Videos » Politics » Viggo Mortensen Promotes New Movie in Argentina

Videos » Politics » Viggo Mortensen Promotes New Movie in Argentina

Viggo Mortensen Promotes New Movie in Argentina

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 11:16 AM PDT

Hollywood star Viggo Mortensen presents new movie "We all have a plan" in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Full story: Movie star Viggo Mortensen said things aren't much different whether filming in Hollywood or on the river delta just north of Buenos Aires. The US actor of Lord of the Rings fame spoke with journalists on Tuesday in Buenos Aires before the opening of the Argentine film 'We All Have a Plan'. Mortensen, who spent part of his childhood in the South American country and speaks almost perfect Argentine Spanish, stars in the film alongside a cast of local actors. Although he often visits Argentina, Mortensen said the project by writer and director Ana Piterbarg was the first one that interested him and fit into his busy schedule. [Viggo Mortensen, Movie Star]: "I've thought numerous times how nice it would be to film in Argentina. One never knows. I had been offered other roles and either I was already doing something else or I didn't like the scripts. Ana's script is one of the better stories I've read in a long time. Everything checked out. It worked out well and fortunately we could make this movie." The thriller was filmed both in Buenos Aires, and in the river delta just north of the city, an area cut by canals that is accessible only by boat. Mortensen plays Agustin, a frustrated doctor living in the city, who following the death of his twin brother, moves to the river and takes on his personality. The Hollywood star plays the role of both the brothers in this <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:50 More in Film & Animation

Pregnant Panda at Washington Zoo?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 10:24 AM PDT

Animal keepers at Washington's Smithsonian National Zoological Park went on pregnancy watch on Tuesday, after Giant Panda Mei Xiang hormone's levels increased. Mei Xiang was artificially inseminated in April after attempts to get her to naturally breed with the male panda Tian Tian failed. [Juan Rodriguez, National Zoo Animal Keeper]: "They only have one day out of the year and just a few hours within that day to remember what they have to do, and because that window is so small, once she ovulates the clock really starts ticking, you have just a limited amount of time to allow them to breed naturally. If they don't that's where we are fortunate to have a reproductive team here that can actually come in and literally within minutes be able prepare her for artificial insemination." The hormone levels in her urine suggest she is either 40 or 50 days away from giving birth or is experiencing her sixth pseudopregnancy since 2007. Pseudopregnancy is a common occurrence in giant pandas and occur when a female exhibits signs and symptoms of a pregnancy. [Juan Rodriguez, National Zoo Animal Keeper]: "We have to pretty much treat this as if it's truth birth, or a true pregnancy just because there are so many unknowns you don't want to come in one day and get caught off guard and go 'oh wow, she has a cub' so every time we do the natural breeding or the attempt of natural breeding and the artificial insemination and we automatically in our head prepare or that day if it were to <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:46 More in News & Politics

Mars Rover Curiosity Prepares For First Test Drive

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 09:41 AM PDT

Watch NASA's Mars rover Curiosity in final preparations for its first test drive. Full story: NASA's mobile robot Curiosity, was dispatched to study if Mars has ever had the conditions to support life. Curiosity is all set to take its first test drive. The robotic geologist weighs one ton and is powered by nuclear energy. On August 6 it landed inside a Martian crater, and is now in its final preparations for a ground breaking 30-minute test drive. Curiosity will drive about 10 feet, turn its wheels, then return to its landing site. It will end up at a 90-degree angle from where it touched down inside Gale Crater located near the planet's equator. Ultimately, scientists plan to drive the rover to a three-mile high mound of layered rock that rises from the center of the crater's floor. This is the primary target of the $2.5 billion, two-year mission. Curiosity has lost its wind sensor making it more challenging for scientists to determine wind speed and direction inside Gale Crater. So far, the wind sensor is the only instrument on Curiosity that is not working properly.
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Time: 01:12 More in Comedy

Man Tries to Slash Tire, Instant Karma

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 09:18 AM PDT

Two guys try to extort money from a truck driver for a protection fee. When the driver won't pay up, they tried to slash his tire then... you gotta see it to believe it! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Google Plus: Follow Carmen: @CarmenOTGW Source:
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Time: 00:42 More in Comedy

Philippines Black Market is China's Source of Cheaper Gold

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 03:47 AM PDT

High world gold prices are a boon to small-scale miners in the southern Philippines these days, and a mine worker can earn ten times as much as a laborer in Manila. Mr Landa needs it to support his eight children. [Camilo Landa, Mine Worker, Father of Eight]: "I'll be able to buy rice to eat. I can pay our loans. I'm happy." But while miners are flourishing, the Philippine government is losing out. By law, gold produced in the country's small mines should be sold to the Central Bank, to pump up their reserves. But the bank's purchases have plummeted by 98 percent this year. Many point out that a newly imposed tax on gold is the reason behind the rise in smuggling. Officials and sources say the gold is being smuggled to Hong Kong, before disappearing into China. [Leo Jasareno, Director, Bureau of Mines and Geosciences]: "Our suspicion is that it's either black market or smuggled out of the country. So 80 percent of gold, lost." [Arthur Uy, Owner of Small Mines and Local Governor]: "The black market now is flourishing, so they would sell now their produce now to the black market." Reports of illegal sales to China are unverified, but official data from Hong Kong shows gold shipments from the Philippines went from a mere 24 pounds in the year 2000 to 90 tons in 2010. But in a puzzling discrepancy, Philippine customs only accounted for three percent of that volume. The government is set to impose strict control on small scale mines. Illegal mining now accounts for up to 15 <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:53 More in News & Politics

Gu Kailai Beats China's Law

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 01:53 AM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Gu Kailai was given suspended death sentence for murdering British businessman Neil Heywood, arousing public concern. Comments said that this was another example of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) violating the law. Scholars in Mainland China point out that Gu's trial showed that high ranking officials' wives can get away from murder. It was the highest-profile incident in violation of the law in China. A French media outlet said that this was a trial of covering up a scandal. From the trial, the corruption of CCP's system can be viewed clearly. Hong Kong media said that Gu's trial was just a political show. It was a disgraceful show through which the world can again see the standard of CCP's law. Evan Osnos, a writer for the Beijing branch of the US's New Yorker magazine, said that Gu beat the law by 1:0 score. Evan Osnos said in his blog that Gu's trial showed China's law took a set back. Osnos said, this case showed that in China, when politics are on the line, the law can wait. While China executes more people every year than any other country, in this case the well-connected murderer has been treated more leniently. Osnos said that Gu was sentenced to death with a two-year suspension, which could be further reduced for good behavior or for medical parole. She could be a free woman in less than a decade. Family of Murdered British Heywood Remained Silent After Gu Kailai's verdict, the reaction <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:00 More in News & Politics

Respect of Life? Revealing Whom?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 01:51 AM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Wang Lijun fleeing to the US Consulate has caused a domino effect. lt lead to Bo Xilai's removal, Zhou Yongkang's downfall, and Gu Kailai's imprisonment and suspended death sentence. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has given Gu Kailai lenient treatment. Gu Kailai said that this reflects the CCP's respect for life. Chinese state media and the courts emphasized that Gu Kailai provided clues of other people's crimes. This helped the investigation for the case, and this is why she received reprieve from the death penalty. But who did Gu Kailai reveal evidence of? What important clues allowed her reprieve from the death penalty? Can Gu Kailai truly be exempted from the death penalty by speaking out on others? Let's see the report. On March 15, Bo Xilai stepped down, and Gu Kailai was also imprisoned. In the end, the CCP gave Gu a suspended death sentence. This was given with the conviction of 'murder with intent'. Dr. Ye Ke, expert in political science at the University of Southern California believes that a sentence based on 'murder with intent' is trying to cover up greater sins. Dr. Ye Ke: "Neil Heywood was killed, but this is only an individual life. Heywood assisted the BoXilai's rebellion coup behind the scenes, which was not spoken about at all. Meanwhile, Gu Kailai and Bo Xilai participated in organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners and traded their corpses for profit. These crimes <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:12 More in News & Politics

China Nowhere Near The Standard Of A World Power?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 01:47 AM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: What is China's great power status? Mao Yushi, China's renowned economist recently published an article in his blog. Assessment criteria included "political system", "contribution to human civilization" and "human rights". Mao Yushi concluded that China is still far from being a world power. Let's see what he can tell us. Famous liberal economist Mao Yushi posted an article in his blog on August 19th . The article was titled, "What is China's great power status?" The article said that China has increasingly felt good about itself in international relations, speaking like a leading power. A common diplomatic discourse of China's authorities is "China will follow closely on this issue." In recent years, China has increased military build-up. The move has essentially changed the relations with its neighboring countries. Mao Yushi questioned if such changes would be conducive to China's long-term development and international order. Mao Yushi: "This is not a new problem, which has existed for a long time. That is, China is the second largest country by GDP. But why are we still unable to become a world power? This is a question worth thinking about." Mao Yushi commented on each aspect of problems that exist in China. Firstly, he said that respect for human rights is a world trend, which however, is alien in China. Mao Yushi: "Other world powers all identify universal values and human rights, but it's <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:01 More in News & Politics

Hu Wipes Out Air Force to Prevent Bo Coup Plan

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 01:45 AM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Just before the 18th National Congress, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched a new adjustment of the senior Air Force leaders, involving the headquarters, and the Beijing, Chengdu and Lanzhou military regions. The CCP designated the first "over 60" deputy leader of the military region level in the Air Force. Analysts say Hu Jintao's action involves plans other than wiping out those people related to Bo Xilai's coup. Let's see the report! According to Chinese media, with this round of adjustments, Air Marshal Fang Jianguo was moved from the post of the political commissar of Lanzhou Military Region Air Force to the political commissar of the Air Force headquarters; Major-general Liu Jian was promoted from the political commissar of the Air Force Logistics Department to the deputy political commissar of Lanzhou military region and political commissar of Lanzhou military region Air Force; The Air Marshal Wang Xiangfu, the political commissar of Chengdu military region Air Force, now also holds a position as the deputy political commissar of Chengdu military region. Major-general Ma Zhenjun was promoted from the post of Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff, to commander of the Beijing military region Air Force; And Major-general Ding Laihang was promoted from Air Force Chief of Staff, Chengdu military region, to deputy commander of Shenyang military region, and commander of Shenyang military region Air <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:35 More in News & Politics

Party Newspaper Quiet On Jiang Zemin's Birthday

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 01:41 AM PDT

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: A few days ago, the former general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Chairman Jiang Zemin, wrote an article to the "People's Daily" to celebrate his 86 birthday, but the CCP newspaper was silent. Four days later, "People's Daily" published an article by the former minister of the Electronics Industry, touting Jiang Zemin's contribution to the Electronics Industry. Foreign media think these moves show the delicate situation and the fierce power struggle of the 18th Congress. "China Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy," recently quoted the words of a senior media person, who said that someone sent in an article written by Jiang to be published on his birthday. However, the article did not appear in People's Daily on Aug. 17, Jiang's birthday. The media person believed that it was very abnormal and shows that fierce power struggle is within the party before the 18th Congress. After October 10, 2011, Jiang Zemin did not make any TV appearances. A retired doctor from PLA General Hospital said that Jiang underwent surgery for liver cancer. Sun Wenguang, a former professor of Shandong University, believes that Jiang Zemin has committed numerous crimes and is waiting for his own trial. As his power erodes, his cohorts grow further and further away from him. Sun Wenguang: "Jiang's faction, including the direct descendant of Jiang Zemin and his followers, are losing power. Many of <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:17 More in News & Politics

Shanghai Composite Index Rises After Announcement of Stimulus Plan

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 10:09 PM PDT

The Shanghai Composite Index closed up 0.5% at 2118.27 on Tuesday. It comes after speculation that regulators are planning new economic stimulus for the second half of the year. Premier Wen Jiabo had mentioned last week a loosening of the monetary policy is probable. No specific action or initiative was released though. New stimulus plans targeting several Chinese cities are being initiated. These include a $240 billion industrial investment in Chongqing. The lack of an official economic stimulus plan from the central government has some investor concerned that the economic slowdown in China could be getting worse. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:41 More in News & Politics

CCTV Calls Lhasa, China's "Happiest City"

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 10:02 PM PDT

Where's the happiest city in China? Beijing, Shanghai? Well, according to state-run CCTV, the city that topped the poll of a recent happy city survey is Lhasa—in the far west Tibetan Autonomous Region. That's the same place where anti-Chinese regime sentiment has resulted in several self-immolation protests. This isn't the first year that Lhasa has been called China's happiest city either. It's taken the title for five years. Not everyone agrees. The director of the Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dawa Tsering says Tibet is likely to take out other titles, before it can even be considered a city of happiness. [Dawa Tsering Director, Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama] "It could be the place with the highest density of police, the most number of surveillance cameras, or even prostitutes. But it cannot make any ranking for happiness." Hubei resident Mr. Yan says the fact that Tibet is constantly under tight security indicates the situation there isn't how officials describe. [Mr. Yan, Hubei Resident] "Lhasa is under some kind of martial law, and has a lot of military police stations there. You can't enter and leave there like other places in China. There's also serious religious conflict there, with many Tibetans self-immolating. It all goes to show that the region is not so great." China's Tibetan region is home to mainly Tibetan Buddhists. After the Chinese Communist Party claimed control of the region in 1949, locals have been living <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:46 More in News & Politics

China's Mixed Reactions over Burma's End of Self-Censorship

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 09:55 PM PDT

China's state-run media are having mixed reactions over Burma putting an end to direct media censorship. Burma, also known as Myanmar, announced the new policy on Monday. Its Ministry of Information says local media will no longer have to submit their stories to state censors before publication. China's Communist Party-controlled paper, the Global Times, published an editorial titled "No need to take Burma and Vietnamese Reforms as China's Totem." The editorial said (quote) "China's media openness has come a long way, and it needs to go further in the future; we have no turning back." Abolishing media censorship would apparently be "turning back" in China's heavily censored society. The commentary calls Burma and Vietnam "lagging countries" that China should not follow, as China's progress towards "openness" has been (a quote from earlier in the commentary) "tested thousands of times." Chinese media is still heavily state-censored. But by contrast, state-run People's Daily, of which Global Times is a derivative, has a more neutral response. In fact, their report goes so far as to quote a Burmese reporter saying "for Burmese journalists, today is a great day." For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:05 More in News & Politics

What's Next for Gu Kailai and Bo Xilai?

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 08:19 PM PDT

Gu Kailai's verdict was known before the trial even began. Her punishment for the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood was delivered on Monday--a death sentence with two years' reprieve. That's also known as a suspended death sentence, as it will likely be commuted to life in prison after two years. But Gu could serve less than that, according to Chinese law--even as little as 9 years if she is given "medical parole." The sentence was not unexpected, but we're still left with questions. In this episode of China Focus, we discuss how Gu's verdict affects the case of her husband Bo Xilai, and the latest reports regarding their links to the secretive Dalian body plastination plants set up while Bo Xilai was mayor. Is this the last we will hear of Gu Kailai?
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Time: 11:53 More in News & Politics

China News - August 21, 2012: Looking for Bo Xilai in His Wife's Trial

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 06:26 PM PDT

On Monday, a court in China's Hefei city gave a suspended death sentence to Gu Kailai, the wife of a disgraced Communist official, for the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood after he allegedly threatened Gu's son. However, the Washington Post has reported on written testimony from her son, Bo Guagua that tells a different story. Official accounts of Gu Kailai's trial and verdict made no mention of her once-powerful husband, Bo Xilai. That has prompted some to speculate he may receive leniency in whatever action the Communist Party decides to bring against him. China's state-run media are having mixed reactions over Burma putting an end to direct media censorship. State-run CCTV announced that Lhasa, the capital of the Tibetan Autonomous Region, is the "happiest city" in China. CCTV's report has drawn ridicule, with some saying the heavy security in Lhasa means the city is anything but happy. The Shanghai Composite Index closed up 0.5% at 2118.27 on Tuesday. It comes after speculation that regulators are planning new economic stimulus for the second half of the year. Europe is now the top destination for Chinese investors. Foreign direct investment in Europe now accounts for 10% of total Chinese foreign investment, compared to just 2% three years ago. That's according to a recent report by Radio France Internationale. According to official documents, more than 40000 historical sites have disappeared in China within the past 30 years. Over half of them were <b>...</b>
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Time: 15:28 More in Shows

Cell Throwing Championships in Finland

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 04:56 PM PDT

Part wannabe Olympians, and part venting their frustration - the annual phone throwing championship had phone-flinging enthusiasts flock to Savonlinna in Finland. Contestants came as far as from India, and this man admits that throwing a mobile device is much more fun than using it. Journalist asking: "It seems that you don't really throw the phones in India, do you? A Competitor from India: "We don't, we probably use it." Journalist asking: "But you are still here why?" A Competitor from India, saying : "Well, yes I am having fun, it is really great." The competition that started here 12 years ago is now held in numerous countries - but Fins still take the cake. Watch how Ere Karjalainen throws his Nokia to a record 101 metres, or 330 feet. The second place went to Jeremy Gallop from South Africa who had a 95 meter throw. Though a bit silly, the game is held to raise green awareness and the phones all end up in the recycle bin. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:06 More in Sports

Protesters Drop Trousers on Beach Toilets—Australia

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 04:17 PM PDT

The protesters say they are demanding public toilet facilities, of which there are currently none, in the local area. A local photographer saw potential in the idea of the sit-in, for a more artistic interpretation. Artist Andrew Baines came up with the idea of the protest, and will paint the scene for an exhibition in January 2013, after taking photographs at the event on Sunday. Baines says creating this sort of work is about more than just aesthetics. [Andrew Baines, Artist]: "I think this is the job of an artist, to take these issues to the wider community and let people talk about it." Protester Bob Francis seems to be in good spirits, despite the cold nipping usually warm areas. [Bob Francis, Protester]: "But it's a lovely Sunday morning exposure, but I wish the exhibition was done in summer time, because this is bloody cold." Beachgoers often have to ask local cafe owners to use their toilets, which is disturbing to customers and serves as an inconvenience to the owners. [Kym Hewitt, Café Owner]: "The public toilets are not up to scratch at all and quiet often we have a lot of people coming through to the cafe, sort of not really dressed for the café." The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that the local council is currently consulting the community about the best location to build the toilets. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:13 More in Sports

LeBron in China: 'Perfect Year'

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 03:21 PM PDT

NBA superstar LeBron James tells fans in China of his perfect year. Full story: Some 500 fans showed up to see the King, who was still revelling in a dream year. LeBron James is in China currently for a promotional tour, and stopped by a local match in Beijing's Chaoyang Stadium. He recently lead a star-studded US basketball team to win an Olympic gold in London. James spoke to his fans on Tuesday, talking about what he went through. [LeBron James, NBA Player]: "You know, you win an NBA championship, you win an MVP in the regular season, Finals MVP, and a gold medal all in the same year. This is a dream come true, it's a perfect year, man. It's been amazing." LeBron is in good company; the only other person to win a regular season MVP, NBA Championship, and Olympic Gold medal in the same year: Michael Jordan. However, the Miami Heat forward says he's not done. He surely wants more championships, and told the media on Sunday that he'll be aiming for another gold at the 2016 Rio Games. [LeBron James, NBA Player]: "You know, greatness is defined by how much ya'll want to put into what you do, going for, accomplishing goals. Also, being able to come back from adversity. So you know, I can see where greatness is, but I'm not there yet, but I'm trying to get there. And I'll continue to work hard to get there." For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:26 More in Sports

Japanese Journalist Killed in Aleppo Gunfight

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 03:11 PM PDT

Journalist Mika Yamamoto has become the first Japanese nationalist to be killed in the 17-month-long conflict in Syria. Full story: Smoke covers Aleppo city streets as a government siege rages. Japanese journalist Mika Yamamoto died there Tuesday from wounds sustained in a gunfight between Syrian forces and rebels, becoming the first Japanese national killed in the 17-month-old conflict. The award-winning journalist worked for Tokyo-based independent news wire Japan Press and was travelling with the Free Syrian Army. Colleague Kazutaka Sato, who was travelling with her, said Yamamoto was his wife and they had been together for fifteen years. He explained that he could do nothing to help her, as he showed her bullet-scarred flak jacket. Yamamoto's death underscores the hostile environment in which journalists operate to cover the Syrian conflict, in which 18000 people have been killed. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:56 More in News & Politics

Australian Opal: A Precious Gemstone Unearthed

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 02:33 PM PDT

It is Australia's national gemstone, has a history dating back to the age of the dinosaurs, and has adorned the crowns of kings. Queen Victoria was known to love opals. Shakespeare referred to the opal as "a miracle and queen of gems". The Greek word 'opalus' means 'change of color' and it's the colors that make each opal unique. Scott Coggan is the manager of Opals Down Under on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, and has been cutting opals for almost 20 years. He explains how opals began, millions of years ago. [Scott Coggan, Manager, Opals Down Under]: "Opal is a silica hydrate. It starts as a water solution, it seeps through different sedimentary layers, picks up different types of silica and a few other minerals in its process, comes down to a base level where it cannot permeate any further, then it starts to solidify in fossil cavities and cracks in the rocks into a glass like substance." As evidence of this ancient history, the National Opal Collection in Sydney has an opalised skeleton of a pliosaur that dates back 110 million years. The initial prehistoric mix of silica spheres is what determines the colors in each stone. [Scott Coggan, Manager, Opals Down Under]: "It's a white light coming into the stone and refracting out as a color spectrum depending on the size of the little silica spheres. So the larger the spheres, you get higher up the spectrum—reds, oranges—they're the rare colors. The smaller the spheres—blues and purples." Australia mines over <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:48 More in News & Politics


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