Videos » Society » Myanmar prepares umbrellas to welcome 2013 tourists

Videos » Society » Myanmar prepares umbrellas to welcome 2013 tourists

Myanmar prepares umbrellas to welcome 2013 tourists

Posted: 26 Dec 2012 05:18 PM PST

Myanmar is planning to delight the arriving tourists with a handicraft unique to Myanmar: traditional handmade umbrellas.

Georgia revives enamel tradition

Posted: 26 Dec 2012 05:17 PM PST

A group of Georgian artists are dedicating themselves to reviving the centuries-old tradition.

Oaxaca celebrates holiday "roots"

Posted: 26 Dec 2012 05:15 PM PST

Just south of Guadalajara, the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca is celebrating the "roots" of Christmas this year by sculpting radishes.

Confucius Institute in Argentina

Posted: 26 Dec 2012 05:13 PM PST

Another part of the world that's become increasingly interested in Chinese culture in recent years is South America. It has the fastest growing population of Chinese language learners.

Chinese language education in Ethiopia

Posted: 26 Dec 2012 05:12 PM PST

Ethiopia's biggest and most respected University---the Addis Ababa University--- is now working with the country's Confucius institute.

Santa Claus in action: Water-skiing & diving

Posted: 26 Dec 2012 09:30 AM PST

It seems Santa Claus took a few breaks while delivering his Christmas presents.

Bullet train VS Airplane - China Price Watch - December 25 - BONTV

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 09:58 PM PST

Emerging battle between high-speed trains and planes for China's travelers.
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Time: 05:23 More in News & Politics

The Battle of Raw Fish - Wok N Roll - Episode 89 - BONTV

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 09:40 PM PST

Raw Seafood. When you read those words I'm gonna bet that the first association that came to mind was the pride and joy of Japan: Sushi or Sashimi. But what if those aren't the original or even greatest raw fish dish in the world? At the risk of igniting an oriental culinary turf war we're diving into today to this fishy question. From salted preserved crab, to drunk shrimp, and finally minced fish you'll see there's so much more lurking beneath the surface. Go to to watch the full episode
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Time: 02:58 More in Howto & Style

Fusion Fare from the Gambling Capital of Asia - Wok N Roll - Episode 88 - BONTV

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 09:25 PM PST

On a tiny island of the coast of Southern China is Macau, a town today known for its love of neon and casinos. But if you flip through the history book you'll see that there is so much more to the story of this place. For over four hundred years, this 12 square mile land was ruled by the Portuguese. Even after the handover back to China in 1999 you can still see the mixed culture, especially in the food. From egg tarts, to sandwiches, and salt cod this place has fusion done right. Go to to watch the full episode
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Time: 02:08 More in Howto & Style

No job for working class hero - Media Watch - December 25 - BONTV

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 09:22 PM PST

JiaJingchuan, an unemployed father of two, feels humiliated when his children ask why their dad isn't going to work like other dads and why his feet and hands sweat even on the coldest winter days. He tells them a few white lies because they are too young to understand the miseries of suffering from hexane chemical poisoning. Jia was among 137 workers who were hospitalized between 2009 and 2011 after exposure to the toxic chemical while making iPhone touch screens for Taiwan-owned Wintek, an Apple supplier in Suzhou. The chemical, used to wipe the screens clean, can cause eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation and lead to persistent nerve damage. Jia made headlines across China when he and 22 other workers began a campaign demanding compensation for their work-related disabilities. His name appeared in more than 1400 Chinese media reports. Wintek said it used hexyl hydride, also called n-hexane, from May 2008 to August 2009 but stopped the practice after discovering that it was making workers ill. However, Wintek finally agreed to pay the poisoned workers compensation ranging from 50000 yuan (US$7724) to 180000 yuan. Jia and another worker also launched a petition drive in support of improved working conditions at Chinese factories. Jia received 130000 yuan in compensation and thought the ordeal was over. He was wrong. The man once dubbed a "working class hero" has been out of work since the poisoning, staying home as "house husband." Other electronic suppliers put <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:24 More in News & Politics

Officials put to test - China Take - December 25 - BONTV

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 09:02 PM PST

Go to to watch the full episode Recentely, many Chinese net users praise the live broadcast of the examination for local officials in the city of Wenzhou in Zhejiang province. This is examination is now being described as a phenomenon by local media. According to the national broadcaster CCTV, the examination -- which lasted two days -- was the assessment of the work of leaders from 27 local government departments. The examination covered their activities over the past year as well as their plans for the next year. The examination board consists of officials from the city government, experts, representatives of media organizations and the general public. The scores they gave accounts for 40% of the total grade of the officials' annual work assessment. The candidate with the lowest score will be fired from his or her post. The criteria the judges give marks for are based on whether they have fulfilled their promises made last year and the practicality of their plan for the coming year. Local television broadcasted the whole process live and some officials appeared quite nervous when faced up with sharp questions from the judges. For our poster and over 11000 followers on, it's a good way to promote government information transparency and the public's enthusiasm in participating in politics.
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Time: 01:51 More in News & Politics

Shandong: King of the Cuisines - Wok N Roll - Episode 87 - BONTV

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 08:57 PM PST

Under the umbrella of Chinese cuisine are countless regional styles. From this immense collection, one stands out century after century as the best of the best...Shandong. From its perch in northern China, the food of this land has travelled throughout the country and influences so many of it's neighbors. Get ready for a taste of greatness. Go to to watch the full episode
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Time: 02:27 More in Howto & Style

Chaozhou: The Home of Overseas Chinese - Wok N Roll - Episode 86 - BONTV

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 08:40 PM PST

In nearly every corner of the world you can find people from the Chinese diaspora. Where do you think most of them came from? Well, many of them hail from a city in Guangdong province, called Chaozhou. Millions of people from this land have travelled out in search of opportunities, and with them brought the flavors of their home. Come taste it at the source. Go to to watch the full episode
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Time: 01:49 More in Howto & Style

China plans greater yuan flexibility - Biz Wire - December 25 - BONTV

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 07:42 PM PST

Go to to watch the full episode Follow us on Weibo or China's central bank, who in response to the latest rounds of quantitative easing by the world's central banks, is expected to increase the flexibility of the yuan's exchange rate. According to the state-run Xinhua news agency, the country's government will ensure reasonable money supply growth and keep sufficient liquidity to allow businesses to obtain loans. Mark Williams, the chief Asia economist at Capital Economics in London said the long-run policy of the Chinese government is to increase the flexibility of the renminbi, so it's still an open question whether this will signify any major changes in practice. The government's view seems to now be that the renminbi is close to its fair value, and that there are lower risks in allowing more movement. The mainland's new leadership, headed by incoming president Xi Jinping, said last week it will retain what it calls prudent monetary policy and have a proactive fiscal policy in 2013. Across the Pacific, the US Federal Reserve announced last week plans to start buying 45 billion dollars a month of Treasury securities from January, in addition to 40 billion dollars a month of existing mortgage-debt purchases. China is seeking to bolster the use of the yuan in international trade and finance to reduce the US dollar's global dominance and curb its own reliance on the currency of the world's biggest economy. The nation's foreign <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:58 More in News & Politics


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