Blogs » Politics » Are Dynastic Politics Making a Comeback in East Asia?

Blogs » Politics » Are Dynastic Politics Making a Comeback in East Asia?

Are Dynastic Politics Making a Comeback in East Asia?

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 07:40 PM PST

First, Kin Jong-un took over North Korea after the death of his father. Then, Xi Jinping, the son of a communist politician veteran Xi Zhongxun, was announced the new leader of China. Last week, Park Guen-hye, daughter of South Korea's longest-ruling dictator Park Chuang-Hee, was elected the new president.Chinese netizens wonder if dynastic politics are making a comeback in East Asia. Offbeat China has a detailed analysis based on Chinese web users' comments.

Written by Abby · comments (0)
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China Pledges Rural Reforms to Boost Incomes, Consumption

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 09:52 PM PST

As part of incoming Premier 's plan to focus on China's urbanization, new policies will aim to develop rural regions and narrow the rural-urban divide. From Bloomberg:

The government will increase agricultural subsidies and ensure "reasonable returns" from planting crops, the official agency reported on Dec. 22, citing an annual work conference to set rural policy.

The goals, which include increasing rural incomes by at least as much as those in urban areas, reflect a new leadership's focus on reforming the land system and addressing wealth disparities as it encourages migration into towns and cities to boost consumption. Li Keqiang, set to take over from Wen Jiabao as premier in March, is championing urbanization as a growth engine.

"A completely new policy approach is emerging under Li Keqiang," said Yuan Gangming, a researcher in Beijing with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. "It's about giving farmers a bigger share from land deals, it's about changing local governments' reliance on revenues from land, and it's ultimately about a fairer system of sharing China's economic growth."

Yuan said he expects the government to be appointed in March to announce "a slew of policy initiatives" from changes to the household registration, or hukou, system to trading in land-use rights as part of Li's urbanization drive.

Watch the Bloomberg video report:

© Sophie Beach for China Digital Times (CDT), 2012. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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Merry Christmas from China Hearsay

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 08:47 PM PST

Probably not a lot of people here in China attending tomorrow's annual commemorative mass for Christ, but we do have a ton of folks celebrating the more secular aspects of the holiday. So it goes.

Have a great holiday everyone!

© Stan for China Hearsay, 2012. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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Jolin Tsai continues to perform splits after injuries in concert rehearsal

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 01:25 PM PST

Jolin Tsai MYSELF World Tour Concert

Taiwan pop diva Jolin Tsai held her Myself World Tour Concert in Taipei on December 22, 2012, despite the accident that she was injured when rehearsing for the concert.

It was reported earlier that Jolin plunged her head first onto the floor from a 1 meter height, when she did the splits upside down from the pole and her male dancer lost his grip during the concert rehearsal.

After lying on the floor for several minutes, sobbing, she was rushed to the hospital.

She was found to have damaged her nerve endings, and caused her limbs at the left side to lose strength.

But the Golden Melody award-winning singer continued to carry on her performance, after some treatment.

Though the pole dance was postponed (to the next concert), Jolin still surprised her fans, by performing splits in a pair of bling underpants.

Half-naked Christmas man entertains Dream Girls’ autograph signing event

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 10:53 AM PST

Dream Girls 1

Taiwanese Mandopop girl group Dream Girls held an autograph signing event for their mini album "Girls Talk" in Taipei on December 23.

Interestingly, to liven the event up, the record company delivered a half-naked Christmas man to the girls as a present.

The group, which debuted in 2011, is comprised of two Taiwanese models and one Korean models under Dorian EnterTainment.

They quickly shot to stardom for their talents and sexy and pretty looks after their debut, despite the criticism that they are a copycat group of S.H.E., a famous Taiwanese trio.

Dream Girls 2

Pictures: Hainan holds 1st Bodybuilding Competition for college students

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 10:16 AM PST

bodybuilding competition 1

The 1st Hainan Bodybuilding Competition for college students kicked off in Haikou city on December 22, 2012.

A total of 96 students from eight different colleges on China's Hainan Island, a famous tourism destination, took part and challenged each other in four major events.

The following photos feature college girls on the game.

bodybuilding competition 2

bodybuilding competition 3

bodybuilding competition 4

bodybuilding competition 5

bodybuilding competition 6

Censorship Vault: Banned Search Results for May 35th and More

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 05:56 PM PST

This is the last post in this series before the holidays. Normal service will be resumed on Wednesday, January 2.

In partnership with the China Copyright and Media blog, CDT is adding the "" series to the Censorship Vault. These directives were originally published on (Participate) and date from 2005 to 2007. According to , the directives were issued by the Municipal Network Management Office and the Internet management departments and provided to to Canyu by insiders. has not verified the source.

The translations are by Rogier Creemers of China Copyright and Media.

15 May 2007, 09:10:12

All websites: Please report as soon as possible the internal third-person control mechanisms of websites, service companies providing information to websites and cooperation methods to our office.

15 May 2007, 17:04:02

All websites: Please immediately delete the text "Premier Not On Time For Train" and corresponding information, forums, blogs, and other interactive columns are not to discuss.

16 May 2007, 09:09:30

All websites: Please immediately delete the China Industry and Commerce Times "China and U.S. Attach Importance to Second Round of and Balancing the U.S.-China Trade Deficit."

16 May 2007, 14:11:31

All websites: Please delete the article "Forbes Publishes Global Tax Burden Index, China in 3rd Place."

16 May 2007, 15:13:30

(1st class) All websites: Please immediately delete the China News Agency article "Venue Responsibility System Implemented for Beijing Olympic Games Security Protection–Will Investigate Participants' Background."

All search engines: Please immediately ensure that there are no search results for "Venue Responsibility System Implemented for Beijing Olympic Games Security Protection–Will Investigate Participants' Background," "Beijing Olympic Games to Investigate Participants' Background," and "Olympic Games to Investigate Participants' Backgrounds."

16 May 2007, 15:17:30

All websites: Please immediately delete the article "China's 'Study Officials' Perform Excellently in Cambridge."

Huang Jing, 17:26:18

All websites: In the morning of 16 May, the People's Daily published "Premier Wen Jiabao's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 2007 Annual African Development Bank Meeting," please delete the word "including" from the 5th paragraph: "The Chinese Government has announced to include expanding the scale of aid to Africa, relieve heavy debt burdens for the poor countries of Africa and debts of the least developed countries…"

16 May 2007, 17:29:03

First class: Please immediately revise the text "Premier Wen Jiabao's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 2007 Annual African Development Bank Meeting."

All websites: The People's Daily published "Premier Wen Jiabao's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 2007 Annual African Development Bank Meeting," please delete the word "including" from the 5th paragraph: "The Chinese Government has announced to include expanding the scale of aid to Africa, relieve heavy debt burdens for the poor countries of Africa and debts of the least developed countries…"

17 May 2007, 15:09:00

All websites: For reports concerning the foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in Linyi, Shandong, websites are only to reprint Xinhua copy, original copy is to be removed to the back stage. Discussions and posts in forums, blogs and other interactive columns that seize the opportunity to incite or fabricate panic must be timely deleted.

16 May 2007, 21:38:43

All websites, please pay attention: Ministry of Railways: transition period for the 6th Great Speed-Up Adjustment Plan extended to 18 June:

All portal websites are requested to reprint this information in the middle or top part of the important news section, and maintain it there to 6 in the afternoon tomorrow, other commercial websites may reprint it in a relatively prominent position.

22 May 2007, 18:25:10

All websites: Please manage trackers for articles on the election results for the Beijing Municipal Party Representative Conference well, pay attention that not a single spelling mistake occurs.

22 May 2007, 19:45:11, Huang Jing

All websites, reports and comments on the Ministry of Commerce organizing the "6th Famous Chinese Wine" evaluation are to be deleted, please implement this quickly.

23 May 2007, 17:33:35

The matter of the number of vehicles in Beijing breaking through 3 million may not be reported without authorization, only reprint copy obeying our office's notices.

23 May 2007, 17:32:24

First level: publish "German Court Decides Online Forum Operators Must Bear Complete Responsibility for Forum Discussions" until 17:00 on Friday afternoon.

First level: – German Court Decides Online Forum Operators Must Bear Complete Responsibility for Forum Discussions. Please rapidly publish this text on the lower part of the main page of websites and the lower part of the important news section of the news center, manage trackers well, do not make it into a special subject, but link to some corresponding matters.

23 May 2007, 15:54:39

Third level: Please ensure that there are no search results for the following keywords!

All search engines, please ensure that there are no search results for "1989 order," "that year's courage," "blood-colored dawn," "witnessing June 4th," "June 4th Tank Man," "June 4th hunger strike letter," "remembering June 4th," "Tiananmen student strike movement," " and ," "documentary 'Tiananmen,'" and "'Tiananmen' Kama,"

2007-05-15 09:10:12

2007-05-15 17:04:02

2007-05-16 09:09:30

各网:中华工商时报的"中美重视第二轮战略经济对话 平衡美中贸易逆差"一稿请马上删除。
2007-05-16 14:11:31

各网:请删除"福布斯公布全球税负痛苦指数 中国排名第三"一稿。
2007-05-16 15:13:30

(一级)各网:请马上删除中新社《北京奥运安保实行场馆负责制 将审查参赛者背景》一稿。

各搜索引擎:请马上将"北京奥运安保实行场馆负责制 将审查参赛者背景"、"北京奥运将审查参赛者背景"、"奥运会将严审参赛者背景"设为无结果搜索。
2007-05-16 15:17:30

各网:请马上删除:中国"学官"在剑桥的表演秀 一稿.
huangjing(黄婧) 17:26:18

2007-05-16 17:29:03


2007-05-17 15:09:00

2007-05-16 21:38:43

各网站请注意: 铁道部:第六次大提速调图过渡期延长到6月18日

各门户网站请在要闻区中上部转载此消息 并保持到明天下午6点,其他商业网站可在较显著位置转载
2007-05-22 18:25:10

2007-05-22 19:45:11 黄婧

2007-05-23 17:33:35


2007-05-23 17:32:24


一级: 德法院判决网上论坛经营者须对论坛言论负全责 请速在首页新闻区下部和新闻中心要闻区下部发此文,务必管好跟贴,不做专题,但链接一些相关。
2007-05-23 15:54:39


各搜索引擎:请将"1989序"、"当年勇"、"血色黎明"、"见证六四"、"64天安门挡坦克的男人"、"六四绝食书"、"回忆六四"、"天安门学潮运动"、"胡耀帮与赵紫阳"、"记录片《天安门》"、"《天安门》 卡玛"设为搜索无结果。

These translated directives were first posted by Rogier Creemers on China Copyright and Media on December 23, 2012 (here). This post is the 46th in the series.

© Anne.Henochowicz for China Digital Times (CDT), 2012. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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Posted: 23 Dec 2012 05:04 PM PST

Earlier this month, the New York Times publish an essay by Dr. Xu Zhiyong (许志永) titled Tibet Is Burning. It was a pared-down version of the following translation that I did. Dr. Xu is the founder of Gongmeng (公盟), or Open Constitution Initiative, a NGO based in Beijing that provides legal assistance to the disempowered and politically persecuted. For much of the year, his freedom of movement was limited because the Chinese government is vigilant about his push for civil actions such as equal education rights movement. He visited Ngaba in October during a short period of freedom. –Yaxue

After spending the night in Chogtse Laird's Castle (卓克基土司官寨) township, I took a cab in the early morning to Barkam (马尔康), the capital of Ngaba, or Aba, Prefecture (阿坝). Along G317, the main thoroughfare across town, stood brand new buildings with Tibetan-themed windows. But that was about the only thing Tibetan about them: the interior and the speed with which they had been erected were the same as elsewhere in China. You could see such new towns in almost every Tibetan area, likely a new round of development after the March 14th unrest in 2008.

In Barkam, I got on a bus to Zamthang (壤塘). I was going there to look for the home of a young man named Nangdrol (朗卓).

Almost all of the passengers were Tibetans. Half of them wore ethnic clothes, others dressed just like me, and a girl in jeans told me she was a nurse in Barkam. A crowd of two dozen or so from Qinghai was on their way to worship Chenrezig (观音), goddess of compassion.

Ngaba, along with Golok in Qinghai (青海果洛) and southern Gansu province (甘肃南部), are traditionally the Amdo Tibetan region. I first visited the plateau 21 years ago with college friends from Lanzhou University. In Labrang Monastery in Xiahe (夏河拉卜楞寺), we met a young lama with a Chinese name Chen Lai. "Our tulku suffers great pain and humiliation," he told us. Back then it at least looked peaceful, but now, sad news keeps arriving.

The bus passed by large, roadside billboards for China Unicom. A robed, dark skinned young man smiled to me after talking on his cellphone. From his scruffy look, I could tell he came from a herding community. He reminded me of my stop in Ngaba in 1990s on an aborted journey to Tibet. Having crossed the Erlang Mountains, the great pastureland suddenly came into sight, a sea of flowers, colors and fragrances. Beyond, a rich brown, not green, extended all the way to the horizons. Fortunately for us, the bus broke down midway, and the enthralled passengers dashed to the meadow under the curious watch of fat moles on the roadside. That was the Ngaba I remembered, and for me, that was the eternal Ngaba.

The young lama next to me was from a monastery in Hongyuan County. He had accompanied his mother to Barkam for treatment, and, taking the opportunity, he was visiting Chenrezig too. He invited me to visit his monastery. Passing by a checkpoint where a red banner read, "Stability Maintenance Calls for Fast Response to Emergencies," the young lama said he hated the sight of armed soldiers as he struck a gun-toting pose.

Zamthang is a county in Ngaba prefecture with a population of over 30,000 Tibetans in 6,000 square kilometers of meadows and gorges. The county seat resembled a small township in interior China where the government building commanded the view and small eateries and shops lined the two streets. The biggest monastery, situated in Barma township (中壤塘乡), was about 50 kilometers to the east in a basin.

Because of a road closure due to construction, I didn't leave for Barma until seven o'clock in the evening in a brand new Chang'an economy car on which I had hitched a ride earlier. The driver, also the owner, a 24-year-old young man named Sonam, had just bought the car days ago in Chengdu. We had agreed on a charge of 100 yuan for my ride.

I was Sonam's third passenger, the other two being two young Tibetans going to Nanmuda  township (南木达乡). Are you Buddhist followers? I asked them. They were. One of them took out a pendulum portrait of the Dalai Lama from his chest and asked if I knew who he was. He is our true Holiness, he said.

Have you…… heard about the…… self-immolations? Like, burning oneself? I finally breached the topic.

We know, they said.

A mix of snow and rain had begun to fall. Hail beat against the windows.

Pardon me, but do you hate the Hans? Do you? I asked them because Nangdrol used the word "Han devils" in his death note before he set himself on fire here in Barma.

Do you happen to know Nangdrol? He's a 18-year-old young man who self-immolated. I want to visit his parents…..I am so sorry.

Surprised, my fellow travelers became friendly. They said they had been to the site as many Tibetans had. People set up white tents at the intersection where he had self-immolated. Many, many Tibetans, hundreds and thousands of them, came. He is our hero.

Thank you for trusting me. Thank you.

It was completely dark when we arrived in Barma township. At a lamppost, Sonam got off to ask a middle-aged man for directions. The latter waved his hand to signal no. So did the next few people Sonam asked. At an intersection, he asked two men on motorcycles, and the three seemed to break into an argument. A lama came to the window to examine me. "Sorry," Sonam returned, "they scolded me for taking you here."

A minivan approached us. Two men jumped out of it and upbraided Sonam indignantly. Fear and hostility shrouded the place like night. In silence, we left Barma township.

"We are Tibetans," Sonam started all of a sudden. "We are Buddhists, but we can't go to Lhasa."

I knew. These days Tibetans have to obtain permission to go to Lhasa. Years ago in Golmud (格尔木), I had seen many of them on their prostrating pilgrimage to Lhasa, but not anymore. Since the self-immolation in Lhasa last year, they had not been able to go on pilgrimages.

I spent the night in Nanmuda, in a small lodging called "Pengzhou Hotel" run by a Chinese. It rained again. I tossed to and fro and had a high-altitude headache. I regretted having sent Sonam for directions—I should have faced those angry Tibetans myself.

The next day was a beautiful autumn day in the valley. The gilt roof of a magnificent temple pointed to a blue sky dappled with clouds, colorful sutra streamers fluttered above green meadows, and the air brought sutra chants from afar. I went back to Barma in a cab.

In Zamthang Monastery, crimson cloaked lamas were having their morning session in the main hall. I waited outside until a young lama—he couldn't have been more than 20 years old—passed by to fetch water. He took me to the adjoining hall where a middle-aged lama sat cross-legged in a corner.

Do you have Nangdrol's photo?

Sorry I don't have it with me.

Then I can't help you.

A teen lama offered that there was a Nangdrol among the second-grade Buddhism students, but asking several second-graders nearby, no one knew about any self-immolators.

Asking passersby, they didn't know or merely shook their heads. An old Tibetan woman took me to the construction site next to the monastery where another monastery was being built to no avail.

In the elementary school near the monastery I asked an armed soldier guarding the gate where the secondary school was. Online reports said that Nangdrol was a student. The soldier suggested that I check out the nearby compound where a Chinese flag flew. Inside the school yard there were soldiers in fatigues.

"There is no secondary school here," people told me.

The road back to Zamthang was open only for an hour from midday to one o'clock. I had to leave. Along a creek, a row of poplars basked in the golden sun, and a group of young lamas in crimson robes were holding a session. Reluctantly I climbed into a cab, trying to remember my last view of Barma. I had been to many places over the years but never felt so lost.

A mile or so down the road, we passed by a village on a slope. I stopped the driver and begged him to wait for me—for half an hour at most. In the little roadside shop, the owner hesitated to answer my inquiry. "I don't want to leave like this," I pleaded. Finally he told me that Nangdrol's home was right behind the old school near his shop. Up on the slope, an old couple pointed to a house not far away. Over there, the old woman said, he was a good boy.

It was a small, mud-plastered house enclosed in mud-brick walls, similar to those found in the countryside of Gansu province. Near one side of the walls stood five tall sutra streamers, the tallest in the village.

The iron gate was locked. I prayed, my head dropping low. Nangdrol, I love you.

Perhaps his parents would emerge from behind the gate, and accept me on my knees. Perhaps they would drive me away angrily, like the old woman did by the celestial burial platform in Lhasa years ago. But I would not leave; I would take it and take everything. I would tell them I am sorry, and this is a place I have come many times……

A middle-aged woman and a boy passed by. She said she knew Nangdrol and he was the most handsome young man in Barma. His parents live in a faraway cattle farm, he also grew up there, and sometimes you could see him on his motorcycle. That day, he wore new clothes, freshly bathed, new from top to bottom, with a fresh haircut too. He wore a pair of glasses that day, asking people, "Am I handsome? Am I?" Then he came to the intersection. Then he……

I don't hate Han Chinese, she said, we are a peace-loving people, and we would rather endure our pain.

He raised his hands over his head, the boy said, with palms pressed together, kneeling down. He did this six times.

He was only 18 years old. Around noon on February 19, 2012, Nangdrol set himself on fire at the intersection near the Zamthang Monastery. In a note left behind, he said, "Raise your unyielding head, for the dignity of Nangdrol. My loving parents, brothers and relatives, I am leaving this world. I am going to set myself on fire for the benefit all Tibetans……I pray the Tibetan people's liberation from the Han Devils. Under the rule of the Han Devils there has been immense suffering, and it is unbearable. The Han Devils have invaded Tibet and seized Tibetans. It is impossible to live under their evil law, impossible to bear this torture that leaves no scars. The Han Devils, having no love and compassion, and they destroy Tibetan lives. I pray for the long life of (Gyalwa Tenzin Gyatso) his Holiness the Dalai Lama!"

Over the last three years, more than 70 Tibetan monks and laypersons self-immolated, more than 40 of them from Ngaba. Everywhere on this plateau, the scarless torture continues.

I don't know how else to express my sorrow. I gave 500 yuan to the woman and asked her to give it to Nangdrol's parents, letting them know that a Chinese had been here.

I am sorry, Nangdrol, we are mute as you and your fellow Tibetans are dying for freedom. I am sorry that we have too many inhibitions. The Hans are a cursed people, victims themselves, living in estrangement, infighting, hatred and destruction. Nangdrol, I love the cities and villages to the east as well as this beautiful plateau, your homeland. I hope that, when this land is free one day, your people will enjoy the cities, plains and coasts where I have lived. We share this land. It's our shared home, our shared responsibility, and it will be our shared deliverance.

Filed under: Life in China, Uncategorized Tagged: Aba, Lhasa, Nangdrol, self-immolation, Tibet, Xu Zhiyong

Internet Controls Tighten Under New Administration

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 04:13 PM PST

As Internet users in China have reported, scaling the Great Firewall of Internet censorship by using VPNs has become increasingly difficult in recent weeks, with several of the most reliable services being blocked. As the Australian reports:

The Great Firewall – the country's huge system of internet limits and – now appears to be stepping up targeting of virtual private networks, or VPNs, commonly used to circumvent controls on websites the government considers threatening.

While VPNs let users gain access to sites blocked by the Firewall due to their content or sensitivity – which in China include Facebook and Twitter – they are also vital to firms, enabling secure and encrypted communications.

In the globalised economy companies have flocked to China to try to participate in decades of stunning growth.

But web users are complaining of VPNs being inaccessible or quickly going down once accessed, while speeds have slowed to a crawl.

Authorities have also indicated recently that the use for foreign VPNs is illegal. The New York Times blog reports:

At least three foreign companies — Astrill, WiTopia and StrongVPN — have apologized to customers whose virtual private networks, or VPNs, have been slowed or disabled. VPNs are used to circumvent the Communist government's firewall. The companies, meanwhile, were suggesting some work-arounds.

The daily newspaper Global Times, affiliated with the Communist Party, acknowledged the firewall had been "upgraded," but it also warned that foreign providers of services were operating illegally.

China blocks online searches of politically sensitive terms, smothers embarrassing news events, blocks online messages from dissidents and simply deletes any microblog posts that it dislikes.

The firewall also blocks countless Web sites that are openly available to users elsewhere around the world — from pornography sites and commercial come-ons to news reporting, political activism and religious proselytizing. Users on the mainland thus have to use VPNs to reach the banned sites.

The lack of access to VPNs not only affects regular Internet users, but businesses who rely on the technology to communicate with overseas associates and customers and to protect their own information. Apple has recently evaded this issue by installing HTTPS protocol for its App Store. From CNET:

The company seems to have recently turned on the more secure protocol for its App Store. Before that switch, censors in China could block Chinese users from searching for certain types of apps, such as VPN software, according to, which monitors Chinese .

Searching for such apps would cause the actual connection to reset, meaning users in China couldn't download them even if they were available in the Chinese App Store.

But now with the more secure HTTPS in place, the Great Firewall of China can no longer interrupt the connection to specific apps. Testing conducted by and by blog site The Next Web confirmed that apps blocked in China under the standard HTTP protocol are now available when HTTPS is used to access the App Store.

As Jeremy Goldkorn of Danwei has written, all of these recent developments seem to indicate that China's new leadership has no plans to ease up on Internet controls. Indeed, China Media Project translated an editorial from People's Daily calling on Internet users to be "law-abiding" online:

An open China requires a civilized and healthy online world governed by rule of law. Everyone, whether supervising government bodies or the masses of internet users, must treasure this platform. Demanding that people all use the correct means to say the correct things is not practical, but they must have a consciousness of the law and take responsibility for their words — this is a must. Because regardless of whether online or offline, this is the foundation on which public order and good habits are built.

Chinese netizens expressed outrage when they discovered that Xinhua, the official news agency, was able to get around the Great Firewall to post on Twitter when it was outlawed for everyone else.

© Sophie Beach for China Digital Times (CDT), 2012. | Permalink | One comment | Add to
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Photo: The Hutong Snow, by Uday Phalgun

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 03:08 PM PST

The Hutong Snow

© Sophie Beach for China Digital Times (CDT), 2012. | Permalink | No comment | Add to
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China's Environment in 2012

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 07:33 AM PST

From mass protests to trade wars, shale-gas drilling to hazardous cosmetics, chinadialogue has reviewed China's major environmental events in the past 12 months.

Written by Abby · comments (0)
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How the Chinese Government Uses Social Media in China

Posted: 22 Dec 2012 09:21 PM PST

DANWEI has reported about the statistics and new trends in government use of social media in China based on The 2012 Sina Government Weibo Report[zh]. The report describes what types of government organizations are using Weibo accounts, ranks the most popular ones, and forecasts new trends for 2013.

Written by Abby · comments (0)
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