Videos » Society » The Three Pillars of Guilin Eats - Wok N Roll Ep.66 by BONTV

Videos » Society » The Three Pillars of Guilin Eats - Wok N Roll Ep.66 by BONTV

The Three Pillars of Guilin Eats - Wok N Roll Ep.66 by BONTV

Posted: 24 Aug 2012 02:11 AM PDT

The region of Guilin is one of the most scenic in all of the Middle Kingdom, there's clear water and jagged peaks that tear into the sky. This beauty doesn't end in the landscapes but extends to the food of this land. From humble to strange ingredients, some bold and bright flavors are created.
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Time: 01:06 More in Howto & Style

Medal count in price war - Price Watch August 17 - BONTV

Posted: 24 Aug 2012 01:27 AM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode Follow us on Weibo With e-commerce giants at each other's throats, price comparison site has turned the price war into an Olympics-style competition. Chinese media is always obsessed with Olympic medal counts, so the site has produced its own version of the medals for prices. Prices from the top 6 retailers are presented and compared, with the lowest price receiving a gold, second lowest a silver and the third taking home the bronze.
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Time: 01:09 More in News & Politics

Sex picture gate both fired - China Take August 17 - BONTV

Posted: 23 Aug 2012 10:41 PM PDT

o to to watch the full episode The South China Morning Post reports the scandal here revolves around an official from Hefei University in the province of Anhui and his wife, a schoolteacher, who've been sacked after they were linked to a sex photo scandal. Scores of pictures featuring three nude men and two scantily clad women have been doing the rounds since earlier this month. Internet users initially said that two of the men were Lujiang county officials, prompting a firm denial from the local government spokesperson. Then Wang Yu, a deputy secretary of Hefei University's Communist Youth League committee, admitted the photos were of him and had been taken in 2007. The University refused say on what grounds Wang had been punished. There have been questions online as to why Wang was fired with some net users saying HE was the victim because private photos had been leaked online.
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Time: 01:34 More in News & Politics

Costly extracurricular activities - Price Watch August 23 - BONTV

Posted: 23 Aug 2012 08:37 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode Follow us on Weibo Education-related costs have increased 20% per year during the last ten years according to the China Economic Monitoring and Analysis Center. The rising cost for education also ranks first among a family's most pressing economic and social difficulties. That's according to the report, Constructing a Harmonious Family in China released by the All-China Women's Federation. Statistics from the China Youth and Children Research Center showed that the average education cost in China's urban regions reaches 1379 dollars each year, making up 30% of a family's income. Eighty percent of that cost was spent on extracurricular courses, for example music classes, which gets students additional points on the college entrance exam.
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Time: 01:40 More in News & Politics

China's Top 4 Banks in World's Top 10 List - China Beat August 20 - BONTV

Posted: 23 Aug 2012 07:42 PM PDT

A report by the Boston Consulting Group placed China's biggest banks in the world's top 10 in terms of market capitalization. These banks are among the most profitable globally.
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Time: 01:56 More in News & Politics

Nakedness disrupts press event - China Take: August 23 - BONTV

Posted: 23 Aug 2012 05:49 PM PDT

Go to to watch the full episode A press conference organized by the local government of Tonghua city garnered a little more attention than was expected this week. The PR event in a city park was aimed at promoting Ginseng, which is grown in the mountains around the north eastern city. Suddenly a group of environmental activists interrupted the event by swarming onto the stage. They were protesting the clearing of native forests in Jilin province to grow the valuable crash crop. Dressed in forest green tops and masks they waved banners and shouted, "less ginseng more forest". But in the confusion one female protestor made like a tree in fall and shed her leaves -- whether by accident or design is unclear. What was in no doubt however was the stir she caused amongst bystanders and the press.
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Time: 01:29 More in News & Politics

Clampdown on stem cell research - Media Watch August 17 - BONTV

Posted: 24 Aug 2012 12:47 AM PDT

The health ministry has halted registration of all new stem-cell projects for six months amid a year-long crackdown on hospitals cashing in on unproven stem-cell therapies. It also said yesterday that all clinical trials of stem-cell therapies should be free. Many foreigners have flocked to mainland hospitals for expensive stem-cell treatments that are offered far more freely than in the United States and other Western countries. A notice posted on the Ministry of Health's website said all unauthorised and unproven stem-cell clinical trials and applications should be suspended immediately, and those approved by the State Food and Drug Administration should follow to the letter the authorities' instructions, with changes to the trials and profit-seeking banned. Ministry spokesman Deng Haihua admitted that health authorities had run into problems in their handling of stem-cell treatments. "To develop stem-cell therapies and technology on a correct path, the ministry and State Food and Drug Administration decided to jointly launch a one-year crackdown on the sector," Deng said. He said clinics that had launched unproven stem-cell therapies by themselves should immediately stop providing such treatment. A team from the health ministry and the food and drug administration, as well as provincial-level agencies, would inspect regional hospitals, clinics and medical institutes. Research projects using stem cells are controversial in the West and generate plenty of debate, but <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:58 More in News & Politics

China Set to Become the Largest Gold Market - China Beat August 17 - BONTV

Posted: 23 Aug 2012 11:44 PM PDT

Demand for gold in China fell slightly in the first half, but the World Gold Council predicted today that the country will become the biggest market for the precious metal for the first time by the end of this year.
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Time: 01:22 More in News & Politics


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