Videos » Politics » Bear Grylls Stars in Air New Zealand Safety Video

Videos » Politics » Bear Grylls Stars in Air New Zealand Safety Video

Bear Grylls Stars in Air New Zealand Safety Video

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 06:41 PM PST

British adventurer, Bear Grylls, stars in latest Air New Zealand on board safety video which sees run and jump in mountainous terrain. Full Story: Air New Zealand has released a new airline safety video featuring Man vs. Wild's Bear Grylls. The British adventurer was filmed in the rugged mountainous countryside of the South Island. Famous for his survival program, Bear Grylls is seen running, jumping and climbing in spectacular scenery. The video includes a novel twist on safely placing objects in overhead compartments. Grylls also reminds people not to inflate their life jackets until they've left the aircraft, right before he leaps into a fast flowing mountain stream. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:35 More in Education

Helicopter Rescues Doe and Fawn on Thin Ice, Nova Scotia

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 03:01 PM PST

A dramatic deer rescue is caught on video. Full story: The dramatic rescue of a deer and her fawn stranded on thin ice in Nova Scotia is captured on video acquired by Reuters on Thursday. The video was shot by a retired Canadian biologist, Ian Waugh, after spotting the doe and fawn struggling on ice in Antigonish Harbour in mid-January. The doe struggled for hours to gain her footing on the ice while her fawn stayed close to her. Waugh notified the Department of Natural Resources, as the ice was too thin to attempt a rescue by foot. In a complicated maneuver, helicopter pilot Dave Farrell used the downdraft of the helicopter's roter to blow the deer to shore on the slippery ice. As the helicopter hovered approximately four feet (1.21 meters) above her, the doe struggled at first, but eventually relaxed and let the helicopter blow her to safety. When the doe reached the shore, she was helped to her feet, and she limped away into the woods. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:58 More in Pets & Animals

100 Dolphins Swim Near New Zealand Beach

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 10:54 AM PST

A super-pod of more than 100 dolphins swim near a New Zealand beach, delighting crowds of onlookers. Full Story: More than a hundred dolphins swam through Wellington harbour in New Zealand on Thursday. Crowds on the waterfront were treated to the sight as the dolphin pod swam by. The dolphins travelled around the inner harbour close to the shore, from Oriental Bay to Somes Island. Dolphins normally live in pods of up to 12, but where there is an abundance of food, pods can temporarily merge to form super-pods of up to a thousand members. Local media report that so many motorists stopped to look at the spectacle it caused a traffic jam. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:28 More in Pets & Animals

Prince Harry visits his African charities

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 10:36 AM PST

Britain's Prince Harry traveled to the southern African nation of Lesotho to review the progress of children's centers supported by his charity. Mana Rabiee reports. Full Story: A welcome fit for a Prince. Prince Harry, the 28-year old grandson of Queen Elizabeth, and third in line to the British throne, visited two children's centers in the southern African nation, Lesotho. The Prince is traveling here to review the progress of centers supported by his charity, which help orphans and vulnerable children including the deaf and blind. As part of his tour, Harry was given a crash course in reading Braille and signing language... ...and tried his hand at local dancing. The Prince continues to Johannesburg where he will attend a Gala Dinner for one of his African charities. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:47 More in News & Politics

Burns attack woman gets full face transplant

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 09:49 AM PST

Surgeons in Boston prepare to change the life of a woman suffering from severe burns. Forty-four-year-old Carmen Blandin Tarleton was doused in lye by her estranged husband in 2007. Now she's received a full face transplant with tissue from a female donor's skin. Doctors say her injures were so severe, there had been no guarantee of success. [Dr. Bohdan Pomahac, Director of Plastic Surgery transplantation]: "She was severely burnt over 80 percent of her body unrecognizable to anyone who knew her. Our expectations for Carmen's survival were low but Carmen is a fighter, and fight she did." Carmen, pictured here before the attack, was in surgery for more than 15 hours. Her sister, on the left of this photo, read a statement from Carmen thanking those involved. [Kesstan Blandin, Victim's Sister]: "This is a momentous opportunity in my life and I want to convey to the donor's family what a great gift they've given to me. And although there is so much to go I feel strong and I am confident I have the strength to deal with whatever comes my way." Brigham and Women's Hospital say Carmen is now in recovery. It's the fifth face transplant performed at the hospital. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:22 More in News & Politics

Plans for Titanic II Replica Cruise Ship Unveiled

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 07:13 AM PST

Blueprints for the Titanic II, an altered version of the original, are unveiled, raising questions by some descendants of survivors of the first. Full Story: The doomed Titanic leaving Belfast in 1912. It's sinking was one of the worst disasters in maritime history. And now Australian mining entrepreneur, Clive Palmer is resurrecting not only the Titanic's name, but he says, the era's legacy of respect and kindness. [Professor Clive Palmer, Blue Star Line Chairman]: "I think if you come to some countries around the world, you no longer think about people as human beings, we no longer respect them and I think that that's something that we've got to turn the clock back in time and do." Helen Benziger, great granddaughter of Titanic survivor, Molly Brown, agrees, saying not a day went by when her great grandmother didn't relive the tragedy. [Helen Benziger, Descendant of Titanic Survivor]: "That way of thinking is gone and I think that's one of the things that this is going to bring back, and maybe just for five days, but I think there's going to be a whole attitude change when you board the Titanic. At least I would hope so." Palmer unveiled the plans for the new ship, Titanic II, in New York. The liner will recreate the design and decor of the original but with obvious modernizations like air conditioning and wi-fi Internet. But will it be invincible? [Professor Clive Palmer, Blue Star Line Chairman]: "I think anything will sink if you put a hole in it. I think it would be <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:30 More in News & Politics

World's Oldest Woman Nearly 115 Years Old!

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 09:18 AM PST

World's oldest woman officially recognised by Guinness World Records, Misao Ookawa will be 115 next week. Full story: Misao Ookawa (pronounced Mee-sah-oh Oh-kah-wah) from Japan was on Wednesday officially recognised by the Guinness World Records as the oldest woman alive, at 114 years old. Born to a clothing merchant in 1898, also the year of the Spanish-American war, Ookawa is due to celebrate her 115th birthday next week on March 5th. Asked how it felt to be the world's oldest woman, she replied: "Given everything, it's pretty good." Ookawa married in 1919 and currently has three children, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Japanese media report that she's never had a major illness in her life, though these days she often falls asleep in her wheelchair. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 00:48 More in News & Politics

Catholic followers emotional as Pope bids farewell

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 08:51 AM PST

This may be Pope Benedict XVI's last ride on the famous pope mobile - just one day before the pontiff resigns from his post. Benedict on Wednesday gave his final general audience as pope - and an estimated 150000 pilgrims crammed into St. Peter's Square to bid him farewell. [Christopher Curtis,American Seminarian, Studying in Rome]: "I think it was very emotional, you had a lot of people that were very much excited to see the Holy Father and to thank him for his eight years as pope. But then I also looked around and I saw some very sad faces, people that were really affected by this man's ministry and who really saw this man as a man of God." This follower says she will remember this moment until she dies. Cardinals of the Church, who will elect the next pope, were also among those attending Benedict's farewell. [Donal William Wurel, American Cardinal]: "Wasn't it beautiful to see so many people from all over the world just cheering and showing their affection and love for the Holy Father?" Benedict will on Thursday become the first Catholic pope in over 600 years to resign from the post. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:07 More in News & Politics

Syrian rebels to get more aid

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 07:52 AM PST

US Secretary of State John Kerry arrives at a Friends of Syria conference in Rome - part of his first foreign trip at his new post. He's here to meet coalition members of mostly European and Arab nations supporting the Syrian opposition. Also in attendance - the head of the opposition Syrian National Coalition Moaz al-Khatib. His group was planning to appeal for military support in its quest to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The United States did agree to send non-lethal aid directly to Syrian rebels for the first time - though stopped short of offering weapons. John Kerry offered an extra 60 million US dollars on behalf of the US to help provide security. The American policy shift reflects a desire to do more to help the opposition in the conflict - but Washington still appears to have no appetite for a military intervention. The United Nations says that more than 70000 people have been killed since the conflict began nearly two years ago. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:08 More in News & Politics

Millionaire plans to send couple to Mars

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 07:46 AM PST

Space tourist and Millionaire entrepreneur Dennis Tito unveils plans to send a couple to Mars in January 2018. Full story: Calling all Middle-age couples --- this could be just the adventure for you. Millionaire space tourist Dennis Tito is setting his sites on the red plant---- announcing on Wednesday plans to send two people, a male and a female, near Mars in 2018. Tito made history in 2001 as the first person to fund his own trip to International Space Station. [Dennis Tito, Chairman of Inspiration Mars Foundation]: "We fly within a hundred miles of Mars. I mean that is essentially being there. Swing by, use the gravitational shift of Mars and come back to earth, just like a boomerang, you don't need to have any propulsive maneuvers." Because the couple won't actually be landing on the red planet, his team won't have to worry about undocking or redocking or the do-or-die engine burn from the return from Mars. According to Tito, a middle-age couple, past their childbearing years would be the ideal crew members to make the journey in what can be best described as a space RV, a streamlined capsule with just 600 cubic feet of living space. [Jane Poynter, President and Chairwoman,Paragon Space Development Corporation]: "It's a really long road trip. You are jammed into an RV that goes the equivalent of 32000 times around the earth, and you can't get out for about a year and a half. And, you've got everything in there with you jammed inside." While the American businessman <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:40 More in Science & Technology

Woman Climbs Everest Twice -- In One Week!

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 05:07 PM PST

The first woman to climb Mount Everest twice in one week is honored with a Guinness World Record. Full Story: The ceremony for handing over the Guiness World Record Certificate to Chhurim Sherpa, the first woman to climb Everest twice within a single week, was held in the Nepal Tourism Board auditorium on Monday. Chhurim Sherpa, age 29, climbed to the 29035 feet Everest summit on May 12 and May 19 last year. Chhurim, from eastern Nepal, returned to the base camp for some rest after her first ascent only to head back up the peak just seven days later. [Chhurim Sherpa, Climber]: "I was very happy after reaching the top. I felt I could let Nepal be known to the wider world and, in this way, forgot all the difficulties I myself had to bear." Mount Everest has been climbed by about 4000 climbers since it was first scaled by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa in 1953. Apa Sherpa, a Nepali climber who lives in the United States, holds the record of 21 ascents of Mount Everest. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:10 More in Sports

China's Investment in Pakistan Port Draws Concern

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 04:08 AM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Pakistan recently agreed to transfer management of Gwadar, a deep-sea port, to China. The economic feasibility of this so-called business collaboration was questioned due to the remoteness of this port. It is suspected that this port will be developed into a military base by the Communist regime. February 18, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari announced the contract to operate the Gwadar Port was officially handed over from Singapore Port Authority to the China Overseas Port Holding Company. Gwadar port is located near the Strait of Hormuz, gateway to 20 percent of the world's oil. This remote port, built in 2005 and contracted to Singapore Port Authority in 2007, has been idle for years. Many critics in Pakistan said if the road and rail links to the port are ever built, they could take years. The economic benefit of contracting to China is highly questioned. Professor Xie Tian of University of South Carolina Aiken indicated the economic benefit of this port is obviously limited, as evidenced by the fact that the Singapore Port Authority has not been able to profit from this port for years. Professor Xie Tian: "With the sea in the front, and no industry or business regions associated with the back, and as a gate to inner China such as Tibet where no infrastructure is available, it serves very little value from either the commercial or economic point of view." China was reported to have paid about <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:41 More in News & Politics

Jasmine Activist Liang Haiyi Secretly Released

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 04:07 AM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, news about Liang Haiyi was revealed on the internet that she has been secretly released. Liang, a Guangdong activist, was arrested for participation in Jasmine Rallies, and disappeared for two years. The news said Liang is now placed under house arrest, but forbidden to make contact with the outside world. On February 27, Twitter, micro-blogs and QQ chat groups have circulated news about Liang Haiyi. This included "prisoner of conscience Liang Haiyi released." "Thanks all righteous people who have demanded the release of Liang Haiyi." Radio Free Asia quoted Tang Jingling, a human rights lawyer in Guangzhou. Tang confirmed that Liang Haiyi's imprisonment was changed to house arrest in November 2012. Reportedly, in February 2011, Liang Haiyi gave a public speech on the plaza in front of Harbin city hall. She called on the authorities to return freedom to the people. Less than ten minutes, Liang was taken away by the police. Subsequently, she was detained and charged with "inciting subversion of state power". According to netizens' collection, there are over 190 victims of Jasmine rallies across China. To date, rights activists Chen Wei from Sichuan, and Zhu Yufu from Zhejiang, both remain jailed. Mass Protest Involving About 1000 People in Hunan On February 24, nearly 1000 Hui ethnic villagers from Pingfeng Village at Shaoyang, Hunan province, protested outside the city hall. They held banners <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:34 More in News & Politics

Is there more to China than Chinese food?

Posted: 20 Jan 2011 04:18 PM PST

As China invests big bucks in a promo ad in New York's Times Square to promote a positive image in the US, RT's Anastasia Churkina finds out if Americans know where China is, how to spell Beijing, and if the country has a little more to offer than Chinese food.
From: RTAmerica
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Time: 02:16 More in News & Politics

China's Law and Order Better Than Japan's and Switzerland's?

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 09:28 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: The Ministry of Public Security in China recently announced, the number of criminal cases is continuously declining, with the number of murder cases being lower than in Japan and Switzerland, known as some of the safest places on earth. However, this claim differs from people's feelings in China, thus this statement has been widely doubted. Experts point out that the mainland public security has been pretending that everything is going well. Serious criminal cases are not on record for investigation, and the police itself violates the law, creating numerous fake and false charges in legal cases. Let's take a look. Mainland official media recently published a report about the latest statistics of criminal offenses. The Ministry of Public Security showed that in recent years, the number of homicides, injuries, robberies, and other serious criminal cases on record is continuously declining. The murder cases are 0.8 per 100000 people. This is lower than those in Japan or Switzerland, recognized worldwide as top safest countries. The crime detection rate reaches 94.5%, the report claims. However, this data is generally being questioned. Guangzhou' human rights lawyer Tang Jingling told NTD, the funeral parlor in Guangzhou burns several hundred unidentified corpses each year. The police doesn't even care how these people have died. Tang Jingling, Human rights lawyer, Guangzhou: "In China a lot of cases have <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:00 More in News & Politics

A Deadly Shark Attack in New Zealand

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 05:44 PM PST

One person dies after a shark attack at New Zealand's Muriwai Beach. Full Story: One man is dead following a shark attack west of Auckland, New Zealand on Wednesday. Witnesses alerted emergency services when they saw the attack off Muriwai Beach. [Pio Mosie, A Fisherman and Eye Witness]: "The shark was still attacking him and then the shark stopped the attacking, he put his head up. We yelled out at him to swim over to the rocks and he raised his hand up. While he raised his hand up, next minute he went down, shark pulled him down. He came up with his head under water and then we know he is dead." Paramedic Russell Clarke was on board a rescue helicopter that arrived shortly after the emergency call came through. [Russell Clarke,Rescue Helicopter Paramedic]: "The police managed to distract the shark while we extracted the person from the water, so with the use of the local Muriwai surf club and some distracting noise from the helicopter we managed to get the body into the surf boat and to shore." Police said they fired several bullets at the shark but were not sure whether they actually hit it. Helicopters will continue to patrol the area, and local media reported that Muriwai and its neighbouring beaches will remain closed. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:17 More in News & Politics

Pre-Incan Mummies Discovered In Peru

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 04:03 PM PST

Archaeologists in Peru have discovered the remains of 11 pre-Incan mummies buried right next to a sports club. Full story: Archaeologists in Peru have discovered the remains of 11 pre-Incan mummies buried right next to a sports club in the modern capital of Lima. Experts say eight of the buried people are from the Yschma culture, dating from around 1100 to 1400 AD. The other three mummies are from an earlier culture known as the Lima, that share their name with the modern capital. The Lima lived in the area from around 200 to 700 AD. The tombs were found within the ruins of a site known as the Tupac Amaru A and B monument, which had a sports club built over it in the 1990s. [Fernando Herrera, Lead Archeologist]: (male, Spanish) "Using the evidence we have, basically what we've found is that some of them might have been farmers, because of the tools they were buried with; farming equipment for making holes, and for toiling the ground. In other cases, like the person here, there seems to be a sort of hierarchy due to the vessels they have. Only a very important person would be buried inside the Tupac Amaru A monument." The remains of those from the Lima culture were found on top of woven reed mats in specially prepared cavities. They were buried with offerings and covered in textiles. The Yschma, who arrived after the Lima, expanded the monument and made it into a kind of cemetery, according to Herrera. These remains were buried in a crouching position.
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Time: 01:21 More in Science & Technology

Titanic 2 Being Bult: Pros and Cons

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 09:00 AM PST

An Australian billionaire is set to unveil his plans to rebuild the Titanic, but descendants of Titanic survivors and victims worry it could be in poor taste. The great, great niece of the ship's captain has called the Titanic II project "pointless." Full Story: An Australian billionaire's plans to build a full-sized replica of the Titanic triggers mixed reactions. Some British relatives of Titanic victims are horrified but enthusiasts hope it will keep the spirit of the Titanic and that period of history alive. Mining magnate Clive Palmer is set to unveil the details of his plans for Titanic II in New York later on Tuesday (February 26th). Its inaugural voyage is expected to follow the same route at the original Titanic, from Southampton in the United Kingdom, to Cobh in Ireland before heading across the Atlantic to Manhattan. On April 15, 1912 the original ship hit an iceberg in the Atlantic and sank, killing 1523 passengers and crew. Ninety-one-year-old Pat Lacey is the great great niece of the ship's captain, Edward John Smith, who perished at sea. [Pat Lacey, Great Great Niece of Titanic Captain]: "I think it is utterly pointless and in rather poor taste really....If you have got that amount of money, it must be costing a bomb, you know in this day and age, why not do something useful with it? I can image all the ghosts of people who went down on it, getting up and being cross about it. I certainly do. I don't understand the mentality of someone who wants to do it <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:52 More in News & Politics

Five Teams Selected for First Red Bull Youth Americas Cup

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 08:17 AM PST

Five sailing teams qualify for the Red Bull Youth America's Cup after two week test in San Francisco. Full Story: Five young sailing teams qualified late Sunday (February 24) for the first Red Bull Youth America's Cup. The five teams were selected after a difficult two week test in San Francisco. They were among twelve crews from around the world that spent two weeks showing their talents both on the water in AC45 class catamarans and off the water, testing the skills required to run the boats. Olympic sailing gold medallists Roman Hagara and Hans-Peter Steinacher are the directors of the Red Bull Youth America's Cup, and they selected the five winning teams who will compete in the event that takes place September 1-4 of this year in San Francisco. The five winning teams were Objective Australia from Australia, STG/NRV Youth Team from Germany, Full Metal Jacket Racing from New Zealand, ROFF/Cascais Sailing Team from Portugal, and Team TILT of Switzerland. The event is meant to serve as a path for young people to become involved in competitive sailing. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:03 More in News & Politics

China's Ministry of Railways To Be Reformed

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 08:56 PM PST

Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: On the eve of Chinese Communist Party(CCP)'s Two Sessions, the restructure of State Council ministry and agencies has become the public focus. The merger plan of the Ministry of Railways with the Ministry of Transport was rumored to have been finalized. Reportedly, it will take about five years to complete. Multiple reasons have led to the cut off the Ministry of Railways. Li Keqiang, who will take charge of the restructure, shall have both courage and wisdom, according to the comments. On Feb 27, China's First Financial Daily reported on a rumor that has circled the entire Railways sector. It is about the Railways Ministry's incorporation with the Ministry of Transport. A netizen under real-name revealed in his micro-blog that the merged new ministry will be named: "Road, Rail, Aviation & Water Transportation Headquarters". Earlier on, the newspaper reported that it may take one to five years to finish the merger. The whole procedure ranges from finalizing plans to personnel appointment. Before the CCP Two Sessions in which the merger will be officially announced, the plan remains variable, said the report. Since the scheme will involve a great many personnel, sources have said that "the follow-up work will be arduous". Over past years, the Railways Ministry, like a separate kingdom, has been under heavy public criticism. It is the sole state department that combines government function and <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:31 More in News & Politics


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