Links » Crème » China Readings For August 26th

Links » Crème » China Readings For August 26th

China Readings For August 26th

Authorities deny remarks relating to fatal bridge collapse – Xinhua | - Authorities in Harbin have denied that officals had previously said no contractors could be found to take possible responsiblity for a fatal bridge collapse.
哈尔滨断桥混凝土内有木棍及编织袋_网易新闻中心 sticks and bags discovered in the concrete of the collapsed harbin bridge section
"桥脆脆"质量堪忧:13年发生大桥坍塌事故23例_21世纪网  23 large bridge collapses in 13 years
Central bank department criticises property curbs – China Confidential - A department at the People's Bank of China (PBoC) has said home purchase restrictions (HPR) are hurting genuine property demand and unnecessarily increasing the pain of economic tightening. We think the criticism, which came in a research report by the PBoC's statistics department, reveals that official opinions on the HPR are diverging, raising the chances of a softening in restrictions over time.
央行称"房产税取代限购"报道失实-搜狐滚动 PBOC appears to be trying to damage control on reports about a PBOC statistics researcher claiming property controls harm the economy// 本报讯针对昨天有媒体报道的"央行表示,长期限购损害经济,应用房产税来取代限购"等,央行有关负责人昨晚表示,该观点来自央行调查统计司的一篇研究报告,报告仅代表作者的个人见解,不代表央行观点,一些网站以央行观点转载发布,严重失实。
经济参考网–现房销售试点释放强化楼市调控信号 changes to housing presales policies in shandong may signal another round of rules that will hurt real estate developers?//  山东将总结改善商品房预售管理办法,开展商品住房现房销售试点。分析人士认为,这意味着商品房预售制度将迎来变局,虽然目前只在有限范围内试点,影响也会有限,但如果未来形成趋势,无疑将对开发商资金链产生撼动。随着调控触及开发商"切身之痛",各方博弈加剧,楼市调控步入深水区。
经济参考网–多部委密集调研"三角债"风险 on investigating "triangle debt"//《经济参考报》记者日前从多个权威渠道获悉,企业"三角债"抬头风险受到高度重视,工信部、银监会、商务部等多个部委已经开始密集调研摸底,近期将会形成调研情况及政策建议报告并上报国务院。
Chinese central bank's ability to ease monetary policy is constrained by outflow This blogger not a fan of the Caixin cover story// Nevertheless, the impacts of outflow, outbound investment, weak foreign investment flow, accumulation of foreign currencies by households and corporations, and households moving money away for emigration on foreign assets of PBOC are the same.  There is absolutely no point to distinguish the sources and motivations of various outflow as far as this big picture view is concerned…We have to stress that the current pace of outflow is so slow that its negative impact on the size of foreign reserve is almost negligible, although it effectively has stopped PBOC's balance sheet expansion.  If the situation worsen (which is very possible), foreign reserve held by PBOC will eventually shrink much more meaningfully.
Video – Businesses Burned by Surprise Solar Tax –  Way to support US business// U.S. businesses that bought solar panels made in China earlier this year are retroactively being hit with unexpected tax bills, as they find themselves caught in the middle of a trade fight between U.S. and Chinese manufacturers.
101 East – China: Broken Dreams – YouTube  AlJazeeraEnglish–Many young Chinese are losing faith in China's economic miracle. Even though the country is poised to overtake the US in the next decade as the world's largest, fewer Chinese feel they share the prosperity. 101 East explores the disillusionment.
Daily chart: If China catches a cold | The Economist To obtain a measure of multinational exposure to the Middle Kingdom, The Economist has prepared a stockmarket index made up of 135 companies in America's S&P 500, weighted by China's reported share of their revenues…In the right-hand chart, we have calcaulted the effect of reduction in Chinese capital formation in the event of a soft landing; which we define as a two-percentage-point slowdown in China's investment growth, and a harder landing; which we define as a 3.9-point slowdown—the same as it endured in 2008.
How a Chinese conglomerate became a cleantech powerhouse — Cleantech News and Analysis - While Wanxiang is not a known name in the U.S., it's one of China's largest industrial parts makers and it's making very aggressive bets on U.S. cleantech startups, some of which have been struggling.

Time for 'Action!' on co-produced films |Society | so much for that backdoor. Hollywood will not be pleased, China looking for ways to protect its film industry//The Chinese film industry's top regulator will strictly implement the regulations for international co-productions, a senior official has said. Zhang Pimin, deputy head of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, said the administration has noticed a tendency in international co-productions that may harm the local film industry. "A complete American story with a small Chinese element and a Chinese actor, and they call it a co-production."
广电总局将严查中美合拍片 称威胁国产片市场_新闻_腾讯网 - SARFT to strictly investigate US China film co-productions
Austin Jobs – Apple Fraud Prevention Specialist – Mandarin in Austin, Texas, United States Job description *** NOTE: You MUST be fluent in Mandarin and English to be considered for this position ***Apple Online Store Order Administration is partnering with the iTunes Store for iTunes fraud prevention. We are seeking an iTunes Fraud Prevention Specialist with excellent analytical skills and extensive knowledge of best practices for account services.
China Implications of Apple's US Patent Victory Over Samsung | China Hearsay One last area of concern involves other Android device makers in China that sell, or hope to sell, in the U.S. market. You know, the Huaweis, ZTEs and the Xiaomis, those types of guys. This verdict certainly calls into question the strategies of companies that have built Android devices "inspired" by the iPhone. Although we don't know at this point whether Apple intends to go after other Android competitors, given the Samsung verdict and the whopping 1.05 billion dollar damage award, it wouldn't surprise me.

Turkistan Islamic Party leader thought killed in US drone strike – The Long War Journal A Uighur wanted by China// Emeti Yakuf has been involved with the Turkistan Islamic Party, which is also known as the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), since 1996, according to a fact sheet released by China's Ministry of Public Security in October 2008. The description of his activities and capabilities matches that of Karachi Islam, the jihadist magazine that first reported he took control of operations and training in the tribal areas, as well as the description provided to The Long War Journal by US intelligence officials.
U.S. Missile-Defense Move Seen Feeding China's Fears – - security analysts say the strategy risks further antagonizing Chinese leaders, who are already under pressure from vocal nationalists to defend the country's strategic interests…"China will make a meal of this politically. To them it underscores their propaganda points about the pivot to Asia revealing America's Cold War mentality, that its purpose is to contain China," said Carl Thayer, an Asian security expert at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra.
China calls for new-type military relationship with US|Politics| - A visiting high-ranking Chinese Army officer on Friday stressed the importance of developing a new type of military-to-military relationship with the United States, so to boost pragmatic cooperation in various spheres. In an interview with Chinese media based in Washington, Cai Yingting, deputy chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, said that the two countries need to strive to implement the important consensus reached between Chinese President Hu Jintao and his US counterpart Barack Obama on constructing a new type of relationship between big powers, on the basis of mutual respect, equality, inclusiveness and win-win.
Cold War over, but vigilance still necessary – Have the US and the West gone too far in guarding against China and formed a kind of military and political containment of China? There are clear signs that suggest so. The actions may not be a result of deep deliberation, but rather natural reaction to China's rise. And such a reaction is shared by both the officials and the public in the West, complementing each other…A few people among the Chinese elites are advocating universal interests. These idealistic slogans, ignorant of world realities, can only delude the Chinese public….China's guarding against the West is defensive, to protect its rights of peaceful development. This is a minimum level of vigilance. If the West cannot even accept this and intensifies containment against China, the consequences have to be shared by both sides, or the entire world.
外媒:解放军战斧不是为东亚或东南亚准备的_军事_环球网 -
China opposes application of U.S.-Japan security treaty to Diaoyu Islands – Xinhua |  During meetings with senior U.S. military and government officials, Cai Yingting, deputy chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, expressed China's strong concerns over issues related to China's vital and core interests, including the U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, the territorial disputes over South China Sea and the Diaoyu Islands, and U.S. close-range military reconnaissance activities directed at China.
Philippines ambassador to China suffers stroke – Story | The Star Online  The Philippine government said Saturday its new ambassador to China had suffered a stroke, barely three months into her new posting and amid a territorial dispute over the South China Sea…Veteran diplomat Sonia Brady, 71, who was picked to help ease tensions with China, was rushed to a Beijing hospital on Wednesday and is now recovering, said presidential spokeswoman Abigail Valte.
Romney stirs up anti-China vote –  But analysts also caution that Beijing needs to be wary of any policy change if Romney finally defeats Obama.。。Romney is expected to use an iron hand in dealing with China-related affairs, especially on currency and national security, said Da. "So we also need to take some precautions and prepare for any potential battles."
Digital China–Call for Submissions Political Contestation in Chinese Digital Spaces Examining these questions will not only illuminate the politics of the internet, but also the changing forms of power, identity, and political expression in Chinese society more broadly. On the twentieth anniversary of the birth of a public Chinese internet, China Information will dedicate a special issue to these questions. We invite submissions of original research articles from scholars in diverse academic fields. Papers should critically engage one or more of the following topics:
Foreigners in China: To flee or not to flee? | The Economist  There are plenty of "old China hands"—myself included—who are content to hang on in spite of the hardships, the challenges, and our inability to become Chinese. Joining us are many younger ones. They are drawn by the sort of excitement and opportunity that can be found in a place that is changing fast and undoubtedly poised to become ever more important to the rest of the world….Wherever China goes from here, it remains a fascinating thing to watch and to be a part of—even if one must remain contented with "permanent observer" status.

BOOKS Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural Migrants: Hsiao-Hung Pai, Gregor Benton-
Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural Migrants by Hsiao-Hung Pai – review | Books | The Observer - The images in Taiwan-born, British-based journalist Hsiao-Hung Pai's Scattered Sand are descriptive rather than photographic, but in every other way her book is a worthy successor to A Seventh Man. It focuses on contemporary China, where the scale of rural migration – over 130 million men and women have left their home provinces in search of work – makes the demographic debates about modern-day Europe seem parochial and hysterical. It pays tribute to a class of people that, although exalted under Mao as a revolutionary vanguard, has constantly to face the threat of pauperisation. It amplifies sounds – plaintive chants, desperate petitions, exhausted prayers, sceptical curses – that are often drowned out by the stentorian boosterism of the state loudspeaker.


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