Videos » Politics » Chongqing's CCP authorities: A New Round of Purges?

Videos » Politics » Chongqing's CCP authorities: A New Round of Purges?

Chongqing's CCP authorities: A New Round of Purges?

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 07:23 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: The sex scandal of Lei Zhengfu, ex-Party chief of Beibei District in Chongqing, keeps rolling. The case has involved Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun. On November 28, Zhu Ruifeng, who exposed the scandal, said that his safety has been threatened. His cell phone calls were intercepted by local authorities of Chongqing. Zhu reported this to the police in Beijing and was guaranteed police protection. Beijing police authority promised to arrest any person who attempts to threaten or kidnap him. Does this hint that a new round of purges is coming for followers of Bo Xi Lai and Wang Lijun? Zhu Ruifeng, founder of (the Public's Watchdog), released Lei Zhengfu's sex video on the internet. Lei was removed from office three days later. He was investigated by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the Chinese Communist Party. Zhu Ruifeng said that early in November when he was verifying the informant-provided sex tape, he was obstructed and threatened by Lei Zhengfu and persons concerned. His cell phone was even intercepted by local authorities in Chongqing. Zhu Ruifeng: "After I exposed the news, Hou Jun, a KTV boss in Beijing, threatened me. He asked,"Do you want to create a mortal feud?" On November 22, in a very subtle way, he sent a message to my home address. So on November 25, I reported the case to the Deshengmen Police Station in Beijing. Yesterday (the 27th) Beijing police called me, saying <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:56 More in News & Politics

Tibetan Self-immolations Draw Support from Overseas

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 07:18 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: After Chinese Communist Party' (CCP) 18 congress, Tibetans continue to protest against its coercion with growing self-immolations. Since last week, four self-immolation incidents of Tibetans, resulting in three deaths, have taken place in Tibet, Qinghai and Sichuan province. The armed police quickly responded with strict control over the localities of the incidents. At the same time, overseas groups started signature movements to call on the global society to pay closer attention to the situation in Tibet. This is expected to help prevent more violent suppression by the CCP. Let's have a look at the current situation in Tibet. On November 26th, a 24-year-old Tibetan Gongbuciren self-immolated in Luqu, Gannan Prefecture, Gansu province. Before dying, he shouted slogans like, 'Freedom for Tibet,' 'Human rights in Tibet,' 'Let HH Dalai Lama return to Tibet.' The next day, a 20-year-old Tibetan Gesangjia also shouted slogans before the township government building in Ruoergai County, Ngaba Prefecture, Sichuan province. He poured gasoline over his body, and burned himself to death. Fully-armed police arrived after Gesangjia's immolation, and took strict control over the locality. Cabinet member of Tibet Government in Exile, Gesangjianzan spoke on the issue. He said, there was no discussion at all on the Tibetans' self-immolation incidents at CCP's 18th congress. No moderate policy on Tibet was announced by <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:31 More in News & Politics

Netizens: Chinese New Passport Pushed Chinese People Onto Front-line.

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 07:13 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: The new Chinese passport includes a controversial map which triggered objection and protest from the Philippines, Vietnam and India. Countries relating to the map issued special restrictive measures. The issue also aroused netizens controversy in China. Many posted their opinions online. Some posts expressed that the new passport map worsens the international dispute and is very irrational. Many believe that this move is to push Chinese people onto the front lines, forcibly being involved and paying the bill. Some said Chinese passport holders have been discriminated against already and this action is extremely useless. "This time we are completely stuck at home," a netizen exclaimed. The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 18th Congress Ended But Activists Were Still Suppressed After the CCP's 18th Congress ended, news of suppressed activists and restriction of freedom continues to circulate. In Beijing, Hubei, Zhejiang and many other provinces, many dissidents and citizens' freedom are still restricted. Sources said that Qin Yongmin, a human rights activist in Hubei province, went missing before the CCP's congress. There still has not been follow-up news regarding him. Zhejiang democrats, Chen Shuqing and Lu Gengsong, were recently interviewed by National Security personnel. On Nov. 24, Xu Zhiyong, a human rights activist in Beijing, planned to meet with writer and lawyer friends, but was prevented from <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:02 More in News & Politics

Hong Kong Media Exposes Facts behind the 18th National Congress Election

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 07:11 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Hong Kong Cheng Ming Monthly's November issue disclosed that the Communist Politburo had determined the percentage of votes to win the election prior to the 18th National Congress. The Politburo also rejected two pro-democracy and pro-transparency suggestions during the National Congress. The following is our report. Cheng Ming Monthly confirmed that to demonstrate a satisfactory election, the Communist Politburo developed indicators to ensure the percentage of votes for the 18th National Congress. First, the elected Central Committee must receive more than 80% votes, and the elected alternate member must receive more than 78% votes. Second, the elected Politburo Central Committee and the Central Committee Secretary must receive votes over 85% and the Politburo Standing Committee over 90%. Secretary and deputy Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Central Military Commission must receive more than 92% of votes. General Secretary of the Central Military Commission, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission must receive more than 93% of votes. In order to ensure the high percentage of votes indicators, Hu Jintao issued a "three guarantees" instruction. The magazine analyzed that these Chinese characteristics, high percentage of votes, harmony and stability, are the consensus in the communist regime. Dr. Wang Juntao, who received his doctorate in <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:59 More in News & Politics

Stock Market Declined in Shanghai

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 07:08 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: In China, Shanghai and Shenzhen stocks both fell on Tuesday, closing at the lowest level in four years. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index fell even below 2000 points, and investors generally lost confidence. Some mocked after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 18th National People's Congress (NPC), SSE easily fell below 2000 points. Please see the following reports. In Tuesday (November 17), China's stock market opened lower and fell, including Shanghai and Shenzhen stocks. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index fell below the psychological threshold of 2000 points to 1991.17 points, down 1.3%, which is the lowest within the last 46 months. The Continental Finance Media sighed, China's stock market return to '1' (sounds like 'e' in Chinese) era. Another stock market, the Shenzhen Component Index, fell below 8000 points upon opening, and at intraday was at 7931.74 points, which also refreshed the lowest records in the past 4 years, and finally closed at 7936.74 points, down 0.99 % compared with the previous trading day. Although the National Bureau of Statistics released the day before for the first 10 months of 2012, national-scale industrial enterprises realized profits on their year-on-year growth of 0.5%. On the other hand, the central bank carried out their 13.5 billion Yen reverse repurchasing operations. But the market reaction to these messages was numb, the market still declined <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:56 More in News & Politics

Former NBA Player Yao Ming Receives Honorary Doctorate

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 03:24 PM PST

Former NBA player Yao Ming received an honorary doctorate from Hong Kong University on Tuesday (November 27). Yao, who played for the Houston Rockets from 2002-2011, was given a Doctor of Social Sciences Honoris Causa degree by Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying. [Yao Ming, Former NBA Player, Humanitarian]: "I feel very excited and I feel very honored ... To receive this degree with so many people watching is a huge honor for me. I hope I won't let anyone down." The 32-year-old made the NBA All-Star team eight times. The University also recognized Yao for his philanthropy. [Michael Wilkinson, Spokesman, University of Hong Kong]: "Yao Ming's leadership in sports, his endearing demeanor and his courageous support for humanitarian causes has made him a role model for millions of people." Yao has taken part in several charity events and raised millions of dollars for different causes. He donated $2 million to relief work after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:24 More in News & Politics

Bombs Detonated in Damascus, 34 Estimated Dead

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 03:21 PM PST

Syrian TV reports 34 dead after explosions strike the eastern Damascus district of Jaramana. Full Story: Syrian TV reported 34 people killed in explosions that struck the eastern Damascus district of Jaramana on Wednesday (November 28). According to Syrian TV, terrorists detonated two vehicles packed with large amounts of explosives. The two Jaramana explosions coincided with more explosions that devastated two other neighborhoods. The source estimated 34 casualties due to the explosion and said 83 people were wounded in the vicinity. Many of those who were wounded were transported to nearby hospitals for treatment. Activists say more than 40 thousand people have been killed in the Syrian uprising. What began as a series of peaceful protests against four decades of Assad family rule last March has grown into a bitter civil war. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:51 More in News & Politics

Starbucks Tweaks Taste For China Expansion

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 03:17 PM PST

Starbucks is trying to bring a coffee craze to China. The company announced it would add 800 new stores over the next three years to its Chinese market. That's more than double the current fleet of 700 already operating there. But any Western company looking to expand in China faces the challenges of a foreign market. Starbucks has been expanding its menu to take into consideration Chinese tastes. A new red bean Frappuccino is just one example. China remains a predominantly a tea drinking society. But Starbucks sells more than coffee—they also sell an experience. Some of the new stores are nearly 3800 square feet. Their research indicates that while in the US many coffee drinkers want to grab a quick cup on the way to work, in China, people look for a large space with plenty of sofas to relax in the afternoon. Despite the changes, Starbucks China president Belinda Wong tells the Wall Street Journal they will continue to provide the "authentic" Starbucks experience. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:56 More in News & Politics

China May Ease Controversial One-Child Policy

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 02:57 PM PST

China's one-child policy has been under constant criticism for violating women's rights. The population control measures were first introduced in 1979, and now it seems change, however small, may be coming. State media reported today (November 28) that proposed revisions would allow urban couples to have a second child. Currently only parents who have no other siblings themselves are allowed to have two children. Critics of the one-child policy say it has resulted in a slew of forced abortions and forced sterilizations. Debate became heated this year after a Shaanxi woman was forced to terminate her 7-month pregnancy. Birth control officers have also been accused of kidnapping pregnant women, and extorting money from their families in exchange for their freedom. For Chinese authorities, the more important issue is perhaps the growing age gap. China's population is greying and that could impact economic growth. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:53 More in News & Politics

Suppression of AIDS Activists as Li Keqiang Speaks of Reform

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 02:54 PM PST

HIV/AIDS made a frightening jump in China this past year. On Wednesday, soon-to-be Premier Li Keqiang, visited NGO's helping sufferers in Beijing. He promised to allow them more freedom. But suppression of AIDS activists from Henan, the hardest hit region of China shows otherwise. [Mr. Liu, Aizhixing Institute]: "Li Keqiang should meet the AIDS patients from Henan Province, and stop the supervision of the local AIDS activists." [Li Xige, AIDS Patient from Henan Province]: "We were all infected from blood transfusion. They didn't invite us (to the meeting with Li Keqiang)." Cases of HIV infection rose sharply in the 1990's when a scandal broke in Henan province. A government blood transfusion program infected an estimated up to 100000 people because administrators were reusing needles. Contaminated blood also found its way into blood banks. The virus spread like wildfire, infecting entire villages. Authorities did not tell villagers what the disease was or how to combat it. Li Keqiang was the Party secretary during that time and has received criticism from rights groups for covering up the incident. To this day no public apology or redress for the blood transfusion scandal has been made. According to state-run media, HIV/AIDS cases from January to October this year rose 13% compared to the same period last year. They estimate there are over 492000 people living with the HIV virus in China. Education to combat the spread of AIDS was only recently offered when it became <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:08 More in News & Politics

US Treasury: China Significantly Undervalued the Yuan

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 02:41 PM PST

On Tuesday, the US Treasury Department said the Chinese regime has "significantly undervalued" the Yuan, but stopped short of calling China a currency manipulator. The latest assessment came in a semi-annual report to the US Congress. The report said Chinese regulators do control the Yuan, but it did not meet the legal requirements for currency manipulation. In response to the Treasury announcement, the Chinese regime's Foreign Ministry on Wednesday denied it is keeping the Yuan undervalued. The Obama administration has frequently called the Chinese regime out on unfair trading practices, including artificially lowering the value of the Yuan to benefit Chinese manufacturers. But the US has refrained from legally accusing China of currency manipulation, possibly to avoid upsetting trade and diplomatic relations between the two countries. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:50 More in News & Politics

Analysts React to China's Aircraft Carrier Landing Show

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 02:32 PM PST

This Chinese-made J-15 fighter jet, dubbed the "Flying Shark", touches down on the Liaoning. The ship, China's first aircraft carrier, refurbished from one bought from Ukriane in 1998. This first successful landing on an aircraft carrier marks an important military milestone for the Communist regime. But analysts say in terms of establishing military prowess, it's not very significant. [Lan Shu, Political Commentator] "It's actually very foolish. Because for the CCP to try and show that its aircraft carrier has naval combat abilities, it will force its neighbors to form alliances with the United States." Chinese state-run CCTV reported on the fighter jet landing on Sunday, though it's unclear exactly when the military drill happened. It comes at a time when the Chinese regime is locked in a stand-off with several neighboring countries over disputed sea waters. Despite the J-15's landing success, some say the carrier Liaoning is yet to be combat-ready. [Liu Yingquan, Former History Professor] "It has no significant combat application. Unless the aircraft carrier is better fitted out, it will be an easy target if it, say, travels to waters near the disputed Diaoyu Islands." But perhaps more important than Liaoning's capabilities, commentator Lan Shu says the Chinese regime may be using the military exercise for domestic reasons. [Lan Shu, Political Commentator] "Beijing's leaders are facing the crisis of very pointed domestic conflicts. So, it has to manipulate nationalism <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:44 More in News & Politics

HK Court Postpones Trial of Birmingham City FC Owner

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:40 PM PST

On Wednesday (November 28) a Hong Kong court agreed to postpone the trial for businessman Carson Yeung. Yeung faces charges including laundering money worth $92.3 million. The charges center around his rags-to-riches rise, from a hairdresser to a wealthy businessman in just a few years. Yeung is the owner of British football club, Birmingham City. He took control of the club in October 2009 through his company Birmingham International Holdings Ltd. His lawyer requested more time to gather evidence that Yeung was already wealthy during the period he was accused of money laundering--between the years 2001 to 2007. The judge granted his request and the trial has been postponed to April 29, 2013. Yeung's financial troubles have also increased in recent months. He is now being threatened with eviction from his luxury home in Hong Kong for falling back on mortgage payments. He was also charged with stoking uncertainty over the fate of Birmingham City Football Club. Trading in shares for Birmingham International Holdings' was suspended in June, 2011 when Yeung was arrested. Birmingham City was also relegated to the English Championship in 2011, having formerly played in the wealthier Premier League. The club has made a poor start to the season and is currently in the bottom half of the 24-team league. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:23 More in News & Politics

12 Dead, 4 Missing After Fishing Boat Sinks in NE China

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:33 PM PST

Tragedy struck off the northeast China coast today for a group of local fishermen. This view comes to us from rescue teams searching for survivors from a fishing boat that sank earlier today. 17 crew members were on board. So far, twelve have been confirmed dead and four are still missing. The lone survivor is in stable condition but remains under hospital supervision. Relatives of the missing fishermen wait anxiously on shore, as rescuers try to locate their loved ones. The crew on the wooden vessel was on their way to transfer to a bigger fishing vessel, just two miles away at a fishing port in Dalian. But before they reached there, initial reports say heavy waves sank their boat, sending the entire crew into icy waters. Authorities say an investigation will be conducted. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:47 More in News & Politics

Adventure Enthusiasts Fly Microlight Aircraft Around India

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:00 PM PST

Two adventure sports enthusiasts from central Indian city of Bhopal fly microlight aircraft to promote its usage across the country. Full Story: Five, four, three, two, one, takeoff!!! This is a microlight aircraft, and its passengers are Atul Saksena and Vinod Singh. They travel to different cities in their mini aircraft, promoting their fast flying sport. Hailing from central India, the two undertook a journey to Indore city in the central Madhya Pradesh state. Speaking before his flight to Indore, Saksena said he hoped more people would take up this sport as it was fun and safe. [Atul Saksena, Microlight Owner]: "There is no chance of any accident or mishap happening as we have a seat belt on. It's a lot of fun." A group of onlookers enjoyed watching their takeoff as the two propelled themselves into the sky. The two-seater microlight is a fixed wing aircraft with a maximum weight capacity of no more than 992 pounds. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:56 More in News & Politics

Spike in Tibetan Self-Immolations Sparks Anger from Exiles

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 11:59 AM PST

Exiled Tibetans in Dharamsala, India reacted with anger Tuesday to reports that three more Tibetans set themselves on fire to protest against Chinese rule in their homeland. Eighty-five have self-immolated in all. [Lobsang Choedak, Spokesperson of Central Tibetan Administration]: "The situation in Tibet continues to be grim and in view of the increasing self-immolations in Tibet and we have three self-immolation in one day, yesterday and in total 85 Tibetans have self-immolated and 22 in this month, November, alone. The situation is very grim." According to sources, the Tibetans raised slogans calling for freedom and human rights in their homeland and the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet. They also sought withdrawal of Chinese security forces in the region. Chinese authorities maintain that Tibet is an integral part of the Mainland. [Tsering Tsomo, Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy]: "How long can we keep on counting the bodies of dead Tibetans? This is a challenge to the conscience of everybody in this world who believes in principles like freedom, justice, peace. These Tibetans, they burn themselves because they are calling for freedom, basic freedom and fundamental rights. So, of course, there should be more engagement from the international community as well as from international governments to press on the Chinese government to resolve this issue, as soon as possible so that Tibetan lives can be saved." China's communist party has branded the self <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:20 More in News & Politics

How Obama's Burma Visit Affects China

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 11:57 AM PST

Full Episode: President Obama stopped in Burma last week during a trip to Asia. He's the first sitting US president to visit that country—also called Myanmar. He was there mainly to encourage the government's transition to democracy. The significance was not lost on the Chinese. Burma and China share a border, and under the former military junta, the Chinese regime was the dominant outside political influencer. Join us as we discuss Obama's visit, and what affect the larger US strategic pivot to the Asia-Pacific region will have on China.
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Time: 00:25 More in News & Politics

Works by Prominent Chinese Artists up for Auction in Hong Kong

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 04:03 AM PST

Christie's auction house in Hong Kong is selling more than 700 Chinese works from 60 different private collections in its 2012 Fall auction this week. And so far, it's already pulled in more than $37 million. The collection features artists from the Ming and Qing dynasties all the way to contemporary artists. Ni Yuanlu was a writer and politician from the end of the Ming Dynasty. His adherence to Confucian principals makes his scrolls a symbol of traditional Chinese culture. This calligraphy piece with cursive script of a five-character poem sold for more than 1 million US dollars. Contemporary artist, Qi Baishi, was known for his use of traditional Chinese form coupled with western techniques of perspective and naturalism. This piece called "Rustic Charm" sold for 2.81 million US dollars. Art Critic, William Chiu, says he thinks the auction will go well after art import duties were slashed from 12% to 6% this year. [William Chiu, Art Critic]: "I think the auction prices are reasonable, and many collectors from the Chinese mainland have regained their confidence in the auction market since the adjustment of tax policies by the Chinese government." The Christie's 2012 Fall auction will also feature modern works by Chinese artists. It's scheduled to finish this Wednesday (November 28). For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:36 More in News & Politics

Greek Actors Perform Shakespeare at Athens Subway Station

Posted: 27 Nov 2012 04:18 PM PST

Greek subway passengers got a surprise dose of Shakespeare over the weekend. Actors from the Greek National Theatre performed a scene from William Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' in the middle of central Athens' Syntagma subway station. [Michail Marmarinos, Director] "Just as it is interesting for the chaos of reality, its richness, to enter into a play's dramaturgy, so it is interesting sometimes, for a play to enter reality." The four actors, who wore masks and played the bewitched lovers Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia and Helena, mingled amongst the crowds and rode the escalators up and down in front of startled passengers' eyes. [Nikos Gavrilidis, Passenger] "I liked it very much, it's completely unusual and I find it very interesting. I've never seen something like this before." The goal was to remind Greeks of their strong cultural heritage and to cheer them up. [Despina Politou, Representative, Urban Rail] "This reminds us that despite the problems we have with the European Union, with everything around us, this is something that characterizes us and makes us strong. That's what we wanted to remind people of." [Yannis, Passenger] "We should show that Greece can do things like this and not dwell only on politics." "A Midsummer Night's Dream" will premiere this week at the Greek National Theatre. For more news and videos visit - Follow us on - http Add us on Facebook -
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Time: 01:24 More in News & Politics

Facebook Can Bring out the Demons in You, New University Study

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 01:26 AM PST

With one-billion users, Facebook is now the world's largest social media platform. New studies from Lund and Gothenburg University in Sweden show that Facebook can bring out people's dark traits. Professor of Cognitive psychology at Lund University and co-founder to the study, Sverker Sikström, says these dark traits are caused by competition for social status on Facebook. [Professor Sverker Sikström, Cognitive Psychologist, Lund University]: "So in order to attract friends then, you have to write yourself better and then you have this Machiavellianism, these traits and narcissism; so you try to bring yourself up and that's the way of gaining friends." The researchers found that some Facebook users are developing interpersonally aversive personality traits, known as 'The Dark Triad'—narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. The narcissistic personality is characterized by a grandiose self-view with a sense of entitlement, egotism, and lack of empathy. Some theories associate it with the protection of a radically weak, shamed, or damaged self. The Machiavellian personality traits include a cynical disregard for morality, manipulation and exploitation of others, a focus on self-interest, and deception. The psychopathic personality is characterized by selfish callousness, superficial charm, impulsive thrill-seeking, lack of personal affect, and remorselessness. [Professor Sverker Sikström, Cognitive Psychologist, Lund University]: (English, male) "People that are high in <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:42 More in Entertainment


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