Videos » Politics » 'Breathing' Lenin exhibit causes a stir

Videos » Politics » 'Breathing' Lenin exhibit causes a stir

'Breathing' Lenin exhibit causes a stir

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 01:56 PM PST

A Moscow exhibit has caused controversy by displaying a statue of the Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin that breathes. Full story: At Moscow's exhibition centre visitors expect to see statues and paintings. Or even a life-size statue of Vladimir Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union. But not one that breathes. Displayed in a dark room meant to replicate Lenin's famous Mausoleum in Moscow's Red Square, the mildly animated model made of wax is causing quite a stir among visitors. [Nikolay,Museum visitor]: "The museum is great. It brings out nostalgia. So this is all great but they have overdone it with this (Lenin's display)." The breathing Lenin replica is the centerpiece of this private museum, drawing curious, and says museum administrator, Elena Klemnisheva, sometimes reluctant visitors. [Elena Klemnisheva, Museum Administrator]: "Tastes differ. Some like it, some are afraid to enter at first but then enter and leave with a smile." Like this woman, Yulia. [Yulia,Museum Visitor]: "If it needs to lie there let it lie. If not, it doesn't make any difference to me." The Mausoleum in Red Square, where the real embalmed body of the Soviet dictator lies, was recently closed for repairs. It is expected to be reopened at the end of April. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:16 More in News & Politics

Spielberg to head Cannes, Anastacia has breast cancer

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 12:03 PM PST

The day's top showbiz news and headlines including Steven Spielberg to head the Cannes Film Fest jury, Anastacia is diagnosed with breast cancer, and Anne Hathaway apologizes for her Oscar dress swap. Full Story: Steven Spielberg will be head of this year's Cannes Film Festival jury. Organizers of the French festival revealed the appointment on Thursday (February 28). Spielberg will preside over the main competition jury that decides the winner of the festival's top prize: the Palme d'Or. Cannes will run from May 15-26. Anastacia has been diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in 10 years. The singer released a statement saying that she will continue to write and record her new album while she receives treatment, but was forced to cancel her European tour - Anastacia was supposed to play 13 dates across Europe, starting in April. Finally, Anne Hathaway has apologized to the house of Valentino for swapping the gown she was supposed to wear to the Oscars for her pink Prada. The Oscar-winning actress released a statement saying among other things that "it was a difficult last-minute decision" and that she "deeply regrets any disappointment caused." For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:57 More in Entertainment

Richard The Lionheart's Mummified Heart Analyzed

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 11:26 AM PST

The heart of Richard the Lionheart was embalmed with incense to help him reach heaven faster, suggest scientists. Full Story: A study by French scientists showed on Thursday that the heart of English King Richard the Lionheart had been embalmed with special herbs and spices, in a ritual designed to help the King go to heaven faster. Scientist Philippe Charlier discusses the results of the first study on Richard the Lionheart's mummified heart. [Philippe Charlier, Scientist]: "He had been a bit criticised during the Crusade when he had been particularly cruel, people started to talk when he died, so very special care had to be brought to his body and especially for his heart, with herbs and spices which were not chosen by accident. We know by historic sources that those herbs and spices were used to make the time Richard the Lionheart would spend in purgatory shorter and give him a kind of odour of sanctity." The remains of King Richard the First's heart were kept locked in a sealed box, and the pollen found on the heart matches the exact time of the Kings death, leaving scientists sure that the heart is authentic. [Philippe Charlier, Scientist]: "We really are absolutely sure that this heart really is Richard the Lionheart's." Richard the Lionheart died in 1199 in France and while his body was buried in the Fontevraud abbey, his heart was buried separately in the Rouen cathedral, some 300 kilometers away. This study is the first on the remains of his heart, and is the <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:22 More in News & Politics

Colombian Tailor Creates Clothes For New Pope

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 07:42 AM PST

Colombian tailor Luis Delgado is hard at work sewing a new wardrobe for Benedict XVI's successor. Full story: As Benedict XVI ended his reign as pope on Thursday, Luis Delgado, a Colombian tailor, was hard at work preparing the wardrobe for his successor. The highly skilled garment maker, who has also embroidered emblems for military uniforms and crests for presidential sashes, said that he uses the best of materials for his Vatican-bound creation. [Luis Delgado, Tailor]: "All of the material comes from Italy." The clothier, who also sewed clothes for Benedict, said the incoming pontiff's new wardrobe was getting closer to completion. [Luis Delgado, Tailor]: "The red cape and the sash went to Rome, they were sent on Monday. The alb and the chasuble have yet to be finished, to be adorned and embroidered." Cardinals who have assembled from around the world will begin planning the conclave that will elect Benedict's successor. One of the first questions facing them is when the 115 cardinal electors should enter the Sistine Chapel for the voting. They will hold a first meeting on Friday but a decision may not come until next week. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:01 More in News & Politics

Homeless Magazine Launched in Crisis-Hit Athens

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 07:05 AM PST

A new magazine created to help homeless people, who can keep part of the profit from its sales, is launched in Athens. Full story: Forty-three year old George Christou, homeless and unemployed for the last two and half years, handed out a new magazine on the streets of Athens on Wednesday specifically created to give jobs to the homeless. Called "Shedia" meaning "life raft" in Greek, the magazine is part of an initiative around the world known as "street papers" - newspapers and magazines created and sold by the homeless to give them a form of employment. And the initiative couldn't be more needed as Greece's homelessness and unemployment continue to skyrocket due to the debt crisis. Christou, a sound technician and programmer who lost his job when the music studio where he worked was shut down, said he welcomed the "Shedia" project. [George Christou]: "When you have been unemployed for quite a long time you know, it's like putting yourself back to action, getting your life in your own hands, and stepping on earth with your own legs." Within an hour Christou had managed to sell 13 copies of the magazine, boosting his spirits. The Greek magazine is published through sponsors, and the articles are written by 40 volunteer journalists. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:06 More in News & Politics

Pope Pledges Obedience to Successor

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 06:30 PM PST

Pope Benedict, speaking on his final day in office, calls for the Roman Catholic Church to unite behind his successor. Full Story: Pope Benedict, addressing cardinals on Thursday, his final day in office, called for the Roman Catholic Church to unite behind his successor. He also pledged his own "unconditional" obedience to the next pontiff. [Pope Benedict XVII]: "I will continue to be close to you in prayer, especially in the next few days, so that the Holy Spirit may be with you as you elect the new pope. May the Lord guide you. Among you is also the new pope to whom I today declare my unconditional reverence and obedience." Benedict's papacy was dogged by sex abuse scandals, leaks of his private papers, and reports of infighting among his closest aides, crises that are thought to have contributed to his decision to be the first pontiff in six centuries to resign. The pope spoke to the cardinals about nine hours before he officially steps down, leaving the papacy vacant until the new head of the Roman Catholic Church is chosen by the cardinals. The Vatican seems to be aiming for an election by mid-March, so the new pope can be installed in office before Palm Sunday on March 24, and lead the Holy Week services that culminate in Easter on the following Sunday. There are no official candidates, no open campaigning and no clear front runner for the job. Cardinals tipped as favourites by Vatican watchers include Peter Turkson from Ghana, Gianfranco Ravasi from Italy, Luis <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:43 More in News & Politics

Human Rights Report Finds Ukraine Going Backwards

Posted: 01 Mar 2013 12:33 AM PST

Human rights organizations have submitted an annual report on situation on human rights in Ukraine. The judicial system remains dependent, and the reforms have led to a deterioration of the human rights situation. Full story: Yuri is from the Ukrainian town of Rakhov. He raised his son alone and for nearly three years was supposed to receive child support. But when he tried to claim it, he said he wasn't able to. [Yuri Kurochka, single father]: "No one has answered me. Ukraine is a state of lawlessness." Ukrainian human rights activists say the situation in Ukraine's judiciary over the last year has deteriorated. In its report on human rights, they note that in a number of cases, the country is moving backwards. [Yevhen Zakharov, Head, Board of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union]: "The number of human rights violations is considerable. According to certain rights and freedoms the situation became worse, as for example, with respect to peaceful assembly, where the number of injunctions has increased significantly." Freedom of speech and religion has also worsened. Reforms in areas such as medicine, tax, pension and others have also led to the deterioration of human rights. As a consequence, poverty and social inequality have grown. But a more serious problem is torture while in detention. [Arkady Bushchenko, Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union]: "There remains problems with the protection of the right to life, including the terrible conditions of prisoners in jail <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:43 More in Education

5 Reasons NOT to Cap Bankers' Bonuses

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 03:08 PM PST

5 workers in London's financial district argue that EU plans to curb bankers' bonuses are a bad idea. Full story: Following a recent provisional agreement by the European Union to cap bankers' bonuses, 5 workers in London's financial district explain why this is a bad idea. [Lawyer]: "I think if you are going to put your financial affairs in somebody's hands you want to put them in the best hands and as the market dictates what the optimum salaries should be that would be a foolish move, because you won't get the people you want to come forward for the job coming forward." [Banker]: "Sports stars they make a lot of money don't they? And there is no limit on what they can make, so I'm not sure you want to cap bankers' bonuses." [Banking IT Specialist]: "It is anti-capitalist, no I don't agree. Not at all. Because, if you have a grocer man and he does really well, you know, in the market he does really well, sells loads of fruits and he can make loads of profit. He gets to keep it. No-one would say 'Oh no, he's making too much money from those fruits, cap his income'. Really. So when a guy on the desk does really well, makes loads of money he deserves to have it." [Banker]: "Actually it could be counter-productive, because one of the reactions could be that banks just raise the fixed salaries, which is increasing the costs, which is adding more risks to the system, which is what we are trying to prevent in the first place." [Banker]: "... the reality is I think it is the <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:47 More in News & Politics

Is China America's new enemy?

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 01:57 PM PST

Is China a friend of the United States or is China an enemy the United States is keeping close? US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is currently in China aimed at improving military ties between Beijing and Washington. Asia Times Correspondent Pepe Escobar says China is proceeding with extreme caution, they know the US would like to keep a foothold in Asia and are listening to the US carefully.
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Time: 06:51 More in News & Politics

US Media on China's Debt Bomb

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 06:25 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On February 27, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published the article, 'China Has Its Own Debt Bomb.' The article pointed out that since 2008, China's public and private debts are more than twice its GDP. This is an unprecedented level in any developing country and a time bomb for the economy collapse. The article pointed out that China's economy has been relying on heavy development of investments. Especially after the 2008 global financial crisis, in order to maintain economic growth, the panicked Chinese Communist Party' (CCP) officials introduced a stimulus package of 4 trillion Yuan. The annual amount of new loans increased over threefold; for the past 12 months, the new loans reached $2.75 trillion, but about half of them came from the 'shadow bank system.' The investments share increased from 43% to 48%, which is an unprecedented record for any country. The author of the article, Ruchir Sharma, is responsible for the Emerging Markets department at the Morgan Stanley Investment Management Company. He believes that now China's public and private debt is more than 2 times its GDP, which is an unprecedented level in any developing country. According to the most important indicators to measure private debt growth, China is now in a very dangerous zone. Sharma also pointed out that based on indicators from the Bank of International Settlements and the IMF, China will face financial crisis. Professor <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:30 More in News & Politics

Police in Hefei Detain 10-Year-Old Girl

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 06:20 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On February 27, 10-year-old girl Zhang Anni was violently taken away by four police from Hupo village police station. At the time, she was studying in Hupo Primary School, in Hefei, Anhui Province. She was forcibly taken away from school and detained for 3.5 hours in the police station. Then, she was taken away from Hefei in a van away. According to Anni's father, Anhui dissident Zhang Lin exposed in his micro blog that on the afternoon of that day, police from Hupo village police station rushed into his home. They robbed his phone and 3900 Yuan money. After being detained by police, Zhang told the police that his daughter finishes school at 15:30, and he had to meet her. Hupo police station sent four police to kidnap the girl and force the school to stop her from studying. Zhang said that after being illegally detained for 20 hours, Anni was freed. However, she was too frighten to sleep. Her heart was full of hatred, and said she would take revenge when she got older. Now, Anni is wandering with her father. Tiananmen Mothers Appeal Again to Redress June 4. On 28 February, 123 Tiananmen mothers issued a public letter to the People Congress and People's Political Consultative Conference. It called for justice for those who died during the Tiananmen Square Massacre, which still remains unresolved. The public letter restated "truth, compensation, responsibility", and in addition, National People's <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:07 More in News & Politics

Media Denounce 360, Chinese Netizens Use Google

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 06:19 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Chinese media outlet Daily Economic News published a lengthy survey report denouncing Internet security software provider and service company Qihoo 360 as a vicious weed and malignant gene of China's Internet industry. According to the report, 360 kidnaps and makes decisions for its users, and has formed a big destructive force in the Internet society. A Chinese Internet expert said that he feels all Chinese Internet products aren't safe, so he doesn't use any. As for a search engine, he prefers to break through the firewall and use Google. Daily Economic News published an article on February 26 in which it condemned 360 as running completely contrary to the industry standard of security suppliers. When users use 360's safety guard and 360's Internet browser software, 360 will make decisions and act on behalf of their users without informing them. The article said that 360 has two so-called secret successful keys. The first one is the enterprise touched the law's bottom line to make space for the development. 360 took advantage of the low morals and cost of the brand. The second is under the banner of being safe and free of charge, they "kidnap" users, then pretend to be a safety referee to compete with competitors. Xie Wen, the former general manager of an international Internet service company, Yahoo China, said the business mode of 360 indeed has problems. Xie Wen, former Yahoo China GM: "I can <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:18 More in News & Politics

Increasing Control Continues in China on Eve of Two Sessions

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 06:16 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: The forthcoming Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Two Sessions has led to tightened stability preservation in China. Many rights activists and dissidents have been threatened, placed under home arrest, or put into secret police custody. Nationwide petitioners who arrived in Beijing have been expelled and suppressed. The authorities have also tightened control over online discussion. On February 28, the three-day Second Plenary of CCP conference ended in Beijing. The "Two Sessions" are scheduled to be held on March 3-5. Currently, the regime has tightened speech on the internet. Strict measures for stability preservation have been taken against rights activists, dissident and petitioners. Ye Jinghuan and He Depu, Beijing activists, have been informed by the police that they will "travel" out of town. Chen Yongmiao, a Beijing constitutional scholar, says that he has been "on travels". Chen Yongmiao: "I am not in Beijing at the moment. I've been back to Fujian. I've promised that I won't comment on the Two Sessions." A few days ago, Beijing petitioner, Wang Ling, was detained for two days at a local police station. She has been sent to "travel" in Haikou, Hainan province. Wang Ling: "The police asked me to go to Sanya, I refused. Then three or four people besieged me and forcibly took me to the airport. So now I'm in Haikou, Hainan." In Beijing, police authorities have placed local rights activists under 24 <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:29 More in News & Politics

A New CCP Representatives List

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 06:11 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On February 27, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Standing Committee of the National People's Congress announced the list of the representatives of the 12 session of the NPC, confirming 2987 people's qualifications to be valid. CCP mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency reported that, officials in the party and government became significantly lower. Grassroots officials significantly increased. The analysts believe that the focus on NPC should be the distribution of top echelon places, rather than who is representative. If the vote is in line with the will of the CCP according to the way of the CCP, it does not matter who is the representative. The list of representatives of the 12th session of the NPC is considered an important indicator of the official personnel layout. Central News Agency quoted sources as saying that unless there are last-minute changes, Wang Yi, 59-year-old former ambassador to Japan may be assigned as foreign minister. Wang Yi had been stationed in Japan in 2004-2007. By convention, the Cabinet of Ministers and chiefs of the state council will not be elected representatives of the NPC However, current members, Foreign minister Yang Jiechi, Supervision Minister Ma Bo, Minister of Finance Xie Xuren, Minister of Railways Sheng Guangzu, Health Minister Chen Zhu were selected as the representatives of the 12th session of the NPC. The analysis pointed out it indicates that their duties may <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:04 More in News & Politics


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