves Objectives", Hamas Claims "Game-changing Victory"

Israel "Achieves Objectives", Hamas Claims "Game-changing Victory"

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 04:11 PM PST

In the wake of the fragile ceasefire, Israel says it has "achieved its objectives" in the military flare-up, while Hamas claims a "game-changing victory". Full story: Hamas celebrated what they call a "victory" in their Gaza stronghold on Thursday after a truce was declared with Israel. Palestinians and Israelis alike were relieved their eight-day conflict had come to an end without a bloody invasion of the Gaza Strip. But on both sides there was a foreboding that their ceasefire might not last very long. On the face of it, both Israel and the Islamist group Hamas can draw positive conclusions at the end of a brutal clash that killed 162 Palestinians, including 37 children, and five Israelis. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel dealt painful blows to its enemy and found a way to work with the Islamist leadership of Egypt. [Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister]: "We acted against the terrorist group's infrastructure targets. Things that were built up over years were destroyed. We are prepared to act should the quiet be violated. The objectives that we set for the operation were achieved. I know that there are citizens who expect an even tougher response. We are prepared for that, too. We choose against when, against whom and how to act, as we did in this operation. Now we are giving the ceasefire a chance." Hamas lost its top military commander and suffered serious hits to its infrastructure and weaponry. But its reputation in the Arab world and at <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:20 More in News & Politics

Merkel and Hollande Bilateral Meet Ahead of EU Summit

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 03:38 PM PST

French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel hold a bilateral meeting ahead of a two-day summit where EU leaders will attempt to thrash out a deal on the Union's budget. Full Story: French President Francois Hollande met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday, ahead of a two-day summit in Brussels. The two leaders later headed into wider talks with EU heads of government, set to decide the EU's budget for the period from 2014 to 2020. But divisions have emerged between different countries over whether an increase in spending is necessary for the seven-year deal. Hollande is keen to protect funding for the Common Agricultural Policy, of which France is the biggest beneficiary. It accounts for 40 percent of the bloc's total budget. Merkel, whose country is the EU's biggest net contributor, says it might not be possible to reach a deal this week. Another round of negotiations may be needed early next year. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:44 More in News & Politics

Eamonn Fingleton on Wall Street and China Policy

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 02:36 PM PST

Full Episode: Next month marks 11 years since China was allowed to join the World Trade Organization. China's spectacular economic rise was once widely considered a blessing. But that idea has taken a beating this year, especially during the US presidential campaign. Where is China going now? And what should the US do in response? Joining us on China Focus is special guest Eamonn Fingleton, Forbes columnist and author of In the Jaws of the Dragon: America's Fate in the Coming Era of Chinese Dominance. He talks about why he believes the Chinese economy will stay strong, and how Wall Street is selling out America's national interest to China.
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Time: 00:20 More in News & Politics

Japan Appoints New Ambassador To China

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 01:55 PM PST

Japan has appointed a new ambassador to China. Masato Kitera is Japan's former assistant chief Cabinet secretary. He fills the position after the previous candidate, Shinichi Nishimya, died suddenly from a heart attack shortly after he was appointed back in September. 59-year-old Kitera does not belong to the so-called "China School." That's a name given to career diplomats proficient in Chinese. Kitera will take up the diplomatic role as the relationship between Japan and China is at a low level. Tensions have been running high over the disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea. Before Kitera can take office, China has to first approve his appointment. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:51 More in News & Politics

Toyota, Honda, and Nissan Talk Losses at Chinese Auto Show

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 01:45 PM PST

At the Guangzhou Auto Show, Japanese car makers are admitting to a bad year. With a slumped Chinese car market, and violent anti-Japanese protests, Japanese car sales have plummeted. Even so, Mazda's China chief, Noriaki Yamada, predicted sales would be back to 'business as usual' by the end of March. [Noriaki Yamada, President of Mazda China]: "So far this year Mazda China sales have unfortunately been lower than those of last year due to a sluggish market and the (other) circumstances." An overall market slump has generally stunted the growth of car sales in China. In 2010, sales surged 35 percent but grew just 2.5 percent last year due to the sluggish economy. This year the market is expected to grow about 5 percent. But Japanese car sales have been particularly battered after widespread anti-Japanese protests throughout September. Demonstrators called for a boycott of Japanese goods and damaged Japanese cars. Nissan Motor Co, Honda Motor Co, Toyota Motor Corp, and Mazda Motor Corp have been counting the cost of lost sales. Demand for leading Japanese car brands in China virtually halved last month. Japanese firms saw their market share plummet to 17 percent from 19 percent at end-August. Blaming the China impact, Nissan cut its full-year net profit forecast by a fifth. Out of the three, Nissan is the most exposed in China. Honda also revised down its forecasts for the year by 20 percent. Toyota managed to increase its annual profit forecast, but it's less exposed to <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:46 More in News & Politics

China's New Power Divide

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 01:27 PM PST

When the Chinese Communist Party's new Politburo Standing Committee was announced on November 15, the majority of the new leaders were pinned as conservatives with ties to former regime leader Jiang Zemin. But as personnel reshuffles continue to take place, some see a new balance of power emerging with key appointments going to officials known to be friendly to outgoing leader Hu Jintao. Officials like Sun Chunlan, the new Tianjin Party Chief, and Liu Qibao, the new Propaganda Minister, were announced this week to take on the old posts of newly promoted leaders. Like Hu Jintao, they came through the ranks of the Communist Youth League. [Wu Fan, Political Commentator] "Because they weren't able to take a place in the central power base, they're taking up places at the provincial level. Beijing now has Hu Jintao's people, the same as in Guangdong and probably in Chongqing too." Analysts say this type of arrangement may have been the result of compromise between competing factions. Hu Jintao may also be planning for his loyalists to be elevated to the leadership at the next power-transition. But Wu Fan says the emerging power balance could lead to a polarization between central authorities and key local power-bases. [Wu Fan, Political Commentator] "I think the preparation for the 19th Party Congress really depends on whether the Communist Party can last until then. The central powers probably have different interests to the key provinces. Now this will create conflicts <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:08 More in News & Politics

Premier Wen Jiabao Says He Doesn't Want to be Remembered

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 01:22 PM PST

Outgoing Chinese Premier arrived in Thailand on Tuesday, and went directly to a gathering of local Chinese community leaders. There he expressed something that surprised many—he said he hopes people would forget him once he retires. But you wouldn't see any reports of that in state-run media, and one analyst says that's because Wen's speech would not have gone down well with the establishment in Beijing. [Xia Xiaoqiang, Political Commentator] "Wen Jiabao is a different type of Chinese leader. He often says things outside of the same-old political rhetoric. So what he says must set off a nerve for those within the Communist regime who strictly follow those unspoken rules." So, what else did Wen Jiabao say? The man who has often called for political change lamented over unfinished business. [Wen Jiabao, Chinese Premier] "I want to tell you all that in a few months I will retire, and fade into seclusion. I've always felt that there are many unfinished things, and a lot of things were not done well." Wen went on to recite a poem, written by Qu Yuan—a patriotic official who ended his own life in 305BC, after the Emperor he was loyal to cast him aside. [Wen Jiabao, Chinese Premier[ "The two sentences meant, in search of the truth, I would die nine times and still have no regrets. To ensure my own integrity, even in death I have to be upright and honest." Chinese state-run Xinhua made no mention of Wen's speech. There were also unconfirmed reports that China's Propaganda <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:56 More in News & Politics

China Ecological Challenges May Overwhelm New Leaders

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 01:16 PM PST

China's communist authorities have already made major investments in clean energy and other green technologies. Yet many environmental scientists, activists, and analysts have expressed fears that, no matter how much the current regime attempts to address environmental concerns, on-the-ground progress may fall too short to prevent serious problems down the line. The main issue is that, despite massive investments such as the newly announced $290 billion dollars for clean energy coming under the new Party leadership of Xi Jinping, it is hugely difficult to track where such money goes once allocated. In short, the green technology sector faces problems similar to those that led China's high-speed railway, another major national investment effort, to become the source of scandal when it was revealed that vast amounts of the funds were stolen or otherwise fell victim to corruption. In the opaque Communist Party system, there are no effective or reliable oversight mechanisms for what happens to public money when it falls into the hands of well-connected officials. This is in large part what is causing observers to worry that the other goal newly announced by the Xi administration, to produce 20 percent of the nation's energy from renewable sources by 2015, may not be realizable. In the case of China's railways, it took last summer's deadly crash and the death of dozens for systemic corruption to become a focus of Party authorities. Even then, only a handful of officials were <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:56 More in News & Politics

Celebrity Holiday Greetings from the International Emmy Awards, NYC

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 01:10 PM PST

Regis and Joan Philbin, Norman Lear, Kim In-Kyu CEO of KBS, Beautiful International actress Margarida Marinho, John-Paul Lee CEO of Tavalon tea company and others attending the International Emmy Awards in NYC, wish the NTDTV audience a Wonderful Holiday season. From NTDTV, we wish you all a Happy Holiday Season 2012..
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Time: 00:49 More in Entertainment

Pizza patrol feeds Sandy victims

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 12:11 PM PST

A family in New York delivers pizza every day to victims of Sandy's most hardest hit region. Julie Noce reports. Full Story: Every day for the past 23 days, Vanessa McHugh fills up the back of her car with pizza. She and her three kids then drive to various coastal regions that were hit by Hurricane Sandy. Today, her Pizza Patrol is in Far Rockaway. [Lilian Zeigler, Hurricane Sandy Victim]: "Actually what she does is a great contribution to our neighborhood. It shows that people actually care about the suffering and things that we are going through. We're trying to rebuild ourselves and we need all the help that we can get." This region was amongst the hardest hit. Hundreds of thousands of people were left without electricity. Criticism from residents about the government's response, or lack there of, has been ongoing... which makes kindness like McHugh's all the more appreciated. [Brady, Volunteer Helping Hurricane Sandy Victims]: "I think it's a great idea giving back. There's a lot of people that's really hurting, very frustrated and a lot of pain. And this can brighten up their moment right now. What she's doing is amazing. I encourage it. I applaud it." McHugh gets her pizza at half price and urges other people who want to help Sandy victims to call their local pizzerias and ask for similar bargains. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:08 More in Nonprofits & Activism

Mixed Feelings About the Truce Between Hamas and Israel

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 11:45 AM PST

Description: As Israeli ground troops withdraw from the Gaza border, Israelis and Palestinians express mixed feelings about the ceasefire. Israeli ground troops begin to withdraw from positions along the Gaza border after a truce with the territory's Hamas rulers came into effect. The ceasefire was brokered after eight days of conflict that killed five Israelis and 162 Gazans, including 37 children. In Gaza, the truce was celebrated as a success, with this newspaper headline reading "Gaza is victorious". Palestinians here said they were proud of the resistance to the Israeli bombardment. This resident said what happened was a lesson for Israel that will never be forgotten. Israelis though were more sceptical about the ceasefire. One resident of Sderot said the truce would not last. [Shlomo,Resident of Sderot, Israel]: "Judging by the history of agreements with Arabs, it seems a bit pessimistic. I think that rockets will return, it's only a matter of time." Since the truce came into effect on Wednesday, a dozen rockets from Gaza landed in open areas in Israel, while there has been one blast in Gaza that caused no casualties. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:01 More in News & Politics

Wednesday Night Sneak-Preview of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 11:29 AM PST

The evening before the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, New Yorkers and tourists gather to watch the famous helium balloons get inflated. From Hello Kitty to Spider-Man, it's a gigantic balloon feast. Full story: Hello Kitty, Spider-Man, Charlie Brown -- they're all gathered on the same New York City block for this year's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. New Yorkers and tourists watch excitedly as the famous balloons are inflated for tomorrow's procession. The balloons have been part of this famous parade since 1927 and take up two full city blocks. After they're inflated, nets and sandbags are used to keep the balloons from escaping into the night. Macy's likes to point out that the balloons aren't just about artistic design, but also aerodynamics and engineering. The Macy's balloon team works along with independent consultants to create each balloon's aerodynamic design. One of the giant balloons, "Julius Paul Frank" was inflated by a team of workers as the crowd looked on. The Executive Producer of the parade says, like every year, there will be some new faces tomorrow. [Amy Kule, Executive Producer, Macy's Thanksgiving Parade]: "Every year we have something brand new and this year's no different. We've got three amazing new balloons that are going to be debuting tomorrow (Thursday November 22) on Thanksgiving. We've got "The Elf on the Shelf" going to be in the parade for the first time, "Papa Smurf" the grandfather of all smurfs is going to be flying high. And <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:58 More in Entertainment

Kate Winslet Awarded CBE for Contribution to Drama

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 10:54 AM PST

The Queen tells Kate Winslet that motherhood 'is the only job' as the Oscar-winning actress attends Buckingham Palace to collect her CBE for services to drama. Full Story: Oscar winning Actress, Kate Winslet, was given the award for Commander of the Order of the British Empire by the Queen herself. The Queen presented her with the title at an award ceremony on Wednesday (November 21) at Buckingham Palace. After the ceremony, Kate confided that she still isn't sure she deserved the honor. [Kate Winslet, Oscar-Winning Actress]: "I thought 'why am I being given one of these?' and now, having been through the ceremony, I still think 'why was I given one?', you know when you're sitting next to people who have done such extraordinary things for the protection of children online, you know, sort of services to drama sort of pales in comparison..." Winslet was given the award for her contribution to drama. As the Queen presented her with the award, she asked Kate if she liked her job. [Kate Winslet, Oscar-Winning Actress]: "...and she asked me if I liked the job that I do and I told her that I loved it but not as much as I loved being a mother and she said well yes that is the only job, and I thought that was really, really touching." Winslet won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in The Reader in 2009, her sixth nomination. She is possibly most well known for her role in Titanic, co-starring Leonardo DiCaprio and debuting in 1997. She is the youngest actress to be nominated <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:20 More in Entertainment

Gangnam Style Spawns "Anti-Fraud Style"

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 08:15 PM PST

"Anti-fraud Style", a video put together in China inspired by the hit "Gangnam Style" goes viral online. A music video called "Anti-fraud Style," is the latest adaptation of youtube sensation "Gangnam Style." "Gangnam Style" is best known for its funny horse-riding moves and catchy lyrics. It was put on youtube by South Korean pop artist PSY and instantly went viral. Now police in Guangzhou, China, have made their own style video. "Anti-fraud Style" was a collaboration between county police and music students. It is a commentary on the many scams in China aimed at stealing people's money. The video was very popular on Chinese internet with more than 100000 hits in just three days. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:54 More in Music

Al Jazeera's Cairo Studio Burned

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 06:20 PM PST

Egyptian protesters attack and torch the offices of television station Al Jazeera in Cairo, during protests in which more than 60 people were injured. Full Story: A studio used by the Al Jazeera TV network was set on fire on Wednesday in Cairo. An employee of Al Jazeera said the attack was carried out by a mob that had been chanting slogans against the Qatari-owned TV station. Some people were injured in the attack but officials did not release any figures. [Ahmed Desouki, Al Jazeera Executive Producer]: "At about a quarter past 11 around 200 or 250 people gathered outside the studio in Tahrir Square." Eye witnesses say the group attacked the glass-fronted building launching home made bombs from below. [Ahmed Desouki, Al Jazeera Executive Producer]: "They chanted against the channel, and cursed it, then they started pelting the studio from the outside with stones and they broke all the windows. Then they made Molotov cocktails and threw them into the studio. A short while later around 200 people raided the studio, they came inside and raided the actual office and destroyed all the rooms.'' The Interior Ministry described the perpetrators as "trouble makers" who had attacked police officers when they arrived to investigate. The studio overlooks Tahrir Square, close to violent clashes that injured dozens of people this week. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:16 More in News & Politics

A Day in a Life of Medics in Gaza

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 04:52 PM PST

Ambulance drivers in Gaza struggle to cope with fear as they rush to treat wounded in dozens after Israeli attacks. Full story: Gaza paramedics say their work has come under increasingly difficult conditions as Israel's air strikes shake Palestinian territory. Adel al Azbat receives a call from a panicked resident and communicates their needs to his colleagues. He says being calm is part of his job. [Adel al Azbat , Ambulance Crew Director]: "Usually the crowd that is near the site calls the ambulance [on 101], after the strike. After we get their calls we point out the place and we communicate through walkie-talkies with the ambulance (driver) to direct them to the place." Paramedics are often the first to arrive on the scene and the danger of a second strike at the same location is very real. [Yaser Imteer, Ambulance Driver]: "We go out of our homes relying on God but we also have the fear of not going back home. Still, we come to work and stand strong in any event." Israel has carried out more than 1500 airstrikes since the offensive began in 2008. Israeli authorities say these are to deter Hamas from launching rocket attacks into southern Israel. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:12 More in News & Politics

Panda Cub Teething and Waddling at San Diego Zoo

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 04:14 PM PST

Baby Panda Xiao Liwu cub is starting to cut his teeth and find his bearings during the latest check-up at the San Diego Zoo. Full Story: Xiao Liwu, the sixth giant panda born at the San Diego Zoo, had his weekly exam on Tuesday. The cub weighed nearly 11 pounds and measured 25-an-a-half inches. During the exam, a zoo veterinarian was able to see and feel several teeth in the bear's mouth. [Matt Kinney, Senior Veterinarian, San Diego Zoo]: "The big findings from today's exam were that we were able to see teeth erupting in the oral cavity." Animal care staff set out a ball, a chew toy, and some bamboo on the floor so the cub would have different things to explore. The vet noted that while the giant panda is crawling better than he was, they think he still isn't able to navigate the uneven ground of the panda exhibit. [Matt Kinney, Senior Veterinarian, San Diego Zoo]: "He is not at the point that he is coordinated enough to walk on uneven ground. That's the reason that we are going to hold off on letting him out of the den at this time." The cub will practice his crawling and walking skills before him and his mother are given access to the public exhibit. Only 1600 giant pandas are believed to exist in the wild. Pandas are on the endangered species list, mostly from human hunting and loss of habitat. The San Diego Zoo is one of the organizations doing research and breeding to restore the endangered species to a healthy population. For more news and videos visit ☛ <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:12 More in Pets & Animals

China News Broadcast, November 22

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 02:57 PM PST

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Time: 14:08 More in News & Politics

Young Village Official Highlights China's Labor Re-education Problem

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 01:43 PM PST

25-year-old Ren Jianyu, was a university graduate and village official for a small town in Chongqing. But after posting comments critical of Chinese leadership online, he was accused of "incitement to subvert state power". He was then sent to a re-education through labor camp for two years. After lengthy appeals, he was released this Monday, 15 months later. His detention caused uproar throughout China. It's also led to calls for reform of China's "re-education through labor" system. It lets police and officials detain people for long periods without a court procedure. [Tang Jilin, Human Rights Lawyer] "There are a massive number of labor re-education cases in China between tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. It's based on the personal wishes of officials, and can take away someone's freedom for up to four years, while subjecting them to hard labor." Ren tried to sue the Chongqing Re-education through Labor Committee that sentenced him for wrongful imprisonment. But Chongqing No. 3 Intermediate People's Court threw out his lawsuit today. The reason: he missed the deadline for appeal. That deadline was last December, when Ren was still in the labor camp. In the lead-up to the 18th Party Congress, Chinese authorities had spoken of reforms to the labor camp system. At least two others from Chongqing were released from labor camps recently. They were put there for being critical of Chongqing's former leader, Bo Xilai. Bo had been accused of using the re-education <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:01 More in News & Politics

Beckham: "Achieved Everything" with Galaxy

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 01:38 PM PST

David Beckham spoke to reporters a day after announcing that the MLS Cup against the Houston Dynamo will be his final game for the LA Galaxy. Full story: After five years in Major League Soccer, David Beckham is leaving the LA Galaxy after next month's MLS Cup final. Though he signed a new deal with the Galaxy in January, the former England captain says he's ready for "one more challenge" before he hangs up his cleats. [David Beckham]: "One of the reasons why I'm stopping playing here is because I've achieved everything that I've wanted to achieve as a player and outside of the game. Winning the championship last year was one of the last things I wanted to achieve with Galaxy as a club. I've been proud to have been a part of the MLS and the progression of the MLS for the last six years." Beckham left Real Madrid to sign with Los Angeles in 2007. The move coincided with a huge growth for the MLS in the US and for the Galaxy as well; since then, the league has seven new expansion teams, and many more of the teams now play in soccer-specific stadiums with league attendance at an all-time high. It is unknown where Beckham will head now; he's been linked with a few teams, and there remains a possibility he will stay in the MLS. However, he is sure that he wants to keep playing. The footballer said that his MLS ties are not over though; in his most recent contract, there is a clause allowing him to be part of a ownership group for an expansion team, and he insists he will use <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:49 More in Sports


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