Links » Crème » Top 10 Search List (Aug 22)

Links » Crème » Top 10 Search List (Aug 22)

Top 10 Search List (Aug 22)

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 05:25 AM PDT

1. 留守儿童遭杀 (liú shŏu értong zāo shā) A man working at a garment manufacturing plant dormitory attacked two young children with a knife; the sister survived while her younger brother died. Police have apprehended a suspect. Chinese story here.

2. 裸闹发布会 (luŏ nào fābùhuì) Environmentalist protesters carrying banners urging people to plant less ginseng to prevent deforestation, interrupted a company having a ginseng product release event in Beijing's Chaoyang Park. One of the protesters marched on stage naked from the waist up (see photo). More information in Chinese here.

3. 公共水池发现鳄鱼 (gōnggong shuĭchí fāxiàn èyú) Authorities discovered a baby crocodile in a pond near one of Beijing's most high-end shopping complexes. They suspect that the animal, which is a rare Siamese crocodile, was a captive pet abandoned by its owner. English story here.

4. 一夜情后敲诈 (yīyèqíng hòu qiāozhà) A security guard surnamed Liu had a one-night stand with a woman surnamed Chen. After he was finished, she stated she still wanted more, but Mr. Liu told her she was a bad woman, and threatened to call the cops and tell everyone just how bad she was. Frightened, she gave him 300 RMB and an expensive necklace to keep him quiet on the matter. After she'd gone home, she told a friend about the story and eventually decided to call the cops herself. Mr. Liu was arrested, but not after he spent the money on a trip to Wenzhou. Chinese story here.

5. 周克华尸检照 (Zhōu Kèhuá shī jiăn zhào) Pictures were leaked on the internet of the dead body of Zhou Kehua, the Chinese serial killer recently shot by police. Chinese story and pictures here.

6. 见网友被软禁 (jiàn wăngyŏu bèi ruănjìn) A young woman traveled from Guizhou to Weifang to meet a man she met on the internet. After spending four days in a hotel together, the man left with her wallet. Though he promised to return, he never did, and the woman was forced to seek the assistance of local authorities after she ran out of money. Chinese story here.

7. 挂牌卖养女 (guà pái mài yăng nǚ) A man in Yunnan tried to sell his adopted daughter for "at least 100,000 RMB." Police arrested him when they found him trying to sell her on the street. Chinese story here.

8. 长春围攻记者 (Chángchūn wéi gōng jì zhĕ) An article on a group of journalists from Changchun being attacked at a sporting event in Guangzhou generated heated discussion of the rampant safety issues plaguing sporting events in China. Chinese article here.

9. 将房产 留小三 (jiāng fángchăn liú xiăosān) A man left his property to his mistress in his will, but after his death, his angry widow refused to hand it over. The mistress took the widow to court, but the matter was eventually settled out of court. The widow and her children retained the man's property, while the mistress was compensated 40,000 RMB (about $6,300 USD). Chinese story here.

10. 豆浆里发现小老鼠 (dòujiāng lĭ fāxiàn xiăo lăoshǔ) A man found a small mouse in his soymilk. After he told supermarket authorities and got television journalists to report the story, the soymilk manufacturer took him to court. The two parties reached an agreement by which the man would publically apologize to the soymilk manufacturer and repay them 1 RMB (about 15 cents). Chinese story here.


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Today’s China Readings August 23, 2012

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 05:49 PM PDT

Thanks for reading. The best way to see this daily post is to subscribe by email, especially if you are in China, as Sinocism is still blocked here. You can also follow me on @niubi or Sina Weibo @billbishop

Thanks to everyone who responded to the survey. Your feedback is very valuable and will help improve this service.

Busy morning so just a brief commentary to followup on yesterday's discussion of Hukou reform. The Global Times takes issue with Mayors claiming poverty as excuse to avoid changing the residence system, writing in Mayors have become obstacles to hukou reform that:

This is quite an embarrassing situation for hukou reform. Those key players who ought to be the driving force of reform are instead acting as obstacles. Hukou reform is one of the toughest challenges facing China. Hukou is not just a population management concept, but is also closely related to social welfare such as education and medical insurance…Reforming the hukou system means breaking up the barriers that block the migrant population from enjoying equal benefits provided by cities. But for local governments, expanding the coverage of social welfare means they will have to face great financial pressure. This clarifies why most mayors are unwilling to promote the reform.

I am experimenting with a new format, comments welcome.

Today's links:


  • China's Auto Joint Ventures Failing to Build Local Brands – Bloomberg

    Liu Yu said he was making a generous offer: a $1 million subsidy to entrepreneurs willing to build a dealership for BAIC Motor Corp.'s Beijing car brand. Though that covers about three-fourths of the cost of each outlet, the BAIC deputy sales chief has struggled to recruit the 150 candidates he wants by year-end, whereas BAIC's parent company has no trouble finding dealers for its joint ventures with Daimler AG (DAI) and Hyundai Motor Co. (005380), even without subsidies.
    "China's indigenous cars are the lowest in the food chain," said Liu. "Many consumers are biased against them."

  • 民间高利贷风险向信托传递|民间|高利贷|风险_21世纪网


  • 湖北房产税:进行多次专门调研|湖北|房产税|进行_21世纪网
  • China's Stocks Decline on Property Tax Concern, Earnings Slump – Bloomberg

    The central province of Hubei is proposing detailed property tax rules, the Legal Evening News reported yesterday, citing Xu Zhengyun, a spokesman for the provincial taxation bureau. The tax will be based on market value instead of the purchase price of the properties, the newspaper said, citing an unidentified person. The timetable of the tax rules isn't known, the newspaper said, citing Xu.

  • 难以承受的租金|难以承受|的|租金_21世纪网

    21 CBH on Beijing CBD office market, demand far outstrips supply, rents up significantly//

  • Beijing rated world's top office market |Economy | how many western "experts" predicted years ago that beijing office market was going to crash imminently?//Beijing has ranked first among 100 leading global city office markets and won five out of six possible "gold medals", according to a research report released on Aug 22 by US real estate services company Cushman & Wakefield.
  • China central bank dismisses reports of lost gold reserves – Xinhua | remarks came in response to a report carried by a Hong Kong-based magazine stating that the Ministry of Finance, the central bank, the Ministry of Supervision and the National Audit Office had jointly set up special groups to investigate the whereabouts of 80 tonnes of gold reserves that had gone missing from the national treasury. "The report was made out of thin air. The central bank denounces such practices,"
  • Chinese vice premier stresses fair distribution of low-income homes – Xinhua |

    had the low income housing policies been effective beijing would have much more flexibility around monetary easing and real estate controls//
    Vice Premier Li Keqiang has called for local authorities to fairly distribute low-income housing units to those needy families in a transparent way, adding that tightening measures for the country's property market will remain in place.
    Li's remarks came during an inspection tour of low-income housing communities in Beijing on Tuesday.

  • 易宪容:降息后信贷缘何未能大幅增长-中国金融新闻网

    Yi Xianrong writing in Chinese Financial News on why loan demand still a problem in spite of interest rate cuts, warns that if monetary stimulus won't work the China may go back down the old road of blowing a real estate bubble to keep the economy growing//

  • China Q2 bank earnings to signal end of easy profits | Reuters

    do the big chinese banks have less healthy loan books than your average us tbtf or european bank? or are most major banks around the world at or near insolvency, but for regulatory forebearance and accounting gimmicks?//
    Deposit growth has slowed down, partly because of outflows to investment products that offer higher returns. Since the start of 2011, banks have suffered net monthly declines in yuan deposits five times, compared with just once between 2002 and 2010.
    This year the central bank raised the competitive stakes by giving banks more leeway to set their own deposit and lending rates. Commercial banks can now set deposit rates at up to 1.2 times the benchmark central bank rate.

  • China Shipping delays ship deliveries to cut costs | Reuters

    China Shipping Development Co Ltd, an oil and dry bulk shipping firm, said on Wednesday that it has delayed delivery of 10 ships and is in talks to postpone another 10 to cut interest costs after reporting its first net loss in 14 years.

  • China to spend $372 billion on cutting energy use, pollution | Reuters

    China will plough $372 billion into energy conservation projects and anti-pollution measures over the next three-and-a-half years, part of a drive to cut energy consumption by 300 million tonnes of standard coal, the country's cabinet said Tuesday.

  • BBC News – Rich Chinese seeking overseas residency Big difference between leaving and diversifying/preparing an exit plan. The latter not good but nearly as bad as some of the distorted reports about rich Chinese "fleeing"//

    The party is far from over for China's wealthy, including Louie Huang – who has just opened a brand new nightclub.
    As his patrons sit around tables containing a dozen or more bottles of champagne it is abundantly clear that many people are still making money here.
    But in these economically uncertain times, there is a growing temptation for those with money to take it, and themselves, somewhere a little safer.


  • Google Finally Leads in China — in App Ad Sales – Bloomberg  nice timing amidst the Qihoo news//

    "Since 2010, Google has been trying many things to keep its presence in China," said Steven Chang, chief executive officer of ZenithOptimedia's China division, which buys advertising from Google and Baidu. "AdMob now has quite a significant share of the market."
    Revenue in China's mobile-app ad market will probably more than double to about 1.8 billion yuan ($283 million) this year, exceeding the 1.2 billion yuan from mobile-search queries, according to iResearch.

  • Online Price War: All Mouth, No Trousers? | Alizila

    At the Beijing media briefing, though, eTao officials told reporters that according to the data it has been monitoring, the price war has been mostly a war of words calculated to work consumers into a buying frenzy.
    Discounted appliances have been available only in small quantities and price reductions have not been as deep as vendors promised, eTao officials said. They suggested some shopping websites used deception by marking up prices before offering discounts, making the savings look greater—allegations similar to those appearing in stories in the Chinese press, which found that actual discounts were no greater than 10 percent.

  • Tencent to Offer TV in China to Expand Its Online Reach – Bloomberg

    The TV, which allows access to Web services using cloud computing technology and was developed with TCL Multimedia Technology Holdings Ltd. (1070), is the first time Tencent collaborated with an appliance maker, Tencent Chief Executive Officer Pony Ma said in Shenzhen today. The company will continue to work with device manufacturers, he said.

  • Vertical E-Commerce B2C VCotton Suspends Operations | Marbridge Consulting – China Internet News

    A former VCotton employee said that the suspension of sales was not caused by a logistics breakdown but instead due to its Beijing warehouse being seized by government authorities after the company's suppliers sued VCotton for failure to pay outstanding debts. The source added that warehouse employees have been barred entry and the warehouse sealed. A Marbridge Consulting researcher discovered that VCotton angel investor Xu Xiaoping confirmed the rumor on his personal Sina Weibo account.


  • Military official's US visit linked to islands |Asia-Pacific |

    The unexpected visit by a senior Chinese military official to the United States is widely seen as being linked with territorial tensions in Northeast Asia, and analysts said the Diaoyu Islands issue would be discussed by the two militaries.
    Cai Yingting, deputy chief of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army, left Beijing on Monday for an official visit to the US. This is the second visit by a senior Chinese military official to the US in three months. Defense Minister Liang Guanglie paid a six-day visit to the country in May.

  • The risk of US-China conflict | The World

    A few months ago, I interviewed James Steinberg at the German Marshall Fund's Brussels forum. Steinberg has recently stepped down as Hillary Clinton's deputy and is regarded by some American hawks as a "panda hugger" – a derisive term for somebody who is soft on China. He is certainly dedicated to trying to improve relations between the two countries. Yet I got the feeling that, in the long run, he is fairly pessimistic. He stressed that – for all the good intentions on both sides – there is a fundamental lack of trust between Beijing and Washington that bodes ill.


  • Insight: China ups lobbying game, but faces key tests in U.S., Canada | Reuters

    lots of money out there for lobbyists who want to take up the cause//
    Instead of issuing tirades, the Chinese hire top-notch lobbying firms whose ranks are filled with well-connected former U.S. and Canadian officials; buy TV advertisements to buff their image; and seek acquisitions less likely to stir nationalistic fervor.

  • Closer Look: Bogu Kailai and Sentencing Procedure – Caixin Online

    and there is a rumor going around that Gu has cancer//
    Someone who has already carried out their two-year reprieve and at least seven years in prison, suffering from a chronic disease where there is no treatment, could also apply to be released on medical grounds. That is to say, from the time of the sentencing, this criminal will have only served nine years in jail.
    But if the disease worsens and the criminal is likely to die soon, and on top of that, he or she has shown good behavior, then the previously mentioned time stipulations don't apply and the jail time may be further commuted to shorter than nine years.

  • China to formulate new five-year anti-corruption plan – Xinhua |

    China will implement a five-year plan for eliminating corruption after the upcoming national congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), top official He Guoqiang said on Tuesday.

  • Myanmar's reforms no beacon for China –

    We sincerely hope Myanmar's reforms will prove successful. But it's naïve if we doubt the road we have taken, just because these buds look different from China's prosperous tree of reform.
    China's press freedom has walked a fairly long way. We need to walk further in the future. But China should follow the trend of the times and look at the practical situation of the nation, rather than being perplexed and even letting backwater countries like Myanmar and Vietnam become our idols.

  • China needs new phase of enlightenment –

    Now it needs a localization of Western-style democracy. Western thought has to be combined with China's reality to produce a positive impetus. Given China's size, completely copying the Western model has no historical or realistic basis in China. The westernization of China is just the dream of a few idealists.
    The painful process of the westernization of other countries has given China grave warnings. Western ideology is not our bible, and shouldn't be deified…China needs a new enlightenment. It needs a large number of great thinkers and opinion leaders to initiate it.

  • Jiang takes the spotlight in congress run-up |

    Ex-president featured in glowing newspaper review, the latest of publicity blitz that analysts see as exerting his clout in leadership transition



  • 央视:伦敦奥运赛前已获知刘翔伤情_网易新闻中心

    CCTV knew before Liu Xiang's race at the Olympics that he was hurt, had 4 scripts prepared? No wonder his advertisers got new ads out so quickly//

  • Can Chinese eye exercises help prevent myopia? – Behind The Wall

    The prevalence of myopia, however, is skyrocketing. An estimated 80 to 90 percent of Chinese are short-sighted by the end of high school – triple the U.S. rate. Few Chinese questioned the effectiveness of the eye exercises over the past five decades – until a recent post challenging the exercises was published earlier this summer on Sina Weibo, China's widely popular answer to Twitter.

  • Language and China's 'Practical Creativity' – NYTimes.comWilliam C. Hannas is one of the most provocative writers on this today. He believes character writing systems inhibit a type of deep creativity — but that its effects are not irreversible…He is at pains to point out that his analysis is not race-based, that people raised in a character-based writing system have a different type of creativity, and that they may flourish when they enter a culture that supports deep creativity, like Western science laboratories…Still, "The rote learning needed to master Chinese writing breeds a conformist attitude and a focus on means instead of ends. Process rules substance. You spend more time fidgeting with the script than thinking about content," Mr. Hannas wrote to me in an e-mail.
  • Quack medicine in the military: Acupuncture, cupping, and moxibustion are endangering troops. – Slate Magazine

    what an ignorant article from slate//

  • Black's New Number – People – Eye –

    As the newly appointed creative director for the high-end Chinese cashmere brand Erdos 1436, Black, who has worked as a designer for Armani, Hugo Boss and Ferragamo, will head up design for a conservative and relatively new luxury brand that is worn by some of China's most powerful women, including executives and the wives of top government officials. Black joined the company in November, signing on to a five-year contract, but is only now going public about this role.

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